We are delighted that you are interested in your child attending Hartford Junior School. We aim to provide a caring, secure and purposeful environment where all the children feel valued and respected, where they will enjoy learning and make lots of new friends.
Our vision sees us continually striving to ‘bring out the best in everyone’ by becoming a community of active learners and creative thinkers. We have the highest aspirations for ourselves and others, combined with a love of learning and supported by a personalised curriculum, enabling environment and excellent teaching and learning.
We work closely with the onsite Infant and Preschool to ensure a seamless transition from the end of Key Stage 1 through to the start of Key Stage 2.
We are proud to be part of The Cam Academy Trust as we feel our spirit is echoed within their six core principles. It also ensures a more cohesive education for our children as they move into their next stage of schooling. While we hope that you will find this brochure helpful and that it will answer some of your questions regarding the ethos of our school and its organisation, we would encourage you to visit so you can see us in action.
We are very proud of our school and would love to show you what we do! It is always helpful if you can make an appointment so that a senior member of staff can give you the time you need. We look forward to meeting you soon and hope that your partnership with Hartford Junior School will be a long and happy one.
Mrs Rae Lee | Headteacher | Hartford Junior School
All learning experiences for the children are carefully planned and structured by our well qualified team of teaching staff. We believe that high-quality teaching will enable the children to do their very best. While English and Maths are given high priority, we strive to provide a broad and balanced school curriculum through our thematic approach to some foundation subject areas. We believe this will enable all children to progress towards realising their full potential. From the outset we have high expectations of the children, both educationally and socially. We are convinced that good standards of behaviour and high self-esteem provide a secure basis for learning. We also recognise that children benefit enormously when parents, carers and teachers work together. We therefore aim to develop a close partnership between home and school. We will keep you informed about the progress of your child and hope that you will feel able to discuss with us any concerns.
“Thank you for your continuing support with my child – the help you give him, and me, is beyond outstanding and far more than anyone expects of you as a school, so thank you for that.”
We assess every child carefully and continuously to know and understand their unique starting points and next steps in learning in all areas of the curriculum. In partnership with parents and carers we aim to develop and build on each child’s strengths. We then support and challenge them to ‘go the extra mile’ and become successful learners who endeavour to make the very best progress. Our Hartford Habits support the development of good attitudes to learning throughout the school; we ask all children to aspire to be like our six characteristics of learning and teachers duly reward these qualities. We closely support our pupils as they develop the self-belief they need to develop during their four years with us – and beyond.
Everyone in our school is committed to our behaviour policy which is based on an expectation of good behaviour and developing relationships within a secure, caring environment. We emphasise the ways in which we can foster such a positive atmosphere, stressing the need for mutual respect, courtesy, consideration, tolerance and an understanding of every member of our school community. All adults working in our school have consistent and realistic expectations of children’s behaviour. Honesty is positively encouraged as children build up an understanding of right and wrong. Children are helped towards developing self-discipline and to begin to accept responsibility for their words and actions. All children will be encouraged to develop a positive attitude towards their work and progress in school. We deliver a strong PSHE curriculum and with our Collective Worship timetable ensure pupils thoughtfully support each other to feel safe and happy.
While your child is with us they will participate in a wide range of exciting activities that include residential trips in Years 4 and 6, annual performances, achievement assemblies linked to our Hartford Habits as well as experiences tailored to their learning. We use the local environment to support our school curriculum and invite a wealth of visitors from near and far to share their expertise and develop the children’s horizons. We offer plenty of extra-curricular clubs both run by our dedicated staff and volunteers from within the local community. Children can also participate in paid clubs organised by outside agencies across the year. The problem-solving, teamwork and cooperation skills the children develop as part of these experiences are the skills they will need to be engaged, successful citizens of our 21st Century world. Our hope is that all the children look back on Hartford Junior School as the place that set them up for the exciting years ahead.
“My child is thriving because of the high standard of teaching and care they receive. The whole school community is welcoming and friendly and the staff professional and helpful. I am constantly impressed by the wide range of opportunities my child is given and I would highly recommend the school to anyone.”
Hartford Junior School is proud to be part of The Cam Academy Trust, a multi-academy trust with schools in South Cambridgeshire, Huntingdon and one just over the Bedfordshire border.
Currently (from September 2024) we have seven primary phase schools, four secondary schools and three sixth forms. These are:
Primary Phase
Everton Heath Primary School
Gamlingay Village Primary
Hartford Infant and Preschool (Huntingdon)
Hartford Junior School (Huntingdon)
Jeavons Wood Primary School (Cambourne)
Offord Primary School
Thongsley Fields Primary and Nursery School (Huntingdon)
Cambourne Village College
Comberton Village College
Melbourn Village College
St Peter’s School (Huntingdon)
Sixth Forms
Cambourne Sixth Form
Comberton Sixth Form
St Peter’s Sixth Form
Our family of schools gives us a fantastic opportunity to guide children on their educational journey from aged 3 to 18 with our commitment to ‘Excellence for All’.
Claire Heald CEO, The Cam Academy Trust
Every single pupil is supported to achieve their very best and be well prepared for the future.
The Trust is headed by our CEO Claire Heald, who joined us in 2024.
Our staff work closely together, sharing best practice to ensure the best possible education for all pupils.
Our aim is a simple one – we want educational excellence for all, with our academies working at the heart of, and serving, their local communities.
At the heart of The Cam Academy Trust are six principles which drive everything we do. These are:
The excellence principle – educational provision must be excellent for all pupils in all our schools.
The comprehensive principle – our schools welcome all pupils, whatever their starting points and abilities.
The broad education principle – education in our schools is broadly based and should incorporate a wide educational experience for all pupils, including strong provision of the arts, sport, physical education and technology as well as academic subjects.
The community principle – our schools should sit at the heart of their communities and provide for more than just the pupils.
You can read more about our principles and values on the Trust website at www.catrust.co.uk 1 3 2 4 5 6
The partnership principle – we expect our schools to work in partnership with others for mutual benefit, not just within the Trust but with others locally and nationally, as well as with other organisations.
The international principle – all our schools should have a clear international emphasis in their provision both within and beyond the formal curriculum.
“Hartford Junior School go above and beyond to support the children and are always looking for more ways and means to do so.”
Mayfield Crescent | Hartford
Huntingdon | PE29 1UL
01480 454695
office@hartfordjuniorschool.org @HartfordJS