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TheCA Medal Packaging Marget Larsen, art director/ designer Howard Gossage and Wade Poole, copywriters lntrinsics (Div. of Freeman & Gossage, Inc.), agency Dean Swift Ltd., client



TheCA Medal Book Bradbury Thompson , art director/ designer 18th Century Art, illustration Amel ia Simmons and Mr. Jean A. Bradn ick, copywriters West Virgin ia Pulp and Paper Company, client


ToPujm•t Clteffits

ToPrtjuvt Rtifpbmus

Choofe rafpberries that are not too ripe. and take the weight of them in fugar, wet your fugar with a lillie water, and put in your berries, and let them boil foftly; take heed of breaking them; when they are clear, take them up, and boil the !irrup till it be thick enough, then put them in again; and when they are cold, put them up in glaffcs.


Take the weight of the currants in fugar, pick out the feeds ; take to a pound offugar, half a pint of water, let it mell; then put in your currants and let them do very leifurcly, fkim them, and take them up, let the firrup boil, then put them on again; and when they are clear, and the f1rrup thick enough, take them off; and when they are cold, put them up in gla ffes.


ToPrtjtm Plumbs


Take two pounds of cherries, one pound and a half offugar, ha ifa pint of fair watrr, melt fome fuga.r in it; when it is melted. put in your other fuq:ar and your cherries ; then boil them foftly, till all the fugar be melted; then boil them fafi, and fkim them; take them off two or three times and fhakc them, and put them on again, and let them boil fafi; and when they are of a good colour, and the farrup will fiand, they are boiled enough.

Take your plumbs before they have nones in them, which you may know l>y p utting a pin through them, then coddle them in many waters till they are as green as grafs, peel them and coddle them again; you mun take the weight of them in fug~tr, a pint of water, then put them in, fetthem on the fire, to boil Oowly till they be clear, fkimming them often, and they will be very green ; put them up in glarfcs and keep them for ufe.


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For farsighted people:


Award of

Award of

Distinctive Merit

Distinctive Me rit

Display Adrian Taylor, art director/designer Lee Blodget, photographer Bill Hackney, copywriter Johnson & Lewis, agency Bank of America, client

Illustration Isadore Seltzer, illustrator Frank Young, art d irector Regina Ovesey, copywriter Push Pin Studios, studio Regina Ovesey Inc., agency Capez io, client


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Once upon a time children were to be seen and not heard. Times have changed. Not only parents and educators, but psychologists, philosophers, anthropologists and TV pollsters are interested in what children have to say about themselves and the world as they know it.

"Zebra," Melissa Ching, Hawaii , age 6 "Cowboy," San Francisco boy, age 5 "Hampstead Heath," Peter Leach, England, age 7 "Cows, " C. Yamamoto (girl) , Japan, age 8 Right: "Self-portrait, " Theresa May, San Francisco, age 6








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PENNSYLVANIA Westinghouse Credit Corporation, 1963 Annual Report

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PITTSBURGH (continued)

1 Best of Show, collateral Art Director/designer: Don Smith Artist: Federman, Adams & Colopy Copywriter: Neil Fisher/various Agency: Ketchum, Macleod & Grove Client: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 2 Annual report Art Director/designer: Edward X. Redings Client: Westinghouse Electric Corp.


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