Sima 2011 - signage customized

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signaGe AND C U S T O M I z E D C O M M U NI C A T I O N R ES O U R C ES during the exhibition 6


Signage at the exhibition

Be visible at all the strategic points of the show: SIMA offers a number of tools to help you become more visible to all visitors at strategic locations of the show.

Aisle identification letters


A true landmark for visitors: an exceptional way to be noticed! They show the aisle letters in each hall. Establish a presence on all the aisle letters of the hall group of your choice: - Halls 1-2 - Halls 3-4 - Halls 5a-5b - Halls 6-7 n One hall group e 5,200 Dimensions: 0.50 cm x 1 m banner below each aisle letter.

Directional advertising signboards Your advertising signboard in the highest-traffic areas of the show These signboards are placed in the hall lobbies and walk-through areas. Orders can be made for single areas or in bundles of two or five. n 1 sign e 1,000 n 2 signs e 1,800 n 5 signs e 3,600 Dimensions: 2 m x 1 m Location to be determined in coordination with the organizers.


All our products are reserved for a limited number of advertisers. Orders will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Visuals provided as examples only.

12 l

Signage during the exhibition


signaGe ANd CUSTOMIzED C O M M U NI C A T I O NS R ES O U R C ES during the exhibition Promotional floor tiles


Guide visitors to your stand The floor tiles will be placed in the busiest aisles or walk-through areas to guide visitors to your stand. Floor tiles available in lots of five or ten

n 5 floor tiles n 10 floor tiles

e 2,290 e 4,160

Dimensions: 80 cm x 80 cm. Location to be determined in coordination with the organizers

Signage on the revolving doors in halls 5a, 5b and 6


Enhanced visibility on the revolving doors All visitors must pass through the entrance doors of the halls, which translates to exceptional visibility for your brand.

n Signage doors

Price: Contact us

Dimensions: contact us

Sponsoring of walk-through areas


Maximum visibility in all the walkthrough areas Your brand will appear on all signboards marking walk-through areas between one hall and another throughout the Exhibition Centre (10 panels in total). Your brand to the right or to the left of the walkthrough area sign.

n Your brand to the right n Your brand to the left

e 8,000 e 8,000

Dimensions: 1.50 m x 1.50 m

All our products are reserved for a limited number of advertisers. Orders will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Visuals provided as examples only.

Advertising on reception-area pillars


Your brand at the visitor entrance areas

Dress the Exhibition Centre’s reception-area pillars, located between Halls 2, 3 and 4, in your brand’s colours. A particularly high-traffic area!

n 1 pole/4 sides Dimensions: 91.8 cm x 214 cm

13 l

e 6,450

Signage during the exhibition

s i g n a G e A N d C U S TOMI z E D C OMM U NI C ATION S RE S O U R C E S during the exhibition



Reserved for one advertiser!


Accompany visitors throughout their visit and guide them directly to your stand On the front: Your brand and slogan appears on an exclusive basis. On the back: Focus attention on your stand with a logo that will help to identify your location immediately. Free distributed at the entrance to the show, the mini-map is the perfect visitor guide.




Sponsorship of the visitor e-badge Publicize your presence even before visitors enter the show! Reach all pre-registered visitors by sponsoring the e-badge they will use to enter the show. In 2009, over 100,000 visitors pre-registered.

n Exclusive sponsorship of the e-badge See exclusive e-badge sponsorship + INTERACTIVE MAP p. 4

n Mini-map sponsorship e 13,000 100 000 copies Produced by the exhibitor after approval of the organizer Clipping to badge-holder cords (lanyards) is the responsibility of the exhibitor. Storage and replenishment are the responsibility of the organizer.

Badge-holder cord Communicate effectively and take advantage of visibility on the move throughout the show.


Your brand or advertising slogan on the show’s BADGE-HOLDER CORDS. Simple and effective, these communications tools are given to visitors at all show entrances and are used very extensively.

n Badge cords 150 000 copies Back

e 4,680

Badge cords is manufactured by the advertiser once it has been approved by the organizer. Storage and replenishment are the responsibility of the organizer.

All our products are reserved for a limited number of advertisers. Orders will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Visuals provided as examples only.

14 l

Reserved for one advertiser!


signaGe ANd CUSTOMIzED C O M M U NI C A T I O N R ES O U R C ES during the exhibition Pens featuring your brand


Highlight your brand at the show entrance Provide visitors with pens featuring your brand at the show reception areas. Pens are useful for filling in invitations or taking notes at the show, but they are also long-lasting and ensure brand visibility over the long term.

n Pens

Price: contact us

Quantity to be specified upon ordering. Produced by the exhibitor after authorization to print has been confirmed by the organizer. Storage and replenishment are the responsibility of the organizer.

Distribution at the entrances: samples

Official bag


Communicate effectively and take advantage of visibility on the move throughout the show. Your brand or advertising slogan on the show’s OFFICIAL BAG. Simple and effective, these communications tools are given to visitors at all show entrances and are used very extensively.

n Official bag 100Â 000 copies

e 8,320

Exhibitor is in charge of bags production once it has been approved by the organizer. Storage and replenishment are the responsibility of the organizer.

All our products are reserved for a limited number of advertisers. Orders will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Visuals provided as examples only.

Create contacts with visitors! n Distribution at the entrances Price: contact us Your hostesses will distribute your leaflets or products at the entrance of your choice, in a high-traffic area to create direct contacts with potential buyers. The document or sample product must be presented ahead of time for authorization from the show organizer. Hostess fees, documents for distribution, storage and restocking are the responsibility of the advertiser. Offer limited to two advertisers per entrance. per day. Offer includes the services of only one individual to distribute leaflets or products on one day and at one entrance. Orders will be dealt with on a first-come, first-served basis.

15 l

Reserved for one advertiser!


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