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Winsor & Newton ink packaging, before and after. By eliminating the old "dropper stopper" bottle, a larger portion of the budget could be applied to a four-color outer box. The concept for the line was to broaden the product's appeal to include nonprofessionals, and tempt retailers into allotting greater shelf space. The strategy worked; ink sales rose 600%. The Peters Group hired illustrators to re-create details of famous paintings for Winsor & Newton's alkyd paints. For the company's poster paints, the Group used famous posters to symbolize each color.


Communication Arts January I February 1986

For the Ink Tank poster, I had to portray the characteristics of the eight very distinctive illustrators represented by R. 0. Blechman 's animation studio. Once I decided to take license with the human hand , I made patterns on the fingers that conformed to each artistic style. I made Blechman into the thumb because, as the boss, he opposes everybody.


Pendleton, Oregon . " Mr. William Minthorn, an Umatilla Indian, was a highly respected Indian leader among his own people and other Indian tribes. I shall never forget the first time I met him. He came into the room wh ile I was conducting a workshop. The room became very sti ll and I knew this was someone the youth respected . Although he was dressed in a suit at the time, an image came into my mind and I could see him leading a war party down a hill ." Bellingham , Washington. " Mr. Joe Washington is a Lummi spiritual leader for his tribe and highly respected in the Northwest. I met him at an Indian youth conference where he was speaking on the importance of having religious and moral values in their lives." Two Lummi schoolboys. Fort Hall, Idaho. "This photograph of a beautiful Shoshone-Bannock woman should dispel any negative 'squaw image' of Native American women."


You couldlit next \\i:> !,'('! npprooched pretty often~ ad •J&'<:I1CICS and

dtsignersabout<hngput~i(' service projecl~ for abl or at a

'friendly r.lle': The grovelling r~rxlut1ion nmnagers.11l~ ~ha~sh ill! din~tors Shy <md

;elf{\lf15ciuus allUUt asking afa~t•rofus.

\\i:>ll. we'regoingtoput some cA !'JU out of }Uur mi<;C!}'. \~'reoflt1ing to do.l your public service ~ . bfor fn>e.

1'hill was ea.<;y. i\JU sc.-e. we belk.'vl'asstrongly a~ yuu do, thut tilt~ poy;er ol the cr~apress. tivr: talent in the

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adveni>ing busirK.'SS should be put to use for the pub!i(' good&'!:!)' r¥JW and then. Of Ul!IYSe, Whm WP make an offer like this, (JUt l<JUd,we fully ex~t to haw an abundance l~ takt:rS. And if all 1ve dol' give <~Way our press time we11gooutol business 00011: we can do mudt public good. So we'!'(' making thl,fn-eoflerto <.v~eluckv


us tQ prjnt your

service duds k1r over a oozen years we\'t! only just scr..t..:hed the proverbialsurtdCt:. So even if you\-e nev~~ worked with t L~ lxt..>r<' ;md feel a little guilty about asking for a lrl:•ttJie, <XJflle on. don't worry about it. \\\ell' ju.<;t looking to oo some g1eid pul~ic sc..-rvk-e work You couldn't and tak~ the even take us to opportunity dinner. Maybe to demonlunch, after the strate our job is done. rommitment

to quality lYJ!or printing, firstrelial,ilitv. So, from now until tl~ end ol the year. If )UU lktve any IWrthwhil!: public service clientswilO<Xl\rldusealavor, da~ service and

send liS ala}\ll.ll. .11\S Wf: 11)..'f:'i\.T:'

in10!Tll31ion call kk Rilev or w.,yne Tunlt!I' a! (401) 35i-154tl. lncidl'n~'llly, business Cdl'(b

for ),ll.lr moonlight opernlion don't quali~·. evtn if it isn't a particularly profit making venture.

pr<l~ we111elthc l"l'q\K'Sls

pile up until the end ol e?(:h

month at whi<:h time well mak~ our sek-ction. Then well ('()fl~"'t1 )~JU orl!:' way or the oint''· lfyoo 1v-dnt $CJI!lemore




Why it's smart to

babies wOik for their meals.

Have you ever thought of how atoothbrush feels on a babyS gums? When an infant takes milk from a mother's breast there's a lot that goes em beyond just satisfying a little hunger. There's the natural sucking action. The contraction and release of certain muscles. The movement of the bottom jaw. The strategic positioning of the tongue. Milk doesn't simply pour out of the breast. It has to be systematically, almost mechanically pumped away. An instinctive routine that enables a baby to feed

whn~.;~nfc~~:d~~~:~N~~~~~~ll-~~.s. well-exercised baby has a better temperament and sleeps better, we wouldn't be surprised. The NUK" Orthodontic Nipple was designed to perform like a mother's breast. This unusual shape is designed to simulate the configuration of a breast during feeding. Every contour has a purpose. In fact, the NUK Nipple is the original orthodontic shape. When the NUK Nipple is positioned for feeding, the hole is on the top so milk hits the roof of the mouth mixing with saliva for easy digestion.


Plus, the bole is smaller than most conventional rubber nipples so a oaby gets a workout similar to breast-feeding. And the sirw>le flat tongue rest provides the solid foundation for good, hard sucking. The NUK Nipple, available to fit major nurser brands, is part of a complete family of NUK''products all designed to help a baby's oral development. Advertising similar to this ad will be reaching new mothers with millions of impressions in many well-read consumer magazines.

Imagine the ftrst time a brush is drawn across a ~~:s.~o;nder gums. Those soft, cushy bristles sud·

dcu~NUJ{:~p:~~rainerSet enables your child to ease into good oral habits.


The 1st Massaging Brush has a thick, easy-tograsp handle. The patented arrangement of soft rubber bristles provides effective massaging in any direction on a baby's tender gums. Of course, healthy gums are as important as healthy teeth. And that's why this systematic approach to infant oral care is encooraged even before the first tooth appears. The 2nd Massaging Brush has soft, more con·

:;=~~~ru:~~~i~~~~· just a baby's size.

After graduating to the 3rt! Nylon, soft bristle brush, and with your guidance along the way, your child is off to a painless, healthy start. Keep in mind that a program of gum massaging and daily tooth brushing is necessary for proper oral care. The NUK Toothbrush TrainerSetisavailable . .® through Sears Baby

tee;::~~cl~~~~~~~r- TMNUK~tic

ers, nursers! teething gel ~"!:!~pe..ol~ and other fme products. -wsruppiedurina teectinr.

Reliance Products Corp.. 106 Mason St., P.O. Box 1220, Woonsocket, R102895. AsubsidiaryofGerberProducts Company. NUK is a licensed trademark owned by Mapa GmbH, Gummi·und Plastikwerke, Zeven, Federal Republic of Germany. Cl 1983 Gerber Products Company.

Communication Arts January I February 1986

~l:~~:.!~d other


The:lol .....

il "c:hildstr.ed"wilhnyblbritt'n

Reliance Products Corporation 108 Mason Street, Wooosocket, Rl 02895 A subsidiary of Gerber Products Company.






Vision Extension



Communication Arts January I February 1986

-¡ House & Garden cover. Marie Holstein, photographer. Record album cover for Columbia Records. Self promotion ad in Los Angeles_ Vanity Fair cover. David Hackney, photographer. New West cover, 1977. Peter Palombi, illustrator (after Toulouse-Lautrec).




9 POSTCARDS As Written, Designed & Printed by Alastair Johnston at the Poltroon Press

This witty and handsome collection of letterpress postcards should be carefully saved, savored, perhaps even framed, but never trusted to the vagaries of the postal service. In nine editions, Johnston traces the history of text type styles with concision and accuracy. If you wish to have them for your own, you might write him at the Poltroon Press, P. 0. Box 5476, Berkeley, California 94705, and inquire as to availability. He has

graciously priced them at five dollars the set, amounting to little more than an honorarium. He has told me, somewhat ruefully, that he has discovered a typo somewhere within; on with the hunt.

i!trxtura is tbt trabitional·~tark Irttcr', also known as ctengli~b ~rxt. lLrgibiHtp is not its aim. £l formal ~rript witb it~ tall letters, I.Jiath fact, anb its sbort nscenbers anb brscenbcrs, it probuccs a bensdp paclttb page, f)abing a large proportion of black to tubitt, tubitb bns tf)t ap= ptantnce of woben texture (f)enre tbt name).+


NE OF THE EARLIEST ROMAN TYPES -that of Nicolas JENSON, 1470, has become the basis of innumerable revivals from the era of the Arts & Crafts Movement to the present ; from this version American Type Founders' CLOISTER of r897, to Letraset's rub-on ITALIA. 'R._o/ling Stone magazine sparked the last revival. JENSON understood that overall evenness of colour was more important than the design of individual letters. The capitals are large & some, for instance theM with its slab serifs, are poorly design· ed. N . B. JENSON's type had no accompanying italic. <tl <tl <tl ttl


Communication Arts January I February 1986

OLD FACE OR OLD STYLE TYPES BEGIN WITH THE ROMAN OF ALDUS PIUS MANUTIUS CUT IN VENICE BY FRANCESCO GRIFFO IN 1495~ The capitals are inscriptional, like those ofTrajan's Arch: these are the only actual 'roman' letters among our types. Jenson's slab serifs on M, A, & N are discarded and their size is reduced. Griffo's lowercase is based on contemporary handwriting. He also cut the first italic as a separate economical type for Aldus in 15 oo. Mono type's Bembo is a successful revival of this typeface.

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