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The Coming Society
The Coming Society is a book/art space in Central whose aim is to bring together people and perspectives to imagine the world differently. We sell second-hand books with titles in literature, arts, philosophy, social science and history - both English and Chinese. We organize talks, second-hand book launches, movie screenings and mini concerts on a weekly basis for anyone who are interested in social affairs, art and culture. 「實現會社」是一個二手書店/藝術空間的合作計劃。面對不斷製造壓抑及宿命的社會,只有具想像力及創造性的交流,才能介入和對抗,最終扭轉社會現實。主店面售賣二手人文書籍,另有寬闊的工作空間供不同的個體,如藝術家、作家、思想家,或任何有興趣討論交流的人士聚集及使用。透過各類活動,如討論會、讀書會、放映會、發佈會、小型表演等,希望孕育出豐富多樣的對話,使不同領域/圈子/話語/階級得以互相切入。