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End it with Carter's new 60 gph in-line electric fuel pump.

Hungry engine7 It c an happen anytime. Anywhere. like in the mountains, when t he full power of your enaine is a definite must. And it happens because the fuel pump isn 't delivering all the fuel a strooctruckengine needs.

NO MOR E DOUB LI NG UP Carter' s new electric fuel pump (6 vott or 12 voh:) ends this problem . Once and for all. Without you havine to dou· ble uptwoormore units. Here' s why: Carter's new 12 volt pump delivers more than 60 eallons per hour for peak performance. Thehiehestpumplnacapacltyofanyin·line electric fuel pump. New Carter pumps produce a smooth, economical supply of fuel under any and all cond itions . Notice we said•in -line" fuel pump. That means you can locate

the new Carter un itclosetothe tank. Away from the hot engine. And thafs halfthebattle inpreventinevaporlock. The other half is our extra - laree ca pacity. New Carter electric fuel pumps move more eas and they move more vapor. Result: vaporlockislicked . Your Carter pump keeps going when others would be easpine. And a pressure reliefvalveautomaticaUylimitspressure build -up.

SINTEREO METAL CONSTRUCTION New Carter electric fuel pumps are precision-made of toueh stamped steel and sintered metal. They have no points

(unlike solenoid pluncer pumps) . A stainless steel screen filters out con· taminants. Carter electric fuel pumps are pulsationless and shock-mounted on rubber crommets. They' re listed by Underwriters' Labo· ratories , Inc. And note: For any application you only need to stock two pump numbers-6voltorl2 volt . Carter electric pumps are not polarity conscious.

Get new Carter electric


We make more inspections than a brand-new second lieutenant The exact number last year was 16,293. And those were just the command inspections ... the testa we made ourselves. Our licensees through· out the country made nearly 700,000 more to our apecifl.cations. The idea is to protect our name ... and yours. Only throue:h testing, testing and more testing can we asaure that all fabrica to be labeled ''Sanforized" or


..Sanforiled·Plus" will perform to our standards. And only as lonr aa they perform that way will customers continue to trust us. It takes a lot of time to maketheae 700,000checks. No one else in the textile business bothers to. But that's why no other fabric performance claim means as much. To you. To us. And most important by far, to tho customer.


fuel pumps at competitive priCes from your Carter distributor or jobber.


write direct to us for further Information. And reach for Carter first in complete fuel systems. Carter Carburetor Dtvts1on, AGF Indus· tries Incorporated, 2840 No. Sprina Ave . St. lOUIS, Mo. 63107,


Carter Carburet{)r Division




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Billy, twelve yean old, waa unable to adj uat to achool and wu failing in all hia aubjecta, even though he had average intelligence. Hie behavior in the cluaroom was bizarre, and on the playiTOund he once tried to strangle several children. It waa quite evident that Billy was a seriously disturbed boy. Complicating the problem were the obviotQ emotional difficulties of hia parents. BiJiy'a to hie special education class is hopeful. He no longer mistreats other children. Supportive psychotherapy for him and counselling for his parents will round out a program <fe.. oiped to help him make a healthy adjustment to life. One day he will return to his elusroom in a regular echool.

How are the children in need of help deteeted? By those who love them, who want to help them, and who believe that the diaadvantaged, no less than other children, must be enabled to grow in Christ. Teachers send them. Parents send them. Doctors, nui'Sell, pastors, and others entrusted with the health and education of youth send them.



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