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Hal Riney


Fl ESTP "MJUM BEER. J,, qua/,tl• stcms, rw~mr"nlS cm J ta\Vnu, ptorJtarraskmgforat~ummtal

lwrralltJ 1/mry ll fmhorJ 's Pm\ltt Rtun'f I fm~)' 's, as tt H oftm rallrJ, IS notpwar~otbtrmwburOtttht

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\\'l' ,wd 1,-.. J tlw nwtho..h our tOunda, lll:l,tt'r hrt'\\l' f H t• nrr \Vt>m h:~rd. u"·d en prodtKin~ :111 T H £ RL I T I

If ypu knew the secret ingredients in some beers you'd know why theyre secret.

l' \1.." \'f' J'l'l'llllllllll"-'t'f ht• O tll.l' l'l' ' l' T\l' J ~~)I till' \'11)0\'llll'll( ol 'f"'l. " ~ U ''' " .md fnl·nJ ,, Thl·n. in 1974. our hr.:'' m.h tt'r

t1m.: than mh.:r L.,...n,. \\'l' :~lim' 1

~~~~~~:~:~:~)~:~f~~~;~,:·l • '~:~,~~~(~~~~· L"-'t'f lon~l'l' mo~ t po p u!J r br.H11.h. Tht·ld0 rt' d,,. 'upp ly of bt'~.m npt• nml'ntm~ ''11h \ '.Ht ml ' hrl''"· t (.,ll(l\\' 111~ ,t , do ...d\' Ht·nn··, mu-. t lx· lumtl'd. You m.l\' t:\l'll (X:CJ, mnalh· find l l :t' f'IO" Ih ll· 1 h,· pa 1 n ~ tak1n~ h.mdproductlon lt'l' hnl'-llll'' of tht• unJ\':l lb blc . llllll'l\'t' nth (\'nlliiT. H m\t'\t' r, lt'vouapprenatt' Aftl'T t\\ O \'l'.tr,ofdlOn and qualtt\', \\l' L"'l'heH \'Ou 'll fi nd rdlll\'llll'llt.lw f' ro~.hKt'd a bt>er our L-.ea..., \\ Orth ;11w ddl~euhr \ ' OU lllol\'l'\f"'l'rlt'nC"e Ill IOCJI!Il~ 1( . that'' ·' ' lllli '-Jllt' tn du ral' h.' r and tlanlr. .md 'lllltt' unltkl' .111\ thm~ \Ve ,trt' l'o nhdl'tH thal' 1'1 no d '>l' ;n .ubbk Ill Amt•n c t . \Vt• prodth.·t '"~"'t'nor to Henr\' n.tmt'd It Hl'mT \V.:mhard\ • \Vt" mh:trd \ PnvJt l' Rt'~rw , and Pn,·Jrl' Rl·....: r \\' , .tft.:r tht' ' !"'-''tal bc..· ... nd,, , h •n -.rnr.:d tt. to h., ti·lt' n...h. 0\t'r a cc nrurv :~go.

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prt.'mt u m t\\ O-nl\\ m.tlt 111~ b.1rlt'\', and -.(:trl't' C " '-"·ldl· ho r "· Amon~ brewmg ~;.' 'f"'-' fb , two-ro\\ b:~rll' \' .... r,· d ·" 'u r~ nor to dw mnn· t'Ommon ' I' rO\\ \ ,ll'lt' l\', whde dtt' Cl-.(,ldt• ho p 1' t'Oil .... dt•rt·d t' [(), ,tnd r"·)"lhh· lx·lll' l' th,tn . thl· LmlOU ' Hal lat,Hil'l' ho i' nf B,l \ .tn .l Ion~ r.mkt.·d ,,, dll' hl''t 111 thl· wor ld. \Vl· knm' ot'ml otht' l h11.'\\\'f\' whtdl II ' '-" dw -.-.· ,·o, t h tnk!l'l',il l'llh ..... l' \ll'll ' l\d\' ·' ' \\t' d~).

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A big brewery spills

more beer than we make. g~:§~ii~~~~

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Communication Arts Ma y/June /980

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David Wilcox

Unpublished jacket illustration for Atlantic Records . Bob Defrin , art director. Illustration for a record jacket , "Multiplication xEric Gale:¡ for CBS Records . Paula Scher, art director/designer. Right: illustration for an article about spending money for peaceful purposes as an alternative to heavy military spending , The Rockefeller Foundation Illustrated. The art was also used later as a poster. Jack Beck, art director.


Communication Arts May/June 1980


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Communication Arts May/June 1980

Louis Grubb

The river didn 't seem wide enough in this photograph for an Air Canada ad so more river was added . This was done in the lab and called "stripping :¡ A four-negative composite was delivered to Grubb. " In that composite , the river current was going in two or three different directions and reflecting a god-awful number of different colors and shades. It became a painting job, a work of illustration:¡ Grubb also turned the lights on along the river and changed the color of the sky to give a nightfall effect. Warwick , Welsh & Miller, agency; Mary Gray, art director. In this photograph for ArtCarved Inc ., the reflections were so bright as to be confusing and the jewels did not show well . Grubb toned down the reflections and , working from the actual jewelry, painted in the diamonds and highlights. Leber Katz Partners, agency; Norma Gardner, art director.


The.· Grc.·Ail'r Dall.ts

Yt'>mh Orc.hesrr.t

10600 Presron Road. Dallas, Texas 7~2~0


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