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S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T 2 0 2 0


THE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Sustainable development requires guidelines, ethical and moral attitudes, policies and instruments that direct the action of everyone towards the protection of the ecosystem. Comer Industries takes concrete actions to reconcile productive activities with environmental sustainability, in line with what is declared in the Integrated Quality, Health and Safety and Environmental Policy. Specifically, this expresses a strong commitment to promoting internal and external projects and actions, involving the supply chain, aimed at preventing environmental accidents, the reduction of energy consumptions and the quantity of waste through the optimization of production processes, the sustainable use of resources and an increase in recycling percentages. To this end, projects for the mapping of the composition of the raw materials used for the production of a number of categories of finished product have been set up in order to take improvement actions regarding the possibility of recycling and reductions in environmental impacts along the product’s entire life-cycle. In a subsequent phase these interventions can be extended and standardized in the design and procurement procedures. In order to implement in practice and enhance the commitment to reduce environmental impacts, Comer Industries has set up an Environmental Management System according the ISO 14001:2015 standard, extending it to all the Group’s sites and integrating it with the pre-existing quality and safety management models. As a result, Comer Industries optimizes its processes in a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement with a risk-based approach, aimed not only at reducing waste, but also energy and water resources, industrial waste generated and emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The system for the continuous improvement of environmental performance is based on an annual definition of key indicator targets in line with strategic goals and a detailed program of interventions aimed at their achievement, with a clear allocation of resources, responsibilities and timeframes. Through a widely-distributed system for the collection of data and monitoring panels, trends are continually assessed at local level and then aggregated, identifying any deviations from the targets and taking prompt corrective actions. The QHSE department carries out periodic audits in all the Group’s sites with the aim of checking conformity to applicable mandatory requirements, the correct application of reference procedures and, ultimately, the System’s effectiveness.



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