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Book jacket illustration of Walt Whitman, New American Library; four of the ten pages of ''A Bestiary, '' winner of a gold medal in the New York show, Motif Magazine; record jacket illustration of' 'Caprice Italien," Columbia Records; editorial page design, "Questions of Precedence," Esquire Magazine; spread from a feature, "Cliches Revisited, '' Show Magazine.



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li\etWt" • • Vou klll~arop,

Char lie ,, YoukOO\\ whatlwi)J)Jt.ht lltrtt1J-kiUen."

CA, July ' fl2


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Album cover, Command Records; illustration for ''The Grasshopper and the Ant" album cover, Riverside Records; book cover for Amsco Music Publishing Co.; editorial illustration for Gentleman Magazine.

Barber Shop Songs 42

CA, July '62

ITALIAN The Turin by CHURCHILL HATS LTD. super-fine imported

Milan braid, telescope crown, special striped band. In eggshell, olive or grey 15.00. Dark brown or grey 20.00. Mail orders to Dallas. Add 55c mailing. THE MAN'S STORE NEIMAN MARCUS DALLAS.

EASY slip-ons by Nettleton. Top edge elasticised leather covered goring - new stay-put fit for any normal foot. Olive green, black or dark brown llama calf 29.95 Mail orders to Dallas, add 70c mailing THE MAN'S STORE NEIMAN MARCUS DALLAS AND HOUSTON

Left: 1,.-page insert trade ad for U. S . Steel. Right: small space ads for Neiman-Marcus. Below: cover and spread from eight-page ads for Neiman-Marcus fortnight promotions.

BRITISH Executive Brogue by Alan McAfee. Lightweight, single sole, black or tan willow calf. 35.00. Ma1'l orders to Dallas add TOe mailing. THE MAN' S STORE


CA, July '62



You find more than 61,. of this coun1

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In those top 100 counties, TIME concentrates more of its circulation than does any other maca· zine of a half million or more circul•tlon. More evidence that TIME gtvesyouconcentrationandcoverage-whereitcounts. -


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Four ads from a series for Time, Inc.


TIME conuntr.W. men of ltl drcullllon lh1n dolt MJ oth«

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Cover and two pages from the book ''If Apples Had Teeth," published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Glaser collaborated on the book with his wife, Shirley, who is also an illustrator and photographer.

Apples had Teeth A /}()()k for children by Milton and Shirley Glaser

IF a zebra

wore striped pajamas, you wou ld never know .

CA. July '62

IF fishes

bad wishes, they would stay out of dishes.

Seymour Chwast and Milton Glaser attribute a large part of their early success to the publication of the Push Pin Almanack, later the Monthly Graphic, and now the Push Pin Graphic. The Almanack was begun in 1953 and discontinued two years later in favor of poster¡size broadsides. In 1957, they decided to produce a periodical again, beginning with a tabloid newspaper format, four to eight pages in black and white or occasionally with a second color. For the last three years, the format has been altered to suit the content. The election issue carried a pin-on button with the slogan ui like Jick" and a composite picture of the candidates. The text has varied from the Nonsense Verse of Edward Lear to Bertrand Russell on Nuclear Policy to an antiquated dictionary of disease. The copy for one issue (partly shown at far left) was

instructions for army officers on leading a weapons platoon. The spread shown below and on the following two pages is from an issue of nursery rhymes. Part of the Graphic's production and mailing expense is paid by the few advertisements accepted for each issue and created by the studio. Some of the cost is also paid by subscribers. In addition to the 2400 art directors and prospective clients who receive complimentary copies, some 800 subscribers from all over the worl~ pay $2.50 per year or $3.50 for Canada and Foreign. The Graphic affords the artists the rare opportunity to work experimentally and has been instrumental in developing a wide range of work for each of the principals as well as a general awareness of the Push Pin Studio.


A series of issues dealt with "Newsworthy Trivia of a Decade.'' Shown here is the cover and a spread from the '30s. Below is a spread from. the ''Polish issue.'' The illustrations are photographs of Polish paper cuts by Shirley Glaser. The text is two narratives and a series of Polish recipes running concurrently through the book.


IT ALL UP TO GO TO WORK-AT 3O'CLOCK Mrs. Gloria. Vanderbilt a.nd her twin sister, Lady Furness, showed up lata for work today. Sly but definite hinta had been sent out by devious channels that the famous feminine duo had formed a partnership with Sonia Rosenbere. She conducts a shop as Mme. Sonia at.24 E. 64th Street. Thia was to be the first day of labor and naturally reporters gathered to re('ordit (aswaadoubtlessintended). As the morning hours waned, however, they viewed only plush and gii•Jed ecenery, Mme. Sonia, varlou• models and seemingly unlimit<:d amount~ of lacy lingerie, super-expensive dinner dresses and other catchy number.s. But penistence waa rewarded, for at 3 P.M. a created Rolls-Royce rlided to the curb and the mink-clad forms o.f Mesdames Vanderbilt and Furness stepped out. Both condescended to be interviewed. "Won't this interfere with your life!" Mn. Vanderbilt was uked. "Oh, no,'' ihe replied . "Despite what the newapaper.a say, I have a very quiet life." "Sonia lAYS you're going to model,'' was shot at Lady Furness. "Well, we're not and we're not becoming workin,r women and we're not going to punch any time clocks either." "Not at 8 P.M.," agreed a hidden but definite voice. Mme. Sonia explained that an equal third partnership had been formed.



lhone the fat belly of a watermelon that had w..wfered into the forei'" land, &tit were, of· the beeto. The bedo were Ill/ criN-croued by lileo of Iliff, otrai~ lla1t, the 118ntine11 who. duty it wao to keep out makeo .nd imectt .nd caterpillar•. Above the white otema of the poppieo floeted • ......,

of rainbow-hued bl0&30ml, lilre a -arm of butterfliM. A hu~ •ml/ower lowered above the other f/owere, it• fiiCe ~owin4 ao it followed, "'ith •Ieedy, deliberate PIICfJ, the weotward c:ouroe of the

oun. Beoide the l,erden fence ,..., a cucumber patch, .nd in ito very center, anUd. the vineo that



Beer Soup)

3 pta. beer 1 cup ougar, or 1-. to taste 4 egg yollc! juice of 2 lemona grated rind o! 1 lemon

2" stick cinnamon 1 jigger rum

2 lbs. seedleoa raisina Beat egg yolks and half the sugar until very light. Add lemon juice and rind. Bring beer to a boil, covered, with cinnamon

and the rest of the wgar. Let cool slightly. Then place in double boiler over boiling water and stir in eggs, stirring constantly. Add rum and raiains and chill. Serve with croutons. Serve 6.

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CA, July '62

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