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In 2022 as in previous years, there were no fatalities or high consequences work-related injuries. The total number of recordable injuries was 61 events for more than 5 million hours worked. Specifically, for four injuries that are not classifiable as high-consequence, the prolongation of the duration of absence from work to 2023 is noteworthy. The majority of injuries consist of events such as bruises, cuts, or foreign bodies. The data relating to this disclosure are set out below in a differentiated manner between employees and non-employees, in line with the standard of reference.
A - For details on the type of injuries, see Appendix | Occupational health and safety
E - The hours worked do not include the data for the commercial branches in the USA, Brazil, Germany and the UK.
The data show that the incidence rate remained in line with 2021, despite the fact that the new consolidated scope led to more than double the number of hours worked compared to the previous year. Even more significant is the like-for-like figure compared to 2021, where there is a decrease in the incidence rate of more than 30% compared to the previous year. This is an achievement that reflects the growing commitment to actions that involve all workers in improvement processes and that increase their awareness (see the section People | Training in the Company). Finally, the Bangalore plant recorded zero injuries for the third consecutive year.
Rate of fatalities as a result of work-related injuryB
B - (No. of fatalities / No. of hours worked) * 1,000,000.
C - (No. of high-consequence work-related injuries / No. of hours worked) * 1,000,000.
D - (No. of recordable injuries / No. of hours worked) * 1,000,000.
E - The hours worked do not include the data for the commercial branches in the USA, Brazil, Germany and the UK.
F - 2.25 when using the criterion employed in previous years.
21 - The method for calculating the injury rate has changed from what was used in previous years, having normalized the ratio by a factor of 1,000,000 instead of 200,000. The injury rate was thus restated for the years 2020 and 2021 in light of the new criterion.
In 2022, the Company continued the progressive involvement of stakeholders in the development of sustainability by also including in the scope of reporting the health and safety data of workers who are not employees but whose work or workplace is controlled by the Group, including outsourced workers and contractors.
At the end of 2022 the Company recorded the presence of 565 outsourced workers and at the same time estimated that throughout the reporting year nearly 17 thousand contractors performed their services within the Company’s sites.
A - For details on the type of injuries, see Appendix | Occupational health and safety
F - The total hours worked in 2020 were restated with respect to those reported in the 2020 Sustainability Report, as the hours worked by employees at the China site have been included.
G - Data relating to the health and safety of non-employees include the category of outsourced workers of the Comer Industries Group and suppliers of works or services operating at the Group's sites.
H - Hours worked does not include the figure for suppliers of works or services working at Aftermarket Service centers.
With regard to this category, 23 accidents totaling more than one million hours worked were recorded during the reporting year. The overall injury rate stands at 21.23 and is up nearly 30% from the previous fiscal year.
The increase is mainly attributable to intensive but discontinuous use of outsourced workers, due to the dynamics of supply flows destabilized by the health situation, difficulties in procuring components, and finding specialized personnel in some geographical areas.
B - (No. of fatalities / No. of hours worked) * 1,000,000.
C - (No. of high-consequence work-related injuries / No. of hours worked) * 1,000,000.
D - (No. of recordable injuries / No. of hours worked) * 1,000,000.
E - The hours worked do not include the data for the commercial branches in the USA, Brazil, Germany and the UK.
G - Data relating to the health and safety of non-employees include the category of outsourced workers of the Comer Industries Group and suppliers of works or services operating at the Group's sites.
H - Hours worked does not include the figure for suppliers of works or services working at Aftermarket Service centers.