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This pen took2000

years to perlect.lts ink took twice as long. The Chinese invented the laque finish back in the 2nd century B.C. It occurred during the Han dynasty. Few finishes are more beautiful to look at You have no doubt already concluded that But there is a econd conclusion to be reached now that Parker has created the Premier Laque Roller Ball. Nothing could be more beautiful to write with. Not just because we build up layer upon layer of genuine Chinese laque made from the sap of the Rhus Vemicifera tree, rubbing and pqlishing each layer by hand just as the ancient Chinese did. Even the placement of the gold flecks you see in the depths of the finish is accomplished manually. There' something even more remarkable about the Premier Laque Roller B8.ll: the ink. Its similarity to the inks the Chinese and Egyptians began experimenting with over 4,000 years ago is quite re-

ltS wrought from pure silver and writes like pure silk. You will find writing with the Parker sterling silver Premier fountain pen anYthing but drudgery. In fact, it's entirely possible you will find it something of an in piration. We can't promise it will give ~ ~~ ~~ you the wisdom of an Oscar -nwr ~. ~~-ro. Wilde, although holding the solid silver body does lend itself to contemplation. (It:S 92.5 %pure, as pure as sterling silver comes.) When you do finally write, a,o,p.;o~>.µJ.p the words will flow with such ..w,~ ~ ' uninhibited smoothness there ~.r.M-~ ur will be nothing to block the Oscar wade way should a profound thought happen to wander along. Thank the nib for that And the extremes we go to

~\.\-iring inks hat1ebeen madesince 3,5iXJB.C.{rom all=rs of unlike/) marerials.Toda) no ink in th. umld i.! made like th. one 1....d in our Premier Laque Roller Ball.

mote. (An early favorite was made from the lampblack of peach kernels.) In fact, nothing like it existed until now. Even the dyes that supply its deep, glowing color are round in no other ink. We filter it molecule by molecule, until it contains no particle larger than a micron. (You need 39,370 microns to equal an inch.) The result is an ink many times finer than even the finest fuuntain pen ink.One that glides onto paper with liquid smoothness. And dries to the touch almost instantly. It is an ink so special, only twelve people in the world know its furmula. How much does a pen like this cost? Because of the authentic Chinese laque, the price of the Premier Laque Roller .Ball~ $1~. eh DA Because of the way 1t wntes, 1ts T r/\



worth every penny.

making it. The nib takes three weeks to manufacture, because we do it almost entirely by hand. We fashion it from 18K gold to make it flexible to the touch. Then at the tip we mount -lfw-~~~ a tiny pellet of ruthenium, a metal Z--~· four times harder than steel and ten times smoother. Dismelionare11owpoliriaan The ruthenium tip is sculptured under a microscope-a deft operation any urgeon could envy. But an even more delicate task follows. The nib must be split with a cutting disc only .C04" wide. Literally fine enough to split hairs. Finally, the nib is tumbled in walnut shells for eighteen hours to leave the gold incomparably smooth. Only after all this, not to .. . mention13linspectionsalong !Jt~~~~ the way, will the craftsman who ~ ~ made the nib sign the certificate P=..,. _ allowing us to sell you this pen. Benjamin Franklin Buy the Parker Premier and even ifyou never write an~g magnifi.cent, at l~ast DA ou will never wnte anything ~ Ir\ Ut magnifi.Cently F"''""'""'" "'"' ""'wh~hca.,, r...1.. r rem«•.J'<"'""' ""'·f= 1-l!OO- J56-1001




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Communication Arts


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Advertising Annual



Gale Napier, art director Jocelyn Weisdorf, writer Jeff Cohen , creative director Weber, illustrator Della Femina, Travisano & Partners (Los Angeles), agency Kaypro , client

2 Larry Bennett, art director Harriet Frye, writer Randy Miller, photographer McKinney, Silver & Rockett (Raleigh , NC), agency Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, cl ient

3 Colin Marr, art director/creative director Simon Scott, writer David Paterson , photographer Marr Associates Limited (Edinburgh), agency Whitbread Scotland, client N:>r~)e8rs. ~ hM been SllCkina wilh our nwroa.Practicaly atfo/. U98 where~ want t> !lick som. Scotch• Brand ~ic Transparent Tape Aller alt Ifs thing ci:lwn for 00# wilhoJt gelllng stuck with ~ for 9XX1.


mUS1 come up. So we set out b creaie a tape that comes off as easily as rt goes on

~~=~~n~~ hnsparent Tape.

Its pel1ect for taptng things lempo. rarity for photiooPflng. L8aving noleS and


af19e::: ~wire~~~

DMslon/3M, 3M Center, Bldg. 223-35, St. Paul, MN 55144, andwel9end)'OU one.

Scok:h Magic Plus Remowble


l!lllular MagtC for permanent uses. BUt onoe )'OU II)' IC Ptus,we think )'OU'M make 1amporary tape apermanent fixture.


4 (series) Rob Dalton , art director John Stingley, writer Tom Weyl , creative director Kent Severson , photographer Martin/Williams (Minneapolis), agency Commercial Office Division/3M , cl ient

Rip Off.

That'swl'tt' we created our new Sook:tt ~~V~ty~usewhereyouwant Brand Macie Plus" Aemowble Tl'CWlSPfllft Tape. ~~ f88Ulls.· down Wfthoul geailig stuck It's perMc:tb people whO aren't Just like our l8QUlar ~ Bnrtd ~in at)QJI' IOCal Sllllioner u a Magic TransperanfTape, it's P@CticallV free samPle. Or wrlle Commercial Tape inYiSible on the ~- But Magic Plus al9o Division/3M 3M Center, Build! comes oil as eesity as it IJ)8S on.Sod 223-3$. SI. Paul, MN 55144, ~we'll you donl get 1hings CJJi99 right the first aenctj()U one. time, Y<OO't be in asticky situation. SOok:t1 Magic Plus RemcMlble TransIt~.[l8l1ect tor assemlinQ mulbple parent Tape. NON you can pull anything pee.,Taping things~ boil. No matl8I' how many tries it lakes.


'tbu'w iU8I demol IStlamd 1he incred-

ible teature dour new Soot:h• Brand Magic PkJs•Aemowble Tl'lll'lSP8t*ltTacle.

It comes olf. As easily as it goes on. Now liop In at your local Sllltioner and rip us olf tor a tree rol. Magic Plus is perlect tor 8t'ff time you want t> stick llOOl8ttWlg down without Q8llil)Q lllUCk wilh it tor good. Like taping things togelher


Communication Arts


Polaroid finds instant

response in The Journal.

"Consumers have learned to distinguish between fea tures and benefits.They want to know if a product is worth the cost, if there's true value. " Today, every dollar has to work harder- for con-

sumers and for consumer marketers. " That's why we're in The Wall Street Journal . It's grown at an explosive rate without sacrifice of audience quality. " It's really a fairly new consume r medium. It

reaches a large consumer audience. It reaches the movers and shakers whose influence goes beyond their own purchases. And it reaches our own dealer organization. " The impact is immediate. We know-and the peo -

k~~~~l~~:~:~r~!~h the most important people. " If your ad in The Journal doesn't work, the problem is not The Journal ." James And rews Director of North American Adverlising

Pola rcHdCorporation

The Wall Street Journal. It works.




Advertising Annual

TRADE ADS 1 (series) Darrell Lomas/ Alex Mendoza/Wes Keebler, art directors Harry Woods/Chuck Silverman , writers Chuck Silverman , creative director Cunningham & Walsh (Fountain Valley, CA), agency Wrather Port Properties, client


Party with the \\brid's

Mark Moffett, art director MaryAnn Zeman, writer Ed McCabe, creative director Cailor/Resnick, photographer Scali , McCabe, Slaves (New York}, agency Nikon, client

~~er~ ~~~: ~tic~~~is


a dramatic 60,000 sq. ft area that can host banquets for up to 1,800 people. And receptions for as many as 3,500. But a get-together with The Goose is lle\oer ordinary. We're biil on atmosphere.

3 Harry Ray, art director Joe Garrett, writer Lee Clow, creative director Bob Mizono, photographer Chiat/Day (San Francisco}, agency Apple Computer Inc., client


that reaches eight stories high,


~ multi-rolored lights, as well as a multitude of fascinating exhibits.

ai!t~=~~ Goose, Howard Hughes'

for its fine rontinental ruisine. There are four lounges on board too, each more unique than the next Plus, The Queen ottera some ct the best banquet facilities available anywhere. The Biggeot-. ol all.



under the Wirld's Biggest Aluminum dome, it can host receptions and ¡ ct uptoasmany





a free gander at The Goose, too. So schedule your next busines.s meeting with The Queen. Ifs sure to be a~ success.


AW"""'- ¡


Advertising Annual


talking about It for years.



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~~pictures. The

evaluating such factors as contrast ratios, percen~ of light and dark areas and variations in brightnes.5 levels. It then proces.5e5 this comparing thecomponentsofthepictureitStaking


chooses, he always has the help of Nikon.I; bright viewfinder with Oear Matte focusing and energy-efficient Liquid Crystal Display.


ltS the only camera with a four-bit microproinstantly chooses the oJXirnurn, not just cessor capable of evaluating rather than just the technically correct, exposure. measuring 1M.FAis ~Y. or averaging The E gives the photographer more light choices than any other camera :...iiiiiill---~ does. Shod: in the Dual-Program This unique mode and the FA does it all. With a program Nikon micro- for normal and wideprocessor anglelensesandahigh-


Pattern (AMP) metering system The biggest advance in automatic photography since automatic exposure control.


lenses, 135rnrn and longer. Or switch to ShutterPriority. With the F& top shutter speed of 1/4000 of a second there!; hardly anything you can't catch. For the photographer

The first :t:~:~ed personal computer that takes picfures. WhYAMPis the a~~-

AMP metering divides


ally measures and compares each segment,

sharpnes.5offoreground and background,


your command.

Aperture-Priority is at And of course, you can also take full creative control in Manual, or even switch to traditional Nikon center-weighted metering in any automatic mode. But no matter which mode a photographer


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Communication Arts



Media people sittir_lg down to eat with agency people is

not news.

You are cordially invited to attend our second breakfast banquet being held in your honor. It's called the ROY Awards, for Representative of the Year, and on December 8th, the winner will be chosen. The coveted award will be given to the representative whose hard work and good service has best served our clients' needs. So please call right nCNV for your reser\lations to this Gala Media event. It's B&J's way of shCNVing you hCNV much we've appreciated the help you've given us and our clients over the past year. RSVP: 612-371-7516 Nan Blake by December 1 TIME: Sam DATE: December 8th, 1983 PLACE: Hyatt Regency, 1300 Nicollet Mall

But when the agency picks up the check ... that's news.

GUEST (HE(K ¡-¡ -




Now we're all getting huge salaries, company Lamborghinis;I'uesdays and Fridays off, and the place is crawlingwith16-year-old nymphomaniacs.


Communication Arts


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