Arnold Saks works in all areas of graphic design: trademark and corporate identity programs, annual reports, direct mail , brochures, packaging, architectural graphics and exh ibition design . His clients include some of the major corporations in American industry. He is one of the most awarded designers in the U.S. with work regularly accepted in the CA Annual and other major exhibitions. Last year when Print Magazine published their selection of the 25 best annual reports, five were by Saks.
Left: Arnold Saks in his office. View of the art studio. Poster for The Jewish Museum.
Arnold is one of the members of our design panel (page 6) and many of his views on design and designers are expressed in that discussion. He was also featured in a 1960 issue of CA as the art director of the well-designed Interiors and a partner in the firm of Ward & Saks. After eight years with that partnership he left to open his own design office. Saks was born in New York City in 1931, studied design at Syracuse University and the Yale School of Design. He has been a guest lecturer at Rhode Island School of Design and Parsons School of Design and on the staff of the School of Visual Arts in New York City.
Book cover. Experimental sculpture in plastic. ¡ Below: Recruiting brochure for The Chase Manhattan Bank. IBM window display. Mark for Ready Rent-All. Mark for First Bank. Trademark proposal for Time/ Life. Catalog for "Creativity on Paper." Annual report for Time Incorporated.
Ready Rent¡AII
Time Incorporated
1968 Annual Report
Time/Life 25
Left: Annual report for Colt Industries was printed on gray stock with a 16-page, 5ÂĽ2 x 11 , four-color section in the center. Cover and pages from a facilities brochure for General Dynamics Marine Systems. Right: Cover for the Chase Manhattan Bank annual report featured student art, " New Construction" by Adrian Lopex. Quarterly report for Colt Industries . Wa llace-Murray annual report. Book covers.
Colt Industries Inc First Quarter 1969
1 MI A.nnui!I R~
by Wendell M. Stanley and Evans G . Valens An outstanding survey of the esscnt1al facts known
about v1r uses. genet•cs.
In a surrealistic sequence, Archy and Mehitabel as "flotsam and jetsam on the sea of life" float along on a garbage can lid as the city becomes a "sea:' Archy becomes inebriated and winds up in a jewel box bordello as a guest of the "ladybugs of the evening:' Scene from the poem "archy declares war:' as he rallys the insects to battle with the thoughtless humans who massacre insects indiscriminantly. Below: Fine Arts Films logo. Facing page: Production layouts for two of the most colorful film sequences, and two excellent examples of the philosophy embodied in the writing of Don Marquis. At left is "the lesson of the moth:' At right, "the flattered lightning bug" who puts on a proud display of pyrotechnics for the alley's citizens. Marquis ends the poem with: he got so vain of himself i had to take him down a peg you ve made lightning for two hours little bug i told him but i don t hear any claps of thunder yet there are some men like that when he wore himself out mehitabel the cat ate him archy
Right: Full page ad from New York Times. An expanded version of the Groupies article will appear in book form this fall. The Rolling Stone logo was designed by Rick Griffin.
When we tell you what a is, will you
really understand?
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A Complete Movie Of Germany And Japan Baron Wolman
On the interview with John Lennon, the photography was by Ethan Russell. Other articles shown here were photographed by Baron Wolman .
BY RICHARD BRAUTIGAN A few years ago (World War II) 1 lived in a motel next to a Swift packing plant which is a nice way of saying slaughterhouse. They killed pip there, hour after hour, day after day, week after week. month after month until spring became summer and summer became fall, by cutting their throats after which would follow a squealing lament equal to an opera being run through a garbage disposal. Somehow I thought that killing all those pip had something to do with winning the war. I guess that ¡was bec:ause everything else did. For the fint week or two that we lived in the motel it really bothered me. All that screaming was bard to take, but then I grew used to it and it became like any other sound: a bird singing in a tree or the noon whistle or the radio or trucks driving by or human voices or being called for dinner, etc. "You can play after dinntrf" Whenever the pigs weren't screaming. the silence sounded as if a machine bad broken down.
Emetteur-recepteur BLU AN / WRC-1
Manhattan College