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Poster campaign Ray Alban, art director Thomas J. Nathan, copywriter Michael O'Neill, photographer Scali, McCabe, Slaves, agency Funk & Wagnalls, client Sales presentation Herb Lubalin, art director I designer Lubalin, Smith, Carnase, agency The American Film Theatre, client Booklet and brochure cover Larry Sons, art director G. William Jones, copywriter John Green, designer The Richards Group, agency SMU, USA Film Festival, client Calendar Giorgio Saovi, art director Paul Davis, artist Olivetti, client


Logo f or " Project Concern " of t he LOS Church. McRay Magleby, designer; Robert Milberg, artist. Ch ildren's book designed and illu?trated by McRay Magleby for BYU Press. Promotion folder for a BYU Press book on Mayn ard Dixon. Ray Mora les, designer. Book designed by McRay Magleby for BYU Press. Poster for BYU history week. McRay Magleby, designer I artist.

IHDIAN PAINTRUSH C.trill~;. chro"'o..~~ A. Nf'IL

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crtlm, ThcMowyp.utofthep•intbrush ltl'lottht no-n buttht br.tctl which tubttnd them. Tht ulyll

ilbria}ltlycolomlllto, butthecorolla, whkhlt ntOttly hid~ by tht tndolln.a c&ly•, l• commonly ll'ftftitb or whitlfh , nctpt for the apu. 1M .,.tnt•

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"'',~':n::"~,~::=rt"':h;:W.~~~~j~,. =~· &nd In the Npbrvfh 1nd mounttln bruW.

The''""' Cutille;.ts .,.,..and compln OM. n. colorofthelnflo'"""~v.uiH fromtpedHio

~jj;~~~=·b:~~~~h!~:;:!4tt.;!:; In toMpvrplt, crnm,yfllow, andd&rlt JMU'ple ar. known. TM plants u•nae in W. from alpine dwa.rft


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feet tall. Th•prflmCI.ol&lonyhMnlnthelnflCNescmcn of ml.fty tp«i" eddt to th• • ttrKtiw apptatanct of the plantt. Specht of C•tttlleJ- ~r In m..ny :::::~~~!'::' th.,- , ,. mott 1bundantln mobt

Sclll.taili•l•l.oulltdtltyrocbt:) l•-ofthe lhowtHtwildnowen lntMunyoncovntry. The pl•nttartblonl•l•, withthenowerina•temftonaat-

~.~:!t~-=::~~~!hno:~:!~~~,,,j""'UC1""· forthemoltjHrt , theaJobt· m•llowt lrttnilyrecoanitedbytMirwlmon- ororanp-

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hot! tall. Their tl•ndet flowen are from .1111 to 1 Vs lnchft lona and,,. commonly red. HoWh'ft", tMre artf«mtwithpinlt,oraftl', andwhlteftowen. The plant•h•..,..•huvy, tli&)o.tlytltvnltJilt.oclorwhkh •lto~rt In tome other nwmbenoltM phlo• (am·

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!h;~~t 1a':d~re"'!,'!h::;.a~.!c,~f,'; of tt•-nt ift t henowncmttriddttothe~or•nd be•utyolthetymmttric•lfto~. The•u""" ' 're

Amtriu. Scarletallia ittatenbyarulna•nifNIIt

ftVIMtOUI.ndlrtVnittdbytheirfiii!Mftll ifttOI t M•th which tndOift the ttyln. Thl• com\Mn•t ion olchu•cterittindillinavlthe.-mbtnofthem•l· low family from all othtr pl1nt famll in. TM pl•nt1 arow from 1 to l: fft111ll1nd freqvmtly h1w wwr~l

theb.aMtoltMtubularnowe1"t. ::.~:!~~~m.-: April to ~ptrmHr.

llemtbomtherootcrowft. ThtyOCC\It lftl¥1tiorty oi iOil typn in -tem ~ldo 1nd tutern Utah c~t;::':i~~~~d to New Mn ko, Ari1on1, 1nd e~11ern

IYP"· It i1 a vtry common tpteiH In western North 1


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!~u::,!",~::: April to Octoftr.



harbour townhomel 16700StowawayCHcle HunlingtonBeach. Callfornia92649 Tetephone(714)84S.1328






Jacob Knight







Tom Geismar



John Thompson

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