COMENIUS 12-14 Building Bridges acros cultures, lands and generations
The logo is the symbol that we use identify this project. We wanted to make it and we made pictures ingenious and titles that link Sabadell with Treviso.
BRIDGE It’s a structure spanning and providing passage over a river, road, or similar
We use the word bridge like a metaphor, because we link the italian and spanish cultures. A bridge has more meanings, such as a bridge between two festive days or a gymnastic exercise.
This is the page that we use to communicate us with our italian partners, hang it in Power Point, masks and comments. We find it a great way to build our metaphorical bridges.
Anna Ferran Anna Marcet Andrea RodrĂguez
 At Halloween, the young teens do the trick or treat. The old people go to remember de person who aren’t with them.
Ogni Santi
In relation to the project we have realized that there is a cultural bridge between America, Italy and us. In class, we did an activity where we had to say how we celebrate Halloween here, in America, in Italy ... How we celebrate it with our parents and grandparents, how they celebrated it at home and at school ..
Through the generations, we can say that this celebration is a good example of unity between people from different ages. The Castanyera is an old woman who sold chestnuts. Today students sell chestnuts so we can talk about a bridge across generations.
Casta帽o, -Arnau Rius, -Esteve Teixid贸.
• We have visited an itinerant museum Called “Museu de les matemàtiques” (Maths museum). Here we built this beautiful bridge. • We can construct and assemble the sticks in Leonardo’s bridge.
• This bridge is built only with wood sticks, that makes it very easy to craft when a lot of people work together. •Only with twenty-four sticks we can construct a build to connect different cultures, generations, lands...etc.
In the building bridges project we are showing that we can build a “bridge” together.
Júlia Salas, Carla Sánchez, Natàlia Baqué
Relation with Building Bridges We have worked some songs related to our Project in different languages.
Laura Pausini Is an italian pop singer, and she sing in Spanish, Portuguese, English, and French.
Sergio Dalma Is an spanish pop singer. His real name is ‘Josep Capdevila’ and he studied in Pau Vila. He sings in Spanish, Catalan, English and Italian.
We are working songs in english and italian. -
Laura non c’e by Nek Bridge over troubled water by Simon and Garfunkle So this is Christmas by John Lennon Activities that we can do: Translate and sing some songs Create a little song about our project together.
Alba Torras Albert Vich Clara Giraldos
*Repair leaking to stop wastage of water *Close taps whenever not required *Do not let water run while brushing teeth *Do not overwater your garden. *Reparar les canonades amb fuites, per aturar el malbaratament d'aigua. *Tanca les aixetes quan no es facin servir *No deixar l’aixeta oberta mentre et rentis les dents *No reguis massa el jardí *Reparar las tuberías con fugas, para detener el derroche de agua. *Cierra los grifos cuando no se utilicen * No dejar el grifo abierto mientras te laves los dientes * No riegues demasiado el jardín
Theese are some of the things you can do Aquestes son algunes de les coses que es poden fer Estas son algunas de las cosas que se pueden hacer
*The activity we propose is a questionnaire on how people can save water. • One of the activities that we are going to do during our stay in Venice is to take water from different places and analyse the PH.
Venetian Carnival Sitges Carnival
In the school we celebrate a festival and we make a contest. In the project, we think about the similarities and differences between the schools and the countries. And we elaborate masks.
Marc BatallĂŠ
Laia Guerrero Albert Valverde
SPORTS Jordi Vilà, Jordi Pastor i Tòt Senar
People of different generations do sports together like us that we do this project with people of different generations: Walking, hiking, cycling, swimming in the beach, ... 
In class we have done one activity related with how people practise sports and what have we done with our families. In Italy, we will find out about the sports practised by our Italian partners.
At school: One activity which we can do together, is to play a football match. Italy vs Catalonia, it could be fun. In Barcelona: We will visit the Olympic Museum and Palau St Jordi