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Michael David Brown Left: illustrations for The Cultural Post published by the National Endowment for the Arts . David Hausmann. art director. Poster illustration for Foxhall Gallery.



Communication Arts Mar/Apr 1979


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Katherine P. I<Gill Emplo~e

IHM(its clerk

HtutzU.S .A . Piusburgh

T~ school sits

in Pittsburgh's

used her avocation to Mlp

others. She co-ordinaud a fashion show to aid black m~dical s1ud~nts. A not her Force , ont> of whose mtmiHrs show rais~d funds for sickle is a trim , fine-featured woman, ullan~miartsearch. / YMTF Katherine P. McGill . I "We has had iu share of sucunes. try for two things: to k.up tM "One boy was sus~nded uguchildren from dropping out of larly for fighting-wMn M school, and to teach them to showtd 11p , that is, which was cope with society as it is. As rare . He joined o ur group, and it is." I She muu with her now he's ready to go on to high middle-school group at reguschool, with his gradu way up. lar intuva/s. ln addition, there LAst ytar, we conducted unnis are special evenu. "I took one lessons. Rap stssions they girl to Harrisburg to compete were, mostly, but they did in a pa~ant . She had Mver learn , and one girl went on to win the city championship. flown befou. She had never stayed in a hoteiiHfore. TluJt's She had nevtr touched a the point-not that they're racket btfore we took her in hand." poor, though many are, but that they're tWI exposed to a brood world of uperiencr." I A self-uu~ght model, she Juu largest and oldest black com¡

munity .lt is ~rved by the Heinz Youth Motivation TaJk



Vlrg.inioSonvico l.Ar~ distribution sales manager responsible for salts to supermarket.s and hypermarlcets Plasmon, Milan

Impatiently, Virginia Sonvico breeding and sells the others. hurries up three flighu of " This intense yellow, it came marble stairs 10 his neat apartfrom a cross In tween a yellow mtnt in Milan. Donning his and a frost<alored. l t is like wife's blue apron, M pushes mixing paints." I At the conthrough double doors to 1M ference table, he is a formidbolcony. There, in stacked able prestnce in the chair. He wire cages, wait the objects of leans his large torso forward , his passion-English border drums his finger pads on the caruuies, 10 couples and their wood surface, wags an admanyoung, chirping at his arrival. 1 ilory pen, dtlivers an tndless " Yes , it is a passion. IIHgan flow of words, his voice rising with a bird called Lizord, beand falling as he conducts an cause it looks like a /il.Qrd . All orchestration of response. l t 20 died. Then someone told seems an exhausting performme ofthe English border once. "You see why I go to the breed, of a v~rysweet characbirds. lt is my first hobby, ter, also rare and btautiful." 1 although / luwe others. The He arises half an hour tarly birds relax me the most. / have evtry morning 10 feed th~ to talk to people so much when birds. "It is my own formulaI negotiate." He coaxes tht tion. They eat little quantity, bird in his cupped palms to but they nud protein. // must tat. When it does, he strokes tw good, I think. , because they its head aUectionately. have won prius in shows." 1 "Bravo!" he cries. Each year, he cltoosu the Mst of his collection for further



Utah State Advertising layouts : tru cks by Alan Christensen . Pre - School Centers by Kerry Meyer. Council on Alcoholism by Brian Clift. Gun Control by Brian Clift. Eight from a large number of layouts done in an hour problem ' How to help Noah fill the ark' by Chris Butler. Chap - Stick by Michel le Be llon .

"Even after I lost three businesses, two homes, and thev took the kids away, I still didnl think I was an alcoholic. Ijust thought , everyone else was a son of a bitcli

How long

can you tread water?

Lastone in is a rotten egg.

Get in the water line.

GOd wants ~··...-c--..-



Go with Noah, or youll be in it

up to your neck I





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Contoc:t Noah.

You"re all

Noahs talk isnt watered down?

washed up.


contact Noah

,f',. ,

t • tl







Hy Yablonka

Left : small space ads for The Biltmore. Yvonne Smith. art director; Blake Hunter. writer; Lamb & Hall. photographer. Ads for Hain Pure Food Co . Bob Dion. art director; Mark Doyle. writer; Steve Berman. photographer. Outdoor board for Yamaha snowmobiles . Lee Clow. art director; David Butler. writer; Lamb & Hall. photographer. Ad for Yamaha. Hy Yablonka. art director; David Butler. writer; Henry Hinton. illustrator. Outdoor board for Yamaha . Lee Clow. art director; David Butler. writer; Lamb & Hall. photographer.



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