New School Bulletin Fall1973 Volume31 Number 1 August6, 1973
New School Bulletin Fall1973 Volume 31 Npmber 1 August 6, 1973
Published monthly by the New School for Social Research Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y. 66 West 12th Street. New York, N. Y. 10011
Lett: a statement tor Punch Magazine . Cover and opening page of bulletin tor the New School of Social Research .
Represented by:
GERALD & CULLEN RAPP, Inc. 251 East 51 Street New York, N.Y. 10022 212 PLaza 1-4656
Represented by:
GERALD & CULLEN RAPP. Inc. 212 PLaza 1-4656
Represented by:
CULLEN RAPP, Inc. 251 Eas t 51 Street
New York, New York 212 PLaza 1-4656
Represented by :
CULLEN RAPP, Inc. 251 East 51
New York, N.Y. 212 PLaza 1-4656
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Harvey Kahn handles photographer Pete Turner as well as six illustrators: Garie Blackwell, Al Hermmann, Wilson McLean, Bob Peake, Al Pinsler and Isadore Seltzer. He believes that there is a greater need for reps now than before because of the "resurgence of interest in the use of illustration." He further feels that "reps are generally misunderstood. If an artist walks in barefaced, they'll rip him off. I know of one instance when an agency offered twice as much money to one of my artists than it did to two others who didn't have reps. And besides, even though some artists like the client contact, most of them need the time at their drawing boards." He is also adamant on the subject of house accounts; "I won't allow it. I demand everything; anything less and the rep is just a broker. I've had a marvelous experience of longevity with my artists, and the foundation of insisting upon complete representation is part of it. One of the biggest problems in recent years has been the musical chairs switching of artists from rep to rep. This has resulted in an annoying sense of instability regarding the artist-rep relationship, giving the agencies an edge in pricing. "I like to work with a person for a long time, to help build him up. And I try not to have competing styles within my group. I know that there is a tendency among some reps to try for everything, not to let any job go. Photograph by Anne Dowie
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The American V'kst at Colorado State University
Summer 1974
The Amencan Western has always been a vaslly popular genre tn the htstory ol ftlm From the earliest stlents to the latest John Wayne extravanganza Westerns have drawn large. apprec•attve audtences One standard character tn most Westerns. and more recently tn htms ot hts own. ts the Amertcan tndtan Thts brave or squaw or matden has usually borne no resemblance to any ethntc. racial or rellgtous group of Nallve Amencans Hollywood has mass· produced an tmage ol the lndtan whtch tl ftnds wtll be most acceptable to the average movte-goer The ftlms tncluded tn the lesl!val wtll, we hope, emphasiZe the cultural laundenng the Nattve AmeriCan has undergone at the hands of Hollywood filmmakers Cred•l •s due to Ralph and Natasha Fr1ar and thetr book The Only Good lnd1an The Hollywood Gospel lor liS •nterpretat•on ol Hollywood s role and valuable help 1n seleclu"'Q the l1lms
Wed June 12
The Deserters (1916) The Mollycoddle (1920)
Wed June 19
The Last of the Moh1cans (1920) The Paleface (1921)
Wed June 26
Drums Along the Mohawk (1939)
Wed July 3
She Wore a Yellow R1bbon ( 1949)
Wed July 10
The Searchers (1956)
Wed July 17
Cheyenne Autumn ( 1964 )
Wed July 24
Soldrer Blue (1970)
CENTER 16 Sun. June 16
L Avventu1a ( 1961) MIChelangelo Anton•ont, llaly
Sun June 23
Portnoy's Compla111t ( 1971) Ernest Lehman. USA
Sun June 30
The Red and the Whrte ( 1968) Mtklos Jansco. Hungary
Sun July 7
Drrly Harry (1972) Don Soegel. USA
Sun July 14
Floating Weeds (1964) Yastuo Ozu . Japan
Sun July 21
The Candrdate (1972) MIChael At!Chle. USA
Sun July 28
Brzaffe. Btzaffe (1937) Marcel Came. France
Wed July 31
What's Up Doc? (1972) Peter Bogdanovllch. USA
Sun Aug 4
WR·Mystet~es of the Orgamsm ( 1971) Dusan Makavetev. Czechoslovakia
Wed Aug 7
Camelot (1967) Joshua Logan . USA
All ltlms wtll be shown a! 8 00 pm •n the Student Center Theatre AdmiSSIOn $1 ()()
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SALT CltANUl.ES: {lba-10 ......)
R ,.I.JIMitld 2 North Road, London N7 9HLTelephone 01·607 7371 (10 lines)
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