ust because you want a nice old bike doesn’t mean you have to have a 100 % restoration. Sure, when you’re tryin’ to win trophies an over the top restoration would be in order. However, what if it’s just a bike you have and you’re more worried about riding it rather than impressing some goon with a checklist and a microscope. In this case, you should take a good long look at what you
have and choose where you want to spend your money to make the bike nice enough for the road. This was a situation that Jeff “Tennessee” Allen found himself in with this beautiful 1941 WL. Jeff got this bike as a means to seal a deal a couple of years ago. It really wasn’t something Jeff was too into but if it came with a deal that he was already working on, he figured why not grab it
and do something with it. Jeff took the bike to his shop, and then decided what his attentions would be focused on and what to leave alone. The bike was originally an 80’s build and is basically a hodgepodge of different parts. Jeff steered his way through everything to find as many original parts as possible. Although the bike would have probably run in its
Article By: GTP Photos By: Chris Callen