An Academy of the Comberton Academy Trust
About Us – A brief introduction We are a successful 11-16 school with a strong community feel. Our small size enables all students to flourish within a supportive environment, where each feels valued and empowered. Strong academic performance across a wide range of subjects has led to the college being in the top 30% of schools nationally for progress made for each of the past four years. Students are encouraged to continue their learning outside the classroom and a very high proportion get involved in the wide range of extra-curricular activities available to them. Our most recent OFSTED Inspection in May 2013 confirmed that we are a ‘good and improving school’ with an ambitious leadership team. This was no accident; at MVC we are committed to improving what we do and aim to be excellent in all aspects of our work. Being a part of the Comberton Academy Trust and sharing expertise between schools are two examples of how we intend to achieve this. I hope that this prospectus is able to give you a clear introduction to the college and the opportunities we offer to our students. If you would like any further information or to arrange to visit us during the college day, please contact us by phone or email. We would be very pleased to show you around.
I look forward to working with you in the future.
Simon Holmes Principal
“Students make a positive contribution to the life of the college. Their self-esteem is increased by being given positions of responsibility, including prefects.” Ofsted 2013
“More-able students achieve particularly well across a range of subjects” Ofsted 2013
Aims & Values At Melbourn Village College we subscribe fully to the Henry Morris principles of lifelong learning and schools being at the heart of the local community. We aim to develop the full potential and value the success of every individual child, helping them to develop the skills that will equip them for life-long learning in a changing society. Students are encouraged to think of themselves not only as individuals, but to see themselves as part of a wider community, be it their class, school, local villages or the wider world.
Academic Challenge & Support – Meeting Individual Needs We set high academic standards and strive hard to ensure all students are suitably challenged, including those who are gifted and able in some or all areas of the curriculum. High expectations are combined with a strong pastoral system and a clear behaviour protocol. These have resulted in students of all abilities making very strong progress, paving the way for future success at Sixth Form and University. Through our Student Support Centre, those students who have learning difficulties are supported and encouraged to achieve their targets by our highly qualified and experienced Teaching Assistants under the direction of our SENCo.
Pastoral Care & Support – Our size is our strength As a relatively small secondary school we get to know all our students quickly and well and can support them in achieving their potential. We feel that having a strong pastoral care system is vital to academic success. In addition to form tutors who typically stay with a form throughout their time at the college, we have dedicated Pastoral Managers who have no teaching commitments and are therefore on hand to provide high quality pastoral care at all times.
“Disabled students and those with special educational needs achieve higher than similar students nationally” “As a result of good teaching, effective leadership and well-targeted support, gaps in attainment between different groups of students are being narrowed. This is due to the college’s drive in promoting equality of opportunity, fostering good relationships and tackling discrimination” Ofsted 2013
“Melbourn is a great place because it is full of nice people.”
The House System – A Collective Identity We have a strong House system which is a focus for both extracurricular events and for creating a strong competitive desire for academic success. Each form group contains students of all ages and is assigned to one of four Houses. Students remain in the same form and house as they pass through the college and this, along with the mixed tutor groups, helps create links across year groups. House Coordinators actively encourage participation in inter-house events aided by the elected student House Captains.
Cameron, Year 7
Transition Every year we welcome students into all year groups and whilst most come from our partner primaries, a number come from other schools. We strive hard to ensure a smooth transition to the College. Our transition arrangements are designed to make what can seem a confusing and worrying time as easy as possible. Primary link events mean that the vast majority of students starting in Year 7 from our partner primary schools will already have visited the college a number of times. Our Primary Liaison Co-Ordinator, SENCo and lead Teaching Assistant liaise with primary colleagues to find out about your child’s capabilities, interests and individual needs and how we can best support them. Once at the College, all new students are supported by our year 11 team of prefects, as well as their tutors and other staff.
“After your first week you will know your way around MVC like the palm of your hand.” Alice, Year 7
Curriculum – Opportunities and Challenge for all Our curriculum provides a wide range of opportunities whilst keeping a focus on the core skills that will help students achieve throughout their lives. The relationships built up between staff and students helps make sure that students have work that is appropriately challenging whilst being achievable. This is reflected in the excellent progress that students make during their time at the college. A core principle of our curriculum is adaptability to the needs of students. At Key Stage 4 we offer a wide menu of choice which adapts to each cohort of students and parents. Partnership work with local schools opens up further opportunities for students. In August 2013, students completed 30 different subjects at GCSE level.
“Students make a positive contribution to the life of the college. Their self-esteem is increased by being given positions of responsibility, including prefects.” Ofsted 2013 5
“The college offers a wide range of subjects and qualifications.” Ofsted 2013
Progression We aim to prepare our students as well as possible for the next phase of their lives. Almost all our students continue in full time study after leaving Melbourn. Due to Cambridgeshire partnership arrangements, all of our students are able to apply to any of the local Post-16 providers, with Hills Road and Long Road being the most popular destinations. A small number get apprenticeships with local organisations. There is an increasing number of Post-16 centres in Cambridgeshire, including some new Sixth Form school-based provision. We will continue to offer all students impartial information, advice and guidance in order to ensure that they can make the best possible choice for their futures.
Rewards & Sanctions Our rewards and sanctions system is based around six key expectations, designed to help students develop good habits which will benefit them both during and after their time at the college. Points are accrued through high quality work or participation and are fed into the whole college House Competition. All points are recorded electronically to enable form tutors and subject leaders to identify areas of excellence or concern.
“The college works well in partnership with other organisations” “Students behave well in lessons and around the college” Ofsted 2013
“Effective questioning pitched at the right level for each student tells the teachers whether or not students have understood the work” Ofsted 2013
Extra-Curricular Activities We firmly believe in extending learning and opportunities beyond the classroom and offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Sporting representation is encouraged, with students having the chance to take part in a wide variety of disciplines, and a number of students go on to compete at County or District level. Subject-based opportunities include annual trips to France and Germany, theatre visits, regular projects with local and international artists as well as many others. Students can also take part in the annual ski trip, bi-annual music tour or study for the Duke of Edinburgh award.
Next Steps – How To Apply To apply for a place from the start of Year 7 then please ask your primary school for an application form or visit
“Students enjoy the extensive range of clubs and after-school activities which enrich their learning experience.” Ofsted 2013
To apply during the school year or for a year group other than Year 7, please visit the Cambridgeshire County Council Website or phone their admissions team on 0345 045 1370. We can also help with this process.
“This is a college that continues to improve”
MELBOURN VILLAGE COLLEGE Melbourn Village College The Moor, Melbourn, Royston, Herts. SG8 6EF T: F: E: W:
01763 223400 01763 223411
Simon Holmes
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