he latest creation by Marty Helverson was heavily influenced by a set of Magnesium Kimtab snowflake wheels! Having just overhauled the Olive Oyl race bike, he now had time and some parts to move forward with the project. The first direction was mock-up and to
Article And Photos By: Josh Elzey get it ready for paint using a Shovel for the foundation. At this point, the build didn’t fit his vision of a skinny bike to that would mimic the popular use of the wheels repopped for BMX bikes. The bike was dissembled and shelved until he had time to make a skinnier and smaller version!
Kimtabs were copied by a BMX Bike Company back in the ’80s. They were typically seen as the rich kid wheels for big money BMW bikes and wanted by all. Someone gave Marty first wheel, while the second one he managed to buy at a swap meet at a much-reduced price after pleading with the guy