Congratulations, Editor Frank Kain ... and your-cOhom,. upOn this. launching of Our bri'lb.t new company magazine, Cascades. I wish it long yean of loyal readership. More than that. I wish for Ccucade.J the success of steadfast pUrpose in continuing to be a company magazine, not a competitor ot Life, Look, Silver Screen or Mad. The root& of ow Company an: 10 deeply embedded in the life of the Pacific Northwes~ 10 closely tied to the Co:ut and Country that you ba~ nearly DO geographic limit& upon your editorial selecti<>A.' Tbe Echo I balloon reminds us nightly that our oommunications bUJineu is a continually unfolding drama which plays on a largeNban-world-widc stage. But, Frank, I ask you and the magazine staff, and t.boK of us who will contribute tid-~its, to tie this subject matter--~elected from an almost boundless aourc:ewith the thread of purpose we have for .o ur company and our individual purpose in giving some part of our lives to it. Forgive an over-simplification; there is no other purpose of a good company magazine. This gives you plenty of leeway. For we do not want our as!OCiates in tbiJ company to suffer simply the continual rephrasiugs of what I once knew as our thn:e-legged stool. The job of the magazine is to help bring such words u customer, employee, â&#x20AC;˘tockbolder, to a point of persooal, prodding signilicaDce. No two of us are apt to express company purpose in the same way or words. But no one of w is Filing lull pay lor the job if the day's work doesn't fit comprehensibly into an o~r;all effort worth malciu&. I hope this magazine will help us aay our customer is more important than a practice. Make i~ if you can, spread the word that a broken commitment is alfl<ml failure, DOt an index liability. Yow pages will, I bope, portray at timea the underlying human dignity whicb expresses itself In nleguarding apimt errnn, fixin& unnotiocd trllllSIDis&ion fault&, or stopping the breakdown before it bappem. I want our magazine to laud good effort at any level, help spread noedcd understanding that ourcompany's future n:sta principally upon individual contribution, regardless of rank. ~a~y. this is quite a charge. But ono thing more, Cascadeâ&#x20AC;˘ abould remind ua now and then to give a aympatbctic wave to our bou, the atockholder. He has said, "Hen:, take my savings, and build a business." Willyoujogus to remember that our individual resolve to treat him and his capital fairly brillp personal invol~ment in building and safeguarding not our company alono, but our whole economic aystem. And now, to complete my preaumptioua admonitions, 111 try to aum them up in two sentences. CGScades mwt contribute to the certainty with which each of us may say, when we come to the etid of our time, ..What I have OOne here was worth doing. I am glad to have done it well." WALTEI. W . STM.LEY
Pages 4, 5 Photograph by Art Hupy
20 Pages 10, 11 Illustration by Bob Cram
CA. December '60
Experimental• Harry Garo, los Angeles
First Award, B&W, INST • Gene Holtan, los Angeles • A Picture Picker's Magazine
ADV • Ted Rand , Seattle • A/ D Roman P. Demski • Advertising Age • Collins, Miller & Hutchings
ADV • Joe Cleary, San Francisco • A/ D Ken Webster • Agency, Fletcher Richards Calkins & Holden • Boothe Leasing Co .
ADV • Bill Kinser, Denver • A/ D Merle Shore • Verve Records
ADV • Carroll Collier, El Paso • AID Howell Zinn • Agency, White & Shuford • Sunland Park Race Track
ELSA K ULA is a Chicago designer and illustrator with a highly developed imagination. Her ability to visualize and transport objects out of context leads to design solutions that are exciting and effective. In her own promotional pieces, she adopted a theme of self-portraits, identified herself with a variety of techniques that were fresh, unexpected. Several of those shown are inserts bound into the annuals of the ((27 Designers of Chicago." This year, the rules committee decided that no portraits, photographs or drawings, of the designers were to be allowed. With this crimp in her running series, she went to a portrait by association (lower right). She has a reputation as a <<hat zany," designs her own, wears them all the time. Besides her free-lance work, Elsa also teaches Visual Design at Southern Illinois University. At left is a cover from a brochure she prepared for the University's 4th annual Fine Art Festival featuring Italian arts.
CA, December '60
The portrait series began with this ''cookie profile," a combination of cast plaster and 30 stuff. The crossword puzzle is a cover for a 27 Designers insert, the inside spread is shown
at lower left, continues the check pattern. The photo is Elsa and assistant (daughter) working at her floor model blanket¡wringer press.
CA, December '60
the biting eye of
A new book full of fascination, wit and surprises appeared last month, published by Perpetua Books, London. It is the first comprehensive collection of the work of Andre Francois. Whether sketching, cartooning or painting, Francois' art is important. He has left his mark on our graphics. Ronald Searle wrote the introduction and we excerpt: H... With the advantages of an adult mind he peers through the eye of a child and in the simplest terms restates the adventure, poetry and meanness of the world around us.
Suez- bifore and tifter
HThrough the power of his line he is able to present these discoveries as a statement of fact-even when the result is sheer fantasy." At left, a cover for Punch.
CA, D ecember '60