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Will the real Betsy Ross please s ta nd ? The real Betsy Ross? In 19717 Yes, indeed. A real Betsy Ross (that's her name) from the McCall Pattern Company will be here Tuesday. June 22 through Friday, June 25, to show you how to make an American flag from McCall Pattern 1'1776. So you can make your own. wave your own American Flag on the Fourth of July. See how, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 11:00 until 2:00 and from 3:00 until 6:00. Wednesday from noon until 3:00 and from 5:00 until 8:30. Fashion Fabrics, Fifth Floor, Philadelphia. And Tuesday, at 12:15, Miss Ross will be interviewed in the Grand Court.


Come hea' about the inte<osting things people say and do when they meet he'.

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Advertising for Arrow Shirts. Facing page: Louise Reeves, designer; Nan Blecker, writer; Tom Herbert, ill ustrator. Right: Carol Taback, designer; Jennifer Sm ith, wr iter; Dennis Johnson, illustrator. Below left: Carol Taback, designer; Nan Blecker, writer; Tom Herbert, illustrator. Below right: Carol Taback, designer; Nan Blecker, writer; Tom Herbert, illustrator.



The SuccessfuJ Financial System: Your Put

Personal Financial Progress, Inc.

Whenaman says money can

Peace makes money

and money mak6war.

When money is not a servant it isamaster.

do anything, that settles it :

Any executive or professional person has only so much time to devote to his personal finances. The approach of Personal Financial Progress is for us to do the time-consuming work and for you to set your own objectives and to make decisions on our financial recommendations. Your objectives and your personal preferences are paramount. They are what makes your financial system different from your neighbor's. The results may be the same . But your life styles aren't the same, your tastes aren't the same. and we don't expect your financial system to be the same. That is why you play the leading role in building your financial system. The Successful Financial System: Potential Problems The aim of a successful financial system is to move from the point where you are getting along on your income to the point where you are making your money work for you. Your aim is to employ your income as a positive factor. This requires a certain amount of time and effort, but it also means avoiding two potential problems . Personal Financial Progress has found these to be lack of self-discipline and lack of objectivity. These are the two most important reasons why people fail to reach their financial objectives. Discipline is necessary to all parts of a person's financial system . It is necessary for review and for making decisions on your investments. It is necessary to eliminate those totally unnecessary expenses. It is also necessary to avoid using your

income in a way that does not relate to your objectives. At Personal Financial Progress we will make discipline as painless as possible. First, there is no rigid budgeting . Instead we begin from how you are currently spending your money and through a gradual shifting we establish practical cash flow that you feel is best. Second, to overcome the gnawing feeling that you're not really getting anywhere, our reports will show your objective and the check points you need to reach that objective. Finally, if you still feel you are not reaching the objective you want , and you don't want to change the objective, the Financial Secretary Service can apply the discipline you need. Lack of objectivity is also a problem which keeps you from reaching your objective. Acting as advisor, Personal Financial Progress can impose a degree of objectivity that the individual cannot. It is important that as advisor, we maintain a totally objective outlook. To achieve this, Personal Financial Progress does not sell any of the products we give advice on. Our posture is to work as hard as possible toward your objective . And this is best done by an analytical, not a sales approach .

Nothing but money is sweeter

he ha sn't any .

than honey.

E. W . Holl/l!

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Makcyoll r nexi m ee li n~a n c nthusiasmgencrdt ing. talked-about-

for-month s smashi ng511cccl>l>. wi thout ki ll ing U. your em p loyees,

a nd lo r your ad verti sing a~c n c)'

lh. con",.nc. ,oom Speciali.!it.!iin

packaging groupc\'ell t.!i.



TELEVISION Everyone in Ihe Uniled States will know that Hondo has ,t all on 1971. And the main reoson for that is television. This yeor Hondo relurns to Ihe

biggest network-CBS-and




of their biggest shows. Prime time

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favorites like M,ssion ImpoSSible Monnlx Howall FIve-a. Storefront

Lawyers. and Ihe CBS Thursday and Friday Night MOVie Plus a sporls bonus - The Notlonol Im'ltatlOnal Basketball Tournomef,r Perfect shows for your perfect soles prospects - young action. oriented males. Once again, Hondo comme rcials will be seen in more homes and by more people this year than in any yeor previous. II's estimated that the CBS schedule will reach a fantastic 83% of all television households in the United States . And what impact the spots will hove! This year five different exciting commercials will present Hondo motorcycle products. There'U be two new ones for two new products: A fost.moving ATC 90 spot, which

highlights the incredible versa tility of this incredible machine. And on in troductory commercial for the new Sl-70- sure to get sales rolling right off the bot. The third and fourth spots will be repeats of the beautiful and popular "Hello Trees" commercial, featuring

the Cl·350, and the humorous QA·50 commerciaL Hondo has received a great reachon from viewers on these commercials. They certainly convey the romance and fun of matorcycle riding to the television public.

And, if you want SOme of them for your own use in your local area, jus t wri te the Advertising Deportment at American Honda. We'll send you as many as you wont at cost. Each with room for your own sales log. And the fifth is a grea t new spot about a man trapped by the everyday routine. But, of course, he knows how to escape from it- on a brand new Hondo 5CXJ. Check the schedule and be sure

To Ou r Sharehold ers

Fiscal 1971 has been a rear of unprecedented achievement in terms of both sales and earnings. Sales increased by 21 C'( while earnings climbed 28.7l( over the previous year. This outstanding performance evolved from an increased consumer demand for our products coupled with a general tightening of operating cOSts and greater efficiencies at both the manufacturing and retaillevds. Th e compan)' added three new re tail paint and decorating centers duri ng fiscal 197 1. One in Hunt ing ton Beach, one in Vi sa lia :tnd th e third in San Mateo. All three of these commu nities are locatcd in California, and are in areas of above average growth activity. The addition o( these new outlets brought the total number o( cen ters in the chain up to 39 . .'\1 50 during the ),ear the compan)· purchased the assets o( twO affiliated compa nies located in Paducah, Kentucky. These compan ies were engaged in the business o( manu_ facturing artist colors and adhesives under the brand name o( Shiva and will continue to operate as a wholly owned subsidiary under the name Shiva I nc. The purchase of Shiva will give us additional strenglh In the art and hobby department and will enable us to keep pace in what is currently one o( the fastest growing fields in the coumry. Your company's s(Qre expansion program will accelerate during the coming year with (our new paint and decorating centers scheduled (or ope ning. Th ese: new centers will be chosen (rom our inventory of prime sites, and, o( course:, during the comi ng year we will continue to seek out and purchase properties for future locations in order to maintain a steady growth rat e in years to co me. Thi s past ),ear marked the 24th consecutive year in whi ch Siandard Brands Paint Company ha s set new record highs in bot h sales and earn ings. Need less to sa)' this type of performance could nOt have been achieved with out the talent and dedication o( all our emplo)'ec:s. To all of them we express our thanks, and with their help we are confident Ollr successes will con tinu e in the rears to come.

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Recall Operatio ns TluurlltuQrti>ri,lt/,dt"n"ltur/ul lIorn Iltaf JIM~ a t·aJ/ r:ar/ny

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Jt(ortlllllf "t"'llIl prl{tJ wJe;,ltllrtJui>_ Ila""al(,i>dowtlttprtaaili",marful. Btfillut fAt i>ullt of our (uJ/om"J art IIma/(urJourUrf'UllllrluJrfrlllntJI4Its. ",t1IlCInoartQ;ltIOll"ll&tr4"_,JtfOrQI,,,, qutJl' OrtJ l!tt(/o/o","""" Allrt.



Ads for I. Miller. Right: two ads for Westinghouse Group W. Ad for Reeves Production Services.

I. Miller knows it.

can yo u live up to J. Miller shoes?


I. Miller knows it.

rI1l1e I?>Iwe I?>®tmle rI1f?ee Stained glass figLU'eS· Rock and wire SCUJptlU'e ·Objets d'art

Above: mark and poster for Mountain Sports. Hoffman and Fred Colcer, art directors. Fowler & More, agency. Upper right: poster for The Blue Bottle Tree, artisans in stained glass and retailers of objects d'art. Right: poster for Cheyenne Mountain Ranch, land development. Fowler & More, agency.



Neiman-Marcus introduced the book with a big splash . In the photograph, the beach towel has a sun symbol. One model is wearing a "world and nature" symbol and the other has a symbol meaning "this way." There are hobo symbols on the T-shi rt and a "stop" symbol on the tote bag. A set of decals has hex symbols and a note pad has a traffic sign for a cover. Other items not shown are glasses, plates, stationery, napkins, matches, umbrellas and costume jewelry. Also there are sh irts, skirts, robes, shorts and dresses made from a fabric printed with the design of the book's end papers as shown below.


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