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ComKids is an overview of the best and most creative productions from Brazil, Latin America and Iberian Peninsula for kids and teens. Designed for those who create, produce and broadcast. The event is carried out by Midiativa (Centro Brasileiro de Mídia para Crianças e Adolescentes, ), Singular, Mídia e Conteúdo ( ) and Sesc SP, counting with the support of Goethe-Institut and of the Prix Jeunesse International Foundation. ComKids happens in São Paulo with a number of activities which include not only the festival, but also exhibitions, workshops and other actions. Like our Facebook page! More information:
Alexandre Silva
Suzana Rievers Buccalon
Danielle Sales
Angela Farah
Ana Paula Campos
tayla nicoletti
Gabriela Hashimoto
celma cabral
Mercedes Viegas
Yara Carmona
Antonio Pose
Liliane Maia
Juliana André Nunes
Joyce Bernardo
Mariana Bergo
SaraRebeca Aguiar de Carvalho
Ana Bárbara Ramos
Natalia Gomez Galeano
maite freitas
Utataca Pereira
cleyton Maciel
Carlos de Andrade
Laura Mansur
Alan Q Costa
Samira Almeida
Aline Frederico
Mariane sofia Ramos calderon