Merry Christmas
Gotham Llghtmg CorporatiOn
Poster and scenes from a "Subway" exhibition produced by the Architectural League of New York. Interiors for PuddinTane, children's dress shop. Original sketches for King County State Hospital (for mentally retarded children), New York. Katz, Waisman, Weber, Strauss, architects.
Paint A Bright Future
Study at the Academy of Art College, 625 Sutter Street, San Francisco, California 94102, A Telephone 673¡4200. Send for our free catalog, a whole world of creativity awaits you. I A
Sterl ing Drug didn't want an annual report that looked like everybody else's. They did want the 1968 report to emphasize product diversification. Th e solution to both problems : br illiantly-colored drawings by Arnold Varga for each of Sterling's seven major market areas. Printed on translucent paper, t he drawings are over a product listing that shows t hrough t he paper as a textured background.
Long-range planning: 1968 was a year of planning for Olin Math ieson - an excellent annual report theme. The report featured question-and-answer interviews wit h ten vi ce presidents. Each interview was accompanied by a picture of the vice president superimposed over a "vision " photograph.
In an intensely competitive marketing e nvironment, Sterling has successfully broadened acceptance of its househ old product lines. These lines include cleaning agents, lighter fluid, spot removers, insecticides, rode nticides, disinfectants, deodorizers, furniture wax and polishes. Lysol Spray is a disinfectant/deodori zer which kills germs, freshe ns the air, sanitizes envtronmentaJ surfaces in the house and has many othe r uses. It was introduced in the United States market in 1962 and now Is the leading product in Its field. In 1968 Sterling's International units introduced Lysol Spray in selected areas of Africa and South America, and in 1009 they will introduce it in many other countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Europe. Lysol Spray Is also penetrating markets in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The Lehn & Fink Division, which produces Lysol, a lso broadened Its distribution of other hou sehold products, such as Beacon Wax and Glis spray starch. The d~Con Company completed a record year in sales of Us rodenticides, Ready~Mix and Mouse-Pru!e, which distributed through out the United States. d-Con's new line of aerosol insecticides is on the way to attaining national distri bution. Sales of these products more than doubled in 1968, whlle Rid-X, the only nationally di strib· uted product for septic tanks and cesspools, continued its steady growth. Since approximately 20 million home owners in the United States are dependent upon cesspools and septic tanks, increased advertising and marketing programs of the company should produce continued sales gains. The Federal Trade Commission's investigation into the Lehn & Fink merger and its potential effect on competition, as reported at t he last Annual Meeting of Stock· holders, is still pending. Discussions with the Commission's staff are continu1ng and it is anticipated that a mutually acceptable setUement will be reached without resort to protracted litigation.
Energy Systems
Winchester-West ern, continu ed
0 . What's the outlook for international operations? Mr. Wallace: Winchester has operating plants in Canada, Italy and Australia and a joint venture in Japan. We've had good growth insalesandsomeimprovementin profit durin&: the past yea r. Over the past five years, internat ional sales have in· creased more than 300 per cent, and by 1973 they are expected to nearly double again. The potential here is obviously la rge. The free world market for sporting arms and amm unition outside the U.S. is about equal to the American ma rket. Yet ou r market penetration internationally still is on ly a fraction of what it is domestically. OurRamsetOperations,thoughrelat ive ly small, also has potentia l for importan t growth. For a long time Ramset has been a leader in specia lized building tools that usepropellants todrive fasteners into steel and concrete. We've been test marketing thefirst caseless tool.ltdoesn'trequ irea sepa rate cartridge case. It has some cost and engineering advantages. It is operated by striking it wi th a hammer. In general , Ramset provides us wi th additional international involvement, and just as intrigu· ing, a foothold for possible future expan· sian in the construction fastener business in thi scountry and abroad.
"Our ambition is not just to sell cloud-seeding devices, but to provide the whole
service of weather modification ... to break up hurricanes, bring
rain, orwardoffhailstorms." Oon.ldG.MIIIipn, vlce presidenl •ndaenerll m•n.aer, EneroSr5temsOi"tision.
TART a mower with a button-sized pellet.Stopahaitstorm withachem· ical flare. Olin's newest operating division, Energy Systems, is busy turni ng these and othe r seeminsly exotic visions into realit ies. Donald G. Milligan, vice president and seneral manage r of the di· vision, tells why:
Mr. Mrlligan : At presen t the majority of our business is military. We are working as hard as we can to change the balance bydevelopingcommercialapplicationsde· rived from new sciences and technolosies. Our largest product lines in Government business now are illuminating flare ca r· tridges for mortars, Ball Powder for small arms ammuni tion, and solid propellant starter systems for jet ai rcraft engines. We also operate, for what in eHect is a management fee, three Government-owned ordnance plants. Ball PowdeT, of course, alsoisthelead ingpropellant used in sport· ingammunit ion. O. lsn 'trtalittleunrealistic to expec t to develop important civilian products when your basic tacilities and expertise are de· voted so heavily to propellants and pyro· techn ic devices? Mr. Milligan: Not at all. Our products have many commercial applications. As one example, the re's our Po w-R- Oulk starter package for long-haul diesel trucks, trac tors and other heavy diesel equip· ment. It is an outgrowth of work we've beendoingforyea rsinsystemsforquickly start ing Air Force jet ai rpla nes. It is difficulttostartaheavydieselensinein below·freezing weather. We recently began to sell our starter system that will do the jobeasier.Oneofthefirstwesold is being used on an offshore oil-drilli ng rig. That opened upamarketwehadn't countedon
Nowwearegettinginvolved ina second step, designing si milar st arters for heavy ea rth-moving and construction equipment. Wearedevelopinganinstant.startpack· agethatcouldbeattachedtoa lawnmower engine, for example, or a small pump. The starter can be powered by a solid pro· pellantpelletthesizeofashirtbu tton, ignited mechanically or electrical ly. For years Olin has been a leader in pyrotechnic fuses and flares. We have a large share of the civilian safety flare market. Now, our know- how in that area hasbroughtusclosetomarketwi thacopper joint soldering system for the profes· sional and do-it·yourself plumber. Basi· ca lly, it 's a sma ll colla r that fits over the joint you want to solde r. The collar has pyrotechnic mate rial inside. Ignite a little fuse, and poof! The job is done. As you know, we've been seeking con· tracts for weather modi fication research. We're becoming well known for our work in thisareaamonggovernmentpeopleand the weather authorities in the academic comm unity. Over the long run our ambi· tionisnotjust to se llflaresandcloud· seedtngnucleigene rators,buttoprovide thewholeserviceof wea thermodification, whe ther It is to break up hurricanes, bring rain, or wa rd oH hailstorms. We're working in a number of other areas, of course. We have a pyrotechn ic system that willprotectfruitorchardsfrom frost. We're working on auto safety pro· srams . And we are involved in many space projec ts, supplying gas generators for pre· cise control in outer space.
0 . How would you characterize last year'.s operations? Mr. Milligan : Exce llent. Our objective has been a 10 per cent annual increase in net income, and we exceeded it again last