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The chart below contains the combinations most commonly requested. For other combinations please consult the factory. A split collar can be useful when replacing or adding a collar to an installed flagpole without removing the pole from the foundation sleeve. Please add $70.00 to the pricing below for two-piece split collars. POLE OUTSIDE DIA. DIA. 2” 8” 2 3 /8 ” 8” 2 1 /2 ” 8” 2” 12” 2 3 /8 ” 12” 2 1 /2 ” 12” 3” 12” 3 1 /2 ” 12” 4” 12” 4 3 /8 ” 12” 5” 12” 5 1 /2 ” 12” 6” 12” 5” 16” 6” 16” 7” 16” 8” 16” 7” 22” 8” 22” 10” 22” 8” 30” 10” 30” 12” 30” 8” 38” 10” 38” 12” 38”

HT. 2 1 /4 ” 2 1 /4 ” 2 1 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 2 7 /8 ” 2 7 /8 ” 2 7 /8 ” 2 7 /8 ” 3 5 /8 ” 3 5 /8 ” 3 5 /8 ” 4 1 /4 ” 4 1 /4 ” 4 1 /4 ” 4 3 /4 ” 4 3 /4 ” 4 3 /4 ”

LBS. .50 .45 .45 .80 .80 .80 .85 .80 .75 .75 .75 .70 .65 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 5.9 5.4 5.3 7.5 6.9 6.7

SILVER ITEM # 1-5 370000 $20 370001 20 370002 20 370003 25 370004 25 370005 25 370006 25 370007 25 370008 25 370009 25 370010 25 370011 25 370012 25 370633 42 370013 42 370014 42 370015 42 370016 87 370017 87 370018 87 370019 200 370020 200 370021 200 370022 501 370023 501 370024 501

6+ $18 18 18 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 38 38 38 38 78 78 78 180 180 180 446 446 446

CLEAR ITEM # 1-5 320064 $25 370025 25 320065 25 370026 34 370027 34 370028 34 370029 34 370030 34 370031 34 370032 34 370033 34 370034 34 370035 34 370634 53 370036 53 370037 53 370038 53 370039 111 370040 111 370041 111 370042 257 370043 257 370044 257 370045 557 370046 557 370047 557

6+ $23 23 23 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 49 49 49 49 101 101 101 234 234 234 501 501 501

BRONZE #313 ITEM # 1-5 6+ 370048 $25 $23 370049 25 23 370050 25 23 370051 34 30 370052 34 30 370053 34 30 370054 34 30 370055 34 30 370056 34 30 370057 34 30 370058 34 30 370059 34 30 370060 34 30 370635 53 49 370061 53 49 370062 53 49 370063 53 49 370064 111 101 370065 111 101 370066 111 101 370067 257 234 370068 257 234 370069 257 234 370070 557 501 370071 557 501 370072 557 501

BLACK ITEM # 1-5 370073 $34 370074 34 370075 34 370076 38 370077 38 370078 38 370079 38 370080 38 370081 38 370082 38 370083 38 370084 38 370085 38 370636 60 370086 60 370087 60 370088 60 370089 120 370090 120 370091 120 370092 267 370093 267 370094 267 370095 557 370096 601 370097 601

6+ $30 30 30 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 55 55 55 55 109 109 109 241 241 241 501 541 541

WHITE ITEM # 1-5 370098 $25 370099 25 370100 25 370101 34 370102 34 370103 34 370104 34 370105 34 370106 34 370107 34 370108 34 370109 34 370110 34 370637 53 370111 53 370112 53 370113 53 370114 111 370115 111 370116 111 370117 257 370118 257 370119 257 370120 557 370121 557 370122 557

6+ $23 23 23 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 49 49 49 49 101 101 101 234 234 234 501 501 501


The chart below contains the combinations most commonly requested. For other combinations please consult the factory. Heavy-Duty split collars are not available. POLE OUTSIDE DIA. DIA. 2” 8” 2 3 /8 ” 8” 2 1 /2 ” 8” 2” 12” 2 3 /8 ” 12” 2 1 /2 ” 12” 3” 12” 3 1 /2 ” 12” 4” 12” 4 3 /8 ” 12” 5” 12” 5 1 /2 ” 12” 6” 12” 6” 16” 7” 16” 8” 16” 7” 22” 8” 22” 10” 22” 8” 30” 10” 30” 12” 30”

HT. 2 1 /4 ” 2 1 /4 ” 2 1 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 1 3 /4 ” 2 7 /8 ” 2 7 /8 ” 2 7 /8 ” 3 5 /8 ” 3 5 /8 ” 3 5 /8 ” 4 1 /4 ” 4 1 /4 ” 4 1 /4 ”

LBS. 1.4 1.3 1.3 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.0 1.8 3.7 3.7 3.6 6.9 7.4 8.0 17 15 15

SILVER ITEM # 1-5 370123 $103 370124 103 370125 103 370126 129 370127 129 370128 129 370129 129 370130 129 370131 129 370132 129 370133 129 370134 129 370135 129 370136 178 370137 178 370138 178 370139 401 370140 401 370141 401 370142 641 370143 641 370144 641

6+ $93 93 93 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 160 160 160 360 360 360 610 610 610

CLEAR ITEM # 1-5 6+ 370145 $113 $103 370146 113 103 370147 113 103 370148 140 125 370149 140 125 370150 140 125 370151 140 125 370152 140 125 370153 140 125 370154 140 125 370155 140 125 370156 140 125 370157 140 125 370158 187 170 370159 187 170 370160 187 170 370161 467 419 370162 467 419 370163 467 419 370164 746 668 370165 746 668 370166 746 668

BRONZE #313 ITEM # 1-5 6+ 370167 $113 $103 370168 113 103 370169 113 103 370170 140 125 370171 140 125 370172 140 125 370173 140 125 370174 140 125 370175 140 125 370176 140 125 370177 140 125 370178 140 125 370179 140 125 370180 187 170 370181 187 170 370182 187 170 370183 467 419 370184 467 419 370185 467 419 370186 746 668 370187 746 668 370188 746 668

BLACK ITEM # 1-5 6+ 370189 $123 $111 370190 123 111 370191 123 111 370192 145 131 370193 145 131 370194 145 131 370195 145 131 370196 145 131 370197 145 131 370198 145 131 370199 145 131 370200 145 131 370201 145 131 370202 200 180 370203 200 180 370204 200 180 370205 479 431 370206 479 431 370207 479 431 370208 769 690 370209 769 690 370210 769 690

All Flash Collars on pages 187 and 188 except split collars can be mixed to achieve the higher quantity pricing.

WHITE ITEM # 1-5 6+ 370211 $113 $103 370212 113 103 370213 113 103 370214 140 125 370215 140 125 370216 140 125 370217 140 125 370218 140 125 370219 140 125 370220 140 125 370221 140 125 370222 140 125 370223 140 125 370224 187 170 370225 187 170 370226 187 170 370227 467 419 370228 467 419 370229 467 419 370230 746 668 370231 746 668 370232 746 668



Trumpet collars are generally used with flagpoles where a shoe base is welded to the bottom. However, these collars can be used on standard in-ground mounted flagpoles if a higher profile is desired. Supplied in a standard wall thickness of .060”. The chart below contains the combinations most commonly requested. For other combinations please contact us.

POLE OUTSIDE DIA. DIA. HT. 2 3 /8 ” 10” 213/16” 3” 10” 213/16” 3” 16” 4 7 /8 ” 4” 16” 4 7 /8 ” 5” 16” 4 7 /8 ” 6” 16” 4 7 /8 ” 7” 16” 6 5 /8 ” 8” 16” 6 5 /8 ” 10” 22” 8” 12” 26” 121/4”

LBS. 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 3.3 4.9

SILVER ITEM # 1-5 370468 $40 370469 40 370470 65 370471 65 370472 65 370473 65 370474 65 370475 65 370476 129 370477 257

6+ $37 37 59 59 59 59 59 59 117 234

CLEAR ITEM # 1-5 370478 $51 370479 51 370480 81 370481 81 370482 81 370483 81 370484 81 370485 81 370486 149 370487 289

6+ $47 47 73 73 73 73 73 73 134 257

BRONZE #313 ITEM # 1-5 6+ 370488 $51 $47 370489 51 47 370490 81 73 370491 81 73 370492 81 73 370493 81 73 370494 81 73 370495 81 73 370496 162 147 370497 289 257

BLACK ITEM # 1-5 370498 $56 370499 56 370500 90 370501 90 370502 90 370503 90 370504 90 370505 90 370506 149 370507 301

WHITE ITEM # 1-5 370508 $51 370509 51 370510 81 370511 81 370512 81 370513 81 370514 81 370515 81 370516 149 370517 289

6+ $51 51 86 86 86 86 86 86 134 267

6+ $47 47 73 73 73 73 73 73 134 257


The chart below contains the combinations most commonly requested. For other combinations please consult the factory. Aluminum collars are supplied for fiberglass poles with a 3”, 4”, 41/4” or 61/2” outside butt diameter. POLE DIA. 6” 6 1 /2 ” 7” 10” 101/2” 163/4” 163/4”

OUTSIDE DIA. 16” 16” 16” 23” 23” 30” 30”

HT. 2 1/4” 2 1/4” 2 1/4” 2 1/2” 2 1/2” 2 1/2” 2 1/2”

LBS. 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8

WHITE ITEM # 1-5 370568 $78 370569 78 370570 78 370571 118 370572 118 370573 162 370574 162

6+ $69 69 69 107 107 147 147

BRONZE ITEM # 1-5 6+ 370575 $85 $75 370576 85 75 370577 85 75 370578 129 116 370579 129 116 370580 178 160 370581 178 160

All Flash Collars on pages 177 and 188 except split collars can be mixed to achieve the higher quantity pricing.



All bronze colored accessories on pages 168 through 191 are supplied in a dark bronze #313 shade. If medium bronze #312, light bronze #311 or a custom color is desired please call for pricing.

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