Diving, Pictures From Our Past
Diving, Pictures From Our Past
Every picture tells a story or so they say. Well this book tells a lot of stories. It a pictorial history of diving in Ireland throughout the years and it includes a selection of old photos donated from many diving clubs around the country. It charts the progress of diving from the “Skinny Dip Divers’ through to the “Wooly Jumper Brigade” and on to the various home made wetsuits. Out of the many photos donated to CFT over 300 have been selected for this publication.
We see how those very early pioneers went diving with very little protective clothes, very basic equipment and quite possibly very little knowledge of diving in comparison to what we have and know today. It has been an exciting journey in collecting, dating, identifying the people and the event or dive site where each picture was taken. It’s a glimpse of our history and well worth adding to your collection of diving related books and SubSeas.
Diving, Pictures From Our Past
In them we see some well known faces, some of whom are no longer with us and some who are still around and very active today. These pioneers not only started CFT but were very much to the fore in building it to what we know today.
Denny Lawlor
Denny Lawlor