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Based on the Integrated Policy on Diversity and Inclusion (see section Governance | Responsible business management), the Company has decided to embark on a medium-term path directed toward the creation of an inclusive environment that promotes the uniqueness of people, flanked by projects that can create a positive social impact beyond the Company's borders.
The action aims to protect and encourage diversity as an engine of action that can increase the variety of perspectives, creating the best working conditions. So that everyone can feel free to express their ideas and contribute to generating value, the Company is committed to ensuring propriety and equity in professional relations and to countering all forms of discrimination – direct or indirect – and intolerance through its leadership style and evaluation methods. Discrimination on the basis of gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, political opinions, and religious orientations is not permitted at any site, production setting, in any area of the Company, or at any stage of the employment relationship, including the processes of selection, role assignment, performance appraisal, promotion, career advancement, compensation, or termination of employment.
The actions that the Company develops to achieve these goals involve different areas of intervention: from training (e.g., with initiatives such as the collaboration with Valore D, see the section People | Training in the Company) to territory development (see section Unconventional makers: the Comer Industries model | Territory development) to personnel evaluation and compensation policies (see section People | Performance evaluation and compensation policies).
An integral and concrete part of this commitment are also the actions aimed at enforcing the principles and rules expressed in the Code of Ethics at all levels through preventive procedures and whistleblowing.
As evidence of the effectiveness of the measures taken, no cases and/or incidents of discrimination were reported in Group Companies in 2022.
Distribution Of Employees By Category
As in 2021, the distribution of qualifications shows a composition typical of the industry the Company operates in, with a strong prevalence of blue collar workers dedicated to production compared to white collar office workers.
There are no significant changes in the distribution by qualification and gender, with the exception of a general increase in the Worker and Manager categories, especially women.
The merger of the two businesses has also resulted in a change in the age distribution of employees, with an increase in the population in the 50-plus age group.