Your picture is finished vvhen a Iitde cheer goes up. (Beep)
Three flowers:
God's ears It ialltill poeeible in this world for the American touriat to drive down adirtroadand findhimaelfin the company of primitive people. Among the moat uaily aeeeuible are the Muai of Kenya and Tanu.nia, nomade who drift throu•h the big g&me reserves of Eut Africa aafe in the uaurance that wild animals fear their courage and god CenkAi 1 has awarded them, bla special people, all the tattle on earth . They are an &micable people but aloof, their dignity inviolable. Last year one of them apearedatouri11twhotriedto photographhiseattlewithoutfirat seekingpermlaaion . Butonthewhole the Maaai are friendly and quite approachable, willing topoee (after payment of a few centa) for the tourist's camera and even to shake hands. It would be a,however,totouchoneofthemontheear.
Atbirth,theMasaichild is given a ni ekname in the hope that death, tricked as to his true identity, will not knowwheretoflnd him. Somewherebetweentheagesoffourand aeven he receives his formal name; upartoftheceremony,hiamother piercesthelobesofhiaeara,forever after to become a frame forhiavi· rility, maturity and stand ing in the c.lan.Tokeeplheholesfromclosing, the wound i11 periodically reopened andatickaandatoneainllertedto atretch the lobe. Boys do the work in the Maaai tribes, tending the preciouscattleuntilattheageof circumcision they become young warriorsanddelegatetheseresponsibilitiea to their juniore. Then, for the first time, they are permitted to adorn their ears, choosing most often a decoration which reflects the Maaai'tawarenUIIofenkAi,adeity who manifests his power by with· holdinr or bestowing water for the cattle. The color blue aignifles enkAi'a benevolent aide, and red, lhecolorofthesealdinraunofa drought, 11ignifiet hi1 wrath. The juniorwarrioraymbolite.atheunity of enkAi by joining two circles of bead!l,oneblueandtheotherred, throughthehole!linhi!llobes.Decoratlonaforthelobeschanrea.sthe warrioradvanceathroughlife. Inold age,uponhiaadmisaiontothecouncil of ekiers, he ill entitled to wear copper drops. The Maaai ie careful ofhislobes;shouldhebreakonehe suffers social disfigurement, like a man who losea a hand. Those who aerveaarangeraandaafariauidea tucktheloopofthelobesoverlhe toppartoflheearinordertokeep them from being torn by thorns in the brush. They are as private to him aa his genitals: only a woman maytouchthem,andifamanahould aodare, hisgeetureiaaninvitation loflght.Withsuchimmensesignif· icanceattachedtolhiaportionofthe anatomy,whatmeaningcouldthere poaeiblybeforthe M:asaiinstuffing his lobes (as ehown here ) with the society? None at all, really. Film caniateriJandpineapplecansare aimplylighterandmorecomfortable thanatonetinatretchlngandextendingtheaizeofthelobea.
u herman miller
president's report 1970
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A MaHer of Manner Fragments from TIME, The Weekly Newsmagazine
While the subculture of youth has been examined, psychoanalyzed, photographed, deplored and envied, few hove wonted even to admit the existence of a subculture of the aged, with its implications of segregation and alienation. Strangely enough, the aged hove a lot in common w ith youth: they ore largely unemployed, introspective and often depressed: their bcx::lies and psyches ore in the process of change, and they ore heavy users of drugs. if they wont to marry, their families tend to disapprove. Both groups ore obsessed with time. Youth, though, figures its passage from birth ; the aged calculate backward from their death day. They sometimes shorten the wait: the suicide rote among elderly men is for higher than that of any other age group. The two subcultures seldom intersect, for the young largely ignore the old or treat them with what Novelist Soul Bellow calls " a kind of totalitarian cruelty, like Hitler's attitude toward Jews." It is as though the aged were on alien race to which the young will never ..,.,,.,_Au""'' 3, 1970 belong.
The world will end with a cough, a wheeze, a moss gasp of emphysema. So it seemed lost week, a bod week, as dirty air smothered cities around theearth.Millionsof smog-choked city dwellers began to feel like canaries in cool mines - obliged to perish in order to worn others of potential disaster. Rarely before hod man's dependence on the fragile biosphere been so dramatically illustrated on a global scale. In the U.S., polluted air hung like a filthy muslin curtain along the entire Atlantic Coast, EMhonm•••- Auou>• 10, 1970 from Boston south to Atlanta. Even before the Norman Con: quest, the English foot was decreed to equal the length of 36 borleycorns laid end to end. The 1Oth century King Edgar ordered that the legal yard was the distance from the tip of his nose to the end of his middle finger. From such whims grew the system of weights and measures that has bogged down the English-speaking world in the non.-decimol swamp of pounds and ounces, bushels and pecks, acres and furlongs.
No"""-""""'' 10. 1970
Saul .Bass aiJout
tJud't fld IIWII)I. See and hear the presentation that began the lareest corporate identity efumge
ever undertaken. Mail your ehedr for SS.75 to Art Directors Club of Los Angeles, 5B.ZO WRshire Boulevard, Los Aneefes, CaUfornia qoo)6. Prfee at the door will be $6.75. WHO: Mr. Saul .Bass, euest spealrer. WHAT: Saul Bass U Assoeiates corporate identity presentation for ATtn: WHERE: Continental Hyatt House Hotel, Mezzanine, 8401 Sunset Boulevard, LA.WHEN: September 11,1970. Coelrtails, 11:)0. Luneh, u:oo.
Lubahn. Bums&. Co .. lnc tS a whole new company basedonawholenewldea
'""hch should have been thought ol years ago but wasn·t Wtuch IS JUst f,ne w11h Lubahn. Bums 4. Co
Put together'" one company the ve<y best people who work tn the two d,fferent /()flds of thatmalo.euptheartandmdu ryoftypography
The creatiVe Thetechnologteal So. He.-b Lubaltn. who may well be one of the most tnfluenhal and tMOYahve designers'" our hmes. and Aaron Burns, who for twenty years has been a pnme """""'ntheaesthetaandtechnotogyoftypography -got together T'NO men. Two m1nds. Four hands Maybe enough to 1Q01Ie a revoluhon, but not enough tokeep•tgoong. They needed help Hands and m1nds So Burns turned to Bob Farber WhiCh makes sense because there's an old saytng an type c.rcles that 'What Burns doesn't know about typography
And lubahn. who also ki"'CM's a goOO alter ego and whow11l trade erwaya p.ece of the actiOn lot bra•ns and ta)ent. any day. turned to Ern~ Smdh, the only designer he ever trusted to mu"'d the store Tom carnase. whose fresh new type faces have launched a tho.Jsand ad camp~ugns and ROI}ef Femter. v-hose actaptatoos of type to pl"'nled matter have been making trends and.nfluenculQpeopleforyears Plusthreelloors-fulloftheloosestlree-th•nkingestdes!Qners. typographiC craftsmen. consultants and boardmen that money and the prorn•se of gklry could buy Put them all together and they spell trouble for tracliloos Thewortd'sf•rsttypolgrapl\oes"ogency"' A marnage of corwentenee between ert and technology whiCh wtll
PfoYICie new grephiC d,.namiCS for the chen! w•th •mao•nahon
Synerg•sm If you want to know more about tl get tn touch w•th Aaron Burns. Herb Lubahn. Ernte Srrl!lh. Tan Carnase. Roger Femter. Bob Farber at223East3tsfStreet.NewYork.NV. 10016 OR9·2636 CX.Iookrtuptnyo.;rFunktWagnalls