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Mark and add it ional photographs of San Diego Wild Animal Park.



Excerpt in New York Magazine from Albert Goldman's book on Lennie Bruce. Walter Bernard, art director. Feature in The American Way, American Airlines, on executives who have just lost their jobs and recommending taking time off to reconsider the possibilities open to them. Martin Pederson, art director. Record jacket painting for Columbia Masterworks of Stravinsky conducting "The Rite of Spring." Richard Mantel and John Berg, art directors. Feature on Pauline Kaelin Audience Magazine. Seymour Chwast and Vincent Ceci, art directors. Right: poster for the School of Visual Arts. Silas Rhodes, art director.




The Dallas Summer Arts Festival at NorthPark is something to see.

It's some thing to see, to hear, to enjoy. It's one of the nation's largest student an competitions wi th over $2,500 in scholarship awa rds. It's a n ex hibition of wha t's contem pora ry in a n . It' a kid's workshop, a demonstration of crafts, a nd a glimpse of the performing arts. And it's at orthPark from Jul y 4th rough July 28, 1973. And it's all free. See?

IS UAL July4-28



Introducing Gilbert H. Brockmeyer

My narural flavors are fresher and more invitinglyrealthan whatyouareused to in ordinary commerdal ice creams. And more generous cl vitamins and minerals.

What are Natural Flavors Mypurevanillacornesonly from crushed vanilla beans. There is no synthetic vanilla flavoring added. My carob is a deUc:ate chocolat-y flavor that is made from natural carob pods pown in tht Mediterranean. Carob can be eaten by people who for one reason or

The Naturar Ice Cream Man "Synthetic flavors and artificial colorings are as useful as a politician's promise. I have no use for them in my Natural lee Cream."


olate. Only real raspbenies with lhateaten-1n-the-ftelds fbvorareusedtoflavor my Raspberry Ice Cream. And not a skimpy rupbeny foond here and there. I uy to make sure every quan ci ice aeam isatleastone-sixthjuicy

raspberries. Unsweetened shredded coconut and

To Your P leasure and Your Health This is a II=' Unhunied Narunlla:Cream that tastesi"C'''erealbecausenaturetook iu own sweet time to make everychine in it. lt is a more expensive ice cream because the fresh ingredients,thtrealnatural ~edients.. are more COidy toaxne by than syruhak flavors and additives. Remember, no matter what is made in the world oomeone can make it cheaper but nobody can make a better ice cream than

pineapple(not tidbits)ooniplemeru cxher in my CoconutPineapple Ice Cream.

~ may have been earirc ice cream for


~~ yean and nevertastedrealioe

o Refined Sugar

My Natural lee Cream is sweetened with pure honey and unproceued raw supr-with absolutely no refined sugars or com syrups. ln processinerelincd sugar, man strips awayalmo5tall clthc nuaitive value natwe

cream. Only artifiCial llavcrings looded wid> reftned sugars that man pucs in to overwhelm oursensecitaste. lbe ideascemsto be that people will buy rich, sugared-up flavon no matter what they are made ci. I can't buy that.

What Is Nat ural lee Cream lt nature-not man -created. My Natural lee Cream lets yoowtethtsweerii<JO<Ineoar£freahmUk, fresh cream, pure vanUia. It ~ sweetened with pure honey and unprocessed raw sugar. You caste the goodness in my Natural lee Cream because there ~II<JO<Ineoatota>te . h is as simple as that. There are no chemicals, r<>~ynthetics, no artificial anythine.

You Can't Hu rry Narure


I grew up when nobody tried to hurry nature; when fru its and greens brim1ned with natw e'ssweetnes&. Man has tampered so much with nature that we've alrno6t forgotten what the taste cinatureis.

Because l want you to lcnowallthcircredientsin my Natural lee Cream, they are primed dearly on the canon.

/Nil:~ The Naturarlce Cream Man For more details about Natural let Crtam please ~Tltc co me: Gilbm H Bro<k...,..,PO.BoxZZ!J.T........JAnnu.l.ooA..,..b.c.Jo"""'90051

To your pleasure and your health.

The Story of 1\bturalvlce Cream

The Importance To You of"Nlturallce Cream You may have been eating ice cream for twenty

T::iaa~:n:.:~ :~ic~A'.!d":~~vt~:·

man pub In to overwhebn our acnae of taste. The

idea oeems to be that people will buy rich, sugared· up flavon no matter what they are made of. I can't buy that.

What 'Is"Nttural ke Cream It iscrea.tedci evervthi"' nature - not man-


My Natural lee Cream let you taste the sweet goodneaa of fresh

milk, fresh cream, pure vaniUa. It io sweet· ened with pure honey andaoodraw ugar. You taste the aoodness in my Natural Ice Cream because there is goodhm to taste.

by Gilbert H. Brockmeyer


It is as irnple as that. There are no chemical., no synthetics, no ant· llcial any· thing

You Can't Hurry Nature I grew up when nobody troed to hurry narure, when frutts and greens brimmed with nature's sweetness. Man has tampered ao much with nature that we've almost for· IO(ten what the taste of nature is Mv natural !lavon are fre$her and more Invitingly real than what you are used to in ordi· nary commercial ice creama And more generous of vitamtns and minerals.

Why Pure Honey? I use honey u a sweetener and a

ftavorin!J. Honey, as one of narure's moot delicious eneiJY civi"' foodi, is aasirni·


and suaooe. Glucooe, the simplec of ...,an, is known to reorore oxyeen that is replaced by laaic acid when fanaue seu in. Fructose is used by nature for tiaue buildi"'· Honey amtains the added natural nounshJnent of,

Tluamin (vitamin 8-1), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), riboflavin. niacin and other natural nutrienb

The Importance of Raw Sugar Refined sugar is ugar which IS drained of B vttamlns, lTOit and calctum Refined sugar is empry calories My good raw "'I"' has natural vitamins, minerals and mineral sal!ll Don't fe lcuilry about consuming natural sugar . The human body is adjusted to getung a large portion of its calories from sugars and starches. It is beheved that the human body

operates best with a fourth to a half of rhe day's calones from them. The amount in 1/3 pint of my tee cream 1 less than 10% of the total sugar and atarcltes that a man or woman will eat in a day

For Rich Texture and Body Moot commercial ice creams use mono-

glycerides and diglycerides as emulsifiers I we only fresh egg . Tiley acr to achteve the edible tee cream texture by tncotpOr.lttng air bubbles when tee =am is whtpped. Widn.ot an emuJ.Uler, tee cream WQU!d be an ice cube Fresh egg yolk.s abo contain a vanecy of nutrients: protem, l'll1nCt'als and carbohydrates


(carboxymethyl cellulose)~ IS used tn lrol5t

conunercial ice =ams. Natural gelatin adds the numtional benefit of procein To the fresh cream and fresh rnilk, I add Just the necessary nonfat dry mtlk which provides the addinonal nouri~hment of such

essential natural nutnenta as protein . lactose, cakrum and phosphorus.

The Pure Taste of Vanilla WhUe moot rce creams add the chemical addinve Vanallin. I use only pure vaniUa extraCted from crushed vaniUa beans Thus my vanilla flavor is moother and gently richer than what is found in moot commercial tee creams

The Chocolat-y Goodness of Carob Th Carob bean rs native to countnes on the Mediterranean Sea. Cru hed carob powder IS nch tn potassium, calcium and phosphorOUl acid Carob can be eaten by people who for one reason or another cannot rol~rate chocolate


The Children of Columbus: An Informal Hisloly of the Italians in the Ne.v WJr1d






One of the most unusual pieces in the exhibition was submitted by Miho. It is a montage of the delicate, hand-painted, hand-cut Chinese paper cutouts. He co-credits the Tientsin Arts & Crafts Branch of the China National Light Industrial Products Importing & Exporting Corporation. Right: Dick Hess also suggested a co-credit. Facing page, top: Henry Wolf and Milton Glaser. Center: Michael Reid and Bill Charmatz. Bottom : Andre Fran<;o is and Nicolas Sidjakov.


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