Excellence for All
Welcome from the Heads of School We are delighted that you are interested in our school. We hope you are able to join the constructive partnership between school, pupils and parents which makes Comberton Village College such a vibrant and successful learning community. At CVC we strive to ensure that every pupil attains the highest academic achievement of which they are capable and that they consistently experience innovative and inspiring teaching. We strongly believe that the highest achievement is only possible where pupils feel secure and supported within a calm and purposeful learning environment, and where they are not only well led, but also have the opportunity to become leaders themselves. OFSTED has consistently judged CVC to be an ‘outstanding’ institution and we are totally committed to maintaining our position as a centre of academic excellence at the heart of the local community. Peter Law, Head of Lower School Paul Lawrence, Head of Upper School
‘Comberton Village College is a highly successful school which enables its pupils to achieve not only academic excellence but also to become mature, confident, thoughtful and rounded individuals with clear goals for their future lives.’ OFSTED 2013
At Comberton Village College we are committed to providing outstanding teaching which ensures the highest quality learning outcomes. Our highly-qualified and experienced specialist staff consistently deliver lessons which are engaging and exciting. We aim to create a passion for learning among pupils and to generate the skills which allow individuals to become independent learners. As our school site has evolved from its opening in 1960 we have been fortunate to incorporate state-of-the-art facilities with an IT infrastructure which allows us to exploit new and emerging technologies.
High Quality Teaching and Learning
High Achievement for All We expect every pupil to achieve his or her best at Comberton Village College. We aim to ensure that every pupil makes the greatest possible progress whatever their starting point. We strive to provide a personalised and flexible curriculum which meets the needs of each individual. We are now delighted to be able to offer the opportunity for educational continuity to A Level through our outstanding Comberton Sixth Form. We are proud our academic performance consistently matches that of the highest performing schools in the country. We believe that high achievement means more than academic achievement alone, and it is important to us that pupils develop broad skills and confidence through our Personal Development programme, involvement in the wider life of the school and through engagement with our many extra-curricular activities. These include clubs, fixtures, local visits, international trips and leadership opportunities, such as our extensive Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
‘Pupils take great pride in their college. They have highly positive attitudes to learning and are keen to do their best in class. Behaviour in and out of lessons is exceptionally good.’ OFSTED 2013
Comberton Village College is characterised by an inclusive ethos where every pupil can thrive. Positive, polite and considerate behaviour is insisted on from all pupils, at all times, enabling everyone to learn well. Our simple uniform is worn properly and fully by all pupils. Positive behaviour is encouraged through a system of rewards. Simple and fair sanctions are used if necessary, to ensure behaviour is as it should be. We aim to work positively with parents to ensure that all our pupils are happy, secure and learning well.
A Positive and Caring Ethos
Wider Educational Opportunities We are committed to providing an excellent educational experience for every pupil at Comberton Village College. As well as ensuring excellent teaching and learning takes place in every lesson, this means providing a broad range of exciting educational opportunities for all pupils outside the classroom. This properly enables every pupil to become capable, confident and caring. Very many opportunities exist within both sport and the expressive arts, making the most of our outstanding modern facilities. Clubs, fixtures, productions and performances are available to everyone. Every pupil has the opportunity to start the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme at Bronze level from Year 9, with some following this right through to achieve the Gold Award in the Sixth Form. A wide range of trips and visits take place for all pupils, both in this country and abroad. Year 7 pupils all attend our summer residential at Beaumanor Hall, and a visit to Spain takes place for them in May. Field trips, ski trips, sports and language visits are all on offer to pupils as they move through the school, to Britain, Europe and continents beyond.
‘It is clear that pupils enjoy school and enjoy learning in lessons. They relish the challenges presented by teachers in the work they set.’ OFSTED 2013
The College has consistently endeavoured to build ever-stronger relationships with our network of catchment primary schools. Close liaison means that we are able to dovetail the primary and secondary curriculums effectively, and ensures that we are as well informed as possible about every pupil arriving at our school. We collaborate particularly closely at transition time to ensure that all pupils feel secure in their move to secondary school and that they start Year 7 feeling confident they are learning in a familiar and reassuring environment.
Working with our Primary Schools
Comberton Village College West Street, Comberton, Cambridge CB23 7DU T 01223 262503 F 01223 264116 A57232