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On the preceding pages and to the immediate left are spreads from the opening feature of the first issue, an article on Giambattista Bodoni. A sample of the wide range of editorial interest in Portfolio was this article on contemporary wallpaper design, including a bound-in segment of a design by Ilonka Karasz .
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Full TV Listings, Lively Arts and Lively Articles tn 'New York' Magazine Inside s.,.,.••j,...,:
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Her Main St. Mission
Latin Policy Spelled Out In an e.xclu&i ve at.atement Edwin M. Martin, Auiotant Mcretary of State for Inter-Amer ican Attain, apella out official U. S. policy toward our t urbulent "Good Nei &'hbor" to the Sout h; and Barnard L. Collier, Latin-American correspondent of the Herald Tri bune--alao in an exclusive ato~-teJis how the boom wu lowered on the mi!itary atronr men in Venezuela. See atoriea on Pa po SO and 31.
The Hapless Yanks Moat expert& f ill'Ured the Dodll'Ora would give the Yanb a run for their money in the World Series. Trouble i&-for the Yankeea and their fans-the Dodren aren't giving the Bronx Bombers many rune. Per iod. Los Angelea' Don Drysdale shut thtm out y~terday J.o a nd if there's an arithmetic progreuion here, what's left !or the Yanks. They loat the firat pme, &-2, the oecond one, 4-1. Today t hey face Sandy Koutax a gain. F or details of the debacle, see Sport& Section 4.
That Mess in Albany Here's how thi np are in "Dan's Town": ("Dan's TOlll'n," ot course, is Albany, a nd Dan is Demo.. cratic bo"" Daniel P. O'Connell). Agent.l of the State CommiMion of Investigation had ro ¥1!t a court order-eo greut is Dan's power-in order to investigate al1eged purchuing irregularities in hio Albany County otronll'hoid. That's but one inc!dent. For a full report, see Newton F ulbright's story on P~ge 24.
Valachi -Slowdown, Home Now the Val&chi hea r ings are alowi ng downand the story is to be told of how the mobster ever got to be a "star" of the McClellan hearings. And even as he fadC"S from the limelight, there ia alao the story of hia family and his home Peter M&A.S and Milton Lewis contribute exclusive pieces on these two pha&ea of the Valachi hear ings on Pages 2 and 3.
Javits: East to West Now they're all on the road-all the politicians. On the Democratic aide, President Kennedy has just returned fr om an extended tour. On t he Repul>Ucan aide-you namf" him, he's moving: Goldwater, Rockefeller , Sc.ranton. And Sen. Javits is now heading Weat. Spuking of Goldwater, a new Gallup Poll ahowa him atilt moving ahead. See Paces 22 and 2:1.
Farmers View Wheat Sale The matter of U. S. aurplua whut has become one of the mOAt talked about topics in the nation. Should thP. gover nment entertain a tempti ng offer from the R ua.uana? Should the Soviet taxpayer gP.t our wheat for leu than it coet.A the U.S. houaewife? What would be t he impact politically'! These aud other thorny questions are answered in two special features, one by Charles B. Shuman, P resident of the American Farm Bureau F N1eration, the other from the Tribune's Wa11hington Bu reAu. Both 11tories are on Page 34 .
Henry James Dissected In a major new study destined to ruise the hackles of every Henry James admirer. literary critic Maxwell Gei11mar layfll about him with a will, diapoeing of a novel here, a personality trait there. Philip Rahv, PartUan RevUw editor and member· in.full-atanding of the American critical Pantheon, launches t he counteroffensive on Page 1 of today'o Book Week.
Science Helps You Age T he richer you are, t he happier you'll be when you're old. The notion of "poor but happy"-for the a~iaa myth. These are but two of the findings r eported by Science Editor Earl Ubell in a new ser ies on what ecience is doing to help you prepare for the "colden yearo," Ubeil hiKhlight.a ttudiee t hat poi nt t he way to happineu in old age aa a matter of health , wealth a nd purpoM: in li fe. PallO 14.
By Mara:uerite H iggins OJ The lluald Tribune Stal
WASHINGTON. She has been called a draaon lady , a Lucretia Borala and a Joan or Are. But one thing Is sure Madame N1o Olnh Nhu hi a mistress of the art or the un· expected And she hu saved the moat un· expec:t~ -and most un·Draaon Ladygesture ror her vblc. t.o Lhe United States beginning t.omorrow. While here, Mme. Nhu will lnt.errupc. her press and television schedule t.o visit Lhe homes of some or t.he families of Amerl· can soldiers now ftRhUng In VIet Nam Plans for these Informal vl.slts are al ready well along . according to Informed VIetnamese aources. A list of appropriate famlllea hu been drawn. from whteh she can choose. The Vietnamese taY c.hnt. the purpose of her vlslt.s will be t.o display persono.l In· terest In and apprecJaUon for America 's fighting men In Lhls reporter 's judament, thoug:h , she is Just u anxious to reinforce by thue home·!ront visits her repeated denials of ever having called American offlcera In VIet Nam "little soidlera of fortune ." Thls controvers1al quot.e prompted Ambasaador Henry Cabot Lod&e. soon aft.er his arrival In Salaon, to denounee her ·•cruel and In· sultlna sto.t.emenu.··
Is Mme. Nhu gett1n1 restive under her .. Dragon Lady "' Image ? Not so r~Uve that she Is likely t.o fore(l:o breat.hln& fire on her country 's enemies In her myriad press and televl.slon ap· pearances here. But her recent expo5ure, In West.ern Europe, t.o the boomerang etrect.s of her sharp Longue just may have Lamed the Dra1on Lady a little. Americans may not get all the ftreworks they have been led to expect. ln an Interview this summer In Viet Nam , I asked If she realized that the vlo· lence of her tan(l:uage shocked the world and did grave damo.ge t.o the Image- of her country held abroad . ··I don ·t care If tney nate me:· she re· plied ··t am not speaklna of whec.her you are hated ." I persisted. ·· Do you realize that your words hurt your country ?·· Mme. Nhu clearly dldn 1t realize It c.hen. But American Conaresslonal delegates. who met her recently at Belarade, say that she a ppeared t.o be choosing her words with more care than In the past. Ac. any rate. the speech she delivered at t.he Inter· parUamentary Conference there wu enthu!!tasUeally applauded. The om.ctal Wf'lcome mac. will be consplc· uously missing when Madame Nhu sets her trim feet on our shores. But President Nao Dlnh Dlem 'a sister·
ln·law has achieved a kind of ne&atlve aratltude from the New Frontier by not requesting any ometal appointments:. The welcome mat wUI alao be absent from t.he home of her mother and father, Ambassador and Madame Tran Van Chuang. He recently reslaned his post, In protest at Diem ·s poheies. .. We will not receive her:· Ambaaador ChuonK declare• ftrmly In answer to all queries ... Neither my wife nor I have writ· ten to our daughter In a lana lona time." Mme. Nhu will be accompanied t.o the U. S. by her eldest daughter, Le Thuy, a pr~tty 18-year·old. who In Saigon. would often open conversations with American correspondents or omctals with the query lin French 1, .. Has my mother been saying thln&s t.o shoek the world a&aln? .. Madera· tlon Is clearly not her style. Fierce Is the word for this woman wic.h a whim of Iron and a will t.o mat.ch. She Is nercely proud. fiercely Independent and nercely couraaeous. Said a member of the BriUah advlsory ml.sslon In Viet Nam . who has watched her operate for many years: ··Mme . Nhu lJ the most couraaeous of the whole family. If there we re t.o be an attack on the Ola Lona palace fwhere t he Diems and Nh u.~ live 1 the last. one to go down would be Mme. Nhu and when she did, both &uns would be bla7Jna:·
Th P Agon y of l'if'l Num in lmmolutiom und Con/!uion-Story. PagP 17