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lVI .A.X.
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WhatCan\buTellAboutAHospital From Its Food? Your life doesn't depend on a lobster din-
1bese events might be coincidental.but we
out ci places like the emergency room.intensive
nervous system and internal organs.1bese pie-
feel theres a strong connection between patient
ner. But your happiness might. So t\VOyean; ago, we hired a chef trained at
more acrurate diagnosis ci
satisfaction and medical success.
the Culinary Institute ci America (our countrys finest c:OOUngschool and Julia Childs alma mater)
the only benefits.MRI is painless, and
to teach advanced techniques to our cooks and
bakers. And to develop a gourmet menu
worthy ci the citys best restaurants.
no side eflects.
Then we asked the kitch-
Abo patient-friendly is our laparoscope,
en staffto revamp our regu-
which we use along with a laser to remove
lar menus.In accordance
gallbladderi;. Because these tools for tiny
with patient suggestions
incisions and create minimal scarring, recovery tirres have dropped from several weeks to several
they added more fresh ingredients,
technical talk is citen bewildering
days. And many patients are able to go home the very same day.
improved their food presentation, and increased
meals and to provide personaliz.ed attention to
to patients and their families, so we take extra
the number cl selections.
hwxlreds ci patients and their families, but we
time to answer questions and explain procedures in language everyone can understand.
Lately, we've been answering a lot ci quespees.rosemary dijon chicken, and roast beefaujus.
And the hospital is enjc¥ngits best year ever.
fortable, caring environment. Similarly,itsnoteasytokeepmedical lingo
Which is good news for everyone.Because no matter how delicious our food, or how friendly our staff. theres no better place than home.
tions about our Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Raleigh C.orrununity Ho.5pita!~
Unit, which produces remarkable pictures ci the
Vk treat you as a person before we treat you as a patient.
As you mighte~ct. the smallest Bokers inspire the Oiggest lies/ , don't grow on lrees,y'knO\~ " But lhen il gels outrageous.
EYro Boker lie has me asis in fact.
Because you'll laugh, and roll your eyes around, and you'll remem· ber cars, and gear, and loo ls, Lhal you, too,once used and loved, and all of a sudden you'll find yourself believing him. o·no·no, nol lhat the action on his Boker Barlow is so smooth and c.-risp, he can open il with his lips. And nol that he can balance an apple on his Boker dogleg, then set the fruit spinning so it peels itself. o, what you'll believe, even without roving any or the whys and wherefores, is that only a very special knife could gi\>e someone the confidence to tell the truth with such reckless enthusiasm. So if you've got a minute. we'd like to offer some of those whys and where· fores. Some day, if luck's on your side, a perfectly harmless·looking old man is going to recall the lime he was shapi ng a new rifle stock from a billet of seasoned walnut with his Boker whittler \o\\?11 that's touchy \\'Ork, he'll tell you, so when this horsefly
started pestering him, he sort of fanned il away with his knife hand. "Dem if the critter don't wobble off in four different directions'.' And then, with the same dead· pan expression: "Served 'm right, loo. Good walnut like that
Cmtkman~ Podret lodbadu. .shou:n actual Sia. Solingen slalnkJS sJttl andlocks. 1'Varrou:·pro/ikcasesu,,ithpolishec/ffJSftL'OOd,gM?nborworengrm'Qbk
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Dimestore toys vs. rn~ctable tools. In knives, one of the key poinls separating a dimestore toy from a respectable tool is the fit and Ii nish in the action,attributes you can judge in a Boker by the way it "walks and talks." Each time it glides open with a click like an oiled bolt, and then snaps home just as smoothly with a satisfying thunk, il 's demonstrating the fact that the pi\'Ol end of each blade was hand -ground to an up-side tolerance of 2/lOOOths of an inch and a down·side tolerance or zero. OW )'OUdon't blow that kind Of hand\\'Ork on a two·bit design.
a heavy·duty clip blade for rough· shaping and forming, a coping blade for marking fine sawculs. scribing, incising and beveling, a small pen blade for detailing and finishing, and a handle shaped lo your palm the same way that a fine shoe is shaped to the arch of your foot. Does all that mean you haw to be a master carpenter to own one? Of course not. No more than you ha\>e to be a cattleman lo own one or our stock knives.
you'll ewn find a toothpick for afterwards - and no gentleman sits around no campfire picking \>enison oul or his teeth. Just make himself look foolish. But it looks like we're getting a little sidetracked. The point is that you could probably tell a story about any knife and get a laugh. But you could tell the same story about a Boker and get away with it. For a ful !·color brochure of the kni\>es they tell the stories about, send $1 to The Cooper Group,
BOkef. The knives they tell the stories abOut
FACES On Dalton Fine Paper
A co ll ec tion o f ima ges rep rodu ced o n fine A I paper.
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What these guys accomplish on the court is certainly impressive. But what they've accomplished off the court is even more inspiring. As the largest and most comprehensive rehabilitation center in Ohio, we help thousands of patients a year work their way back. That's why we're proud to be the title sponsor of the CAYS Wheelchair Basketball Team.
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MetroHealth Center for Rehabilitation 2500 MctroH<ahh DrM.Clewland.OH +llO'J