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sea, Australia

log tow nets


winter grass

sea foam

California farm

sand bar , Japan

mill pond


as a partnership. This later became a sole-proprietorship (until recently, the company name was Art Direction) and now is a corporation. Unlike most successful designers, Runyan spends little or no time at the board. With the calibre of talent that he has with him, he feels that his time is of most value to the organization in analyzing and art directing and his designing is confined to thinking, verbal expression and occasional scribbles. Staff turnover has been minimal, the average tenure of the designers is five years. The reasons go well beyond just pay and working conditions. Runyan has kept them amply supplied with interesting assignments, at a quality level consistent with the group's standards. With his unique combination of talents in design understanding and salesmanship, he secures the budget to do the job right, or tailors the scope and expectations for the project into balance with the budget. Though their work appears regularly in every major show and annual, we've occasionally heard some private criticism based on the strange logic that-with this much attention to the esthetic and visual qualities - the concern for function is questionable. This is only suspicion without facts, of course, for it is extremely difficult to evaluate the function of corporate literature from the ÂŤoutside." However, we did ask Runyan for a comment. ((With a grasp of the function, and I mean the real function that can make sense to the client- not just a snap judgment or personal opinion of a designer- creative and artistic freedom is easy to sell. There is no other way that it can be sold- twice." Following are some of Runyan's personal views on design: There is no good design unless it does the job it sets out to do. This is not to say that you don't frequently see well conceived, balanced, appealing design in an ad, brochure, or annual report, but all too frequently the design fails to function. It doesn't really help communicate the facts or, just as important, the right feeling about a company or its products. This type of design, at best, just goes along for the ride. At its worst it actually creates a difficult-to-erase negative impression of the company or product. 65


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EXHIBIT Folders for the National Film Board of Canada to promote filmstrips in schools. Three colors, accordian folded, each is accompanied with an order card keyed to color, design and illustration. Brian Patterson of Marketing Design Limited, Montreal, was the art director on both. The Western Plains folder was designed by Patterson and Ted Larson, illustrated by Richard Mallette. Canada's North was designed by Patterson, illustrated by Mallette.




TheWesternPiamsreg•onhascomealonewayfromtheearly sodhutsandhorse-drawnplougltsofthelaur•erera Today the burgeomna Canad1an Plams offer d1vers•f•ed actiVIty un- • • ,., -'11••• 1" " " ' dreamedofbytheearlyp•oneers

36112 WHEAT fARMING. 41 frames, colour, captions and manual A thorough photo study of large-scale mechanrzed wheat


stripshowsspeclaleQulpmentinoperationsuchasthecombme harvester, and discusses some of the economics of




toaclose-uplookat•tsoutstandmafeatures They will dme a combme harvester, learn some of the eco-

marketing. 36121 THE MIXED FARM, 49frames.c~our,

nomaolwheatmarkehn&. they'llndeherdon pnzecaltle With seasoned cowboys, Yl~l a mued farm, v1ew a manufac.


manuaL DilftrSihtatJon is the answer when a farmer's land ts unsuttabteforarow•naonlywheat.Aselect•onofcolourpholographs shows seasonalacbvtl1es one m1xed farm where work

turingcomplexembracmgollandgasrefinenes,plasllcplants and flour mills Createdespec•allyforCanad•anschools.TheWesternPtams


tilmslripsetandsupplemenlarymanualshavebeeoprepared from approvedsourcesaodcaretullycheckedforaccuracy

36110 MANUFACTURING, SO frames, colour, captionsand manual.

361131NTRODUCTION. 41 frames , colour,capllons and



inentrossinap~tturesofaasrefineries, plastiCplants , flour

An up-Io--date. allrachvelyphotographedsludyoftheGreal PlainsoftheWeslfHstseen 1n thtshlmstnpfromthea•r. spreadmgoveravastterritory, thenatcloserangewtlhde·

mllts. rallwayshops-asurprisinaranaeoltndustnalacttvrty tnapredominantlyagr~eutturalregion.

ta•lsoloutstandmgfeaturH. 36115THECATTLERANCH, 50frames. colour. capllonsand

manual FromthecowboycountryoftheWestacolourfulreview ol

themoderncattleranch . Greatstretchesoffoollullscountry andsomettatlandsprovrde•dealandabundant pasture for prlleliveslock

Produc•d lor C•n•dr•n classrooms by THE NATIONAL FILM BOARD OF CANADA

Long forsaken, unknown to all save the Esktmo and a handful of hardy prospectors and explorer,, Canada's North has changed lmle mce the dawn of ttme. However, recent scientific dtscoverics and world events have helped focus our attcntton on its potenttal and importance.





Sequences from Trinkaus, Aron & Wayman 's initial demonstration film

Trink us, A on &


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9 WAYS TO IMPROVE AN AD (continued)

"Think BIG!" Now I ask you-isn't that better? Isn't it more positive, more direct? And note, too, the interesting use of type to punch home the excitement of the idea.

Rule: Show the product.

Well that brings us to still another improvement-and one of the most important rules in all advertising.

Don't turn it into a postage stamp or a test of failing eyesight. Show it. Boldly. Dramatically. Excitingly. Like this:

Rule: Whenever possible, mention your product name in the headline. Which the people who thought up this ad could have done so very , very easily.



and yo1111 chooae

That's more like it. A gracious mansion. A carefree band of dancers. And best of all, a proud pair of thoroughbreds. Now for an improvement to correct a fault in the product itself. You'll note that the VW, unfortunately, is totally lacking in news. From year to year, while other cars bring out a host of exciting changes -it stays its own dowdy self.

Rule: Always feature news in your advertisement. And if you have no news, invent it. Like this:

NBw 1Jt11m '111/ltswagsn I A'63 sizziBr ¡ w1th new 6888 and sluJBdatltl/8!


Think small.


There. See the difference already? Now, I'll admit the headline no longer makes complete sense-but that brings us to another obvious improvement.

Rule: Don't use negative headlines. "Think Small" may be very clever, very witty .. . but what an idea to leave in the minds of everyday readers.

See how the ad is beginning to jell? How it's really starting to come alive? Let's see another way we can breathe some life into it-with a warming touch of humanity.

Rule: Whenever possible, show people enjoying your product.

How's that for news?

Rule: (one of the most obvious of the bunch) Always give prominent display to your product logo. And I don 't mean an arty jumble of initials no one can read; I mean a proud unashamed logo like this:

Nsw lf11m V1111tswagsn I A'63 sizziBr w1th new sas8 and Bkeetladdle! Think

BIG I -----





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