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Fast. 2.--------------------,

The good die old.



Wind and Sail ASailingPnmer

Jaren Dahlstrom , art director / designer Bob Fitch, writer / photographer Glide Publications, client

2 John Muhlhausen , art director / designer / writer / ill ustra"tor Quadrangle Books, client

by John Muhlhausen

A revolutionary new visual approach which makes it easy to learn how to sail

Forces upon the Hull

c The pressure 01 lhe wind against the sail ellerts two primary forcesupont.hehull,Onel'alalerallorce.whichlsrepr&5ef1ted by theveclot AD This loree presses It\ehutt to leeward and ,sopposed and largely absorbed by the resl,tance of the centerboard 10 sld ... ay. movement The other IS. forward force represent by th.... eclorAB Thl,10'C8 i,not


When salUng on a beal, lhesai! pr&Sentsvery !Iuteof Its total surface area 10 the direct lorce 01 the Wind; thus less energy Is applied to drive the boat forward Notice that whenbealingtherelsaconslderablelaletallorce,.sshOwn by veclOt AD In otder 10 reduce this force to I1s mm.mum, It is Imporlan t to have the centerboard all the way down, How·

forward S.causeolthlsrHlslance, the boa! squeezes lor-

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ward gOIng In the d"echon 0' I.asl res,slance VeciorAC i, the result of these two lorees and repr.sents the loree 01

nol have suNIctent area 10 complelely prevent all Sideways movement.



A caPSIZtng boal usually goes over slowly, allowing the skIpper enough lime to clImb 10 Ihe high Itde and prepare his elUI AslheboallurnsonlOttsslde, lhesklppershouldmake sure Ih81 he gels OIJt on the high side of the boal,awayfrom the sail. and should Immedlalely grab IhtI hull Thlslslmportant because. self-rescue boal Will floal hIgh and can be easllyblo'Nnaway Under no ClrcumSlanCHshould the skipper ever leave the boat. no mailer how good a sWimmer he IS Ellen Iflhe boal swamps, tt will alwayslloat and thus serve as a I"e preserver Bes,des,thehuU 01 a caPSiZed boat IS much eas'er 10 Spol Ihan a small human head bobbing In the waves

WhentheboalheadsfartheroNthewindonloareach.,lhe laleral force l.ssensartdlheforwardlorce lncreases. The FWHtdlor laleral reslalanc.lsnot 10 great as when the boat wassailing on a bea1. so the cent.rboard can be pulled up How far up depends upon Ihe Iypeol r.ach on which Iheboal is sailing. Sailing on a close reach will require mora centerboard than salling on a beam r.ach,and saihngona beam r.achwll1 require mor. c.nterboatd Ihansafhngona broad reach When salling acron the wind, the centerboard can usually b. pulled hallway up Pulling up the centerboard re-

The righting procedure IsqUtI. simple However,ilialmporlant lor the skipper to rema in calm and conseNe hia.nergy. Belor. rtghllng the boat, Ihe mainsheel shOuld beloos.n8<l, II possible, so that th .... 1 can run Ire•. This II edvlSable because II permits the sail to luff wh.n Ihe boat is rtghled, minimizing the chanc. 01 having il capsiz.again lIthec.nterboatd was up, or iI il slid up alter capslztng, It wIll benecessary 10 pull II all Ih.wayoullnlo Its down position Pushing downsiowlyonihecenl.rboardwillenable theboat iorighl IIsellquiteea.ily. This should be done slowly, so Ihat the boat Will nollurnov.ronlotheOPpoSile sid.

Th. righl.d beat will be r.lallv.lydry andstable.nough so Ihalthesklpper can eaSily clImb aboard He should always climb in Irom the Windward Side 10 minimize the poSSlbllily 01

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more care has 10 be laken when climbing aboard Once aboard, II may be necessary lor the skipper 10 use a buck.1

~hn: S~~lils:~::::r:=ltl:~u~/ Ihe

waler. OUflng Ihi. time,

As the boat approaches a run, thelater.' force Is reduced substanUatly,permiltlng the centerboard to be pulled all the way up. It would appear that this Is Ihe l aSleSi point of salting However, this Is not true, because the forward movement of the boat negates much 01 Ihewlnerllorce. Sailing on a run also gIVes Ihe skipper Ihe false'mpression that the wind II bk)wlng a great deal less strongly than It actually Is, A word of caul ion II necessaryal this point. While sailing on a run during winds of high velocity, il ls unwlse lo pult thecenler· board up completely, What the boat gains in speed it losel In ItabUlly,

Boals with sell·rescue capabilities are prollided With aulOmalicbalhngdevices These can be In Ih. lorm 01 a suCllonIype bailer localed near the botlom olth.hull,just aftof the centerboard trunk. or In the form 01 large openings In the transom Both types are quick and elilclenl batlel'1 : howeller, they fu nction only wh.n Ihe boal Is mOiling Consequenlly a suct lon·lyp. bailer should never be opened when th.boat Is idle, as waler WIll rush back tnlo the hull TO l l atltheboat movmg, pull In the sail slowly and straighlen the tiller. Once the boat tS underway, the bailers can be opened


Elghl crayons for you. Prang. One for me. 18 sticks of paslel for you. 2 for me. They never know ",here Boris is going 10 slrike. Snilch a crayon here. a pastel there. And Ihen sneak them up to my lob 10 check Ihem oul. Make sure Ihey' re ~rst quality. all Ihe way. P rong quality. T",elve pastels for you. Prong. T",o for me ..

I le ll you. II used 10 burn me up. The ",ay people wo uld come marching Ihrough here hollering "",hip up a balch of red lempero. Arnold. Whip up a bal h of blue." Just like iI was nolhing. Bul I sel Ihem straight. AI Prong. Ihey rea lize color mixing is really an orl. And Ihey respect me for the artlsl I am. ~ The American C rayon Company. Sandusky. Ohio 44870 . ........~~.,J11

:::::.!!'.:..~e=~~=:.~!:.~.:::k':;~iO 44870.

Bernard. you're a genius.That's what my molher lells me. Bernard. you're a wizard. That's ... hol my Wife tells me. Bernard. you're a wise old product developmenl manager. That's ... hol Prong lells me. So I sil up in my ivory lo"'er. Looking for Ideos lilll come up wilh a greal new Prang product and everylhing Ihal goes ",nh iI. The conloiner. Ihe package. Ihe whole ball of wax. as our crayon people mighl say. Coming up wllh good products. All II lakes is a product developmenl manager like me. And a company like Prong. ~ The American Crayon Company. Sandusky. Ohio 44870. r..... '_c-._c.a-. __ .doolb,n.o..""""- __. deot. IIrioW .......... ..,.,Iico_br..-....


foo ........ c _ _ coIon.. _ _ dwotk ,, _ _ . .... dvy

CI" ...... - . _ ..... OC:O.,.,~

Well. here I am: Ihe world's oldest liVing apple polisher. I guess II hod 10 come Fred. being a salesman for oll ihe greal Prong art products. See. I was one of Ihose kids who liked school. And best of 011. 1liked art doss. Teachers and schools and art moleriol .. 1stili love lhem. Bul II is a IlHle embarrosstng. 25 years oul of school ond.1""'ple are still calling me leacher's pel. The American C rayon Company. Sandusky. O hio 44870.

10 Ihls. Me.



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EKTACHIOMElransparency by Phil Morco

Above left: Cover iIIustralian for a brochure published by Faber & Schleicher AG, manufacturersafprinlingprenes. Above: Christmas cord design for Herbullocke, praducerofpoints. leh: Experimenlol abstroctian. Opposite: Advertising illustration far " PigmentsfarPloslics," pvbl ishedby Farbwerke Hoechst AG. Page 4: Caver illuslralian foro brachure publishedby8ASF.


The 'Do-It' Hobby, Arts & Crofts Markets The Home Sewing Market The Home " Make-It/ Fix·lt" Market 14 ' : 1

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De~o~atlng, ~?:,~~t :


Do-It Expo - The Make-It/ Flx-It Show A ugust 5-6-7-8-9. 1972. Convention/ Exhibition Center August 26-27-28-29-30. 1972, Convention Center •

October 7-8-9-10-11 . 1972. Market Hall

Management. The Show Company International. 1605 Cahuenga Boulevard. Los Angeles. California 90028


213/ 463·4891



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~~ He's the real thing






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