Chief Executive’s Welcome Welcome to the Comberton Academy Trust and to our Academies. We are delighted that you are interested in us and the high-quality education that our Academies seek to provide. It is my privilege to oversee the work of our Academies and to report to our Trustees regarding this. Each Academy has its own Principal or Head(s) of School who report to me and work to ensure the best possible education in their own Academy. They work with their own team of high-quality staff and staff across our Academies also work with each other to seek to ensure that all of our pupils are very well educated and achieve high standards. Each Academy’s individual prospectus will give details of this. Our over-arching purpose is simple: we want to secure educational excellence for all, with our Academies working at the heart of and serving their local communities.
Stephen Munday CBE, Chief Executive of Comberton Academy Trust and Executive Principal of Comberton and Cambourne Village Colleges
‘Every single pupil is supported to achieve his or her very best and to be well prepared for the future.’
The Comberton Academy Trust The Comberton Academy Trust was established at the beginning of 2011. In the first instance, it oversaw Comberton Village College’s conversion to Academy status in February 2011. However, its remit soon developed as it sponsored The Voyager Academy in Peterborough in September 2011 and oversaw a proposal to establish a new Free School, the Academy of Cambourne Village College, in September 2013. Melbourn Village College in Cambridgeshire also joined the Trust in September 2013. The role of the Trust now is to ensure excellence for all in the Academies within the Trust and to ensure that all local communities are very well served by the Comberton Academy Trust Academies. The Chair and the Board of Trustees take a strategic oversight of this and work with the Local Governing Bodies of the Academies to provide strong governance. Each Academy has a Principal or Head of School who report to the Chief Executive and Executive Principal.
‘Excellence for all is our mission. We want to serve our local communities and help them to thrive.’
The Five Core Principles At the heart of our work lie the five core principles of the Comberton Academy Trust. These drive everything that we do: • The excellence principle. Education must be of the very highest standard. • The comprehensive principle. Excellence must be for all. • The Henry Morris principle. Every Academy must be at the heart of its local community and serve it well. • The partnership principle. Each Academy must seek to work positively in partnership with others for mutual benefit. • The international principle. The curriculum inside and outside the classroom must have a clear international dimension.
‘It is clear that pupils enjoy school and enjoy learning in lessons. They relish the challenges presented by teachers in the work they set.’
Aims and Values The fundamental principles of the Trust guide the aims and values of all of its Academies. We want to ensure that every individual pupil achieves his or her full, positive potential through a broad and high-quality education. All of our Academies’ pupils will be helped to become: • Capable. Through skills developed, attributes nurtured and qualifications gained, our pupils will be able to take a full, positive role in society. • Confident. Having had their abilities confirmed and seen them flourish, our pupils are confident to be able to make the most of their talents and contribute to their communities. • Caring. An emphasis on working with each other and recognising the position of other people throughout the world helps our pupils to develop a proper caring attitude.
‘Excellent teaching is a hallmark of our Academies. Top-quality staff work in partnership with each other to share ideas and develop their professional practice. This helps to ensure that teaching is as good as it can be and all our pupils learn powerfully.’
Working Together for Excellence Central to the operation of Comberton Academy Trust is the way that our Academies work together to ensure: • The very highest quality of staff. Effective recruitment of very able professionals coupled with powerful professional development are key to our approach in ensuring the very best staff oversee the education of all pupils in our Academies. • The highest possible quality of education through the sharing of ideas, resources and successful ways of working. • The best and broadest possible range of educational opportunities for all of our pupils. This is secured through sharing curriculum, mutual extra-curricular activities and joint trips and visits.
‘This joint working helps us to ensure that all of our Academies can provide the highest quality of education for their pupils and serve their local communities. It also helps to allow each Academy always to develop its practice and improve further what it does.’
Comberton Academy Trust West Street, Comberton, Cambridge CB23 7DU T 01223 262503 F 01223 264116 E A57230