TIME has always been edited to the colleae trained mind Today 1t IS dedicated to supportm11 1ts conviction that t he young people of the world by meetlna and exchanalnl Ideas are the ultimate hope for lnternat•onal understand in& Hence the followm& rev•ew of opportunities open to campus travelers m 1960 TOURS - The woold be student t raveler can take the plunae as a tour member expk)nnaa number of countnes m the company of other students Tours come m all s1zes and kmds go almost anywhere and are sponsored by hundreds of commerc•al and norH:ommerclll orpnlza bons wrth w1de drverstftcatton ran ama from teen aae lr'OUPI to spec•al tnps for araduate students-from Hobo Tours
~r::~ ~,o:e;;~p C:t:t!'r~a~!:.~~~~~·~~C:,,":~'~':V:r~o·~~J1~'::~~~~ag;a,':, ~~~sf~~,,~(:,
onentahoncoursesareoffered hvelysemtnars refreshercoursesmlan1uage andvaluablebnetmasonthecountnes to be VISited Depend1n1 upon lenath and ICOPI of the tnp, costs run from $800 to $1700 SPECIAL ADVANTAGES Bemapartofatour assures&Uidance compantonshlp, planneddlversJtyofmterestmg&CtiVitles a chance to sample
=~e.O:~~~~~~~~~;.~~!~h ~~~m~;t~r.ak:~~~~C:iFo~~h-:1!:
h:'e of one country gettmg to know 1ts people almost 1s well as their own last year some 1200 students went to 28 coun tries France Sw1tzertand and Italy are most popular but the proaram includes many other adventure spots Students boundfortheumecountryusuallytravet In conducted coedaroupsoften onstudentshfpswh1chotferonentatlon seminars They are about the same aae (for non European countries 19 IS m1n1mum) Once at destmat1on each student moves m w1th a d1fferent family to live 1ts hfe, share its activ1t1es and problems The family (wh1ch w11t have been chosen on the prem1se that 1t offers most to the student and vice versa) may well contam some members close In aae to the ttudent auest Advance correspondence fmtlates friendship and Inmost cases hospltahtyiSJUStthat-wlthnofees Involved After a months homestay the original aroup of t&n reassembles auamented by student members of the fam1hes stayed w1th Then t he&uests tum hosts on a three week cychna or campma tnp to other parts of the country
~~~n(~sw,~e: =~~sro~t,;~;~c~n~·: ~;~·::s ~~~ f:ra Sa~~ ~" ~~~e 1 ~:fst~ n:e~ar!~~~~rs~:s .v:erya:~!~~ree 1
SPECIAL ADVANTAGES Uvina the cust oms of the country sharlna 1ts trad1t1ons, aettma to know the people well In t he words of one (l:lrl I may not speak like a Frenchwoman yet but I thmk I could think l1ka one now FOitMAL aTUDY PROGitAMa -Some students may prefer to use the.r summer fo r study There are courses offered by scoresoffore~enun•ve rsitles aswellasanumberofoverseas proaramssponsoredbyCanachancolleJesandum vers1t1es If the student WIShes a local family Will be found for him to hve With wtl1le he IS at school Some courses are brief enough to leavet1me for travel as well others Include travel in the1r plan Yet however presti&IOUS the university selected 11 should not be assumed that the home colle1e Will Crl(ht pomt s for the overseas course The student
!~~t~~~~:;~ $75o~;n$~~s~~~~~~~~~~:• c~!sd~~~~ ~~~rsh;
rr;:e,: VANTAGES Classmates come from all over the world The student tastes fore~ an edueat•on travels w1thout bemg a tounst and poss1bly earns crect.t points too l.....ueDUfT TIIAVU. -Those who are In thtlt 20 s or who llave traveled abn»d before m1aht prefer to ao on their own There are many excellent aaene\es to help plan a tnp, choose lodam&s and eatm1 places buclaet t1me and funds W1thln Europe well man1aed. econom•cal student cha rter fllahts are ava1lable Moreover Europe Is studded w1th excellent low-cost hostels run by Student Umons and ~tronlzed by travelers from all ewer the wortd Variables m cost are too man1fold to hazard a 1uess But however else he economtzes the student must not th1nk he can save money by working hiS my abroad on a ship or by aettma temporary jobs overseas All expenenced hands aaree that both these 1deas (once practtcal) are now Illusory
:~~er!~~~:!·!~~ ~~~at~ ~~~e c~':.'~~~e;~n s~~~~;eas~ou~p~r:e:~~s~~~~~~~~r~v~:~~~= -Finally 1f he wants to &•ve as much as he llaet out of his summer abroad the student m1aht elect a work camp
~~~h~ ~~sm:~~ ~u~~ o~v!o~:ac~~~~r! :.~:~~n w~~h~ort~~ftr;:t~~~dth~:n~f~~d~: :~1i,:C:~~~~%!e
Apphcants must beln excellent health since the work Is rugged they should be able to payforthe1rowntransporta tlon and msurance (about $550) Typically room and board are furnished but no wages are pa1d Frequently
~n~~rn,~~~~:S~~0 ~tb\~~.!n=~~t ~~da :O~rn~~~~ ~~~ ~.!'~f~Je 2tgurs~~~~~~e~bCA'~~~G~Sn~:Sm~!;S:~~~~; offers the most complete d1vorce from home Co workers w11l be drawn from many countnes w1th a eenulne wish to
~ t~~ sset':d~~~t~~a~~j :r~~~~~n~~!~~~~~~ ~~~~~ to~~~:a~~!:e~~~~~~~:;:no~~~~=~~ S~~~~:~ L:'D:~~ 1
R1deau Street Ottawa And 1f those of
who are TIME subscnbers w11l send your IUner~rles six
weeks before your departure to TIME International of Canada ltd 25 Aclela1de West Toronto we will be alad to see that your weekly cop1es of TIME reach you wherever you may be Remember that when you a:o abroad you are theauthontyonCanada W•thTIMEon hand you can keep up on Canad11n affai rs and represent your country w1th lntelllaence as well as w1th mrmth
designer Louis Klein art director Louis Klein client TIME International typographer Typographic Service Co.
designers Henry Wolf/ Audrey Rosenson art director Henry Wolf client Harper's Bazaar typographer Haber
designer Bill Weinstein art directors John Graham/Rick Levine client National Broadcasting Co. typographer Empire
designer Peter H irsch art director Peter Hirsch client Deering-Milliken Inc. typographer Composing Room
A matter of principle In 1960 the fwe CBS Owned teleVISIOn statwns devoted nearly 14 m1ll10n dollars worth of statwn time and fac1llt188 to non-network publiC affa1rs programs and announcemente The amount m 1teelf i8 not of pr1mary importance But the pm101ple beh1nd 1t _!!. For
designer Mort Rubenstein art director Mort Rubenstein client CBS T elevision Stations
designer Richard W alukanis art director Richard W alukanis client Fortune
the sum (an all-t1me h~gh /) 18 a measure of the emphasiS the f1ve CBS Owned stations place on commumty servwe programming patterned to the h~ghest productwn standarde The result 18 a wide varwty of exceptiOnal programs whiCh won better than 40 awarde
and c1tatwns dur1ng the year
Information programs rang1ng from how--long documentary "spec~als" broadcast dunng pr1rrw-t1me evemng hours, to statwn ed1tor~als, to on-the-spot reports from the Congo and from many other top-mterest locatwns around the world.
In a real sense, the statwns' commercial succeBs makes poss1ble thiS wealth of publiC affa1rs programm1ng. And thus guarantees the program balance wh~eh has always been a guid1ng prmc1ple of.. . CBS RLEVISieN STA'I'IONS
''oould.a'\18talODC"withoa.ttt. " Bat ool'ee ean be mon LhaD • lMtutiaal roo.r
orU..traditioualb.iall toameal. Combi.Dedwit.blpirisa, • c-tator'71dftllliU'I. Bot or eold, it•aiUperbllllUr Col!'eewithoocnacitu aftu..U..U e1leM,«ee (Lbtreeipe forwbieb, hotaad leed,el-thilartide) hu WVIllf'Mtpopa.larit7.
.. _
Our fa.
Ma(Titdi<jorce ""clo<Jrge q •
F -~X B when • &Dd Bare at ri&ht an&!•
Em•p" A proton of velodty r • 10' em/~ S. mo...U..C to • uniform mqoetie Geld of B - 10,000 pu. u lhoWD in
JPic. &-7. Pathofacharp:lparticlemovinatruave,.. to • u.niform macnetie tleld.
...--- .....r-x
/Y 'ff Js
/ .. )
Fla.s-7. (a) What will be the mqnltude ud cllioctlon of the fon:oa on the J><Otool (b) Deoeribe the path of the proton . Ac:cordloato Eq 8-10 , • ~ • 4 8 X lr~ ~0~()1 X 10' • l.fJ X tO-t dyM Aecordin& to ri&bt.-ba.nd rule II, thil forc:e muat be pointed to the left !o Fla. 8-7 and It will alwaya be porpeadlculu to r. TbUI F ita centripetal forca whieh kee.- the proton movmc forever in the tame c=lrek of radiu. R. An ~ eu be obtained for R by equatio& thi omtripetal force to tM m.a.cnede fore..
-;-¥ R-~
For the problem in qu.tlon the maa of thl proton W • 1.11 x to-- em. Theo R • 1.67
x4 ~Bx ~}~XXI~ X
10M em
R • 1.04 em
Ficun H i.o a photoeraph ol a track left hy . , electron travelinr In • uniform macnetic: field which il pointinr out of the pqe. The radiua of the circle ia continuously decreuut~ becaUM the electron il travelinr in a liquid hydro&en bubble chamber. An electron or &DY other charaed particle rradually loaoo ene'IY while travel-
inc throurh matter. 1 Smce the value of B il known, the electron momentum c:an be determined at any point in ita path by meuurinr the radiua or eurvature.
• nc. 8-1.
Electron track !o liquid hydropn bubble eb&mbet. Traek Is curved clue to uniform marnetle fteld pototmc out of the pep. Radtut of eurvature decreu. u electron Is alowed down by liquid hydropo (Pb~ arapb c:ourt..y Alvares croup, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Untvenity of California.)
We from the precedin& example and photoeraph that c:haraed particleo can be "trapped" by a macnetic field. Thi.o pnn<1ple i.o UMd in tb- hilh~ particle accelerators that u.e maaneta. lo auch an a.ecelerator the m&&net oupplieo a macnetic field that keepa tho beam ol particl• confined to a circle.
designer: Sylvia Winter art director: William Stone client: Lee Paper Company typographer: Sequoia Press designer: Acey Silliman art director: Bill Curry client: Ramo-Wooldridge typographer: Monsen Typographers designer/ art director: David Chasman client: Monitor Records typographer: Metro Typographers designers: Ed Blaus/Dick Kline art director: Dick Kline client: Dreyfus & Co. agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach typographer: Provident designer: Jacqueline S. Casey client: President's office, M.I.T. typographer: Machine Composition Company designer I art director: Samuel N. Antupit client/typographer: Morgan Press designer: George J acoma art director: Richard Loew client: WNBQ-NBC Spot Sales agency: Grey typographer: Progressive CA, May '61
( .. A¡:j¡:. ~~..iiicii.~~. FAsiiioN...~ ........................................... ..
Once again Emberley was brought to our attention. This time by the review copy of a book, "The Wing on a Flea," published by Little, Brown & Company. Ember ley was the artist and the author. Presenting a basic concept of design for children (he has two small ones of his own for research purposes), it sells for $2.95. The two spreads are reproduced half-size. The name is taken from the opening lines of the book: A triangle is The wing on a flea, And the beak on a bird, If you'll just look and see.
CA. May '61
CA. May '61
St orch receiving the gold T-Square from NSAD pres ident, Arthur Lougee .
the forty-,vinks retlucing plan
This is a plan for growin
. ., 0ict-th
e 011 11· way to lose ·
or perusing the new 811 , .
' ar>er, SO Your Wflr\l
k. l!'strnm..rant! ltinrol"'''. tr..crh·ewayto~lough po~ sJs _ota emf('\\'ercalork~ ltim·,,\veilt•\~:rd'-t'-thenlo~te ·. . . off mrlw. l'i by toning llliL<!'I(.,, But thi>),!an ha>'l third ingr<'<lient. wl11l·h supp!Je, wh,lt
some )ugghnl(. and itwon'tlx·acinthform~t!QneaJittleean;.,. 11 will......,lllot household l'llot'P": but for lll'tn\' we "·liuv .1 °~~whoar..lift<tty"""""""'lritk
m<"it plarh laek-a f!'Ciing of eomfort and wcll-ll<!ing while you lo,e. The >t<-ret. a half· na)l~r~t)' aftern<>m. i Your first rcm·tion rna~· Jx. one of di,helid. You'\'e pmbablv always heard that ,Je<·ping puts on weight, but thi• i< not true-nothing acltb weight except ~ating. \\'hat lt"ot can do for most )lt'<>JII~ is rt'<lllte the compul>ion toea . Tin'<l and tt:n~t.', ~·nu f~l you ltC'Nl the midmorning pa,.,try or midaftl'rnoon .;andwkh for t>nergy lu kc"'J) going: rc"ted an• I relaxed. ;·ou'r·c Je., like!)' to want it. , · Perhap> a nap """m" out <If the qu<>stion-you could nen•r find the tim~. or you couldn't fall ask'~J> in th~ middle of th~ day. Th~se are l'ommon problt·m>: hut often, both tan Jx. sol\'c'\1. ~orne Wtml~n ma) <:hoost• a tinw while the thi!Unm an.· in :-;d10ul or whil<> the baby, ton, nap:-. Otlwrs may (..nli:-t tlw tr)'•}M:nttiun of anuth~r family ffi(•mbt'r or ex<:hange ~(:'1"\'it·es with a n~ight,> may nwan<·ullinydownon the time you >)>end <lWr "o!Tee in the morning
inability to fall a'lecp. that tan be rcmc'<lit?d. The excrdRes on pag..,. 78 to 81 should relax ;md ju;t plcasantl.nire )'(JUl' bod;·. and tbe yawning trkk d""c·ribed on 11age M is rwar magic. I No r·eason yo11 shouldn't u,;c it at night. too.) c' We know it'~ea.•y to preJ)are all -;or~; of plans and U>sun1e, imprnrtieally, that all wr.m~n haw the time to follow them. But we fl't'l this plan has such 'J><'<"ial merit that w~ h<>l><' it can~ tried out by a majority of out' rctulcr~. t-Ier~·:\ what we JWopo~e: At a gin•n time each afternoon. muffle tht.• tele· phone. and retire to your lx>Urmnn. i:'J><>nd aiM>ut twcnt)· minut<-S doing the non~trenuous ex<•rti"'"'· anc!IX' >ure to do them in m·cler Then pull down the 'hadt>s; go through the yawning routine; and sk'el) or, at l~ast, d<>z" for the balancP of the hour. Practi!.'<! this for one week; at th~ end of that time•, we predict you'll be noticeably ~Iimmer and pretti~r. and you will have no gnawing hunger pang• a:, you follow !h<! diet on page t92.
CA. M ay ' 61
' .·
" " ' e 1 ean uemanaged. A!!orj'tl<ll' Qnocmoll
. 47