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Ii Trade advertisements for the CBS Television Network.




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GOLD MEDAL Illustrator: James Hill Art Director: Otto Storch Title: "The Offering" Publication: McCall's 2 GOLD MEDAL Illustrator: Robert Vickery Art Director: Herbert Bleiweiss Title: "Oh Lord Remember Me" Publication: The Ladies Home Journal



I The Repertory Theater of Lincoln Center

under the direction of H erbert B lau and

Ju1eslrv1ng presents


Opens October 21 1965


GOLD MEDAL Illustrator: William Richards Designer·: Werner Pfeiffer Client: The Repertory Theatre of Lincoln Center 2 GOLD MEDAL Illustrator: Murray Tinkelman Title: " Rhino" (unpublished)

3 AWARD OF EXCELLENCE Illustrator: Robert J. Lee Designer: Robert E. Pearlman Title: " Incident at Troy" Client: Robert J . Lee

4 AW ARD OF EXCELLENCE Illustrator: Merle Shore Art Director: Robert M. Jones Title: "The Brothers Go to Mother'sand Others" Client: R.C.A . Victor Records



the inaugural production 1n the new V1v1an Beaumont Theater

Posters by Victor Moscoso

Editors Note: Copies of many of these posters are available. They vary in size but the average is about 14" x 22" and most are in two, three or four colors. If you would like some, send $1.25 per poster (minimum of two) and we'll send a selection to you. If you want specific posters shown in this article, indicate that with a description or page position and we'll try to include them . We can't guarantee that every poster is available.


Computer Art, Advertising and Graphic Design Five years ago, CA presented the first in-depth report on computer generated drawings ever published (CA Jan/ Feb '62). The story explored "Computer Graphics;' a word which William Fetter coined to explain the output of a computer, drawing-machine, and artist combination. In Mr. Fetter's work with this drawing system at Boeing, Wichita, point-by-point measurements of aircraft were recorded on punch cards. The points formed the basis of connect-the-dots drawings produced on an XY plotterverifier, an automatic drafting machine directed by computer tape programmed from the measurement cards. Extremely accurate drawings resulted and, because the program could be run with variations of perspective views, a series of drawings could be made and translated into film animations. Since that time, the system has been refined and developed, and the Computer Graphics Group, now at Boeing's Seattle offices, has produced precise animations of the performance of planes not yet built. Among the group's projects was a landing approach film showing the pilot's cockpit view past the needle nose of the proposed Boeing Supersonic Transport-a practical technical sales film which was used as part of the successful effort to gain the giant SST contract. Taking median pilot measurements from Air Force data, an average-pilot figure has been computerized for plotter drawing. The figure has seven movable segments with pivot points at neck, shoulders, elbows, and waist, and can give accurate measurement of pilot movement for cockpit design. Measurement for twenty pivotal systems of movement is now in progress to give more sensitive animation to the whole figure. Surface forms: bones, muscles, fat, will ultimately be programmed-perhaps even some internal organs to investigate aircraft vibration effects. Through plotter drawing animations of walking figures, it will be possible to explore passenger comfort in boarding and aircraft interior design. Plotter drawing is comparatively slow. In recent years cathode ray tube picture outputs have been developedread-outs that also allow pre-programmed letterforms to appear on the image. The image can then be filmed for hard-copy reproduction. Even high resolution CRT pictures, however, can still show "rasters;' the saw-tooth effect of lines that slant somewhat off vertical alignment and must be made up of small segments of the horizontal sweep lines. The speed and control of the output of new computerlinked CRT image "graphic consoles" such as General Motor's DAC-1 system cannot be denied. A filmed drawing appearing on the tube face can be operator-computer


St. Louis Shown here are gold medal winners from the 9th annual Exhibit of Advertising Art and Design of the Art Directors Club of St. Louis. 270 pieces were selected from over 1100 entries. The show was judged by: Peter Geist, designer, St. Louis; Richard Weiner, vice-president and executive art director, Leo Burnett, Inc. , Chicago; Bruce Collins, vice-presidentart, Biddle Company, Bloomington, Illinois. Show chairman was Don Fosher. Best of show was awarded to Stix, Baer & Fuller newspaper entries.





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1 Art director I artist: Sam Smidt Client: Sam Smidt Associates


2 Art director: Robert Pease Artists: Robert Pease/ Bryce Browning Agency: Robert Pease & Co. Client: Newman Organizations, Inc. 3 Art directors: Francis Mair/ Walter Landor & Associates Artists: George McLean/ Walter Landor & Associates Client: California Wine Association 4 Art director: Gig Gonella Photographer: William Helburn Agency: D ancer-Fitzgerald-Sample Client: Marpol Laboratories


5 Art directors: Hal Riney/ Dick Snider Copywriter: Hal Riney Production: Murakami Wolf Agency: BBDO Client: General Brewing Co. 3

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