Up close, you know itsjoems.
Bunercup Bakeries, Inc., 815 Leonard St. N.W., Grand Rapids, Mkhigan 49504 Phone 6161458-1107
I am a Marine. In rhe 200rh year of rhe Marine Corps. I salute chose first few men who, in rhe winrer of 1775, began a military legend. And all who followed in rhei1oorsreps.
~:e~h:Z,~~~bTh:i~ewh~~e ~:(a~J.rii fh~r~ ~r~~~f~:~;~;j':;:jna:h~ ~~rrero~
stand wirh me ... 200years proud ... ler rhem do as I did . Accepr a challenge ... earn rhe ririe: Marine. For rh..- Munl'k' rt'fTIIHt'f m·cm·.st ~m. cull I'U).42l·lN..\l, lull (n..•t• In Cdlt/umua. l0).2"ilo()24l
California Wine ...
the ~ople an4 n~ Eehfud the label
he road from grapes in the vineyard to wine in the glass is a long series of crucial
decisions - when to harvest,
how fast to ferment, how hard to press, how long to leave the wine in the cask.This new Sunset pictoriai,CII/ifornia Wine , tells you how California winemakers have been making decisions for 200 years. And
~~;~~~~ ~~~~ns affect the Through its lively text, striking photographs, historical prints, color maps, and draw· ings, you will learn how and whom wine is made
out California, and view
interesting variations in in each di.ttinctregion~ You will run into Louis Martini in the cellars he founded in 1934 ... meet Brother Timothy, cellarmaster at Christian Brothers... visit with Robert and Michael Mondavi at their beautiful winery in Oakville... catch Karl Wente tasting the current vintage of Grey Riesling. meet Donn Chappellet touring the vineya rds his elegant new estate~ In nash backs, you will see famous names from the early days of California wine: the Beringer brothers, Andrea Sbarbaro who founded Italian Swiss Colony, Charles Krug, Paul Masson and many others.~
You will also see how wine
is made in wineries large and small, by riding wi th the huge mechanical harvesters as they work around the clock in the San Joaquin Valley ... peering over the cellarmaster's shoulder as he reads the sugar content in the freshly crushed·juice of a Johannisberg Riesling . . . walking thTough Almaden's vast
new acreage at Paicines ... watch· ing as the winemaster at Pedroncelli tastes his new Zinfandel. The final large section tells about the wines themselves and includes A Complete Dictionary of California Wines, Tasting Games(how the experts increase their tasting ac~ curacy), Lessons on Reading Wine lAbels, California Varietal Chart (which wineries make wh ich and Wine Storage . Wine is available at • special advance price of only S I 0.95 through becember 31, 1973. The regular price will be $12.95. A limited quantity of a . , •leluxe sllip-cas_¢. edition is
••• ••• • "Ideals are an imaginative understanding of that which is desirable in that which is possible... ,
Waher Lippmann. 1929
Once there was only an ideal-a vision of creating a blend of· people and Nature living in harmony. It envisioned a tapestry of architec· tural excellence, interwoven into a
social and recreational environment where people and Nature relate in a complementary circle a nd form a ~r\ the wondrous ebb and flow
Mobil's commitment has set the stage fo r a creative and enlightened
Diked off from the Bay almost 100 years ago for agricultural uses, the
preservation of a unique balance
Redwood Peninsula was selected
of Nature in the Bayland ecosystem, while providing fo r the needs of people.
by Mobil Oil because of its potential for sensitive development. Detailed surveys to understand the land pointed the way to a project where
The ideal and its reality poi nt to the future. Together they are called Redwood Shores, where 18,000 persons will o ne day live. work and play.
developers can aspire to create a
From beyond the tall cordgrass which nourishes the Bay waters, high spirited sandpipers swirl and da rt around sleek blue he rons. Morning's low tide signals the
:::~n~i~o~r;,~~~~h~f ~~ s~i~~sat the water's edge.
community destined to be a model for the nation. Mobil Oil Corporation is leading the way, with
;~tiW~~!";;t~~~~ ~r~hr:~n~:: to - ,
~'-"i ~ ·;-< '"'.. t;.
Numerous studies have been made
~~~:~~~~e ~~!lsr~Fc~~~~~:on and those of development, and Redwood Shores is designed to Inspired by the challenge and excitement of turning an ideal into
reality. Mobil Oil Corporation became the architect of that ideal. The result-a new communit y on
At Redwood Shores. the tum of
preservation as a national wildlife refuge.
the birds for their mo rning feast. So it Is, and so it will cont inue to be.
~~nw.\~~~~edc~~atk ~~~t~r;;:rdy
the tide will continue to summon
the prestigious San Francisco Peninsula, designed to reacq uaint
people with the bea uty of water and sky.
Us (1947)
Design for Evans Creole Candy Company. Despite the advertising , the 20" x 18" bag is a big seller in the French Quarter store. Bag , letterhead and ad copy by Mary Lara ; illustrations by Nancy Duell. Ad photographs by Hobby Morrison. Label illustration by Joe Deffes.
his delicious selection of lour Creole cand1e1 was made by hand in the French Quarter kitchen of the Evans Creole Candy Company . Peca. , slices, chewie pralines, coconut kraut. and chocolate fudge are included in this truly lantalizin!J
n shiny copper kettles. IganAndre Dulac-Evans be¡ making pralines. He had a lew treasured recipes and a ready supply of fresh pecans and sugar cane from the nearby open-air
or sixty yean, generations of families have enjoyed these delightful candies because the Evans chefs have preserved the original recipes and methods. Future generations will undoubtedly continue to enjoy the delicious and famou1 candies from the kitchens of the Evans Creole Candy Company .
market. Today, because the Evans chela uolously preserve Andre 's original recipes and m~thods, !heir old fashioned candies are becoming another ollhe Vieux Carre's cherished traditions.
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" Mark English ," etching , ?V2 x 9, by Alan Caber.