TilE FLIIrS By William F. Miller 1'\e Flats is touJh, bttwlina. inchaJtrial, yet tomdtowacnlk.historitandfua. Theflatsisaathetic,yetcnadeanddirty.
Thc,Attsilcultural. Thef'lltJiiCieveland. lfteindllltttel, a.rtiststudioa.fonncrwork:c.n' blr1 turned white--collar cockt•il lounaea. t.be lakeboat doc::b. tbe juakyarck, ral.luruts ud
bekhinasted milb clia& tc:nac:iouaJy to the ICf'· =:s~. CuYJibop RiYer like riden 0. • rolkr ThelntrepidMOICI0ea¥CI.ndlandedintbe fllune~rly200yeanaaotofoundacitylhat
bccameoneollhcindu.attialaianuoltben.ation.. Now the flau is the bomc ol
and C.d-
turca, In orpniutton that traca the cultural bld:arouncb ol immiaranta from •roud the worklwhofollowedOcndandhuc.. The fllllhu bocnl maartet not only to the early robber blrons wbo created their indutrial ud financial c.mpira •kMIJ tbe river tbat flowed into the miaJaty lake Erie. but abo to aenendorw of1rtisUwbo kavecome tosketc.b tbe•n.sul pometric pt.tt.eru fouftd ill tbc: bridaa, historic f1ctoty buiklinp and amotataeb. The A1Uitlikca u.niqueurban1uburbwith
• lifwtyk all iu owa. It conllinsall types ot bu.sinc:uc:s ud worten, from the 1tcd maken 11p the river to the small merchants wbo maintain intere~tiqlndlivdyabopea~aOidRiverRd.,
",dlinaPoltllludlrilhUnportcdJOOCk.laoudtokl fumishiap ud ma.tiDe wppltca. Yet. nearby il • tu.abc»t compuy •od • rmn thlt ~ •II tbc rr'llterilhud(oodlna:dcdtoequ.ip•ndaailthe
biuatoftbelronorcbc»ts. Only at D'Poo'• •nd F•aan'• on Otd Riwr Rd . canyou.JipabceroriOI'I.drink~~
The1funaha XS650: The evolution ofaclassic. is
The Yamaha X$650 a classic in every sense: styling, performance, reUability, ease ci maintenance and economy ci operation. In 1970, Yamaha introduced the X5-l. Over the years, Yamaha has continued to develop and apply state-of-the-art technology in refining, modifying and improving this machine to its present level ci sophistication and dependabuity: The 1977 X$650. The heart of the machine, irs 650cc S.O.H.C. twin cylinder engine, pulls strongly from idle through redline. Breathing througb (Win
38mm constant velocity carburetors, it develops smooth power and outstanding fuel economy. A positive crankcase ventU.tion system reduces emissions. And special alloy valve sears perntit the use ci unleaded gas. The dose-ratio five-speed transmission, activated by a short-throw foot lever, lets the rider fully exploit the engine's broad powerband. A duplex cradle frame, reinforttd in high stress areas, combined with Ceriani-style from forks and fiveway adjustable rear shock absorbers, provide sure tracking and a smooth ride. Additionally, Ught alloy rims
reduce unsprung weight assuring greater stability. A fade-resistant front disc brake and a conventional drum brake in the rear combined with the road-gripping tires, stop you straight and quick. lhe new automotive-type in~ sttument duster is easily read. at a glance. Also new for 1977 are selfcancelling rum signals, and a choice of rwo colors: maroon or blue: In short, the X$650 ~ffers you the best of both worlds: not only an outstanding modem touring machine, but also one of the great classic machines from Yamaha. The 1977 XS650 available at your Yamaha Dealer's.
The 1977YamahaTT500: Few mocorcycles deserve to be called legends. Fewer still manage to lay claim to that tide after just a single year of production. But the Yamaha is unlike any cxher machine. It is, quite poosibly, one of the most significant advances in dirt bike techno!ogy ever to appear.
The TISOOconcep< is based on the classic Thumper -the four-stroke single machines that dominated offroad riding in the 1950's. Like them, the Yainaha TISOO is a supremely simplemotorcycle. lt'srellable, easv to maintain, with tremendous lo" end torque. But with the aid ci modtmengineering,the TISOO is also much more.
ofalegencl Refined suspension. Modtm C,ck noted,"(The ITSOO)
r--_.:,----,.---,--~r-'T""'--, classMXertothefirstrum~
~ .tJ:tn7.h.isfu:'ks
1....--i:---=""<..:....1~....:..!'=-t ~:~:LSi:'b~~ites
~:-::--:-:-=:-:--"":"":"--~:..lit:-=~~~ particular units to handle small irreguWitiesaswell as larger bumpo has been refined to a new level ci excellence. In the interesl ci reducing unsprung weight, the leading/trailing shoe brakes :t':.nd clearance is a healthy 9.2 have magnesium backing plates attached to lightweight conical hubs. For serious riding a new high pipe has been added, along with a new Yes, a legend. aluminum skid plate. Last year, proof of the engine's The Yamaha ITSOO more than ultimate winning capabilities wu wit~ just another dirt bike. It represents an
When you know how they're
built, you'll buy aYamaha
Canrikwred nitrogen/oil shocb
proWJ. 5.7 inches oftra.,.l.
Communication Arts May/June 1981
Dennis Manarchy
One of a sequence of views showing a ventriloquist's dummy (which was built especially for the photographs) , appearing in a mailing piece for Polaroid and the Gravure Technical Association . Bruce Kramer, art director; Brent Carpenter, model maker. Macrophotograph from a brochure promoting the Double AA Nut Company. Lynn Crosswaite , art director/writer/agency. Advertising photograph for Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. Marcus Kemp , art director; Lee King & Partners , Inc. , agency. Selections from a self-assigned series of portraits : three roustabouts from the Carson & Barnes Circus , and two participants in a Chicago-area Golden Gloves boxing tournament .
Communication Arts May/June 1981
Chrysler: Strategy for SUrvival
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l~rating Managetne!rt arid Tecti1ology: a Progress Report ,.._ .. _ ............... ,••_.,,_.,.,.MOII,..,. ...,..,., .... . . . ·tr:>·-·.... -.... .... ~
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For morelnfonnation
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John Robinette
painting for Memphis magazine; one of several in that issue illustrating an article entitled "The Night Martin Luther King was Killed. " Fred Woodward , art director. Illustration accompanying a magazine article on Norwegian cooking . Center for Southern Folklore , cl ient ; Edd ie Tucker, art director. Detail from an oil-on-canvas painting used in an advertisement for Marwood Farms , a livestock breeding company. Chuck Mitzhel l, art director; Geoff Sutton Advertising , agency. One of a series of illustrations for the First Tennessee Bank. Bob Sch iefer, art director; John Malmo Advertising , agency. Cover painting for Institutional Investor magazine , portraying Fayez Sarofim, an investment counselor widely known as " the Sph inx." Chel Dong , art director. Illustration accompanying an article on Christmas gift giving in 0 Magazine . Fred Woodward , art director. Cover illustration for Memphis magazine, introducing an artic le on Fred Sm ith of the Federal Express Corporation . Fred Woodward , art director.
Communication Arts May/June 1981