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We've written so many SBA loans, you'd think we started a long, long time ago.

Santa Barbara National writes more Small Business Administration loans than any of the 6 largest banks in town. We always have. Sfi!1Tfl BfiRBfiRfl 11fiTIOI1fiL Bfi11K

Sometimes it takes a little capital to make a business straighten up and fly right.




Santa Barbara National writes more Small Business Administration loans than ;[Illy of the 6largest banks in town. Straight and true. Sfi!1Tfl BfiRBfiRfl 11fiTIOUIIL BtmK

Believe it or not, Santa Barbara National writes more Smail Business Administration loans than any of the 61argest banks in town. Sfilltfl BIIRBIIRII flfiTIOUflL BtmK

The ladder of success is a mighty tough climb, if you haven't got a ladder. :



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Santa Barbara National writes more Small Business Administration loans than any of the 6largest banks in town. We'll loan you a Jaddet.

Smmr BfiRBfiR!I nrnon!IL BtmR

Our loan officers do so much writing, we had to get them longer pencils. Clru~ll==================~======~====~~ Santa Barbara National writes more Small Business Administration loans than any of the 6largest banks in town. SfJilTfl BfiRBfiR!I 11fiTIOU!IL BtmK



''A funny thing happened when I decided to expose that phony floating Volkswagen commercial!'

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The ex-skeptic leaning out of the Volkswagen window is o television reporter named Stanley Siegel.

like a lot of other people he sow our floating cor commerciaL Unlike a lot of other people, he

tested it. He didn't really believe that our cor is mode so well , it's practically a ir-

tight. So he borrowed o Volkswagen from o local dealer; went out with a comera crew; and hoped to come bock

with pictures of it lying on the bottom " These things really do float." • What's more, the \fiN even started of something coiled, believe it or not, Beetle Creek up. W ithout any trouble. On the firstuy. Soosforoswe'reconcerned, while Fortunately, as you con see in the re-enactment above, that's not how Stanley Siegel may not hove come th ings worked out . bock with the expost!J he went out for, What people watching station hestillproducedsomethingveryworthWlUK in Green Boy,W is. sow on ~ while. the news that night wasn't a One of the best Volkswagen sunken Volkswagen. commercials we've seen in o It was o surprised Stanley long time. Siegel few things in lifework a1 weU O$aVoliuwogefl In fact, os he put it himself, •ttdefinitely flooh., but nolindefinitely.

Even the E.nstwns among us havemomentswhen wecan't

tell our AMs from our FMs. And !hats whereSony·spusnbu :on a g matte clocK rad;o

comes 1n Wlh the if!CK of a f;nger. you e<~n

s•dch tram Granc ft,mk to

Cesar Franck Or On to Oft

Amllhose btgbold numeralo are nghtupthete !ellmg yoc t's

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Tr·e8FC~100W IS r- !";~ anc a half space~savmg r:cnr~sd sculptu'ed wi'Ht~ olasl.C !"'~3~ LIS

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every cecodrom French Prov nc1al to Ea~iJ Pac Y{'-: ·1 t'!asabg3 speaker soyou

S ONY Ask~~e,


This baby already owes more than most fathers can earn in a year. Only two-slaps-on-the-bottom old, and he owes his Uncle Sam $12,647. 0

Money~~ :,~e;o~ ~S; ~~~\ it for him. But he has to pay it back. We spent it on the Vietnam War. On defense programs. On welfare programs. On social and environmental programs. And on bureaucracy and waste. And, while he's growing up, we'll continue to spend. So that by the time he's ready to make his first payment on the debt we have created for him, he'll owe at least twice as much. And his dollars will be worth only half as much. It's up to you, Mr. Industry and Business Manager, to explain what's happening. And why. To your employees. To your stockholders. To the public. And to do it effectively, you need the best communications help you can get. AB soon as you can get it. We suggest you call your advertising agency. And your public relations counselors, too. They are specialists. Experts in communicating ideas. Positively. In words. Or pictures. In print. On radio. Or television. They know how to inform. Excite. Sell. And the American free enterprise system needs to be sold. Now. It's time to concentrate your management skills and your agency's selling skills to explain the profit system. How it works. Why it works. And how it has made our standard of living the highest in the world. Send for our free information kit. It's called NEEDED: Business Missionaries. And it's full of ideas you can use to help build an effective communications campaign. Write: Business Missionaries, Penton Publishing Company. Penton Plaza, Cleveland, Ohio. 44114.


Industry Week, Foundry, Automation, Machine Design, New Equipment Digest.



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A=-c .. o ... ,:;;~! ··,ose ousn t>:...i7lo~s ln?..! 1'\:.l..-s gsr;,ng LO ~~. th tr··s S ··, -.S' a 'OJ~ ... ease~ .At a! Me -~~~~·at ¥\e 1 :gureyo~ .. c.a.r·usea: !hP"e·oycuca"'!ge~

Somehow the Fifties look a lot better in the Seventies.

JockeyGddenOk:ties Neat~ at prices lhotoren'to ctog The Shir1 rek:lits 10f'S13, the sweater Is 511 ondthe DACRON' POt.VESTER

fOCkey~ide-;Oldies Group


Is the whole world "digit happy "? Think of your zip code. Area code. Driver's liceruc:. Oarge cards. Bank cards. '()on it ever make you feel faceless?

Likcjustasetofnumbtn? And when thou cuds get into the wro"ir hands, look what happens. Security


tampcrproof. And no one else can usc your face. The r esu lt is that millions of people: throughout the world carry them. And Mcause tht Polaroid 10-J ldc:nrification SyStem is portable and simple to operate, more and more orpnlzauons arc using

it. Whtther busintsSeS or banks., country clubs or colleges. For credit cards., sccuriq~ cards, driver 's licenses or whatever. lake the license you Sf:c: above. From New Hampshire, whtch is the l:ne:sc: State to use

oursysc:cm. All of which means that more :and mort

ptople will be showing their (acn.. Why not S haw the system works. f or a demonsu:nion , or just (or more in. (ormarion, write to Polaroid Corporation, Dc:pc:. 57¡ 244, Cambridge, Mass. 02119. We'll show you how easy it is to help the individual get some recognit ion.







PRODUCT I SERVICE BROCHURES 1 Bill Bonnell Ill, art director I designer Rhodes Patterson, writer Container Corporation, client

2 Kevin Miller, art director I designer Fred Murphy, writer Phil Marco/ Dick Faust, photographers Eastman Kodak, client

Marketing, advertising, and public relations

9 P inures 1ailored to your needs.

The sign of a prolesstonal photographer is a qua lity phocognph that mttrs his diem's nreds and ti~ab~. H ebringsroyour

assignmem aesrhtrtcand t«h· nica l ski lls r hatcanst~ngthtn

your mes.sagebyadding to it dcsirab~associarionsands~-

cial meanings. h is a contribution rhatshouklnot ~undenwimated

when you plan to communicate

W hareveryourproduccorservke,


the photographic inuge adds

Hiscoumerpan in rht printing plant is rht graphic ans t«hnician. H isskillscomributetothe correct apptaranceofyour photographs on the printed page.

bdienbility, impact, and a reeling o ( ti~liness ro your story. It helps you raudiencer ou~ r-

;:•a:i:•,'! ~::,.ry::,~.~~:: be reachrd by words used alone.


Difficult products. Is what you make roo Jar~. roo comple•, o neo f-a-kind, too troubkso~ to

ship. or don it invo lve funct ions th;u~red.Hicult to se-e? Put it on film. Prims, slides, and mov~ get your point across swiftly and accurately in t he com fort of your client's officr. They do it free of the perils ofweatherandshippingschedulcs. They do it multi· hnguallybyasimp&echangeof text or sound track.

11 ~~k~;:;~;r:· s~~ru:n:!vate projectorlcuyoursalesmanput your product literally on the clienc·s desk in a memorable, error·frtt presenration. Such audiovisualtechntq~slethim

discuss your prodoo more effe<tively in less time. In some casestheycanevencreatethe opportu nity for him to make more ca llseachday.

12 ~~;~z~~: y~~e;:.~::;.. tize the changes by means of before-and-after photographs or movies. ~ same techntq~ can alsoconcrastyourproduetMne· fits against those of othe rs.





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San Francisco Museum of Art Salu rdayFIImsforChildr~

Faii1972 - Spring1913

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