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Illustration Annual 45 I


July 2004 Sixteen Dollars www.commarts .com

Advertising (series) Yucel Erdo M . gan, .illustrator . D att Dimm er, designer an Cerullo/Brad Ph "ll" Tom Cordne r, executiv I ips, creative di rectors . Walter Thom e creative director JD pson Detr .t etroit Music H II . o1 , ad agency a • client


JPosters used t o promot h t e 24th Ford. Detc°'1 . lnternat;onal CazzFest. 24 x 36, pen, e;nk and d;g;tal ynthia von Buhl . Jacques L er, illustrator amarre art d. , irector Hartford St age, client Top Dog Under Dog poster. 8 x 10 • pen ' .ink • d 1g1tal . . and coffee st ams. .


Illustration A nnual 2004

Books (series) Loren Long , illustrator Dan Potash , art director Kevin Lewis, editor Simon & Schuster, client Images from I Dream of Trains by Angela Johnson . The son of a sharecropper dreams of leaving Mississippi on a train w ith the legendary Casey Jones. 25 x 12, acrylic on canvas .


Illustration Annual 2004

Editorial Christian Northeast, illustrator Joan Ferrell, art director The American Lawyer, client A unique court rule in Delaware requires the use of local counsel in all bankruptcy proceedings. For a handful of boutiques, that's been a very good thing, "The Money Machine ." 9 x 11, mixed media .


David M . Brinley, illustrator Janet Froelich, art director Jeff Glendenning, designer The New York Times Sunday Magazine, client Article about the mystery and myth surrounding North Korean dictator Kim Jong II, "The Last Emperor." 8 x 9 3/4, acrylic on board .


Tim O'Brien, illustrator Arthur Hochstein, art director Time, client Cover, " Life After Saddam ." 14 x 18, oil on panel.


Joe Ciardiello, illustrator Ryoichi Shiraishi, art director Playboy Japan, client Illustration for an article on Eric Clapton . 71/2 x 10112, pen, ink and watercolor.


Calef Brown, illustrator Liz Hale, art director Los Angeles Times Magazine, client Illustration about vote swapping between states, " Ballot Busters ." 11 x 151/ 2, acrylic on paper.


John Ueland, illustrator Steve Banks, art director Los Angeles Times, client Cover of 2003 Fall Arts Guide. 7 x 10, digital.


Illustration Annual 2004


For Sale (series) Jay Long , illustrator Triptych . Various sizes, oil and acrylic over collaged text and gessoed linen on birch panel.

Comm unication Arts


Institutional 1

Dan Cosgrove, illustrator Bob Upton, art director Parachute Design, design firm Old Chicago, client Menu cover. 81/ 2 x 11, digital.


Melissa Grimes, illustrator Duward Epps, art director Justin Foster, designer America's Horse Magazine, client Illustration of a couple who spent a summer researching dude ranches for a travel article, "Dude Ranch Aficionados ." 81/ 2 x 11, digital collage .


(series) Paula Goodman Koz, illustrator Temple Beth El of Williamsburg, client Illustrations of Jewish holidays used in calendar mailers for temple members. 9 x 7, woodcut .

Com mun ication Arts


Self-Promotion Keith D. Skeen, illustrator Sourcebook ad . 13314 x 16112, acrylic. 2

Roman Klonek, illustrator

Turba postcard mailer to promote gallery show.

27 x 19, woodcut . 3

Ronald Kurniawan, illustrator Jeff Smith, art director Aftereffects of chemical warfare . Postcard mailer. 15 x 15, acrylic and acetate on board .


Nathan T. Ota , illustrator Mark Murphy, art director Murphy Design , design firm Illustration used for sourcebook Dialogue : Th e Fine Art of Conversation. Alive . 18 x 9, acrylic and mixed media on board .



Il lustration Annual 2004

Emily Nathan


Location: San Francisco, wherever I am sent, wherever I send myself. Duration : Five years. Staff: Me + one assistant if in any way possible, a new wireless smart phone thing any minute now. Education: Honors B.A. in English Literature/ Creative Writing, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1998). Photojournalism internship in Santiago, Chile. Photo assisting. Cultural Influences: Overzealous high school photo teacher, mysterious fascination with any Spanish/Portuguese speaking (and dancing) nation, a graphic designer sister and fiance. Photo: Sheer immersion-early influences of Sally Mann, Sebastiao Salgado, National Geographic, Vogue and Sassy. Cinematography: Recent building interest. In the Mood for Love, Lost in Translation . Poetry: Elizabeth Bishop, Philip Levine, Billy Collins, Robert Haas, Li-Young Li. Travel writers: Paul Theroux, Bill Bryson, Best American Travel Writing. Environment: Home office in a lovely Victorian apartment at the top of Buena Vista hill. Extremely un-ergonomic workspace crammed in a corner so the rest of the room can be open space with hardwood floor. Eighry-eight-year-old Dolores in her garden to chat with through the window. Philosophy: Always travel to new places, but don't move your apartment. Know exactly what your subject matter is (and focus on it) even if it's a mood or color. Promote the work you want to get. Get closer to people before you back up. Bring a tripod. Question your work, but believe the support from your loved ones. (If AP tells you your pictures for them are too arty, that might be a good thing.) Every philosophy has inherent imperfections.


Illustration Annual 2004


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