
Page 1

talliDp and tbe variety of me!Aion ~ u llnbella abould be avoided. Vlaituo to Jupitor are bcnby wanted to cut ctll roctet plwna ia or aear that plaaeL Olferiaa Jupiteriatll ciaareta, libwioe,laclllc:ourapd. ~--

..... " " - " by the - - ol. medwte au iD Jupitor'o am-phere. Dolpite the illlrlauiDI fact that liabt

obi- tbrouab Salura'o okirt, aoom diviqiollric:llyfor-.



****************** -1

"Space passport" used as a promotion piece at conference and convention. Cover and two pages shown. Other pages show dates of first successful Atlas launch, first Atlas Mercury unmanned orbital shot, etc. 3 x 5, two colors on colored stock. At left, colored slide art. Below, spread from a two-color personnel recruiting brochure.


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CA, March '62


CA, March ,62


A direct mail piece for the National Film Board of Canada announcing ''Comparisons, '' a documentary film series produced by the Board. The series compares people of different races and regions, documenting societies rather than ideologies, contrasting daily lives in the home, job, community. lfyou haven't seen these films on screen or ETV, we highly recommend them for viewing interest and for the understanding they create. The mailer, with judicial use of copy and illustration and well chosen photographs, imparts the feeling and power of these films extremely well. The designer is Brian Patterson, Art Director of Marketing Design Limited, Montreal. The illustrator is Richard Mallette. Blh x 91h, black on colored stocks.


...OUR ...AMIUBS BGUMg 11 bGbr it 11 clue to tlu cltaractn' of G tllioN ~ tiiMtt,.. tJierl, ~.,... T"" Jll• iftfttU JOI' to u:plon ,._.,, &qe 4tt fotw eo~~tltriu In- eAat poitlt of fteul.



I• Iuia. .Fn~ttee, ~au c~at~GC~a, JOI' MfiJ G/GrJft /GfAUJ GU profll fnfM..,. ~of Dr. J(etlli, tHU-~



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Wcaei • tiiWfe, 80....,.,

CA, March '62


OrlgWool COJ/IIIJ.ND- , _ . , .. 86-






RACHMANINOFF· Symphony No.2 In E, Op. 27 The Art Directors Club of New Jersey's first annual exhibition proved to be one of the stronger exhibitions in the country. 1700 entries were submitted in 23 categories. The rules stated that the art director, artist, or photographer must either live or work in New Jersey; or the client must be based in New Jersey. The judges were: Otto Storch, Art Director, McCall's; George Giusti, Consultant Art Director; Jacob Landau, Artist/ Designer; and William E. Sawyer, Director of Merchandising, Johnson & Johnson. The complete exhibition is published in the first New Jersey Art Directors Annual (see page 27). Twelve of the award winning pieces are shown here.




· What makes America great Third 1n a McCall's series Anwri~aremalne\.beOrut Exptrimeut

in~~;~,~~~: =l~nd~:ih,:::\'! ~t:!:1~fH~ =~


WI"'Ol(.lnDOotbe:rootUltry] knoW,MY't!ED(Iand, dotlthe

Wlthout\hllproddi'tl'._..,al,wtt,1t'eWGWdnotlaeq.Utt tbepeopllweue ; yetlfHIMlft,oow,tba.tnK'ft'Pllartoo m1adl ,...,...hillt,' for u.- WDp ia ou ~ arrod coUectlnbreuta,thatW.ildiatortiqOW'aimudJMU'11"* br mattma out of foeua. Our &.rope.. bMads .&-


arouiKitb8wurkl,andntoldourMh'• : Wt'a~aoomplacentpeople;wt

Ita impmant iqndjeuta are at 1eut two-• qualit,y of inooemeauclateDMofplh. [think,~tbaleo&l«ttve life io thia ualU1'1' aDd ttn!Me ~li'J' woukl be wi\boutbopeormet.nincwtreiloot.fortlllaekmratolta· DOCmfll, bwaaoe innooeaea impH. t.Ud lu PJ'Oirflll, and It ia the world 'I aood fortm•tbat in Anwriea thll belld ia bKkod br I'Oft".lt ia ))llrt of Ut6 Amerkao aplritu.J tradi-

vateantwa"&tolitt;ourllride!.broku,oureon&le:neetrippltd,aod tytrywb!re iu a dWJitqloned. '!Wirid n~m are puttl-nc Urilofr quotatiOb marb around the wont."Tbe Amuic:an of Lite."




for ue~rly two \wick agt.ll\. widely tra~led fmm eNt lO weet lulhlaeounLry,liateuedtoatho!lN1Klquutioutand4!011Uik"Ut.,l.lldfelt..!llbutifT'tJUI.arpulllt, tbe~ofaJMOpltdemroodlns

tbe belt of tbeo•ha Afte:r that u)Jofrltuee. 1 banlhll to aq : If we are a malerialiatie peopht, no ~pie on earth.., de:DO!.IDI'ft llllteri&Jbm 01' atriw..., hard to abare it. matulaU whh otbe:r peop• who do notha.,.ethem;•fweare a eonfonnlst.ocletr, thert la uo other toririr tMt nnis out loud .o nmeb about tM e-rt• of eonformlty; If

* * by Eric Sevareid


amonrtbem.llanythlnpbadson-wroq:lnouraffalnatbomeand areamateriallltlcpeople;ouryo~ln.(lrtdnwlqillward,-.,llinaprl·

wars~. ··YoaA.l:r~Hkaaalt't.ktoMlond,wbeayoaUoUI

oee1t to be rMp4lriad.." I thiDk the7.,.. -milllT ,;pt. aad [bafteoti:Mltobelieftthatourautc-aticnact.ioaofl..u.c rnilty foralmoetbJ' n111bap, ~be~. iaooblpr pW111"

tiootobelWte1l:latprobMma,bolrt't'trmu.lnOJ'diat&Dt,CUI ~tforAnM'rieobu.tloaiaait.If-.amea.prtoMou.ldu

~~"!!;~!~:7~r:Un:u:!!:=;: :~:.=!~~0::.!:':;_::~=:;.: ttiathtr& ltillDatiJidj..,aoditMftrdJMaway, ]t ... d.ied

••17 in cutaiaokleriOd«ti• tban oura. J:!*rhapo~J.e.u..

tber han llllrered. too much, aud 10 their J)Hiple ba't't coma iD


iJicAmaie&l:ldiplorn.tatbne,t....•thqblamodAmuic:a. fM BdJium'•predpileoua. Mplalmed,....antofinotWpeade.e to tM Coup. And ia Fe~tary, N~ ud. ot!lere amaabed ourembul,y butldinp, - .... u.ey ....- .. ot

-..aretheriebett60untryont.btllolle,ionootberoountrydomhft alooeattndle..,..eandpublitnM!rittbanintbeUnttedBtata To t.boee amotiJ u and to our f<H'f'iperiUa •botar t.ha' we areatlll iJolatiom.tln.plrit.bmnblinJirl«t.onntoftheftlltoftheworld.l. would bneaJftatmanrthfnpto..,.,IJ'IlOnllhem tb.l : Wedo,ioo.ecJ, Da,"4!muchtoiearn;buthowcanthilbt•OlKkl'*tatt

tofteltbattlm.iali~tb.atproWmw!eanne~I'Mllybe aol't'ed ~1tea11 onl,r beamalionted, and that the pto('tlelaf ameliontionlt.Ul'e'pl"'leMban«"MJfnlll.,.lnr. IamnotapbUOMpbu,andlunootaaalrupbilllOOpbieal •aJIH!IItotbMedift'erinrouUooboolift.1eanot117117, ••a JouJ"'''I:1'Dl&&l joumalilt, that Ufeln INU)J', maDJ plata ou tb1a11rtb"WOUid today btCOMideorablywoi"Mtblnftilwoe

Nonatl<mioalltlmeb.. bft!IN~nutdenlyth"tatlntotbedfalrsofao

~not.,.._d,ofthl•belict,, forta.ekl.eUK.eproblemalha ....• aeha..ttteofiOIYinc ; ci~metJM

nl.lnyotlltrnatiolat,lbclndlactht rnott.alituaadrernot.. O"rma.jor




delibtnt.t.iy,•nd~tbepowt:r,iududinaraorttofUJW, tot'ar-r,

ot1t lhtir pohdft and de!tirf.t. Our piWf'nt reapqnsibililiH



upont11;•edfdontllleektbU:1"01e, t,.,,tba~atftpteditoutoffO'tllnf'ln

An experiment in living

outofthtbilltlodaofeompaulooorlodipatioD, fromAmer- ud f11~tll .....,oo.iblht7 forlltlldl OODdiW..aM -.dl

eouaclmte-and n VC*JH1 onlr mat.c:rWa, IQOd •·lU, aud pt11111uiou 1utb wllkh to 1M It throucb. Tbla ll wbyl eauDOt t.n"tpt, nor ~mae-and


· prwlorillf a bic and bra11y ROtM. n~elr premiM it talK. Tbue tdala an American Publi( CoOII(iePOe, Pf-"ulve and alWllYI (l'OWinr.lkoownoot!~trfnnd•mmtalexplanaUonforwbJt l ha.. lt't.D • andbtarddurinJLbelenwtlttrutkfrom.tateto.tltt.Let.lli7LhiQI co•roiiJ.anywbtre,wbnberitbeA.IIabam\onWehildlntbeloealnbmb . or~fll'niDiinfi.I'-'Olf.Ada,and,.tbtrewillt,eultmDedif,\frteJMM~~tt

CA, March '62

murderinciAtmnmba,ineoonlnntewlthtbe~ l) Reaptd.U!atwo-waJt~betltbepaaat._,

witliM1f·r.ptct. Weaball beltroii.Jft'and...onetreetiftaod~reaptded-lfweeuM&rntolinbyapnyvJa7

fatbt:r uatd to


" Pieue, Ood, !li't't! roe. the eouqe to

then we eould not act. U n are imn11htre, aa manr Eu~ .elf-eoatrol bJ •"Did lhooe probh!ma 1 ba,.. DO~ of peana1a7 ftlft. the •orklbaamt~htallW t.obt ,rate61L .al'lnc ; •ndpftmethr.wU!do!PtobowtbeddfftfteL'' The ~~mee of cullt ln't'OI"ed lo our rolt.riive reuU~na to Innoeenrt. toMeimea, f00C1-. and implidt belief lll tbewnrld'I'Wtonptomea.let!ppoee,fromtheNew£nrtand P"IC'f'Mibothpe......alaDdpublic-tbeMarequtitiMwe ioftuoeeluourpubUelifeucl,ruoremnoldy, fromthe uaoclatewUhyoutb. ]n-dniaio..Oie&rWU4eooee Puritan atn.!n to tbt inbtrit.ed Encflahaplrit. [t ma1 well be wrot.e, " Tbervutbof Amniea it thtirold*traditioo. It baa IJM!CI'alt7elmoeDlinourpartieularebemiltry;buliha't't! beeopU.oanowfort.breahuoctr.l)'MJ'L" Wearelbllat CIOIM to tee) troubMd about tt, alter lbeae J'fo«Dt tnl't'll it,bftaltM', albt:ert,we•rtayvunraodetr.OitJTiMJOCUIC abroad.WefeeJpJH.)'tbllctlinawaadelhuedlatotbelt.aodt iu beart •n •'"'•teb' •lf-uamittiq; eal1 the .mwaDy of0ommu~rftlameertain11't(Otlldnotba't'epreveoted rot'Of endJ.llr tear up old ideu, bWJd.inp. &ad that.Wefeelpiltrwbcllem.aotw~tld.IA!mumbad~eta J.audeeapeefor...wthlncnewandbetter. Bute'ft'!BU..yoanr •lolent daetla illlbe Conro. wbn the ~~eaaanta of northlut ret tired at tbnea, and the puiod of nlab ..... ~inward· Braall an nftaled to bt half lt.arnd, •·ben our Canadian and ..nine eompl~e~My tut fotlmrecl tbe ad of oripborarwnttOIU'popnlartulture,•hith iadrowninJOill tM Kon&D •ar•• be NJardtd .. aU.. of JWJt to ptlw.r thtirl. We do not etop to ruoiod onratl't'• that the ori,-it\11 lftrmcth and IdeM for tbl: new -n-f'.t " ra#f' JJI



From over 550 entries throughout the west, including Alaska, Hawaii and Western Canada, the second annual Illustration West show is exhibiting 128 illustrations, representing the work of 53 artists. In conjunction with the Illustration West exhibition, an additional 20 paintings will be shown as part of the U.S. Air Force Documentary Art Program. The exhibition will continue through April 22, at the California Museum of Science and Industry, Exposition Park, Los Angeles. The jury: Greta Elgaard, Robert Fawcett, Jim Hansen, Merle Shore, and Millard Sheets. SHORE



BEST EDITORIAL ILLUSTRATION Illustrator: Merle Shore Art Director: Lowell Butler Client: Auto Club of Southern California

BEST ADVERTISING ILLUSTRATION Illustrator: Paula Powers Art Director: Merle Shore Client: Reprise Records

CA, March


Above all, San Francisco.


!hgh on sun-glinled bills ... high on bridges abore Gololen Gate and Bay, you m~ Sao FrantiB<-o. This, sou'U IIJ'Ial, iJ lbe loveliMl plat'!' imacinable. San Fl'lllt'isoo, hfe-lom.g. 10111anlie...wtU gi\e yoo rithell of happy ldta&~~N-ia Cllinatown, Fisher· lhe Lalin Quarter, aboard rollicking c.' haleli.abops,l'llllallml&l.hal rclle<'t liMo world ... abote aU, iD a beaaly of scene that taL~ yoar bnelk awar aad a Wll Ill life that wins yoar ~ rs.. f'ltlrit ~su ,,...,.._."'"b) YIQtt~~~~laua L-,..a _......, "'lhiC liP ,..lnt"" et ovt p~ooor.w.. A.Wnos r.w....... 1" Ptot.Jn 1111Y,ko<S..S..,_UIII•Iio.


CalifonUaus Inc,





Illustrator: Dong Kingman Art Director: Dick Owen Agency: Foote, Cone & Belding Cl ient: Californians, Inc.

Illustrator: Ed Kysar Art Director: Abe Gurvin Client: Topper Magazine

Illustrator: Neil Boyle Art Director: Ken Kim Client: Imperial Records

CA. March

' 6~

MANUALE TYPOGRAPHICUM is our suggestion for worthwhile viewing. This book by Herman Zapf is one of the most handsome, carefully produced books of the 20th Century. It features 100 type arrangements set in 16 languages, each arrangement based on a quotation pertinent to typography. The type was set in faces of the Stempel foundry and historic faces takenfrom their archives. Printed in 1954, the edition was limited to 1,000 copies. Zapf, an outstanding German typographic designer, is best known in America for some of his type designs; e.g. Palatiw, Melior, Optima. Four type arrangements from the book are shown, two-thirds of size below and three-fourths of size at right. They are positioned on a 12 x 9 page with a blank facing page. Even when the language is unfamiliar, the visual pleasure is undiminished.

A LEGIBLE TYPE *a type fit for its purpose, is a beautiful type. What makes type more or less legible, and so, in that measure, beautiful, is the degree in which it conforms in its proportions to the letters of those great artificers who made the Roman inscriptions and inspired the letter-designing geniuses of all succeeding centuries; the artificers who made the code we daily use and made it technically perfect. That is as regards the proportion of letters. Sharpness of impression, cleanness of curves and joins, infinitesimal accuracy and firmness, a due regard for eye distortions (the eye always lowers the true centre of anything, and this has to be allowed for), a 58

care (this is both important and difficult) that the letters will >set< happily together, moulding into the word, and a sense of what is due to the medium in which the letter is shoWn-metal, stone, inkand to the tool which made it; all these are practical tests for a judgement as to whether this type or that is a technically perfect signal, and so, in our present definition, >beautiful<. Francis Meynell


:f Th0 full practice ofTypography is an unending process of learning and a challenge to individualskill, imagination and common sense, but this need not imply exhibitionism; authentic printing has no need to proclaim itself.


ABCDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ..ll13CDE'F9HIJXLMNOPQ RS TUVWXYZBlffftfiflz012 34567890 CA. March


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