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Consumer magazine, single ad Roy Grace , art director I designer Marcia Bell Grace , copywriter Dick Stone, photographer Doyle Dane Bernbach Inc., agency American Luggage Works, client Consumer publication, page or spread Alv in Grossman, art director I designer I writer Willi am Steig, artist Irwin Horowitz, photographer McCall's Publ ish ing Company, publisher McCall's Magazine, publication

Record album cover Acy Lehman , art director I designer Nick Sangiamo, photographer RCA Records , agency I client

"Dear American Tourister: You make a fabulous iack!' c

nus unsoiiCIIed IM!IPnontal comes from The J. Amencon Tour•sters lor the ordinary perils of ordi· Ou.n)y fom,)y of Walnut Cr.M, CoMom.a notytrOYel Who pcled up the•r cor to change a ltre ond leh So we bu•ld our case wtth 16 dtAerent strong morhe11 Amerteon Tounster stond•ng near AJI of o wd· tenols, ond g•ve '' o tough sto1nleu steel frame eo< ~od boclwo<d. fell oil IN rocl. and k»ndedsquoreonrM.rsu•tcose

den. IN

Where it remo•ned until the Ou•nlys f1n11hed

We re•nlorce Amef•con Tourt$1e,., . . ,,n, fiberglass. Not!Ustonrhecorners,butthroughondthrough. tJ.osttmportont of a ll, we

put'" nons.pnng loclsde-

s.gned not to spr•ng open on •mpoct Remember, the beou11ful th.ng about troveltF'IQ hod to rrx ,, Wlftot a hammer J And of course, you real- ~monAme•Koo Tou"""'"'"'ose .,,·,,. . . . . , IZe we don't bu•ld Amencon Tounsters to go rhrough

chongmgthetrhre. Of course, the w•tcose got dented tMr Ou•nly

extrootdtnoryrftingsHesupporttngocor We build



___ _________ ___

... .. .. ... ....... .......,. .. _,....,. _, ...... tt eft awrtecs wnh lhe JtallMI-tht idM or an O¥ef'IU:I, ovtl'ltUtftd unct.lctl made fton~ a ......,., klef or twHd l1llecl •hh a taaty combf.. natJonot~eta. ch.._..a endv.geleblat. TM Mit., hero (wtlleh it ltnown In VflrtOUI pertsoltheeountryMaaubn\arine, gr"""-r,

hoeO•. poor

bo~ . and htiWflt knows 'arhat

an .... , hU becom. 1 tltuk. Voo unmake ~lridueiMt'oe.\lrllh&ft'lalltoavesolltalian

bread or giant


that can be carved Into

Mparateportlona NottotMioutctone.Gr"k Hllng ptaCM are nowftaturtng a Gr"k Mro, ClllediOUVIIk'-.TNtft I who&~ loaf of Arab ftat bread IIUH~ '*lth typically GI'Mk lng~ dientt, end tt It well on Its way to becomIng• elauJe k'l lbO'Nn right Tneretreu mantvel'tlontof1haheroetthereereaandwtch makers wtth lmaglr\ation, ll'ld there's reason why you cen't Invent one of your



To atilt you oft, on the not page you

will find en array of International l'letoH.

Pteturldonthtlpqe; ttt.elaiiiCttallanhero.


How fast can a $2,000 car go downhill? Whotthey-ve lost lrom

the retorlpr!ceoher 3yeouf

..... ~9

II your economy cor rs deprecrolmg almost os lost os you con poy fo r rt, maybe you re berng to~en lor o rrd e

h ontl sl'lown rell.cr l ~t ove<og t d epre coo11on of rhere 1969 tCOn()ll>y raro by C()fi!I)O<•"Q who! rhey 1old fo< "'"' w.rh •he Ovt<oge rero•l pt•UI riley wert rold lor by U'\td cor deole" ,,. »n 1972 a• quored "' N"OA Ofl«·al Uted Co• Gutde Eor•t•" (do~oon Jon 1972 0Vollr woq•" of ""'''+CCI, Inc



Brochure for Dennison Manufacturing Company, design by Cipriani. GeoLogic puzzles, product design by Charles Kellstedt, packaging by Lizotte. Tuborg packaging by Cipriani; Oney Shade, art director. BASF cassette packaging by Cipriani. Facing page: Tuborg letterhead by Cipriani; Oney Shade, art director. Letterhead for Windsor Coach and Carriage Company, design by Cipriani. Ads for Dynamic Skis. Copy by Don Pierce, illustration by Gene Lemery, art direction and design by Cipriani.


Wall graphics for the Glendale Operations Center of Security Pacific National Bank.




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