Take me to the theatre. 3
Communication Arts 49
PACKAGING 1 (series) Will iam Manns, art director Glenn Grogl io, designer Dansk International Designs Ltd. (Ossining , NY), design firm Dansk International Designs. cl ient 2 (series) Tony C.W. Yuen , art director Tony C.W. Yuen/Robert Kwong , designers Alan S. Chiu, photographer Solutio Designs (San Francisco). design firm Lamarle Inc., cl ient
3 Michael Toth , art director I designer Tom Voelker. writer Myron , photographer Toth Design , Inc. (Concord , MA) , design firm Ecrevisse Acadienne. cl ient
4 Michael Mabry, art director Michael Mabry / Noreen Fukumori, designers Michael Lamotte, photographer Michael Bull I Noreen Fu kumori, illustrators Michael Mabry Design (San Francisco) , design firm Pacific Rice Products. Inc., client
5 Daniel Casey, art director Ron W. Ferguson. 3M I Household Products Division , designer Frink Chin Casey (Minneapolis) , design firm 3M/Industrial Tape Division , Kathy Cox, client
6 Barrie Tucker, art director / designer Robert Marshall , illustrator Barrie Tucker Design Pty. Ltd . (Kent Town, Austral ia), design firm S. Smith & Son Pty Ltd ., client
Design Annual 1985
lamane amarle lamane Bmarle lamarle lamarle lamarle
HERE COMES THE SON Julian Lennon isn't really afraid of anything
Early Apri/1963, net far from Pmny l...ane. Outside, in the cool night air, the )OU7I8 girls wail for a glimpse of]olm l..mnon. Inside Sqion Gmeral Hospita~ l..mnon dashes tlrrough the ccmidors to IÂŤ hiJ son,}ulian,forthefrrrt~. Gingdy, he entm the room ~Cynthia P"""'lll..mnon sits in ~Julian on a pillow~ her. He siO/Jf, ~at hiJ child, thm at his wifo. wWho's a cl&er Ult~ Miss Powt!/1, thm," he says. He pickJ julian up. He holds him in hiJ tmnbling hands. wWho's going to be afamous Wt~ rocker," he says, w/W hiJ dad?" Julian Lennon drums his fingers on the green velvet couch in his hotel suite. When he is nervous, he jokes around, but when he is very nervous, he says nothing at all, and now, one month befoce his first tour opens in San Antonio, he s1ares sttaight ahead, his brown eyes fixed on the middle distance. Julian's drumming fingers are being srudied by Perry Cooper, a vice-pcesident at Atlantic who has become close
Communication Arts 97
Design Annua/1985
• • ••• •
MISCELLANEOUS 1 (birth accouncement) Forrest Richardson/Valerie Richardson, art directors I designers I writers Richardson and Richardson (Phoenix), design firm Zachary Thomas Livingstone, client
•• •• •••
2 (wedding invitation) Gena Rogers/ Jim Baldwin, art directors Gena Rogers / Paul Von Heeder, designers David Longfield , writer Glenn Dady, creative director Dennis Murphy, photographer The Richards Group (Dallas) , design firm Paige Hutchens / Dan Hutchens, clients 3 (birth announcement) Mike Schroeder, art director I designer I illustrator Woody Pirtle/ Mike Schroeder, writers Pirtle Design (Dallas) , design firm Rhonda Dimperio / Tom Dimperio, clients
Design Annual 1985
. and anuthcr coupk makes history. Mr. & Mrs . &lbt•rt J. Fb:htmor;Jr. BnrharnFit"C:Irhtt'f'
rrqut'SilllchoiiOrof.yourl'n.'tf('IICt' nttl~t•mnrrillxt' C1{thcirdau,~lll£'r lfl~~Fitehtm.•r
DfmM . Hutchc.•us
Saturdalllht•firstcfJunt uillt'lrt.,,llundn.'llllndnxlrf.lffiut
attwoo'clockmtlwtiftton"""' 1\:rkin50mpd Smlllk.,., Metlmdist Unil1t'T"i<lt.v Dallas,1i.·xRs
Communication Arts
Keepit'/i Your Crealiuily Alive Anti V.~/l. Despite 77tr l1brld.
:~~~!::n~1 r;,·,~~~~;;:~:~~"""k !Jal~ ~,,,, ~·ur
c:!;: ';:~".7,~.:.~~ ·,:·:~;i~J: ";r:~ 1
mncicJUII()'IIIIII'SClf ... fld"udk'J-..ICl.~I~C:~IIW)ICU jlic:. hnr.tll$11111lf'ljltlllgurgn1111(111~1Wliii11WIIy
tan.hir'K, .. !Jdll:r"tw.ldtll-n:tttv.·.,'liufd.lltll(tltitljC!i. hnr<ltlS\<ahutii()'IIUrdM.'f')ftttlhmkitt~K, r•tllt'f ti\OI.IllU~IItlmt\itll(-!itt'II~~~ICWiwkJUtktltl\
rt-:Ot>L.£ WHO MAKE '111EIR UVl C I
tl m;uw dul'CS antlt•Hill•ittlt'S r411k'J tlun unt· chca<h'dlbl.t'f'deitgnbmmt~a~IUil~Ctltheff'll-. nght <ui.Witt. h trr.uw ••• 1'"-.Jut~ at.J ptNm~ j~trtd fJitf1lk:tn thc:~. And tt.d-.~ )'lUXIfllt Llll' JK.~~nl )'ltU tl~ IIJ~ lrr..kad , olll'l&allt~ f't.-n~tlt't, lhtc:.trlhll>tlllllll~fJI11tll<.lcdv.lth
~JiktliSh)«lf CI't'•II~JUIUS.
::::~c:;:~~:- ~r:.,)~:~':~~~ lltt~:;::::!~:~!':;:~.:~jl~~=)'l~~lf~ll:~ hunk"dttut . l)rdtt)~hdr.rdut~•r.;tulffiilt..,. f:ithct.'ft:'4111ot"j'N\Il'aifolthcrtlwu:llllftldlut~tlllll~
flit, Jkft: aft'_,.NlW:~U~
tllll'l't."'MMwuRr.uhcrthoinpnd.uitthcmscha. I. D.ydtN~n. Get llllul.k.h 'lllth )'IJtlr ~" lnuBunull roulb rn.n the ,~1ft' Ill CINI'-.nn. !lfiiiCJt" llllnkillfl:- )'l""r .'JemlliiJliii•IS. 'll"hln~..J (K,.uw: Jlf:t1tk llll.'ot: 111 ~Qth m~ thn~ tu Side. V..lue d~;atm ~u•Dtlf, and IIIJJCt1.1karu.md pcru::·i'ot: .!iiJI'JlCChir,; in~ Ullkftk' "'"., - to be t"ft:ll.ll'ot:. )Ul.
Tlwy lflik.-lfy bm
111 rr...1 muft' I"'"*"Wiy, r• )'IJllr """ cLnc. Ou "'1};61 )'Jlllg\\' 111 clJ .,, P'" )W!Wifinthcmuudtonok. Un'lf1mwtch; ll1011: all hi uficn tr.ulllbltS to " ci-1 M .5. Put )'JUr.k'tr a1 a ,._...uon ""lim )'Jll can't produa: IJllr w;')o" A t_~M: jllmillll whn h..~'- '"~ 1..- her ar-,11llr!f:. lllotl'ltr.......ms. tdtumcolt N.)phono. had~""" lik'w.&JI 01u ••••'~~:~• ",u grw: m-s~~,, f'*tdcadlinm.
~~~~::::~:~:~:·~::: §;?,l:i?.::~s:E~i:~ 6.
11\14" 1lw j>mtitll\' 111 pn~
Ea.,. Clll etdltf" pmpd ' d~t cl\'atiW~IIIanedulu·,mn!f:lugh, ~..-IUIItt. 7, Oontbuylliktallthe~ncnHI)Wr"'.ri.kidiC 1lw f.;o Iii, )'ll.l Clfl't a~ C101r Oil C011Uf1011ld, JlOI.IM )W Mllf> ttlliJK mb. (Jr }'(AI W;inl actq)C· hipMnotalwol)'lthen=!Ortcn, diC.'tohllionisll1ust anc~allt11C.'UIIIC.', )O'r"'rl.IJ«"''~~ctios cft'lltiYI.'..) wf1011 ........ked in d~Cpast . Ra::rcatcinsac:..dfl~tc. Jr 8. Good nutntion, if:U::J tht:nj~ and cxnt:ISC aiJ (... ICflKI0\111 5fn1timclimibiJl'C(IfliC.'Ihcnormr.uhcrthointhc cu:qJtWIIl, thcn dadlincslumllybtcomrdtad l11 9. ~mrmbcr th<~t, ulun'IO!k'i>- . . . a~ns Walias~ It all comes d-M-n 111 thiS. 11M': uuly COCf"C'I'ot: cbncin!f: w1utr brnd md1 Otll and nach ta~~:h
l('l'.d:, ti~CpraMJI\'incraseJ. J ()'OUtun"M"11h)OOr
rakcCin!~ )'OUIWJf, !Jc ti~C.JUdst~)Oif'~,
mat"-'e lxnt Mill brw:lv ~~~~ thtOt.lgh high llthool, mnanlxr "'iYI 11 " tl1.01t ·~·mia )O.l'n::OO.ndtdan!bd,atroublcnukn, awt:irOO. II.OI~iilbcctcrcNoccofsun-n1rlp;..
and )W,I
~~'lfPI"" ~~~~~;L:~:=~~;~t;:~ b::•,:::.mm:,-al•ublcath1t'Cdun)!'o\JU~·. ,rttts, nntuft1"1t:!ltptop&cm.Jl$Wbn:dtofJSht burned. 1bty nthrr dl(' busirldl,orb«omcmar'¥"or Jopmons.1'hry IJ«t111-.e pcrbtnm ralhcr dun cn:all~ people. Not tilOitnur-.nandaccuurll petlf>lcaJilluleltJtl.lj>k a~n't,-ah.mlcaswt:U. Titcyal\'!ltiju!lltl~, tfut's .nut whm nnt cn:atM t}l)l:l n:ally ~tt 10 end up. So howdu)OO 1r«p ti~Cmauw: pnxt':!llalrot-and wcU dopuc M1ng )O.ir moM 11 ~ 1 Uli .dcas con· stantly A]«tcd? Dcspuc ootl;~~itdi'i;h dudlult'S., lkspuca'AU'idtholtkeq•w•nliiJKIOfix)OOallll mOikc)lllllr••nulliktt\a')-!Judychc?
... .,~ lhqll\'
irnprrt.llll is 10 UIIMIUUlllly OWJWI(' )U'I' ,-aJuc ,r crc:;~IDlll) 15 ~oull an 11nporwu P"" of1t. AV. pKI Cl\'alf\C ptop&c"'-1""' ll'lt)' likt best abool thcnwha and OIIC.' ~ the li~ an.Y•~f1 15
lht fiBI
thac the trmd 111 adw:rtis.rljfdtslgn
uby•~~:Jwardsw.mnth , hunnand hunwut$.h
..Ja a
penoil 10
prodocc ~· lwud-
lflOll .lt-«U ida, thoin d~C c11ld, "'brnub
kll. . Secotlll , d-.e\IIO!iduf.l!IIJ«:urn~a .~"i-.en: nu..tunts and rompulen pnxkn d-.e right an~. h_. . . utcn:;asu~_ l.-: lilt IOlS1oftln1*tooomr: up
"''"h ltr¥1 JXIIIIIJI!rtltl arlll new w.l)'l of b:.LriK at thing~. \'\t: an:: IIJfJil'll"lg I:M"Inh a ""-'ICfY "-heft' era· llnty "'·ill~lllOI\'\-aJO«< . . Thcn::l!l cn:-•umy ariCfmrddkagc. ltijtl!lltiiOit )Ulii.O!WtoSWtlong ~)OOn:ach4010rl\ilkc M<l)'!l rn:sh and lli~ot:.
IliA' II
~w.n ~.~Jd K'C
a"-'~ "tlutl'mCft'attw."
at~~llf:•!,c;:~kJ::':;i:~~: BY, ra Harrell _ fMn """"IP""''th;,'ll "''~ jp>d. ohm,... 1- Wllh Larry Eukin, PhQ _ _
But fiBt , thepxlllCWI.()urlltUI'\inthcarca!ltl ~ ill.-l"llion and pp!N.:: dcsir;r• lvrit"rJ..........d. lamSIW"ft'.alstm.ghl" llllfw.cac· wuuld f.Hr-'1 i:n vtnually
l'lf~D,a.rlll uid thc...d
Mtd~woGtli:M'nn~tofc.lf'pdppjU(Ippilll(l!iC tNt, wt:can't pn..ducc t11011 hip;h irlduf «hmiwr.,;. JlfliM adwrusit~Ko mdudu" not 011ly all the etKncs Good CtDtiw: pc:upk t_1111"1C thno\~ heft:, but they 1 t!IOIIY~am 1hung, !Jutlljlf81mtlyaho101ncdlli.IM:ft'. ~ rrust..-..d and J.:-..rw: bcoii!IC thcyan'tfind the 'lnctr upmrons011tw: M noturpri1c 10 t"r.u!CdCh•, RlpfXII1thc:y need.,, prudut.~ and !idl K'•"-' ~ who '=cis ii'IC .how ~II short. "The cmph;tsd K1 c.'OneqJII· AlllllxnllliC g~uJQ here 0111'1 UllllJIC4c
any c:omt)Cirtion .• Wrllrams I'K'IIIcd bcm& "ifl1 the kd of the •llu~trxn a.rld J-.1~& Photnixistlllddiwt, l"ltiiCI'tlwt~llg"'hich kfpf~," at!dtcrmcd thcv ""-l-'i .,_ §.00 as a.r'Y is ba.o.td on lll~tulll maRctir~S :.nd .!lti\JIIIIK .!iU"•k'Xia~ I'ICt::Om.at...Andth..enltl!llbcwr'nl'iifwt:'n:: '"'fllto itlll'llnlion - Y1!rf pid ... CIIOI.IIJK Ill If*~ lit Jx n:prdcd. I jJIUbWor.aJ nurkct., l'hc ~f~i-Jb." lliUd A.ndmon cuthtl!iiMto.ll)c Added the t"rwJt;t~slkJitllaldut manypcr~l4cU1 Phuemx ~. "l'bocno; oua abu ~-· Alldml~t~i l..-l.a KJ'l'~Ptlwhal adw:rt~.s~t~iiaU ab.Jut." fl"Ull'C• t.~. w..s kOIITltJiUl...d !Jy .-...-: poinkd " I didn'1 ICC OIJC .d I "'.vld luw let 111.11 c/n~ t_-rit!CIIiln. Pnmarily 11 ~tcr c/bruchon:llllllll .....,t lll,-lcdccbn:dblunt~"'Thcn:"'~nndiuJK
annualrqJOI'U,IM':tmpllilSO.td"A"hoiti~CSIWMil'Ott& t~th;ttrNdcmc ~ ' ll!,; l "bh l 'ddrwtc:tlloOII .' lit a~ o:tcnl, br..i cl t_'llfk.'q-11 W;ili at fault. And t!.c nccdto~bqtn;ttherrulilro~tr,• he~. ad!th;Mdidlg\\'I._,IIUJJbdidn'tU~wthn•-,d•wllh
spicuou. ..bel. J depth" in ur,._ "The bmchum "'lw~rlllildr::i nttd
"'ithfllltllltnati.•.,.l•narkts." II. ~T. we ncxdn't w•it '• nilUIIIIOIII~~~o~IIC!!l; ~• l•ll..dkllt_"R'illiw:slltridr:iniiJ•"""''*''~"UJW..d
liiJ(Uir tuJd.rds Ill IIOIUUII;IJ ftJ... 8y makti'K~ wr lir.llljlflOflt)l. r.nd o.a_·utJUnU.Irlt'l.Und; "'--liUt,;
twd Ill ~,, ,..,,.c:~ Kr~ pu;rtDIM~S a~lll on:epu, !Ailll dia1ii!Jii,ll'll: thole MIDi 11•11'C' critic.d~· OIIIU~uul'llehtswct21!5ttl(1analuat'-lltalcNin
n:actitllltiiOitwllt.-.ftt-Cft'..tin: stc.ndom.hthniU);inll ti'ICcntift'l.Ullmunity ... i•.:ludi11fticltau. S:.idthc:~tcr, "t)uc._.e19 •"-' t_"ft',61nit,l'ii\'U'!<·
IIJbccunimMtti, IOthel.uchtrft' ar1dim.1illl•thi11t_....-riulthcm•IOI." (x.nall)_,lc, m:t~.....l 111 tlusnurkct.. ti'IC J1C1,16c ,.""'Kit "~lllr.M:
.. ln•.mccNrkts.,radir•wanaltcrdllll.p.hl l'huc..
LM:theothcr~& • ..-CI"'fl~Uitlfl tlllf' ilkl'lll"ll.-.. , Jh•v.aphy at.d R * dtsw•, '"""'*nhodl!!turbed!Jydtebti:r/CtlllC\'jKllbr:hind the ClatVmlltit)'i hruchun:: ~.n. " It .!k't'flltd In II'IC dtOtt the p!l'Cd altm:'d m tiM': Pnsuu IMankCllf~ ITII!R' "'ith ac:cullllfl tit»~ rdca. Attd tNII the~tw.!i 'uoaw:d:cd. '" llc t~tflllll the
""RIOmk'd ..o~m~-.l~.· a..ttii.OIIwc:spuiltJtaJd !llb.t by ..dft:!l>oiu~ lhctn up." lh" 5ftt'f-.lc :.d\·W.:c 1 ••Sjmpfi(y t"'4:f)''hir~" Alt'tl•• ju~ unUdinncd\'lew.l'llal.mct.uf.~llsrdc~rri! N-11 ac.urdu~ 111 the~lt'f' wluu wc:l!pOirr:Withwhn~"'..thtiiCnt , "'~ 1'hcfta«~ttnandillull~nhcn::"'·h" GMI ewt-'1111c ar,·tlun~~lll dft-Mn upt he Rid. '1l'IC Md • did. t1 lli1"10ro. But ~ili.t • it ~ ~"II~ •:"ccut"ll' 1~ • 011 a I"" wirrt.... lllit
"''"h "lilJI"' ..
itiCid.ll• tAm.1111"1et_,ll1,_,ll, 111t't_, • ._'CJII:.Utdcft.".... t.nwyl..hirlll n•Npiu:a pntdr ..--nliu PI• aM!~~ IIMk.ilki JJCtbmf." \\1tal ll arne lit tlllf' ....ti.t :.td lv. till' jutJ,p tunkddlt'll.lilllflt't/d_.,....ea.u,..
dicnbMtddlln:li.L• .,;tl~ed.alld -.ntr t~MI."
oo;, llibii'Jwint•anaftcnlw.ugflil." ll'IC!ii.oltllic•t•"r,.•~CC~t.-ht•Mi:n:d ,,..,,.l""'',;l't11Jt'U.m dt3ctiba.l hiJ IOCU.11t 11.1 Phocuix jwilll 111 nix\ t_'ft:ll.liw: liY1Kb~ "Mun: tWnn t_11l111~! M..n:: utte J "di~ppointmcnt ." '1l~m: w..s nt~!.i•JK ntU<;ctll!l... ... nucm,Y...-artsJ•'"!I .. . II•ftJIII•"-' bn=akthn...,;l1. Altd !liCit didn't llttlll 111 he a.r~ dtt:<~k'nl ••• 11 thncd sudiurn flllll 111;1jlf' !r~lt' atlr:ll'f.ll at it. 1"tk'R: 'M:ft I'Mt lit tlutt thm~· that Jt•lf'b. Mo.n::l! l\uhnt~n lll"ic l•inflttn._icJKdlt'dc;.rth ICudtwt(llflll'f>IIIOtll ~""'""old ,Ill d'ICila ~ II C.11kUI\' ht:ft', 11~e t"'llt:o """'lift' 1"'"-"--"' ~J;~ ·!d AJbclii'C'tl~etatJthc"""." ather!..,.,~ I~<M: a~~~ n•.- tl tlwltt' tl*,;. tla;u, lnat, b· "'~ Ml. "'111h, • "'-h.! fi...- flt'ISiri.OI Plu:m,." -"-anljudp. 'll'tllt ll~etr IM'II n::xi-11•.11 pnjutli..:a. loun.whl,~llw.lj.NaSIII.,......,.;.'I(,/t~l(:atk-rtD "'-J., jln~Kd~· lriiM little if .u~· alu1tllte pa.1rhom.. ill!("''.-\;"' lilt' .,,~rtd. :.uw.l a ,.,.kd 111111 ••• "-~ tia c/ tilt' Pl•.eni:o: lll;lrk:t, "•"'.W•t ,, Ulr ...... n . w·.d mitklk ,.. ,Iff:. lit~ 01,_1~11'~1~ ... ll 'IC 1-I.'"C\t.T ~"' inln'Jwt1 tl~err llllnnw.:111...._ the oJ.M. ,...c,llli..l l..tml- tlll.:ft:. 8.11 ,,,,._,M.,, ""''II wl~ it do l "' "'-tdt-ll~j~•ot.IJ•.,III•/ttm._--c, .. ,.,. .. ,ft1k"'l dr•~ l'lt_~_lill-.lc,{ld~.- l lcuqr:l !11.011 il k'~._il,'~ JlfiUmt!> """''"'IC n1 tl.- t_'l't."'Miw: t_liiiUlllllHI\ "" Mh•..tw,,.,-'*l'"l'd!CWt_"ft",'tfWc-ftill'l•'•l"tJUt'llt'l· lM-11( ;ulll tn~~ "'~~ ,/ • .hil,; tl~e~n. kt' "''wltht~ • ~••ll tl~e t'IMJtt- UlfiUUUuli~ uc::..I'IC 11'1C jwilnotn f...11•l•t6rliu~ Pl•ucniO ~l'fl'"'''K 1111 ••M •I the." n..tcJic. Mill lf-1 ~u1r..,.. ,., •1'-" llt' Cft\llnit~ Ia*- :.._,_,nJit~ 111 ....,.,._..,;elM. to.,. L.:t 1/ ~;u~~Chrtl. Ul~tllli • ~•lwiiOitllt.Jiioll 'l'ft:llk'K' •otluo~ti.•IOII l}~·k.,.l);»-......_....ltiiOit "t"hadan .. l• ~lutlilli:n:rM ~N.~ ... 1111 ti.-Jiill'tcii••I••IIISI111m.tk.D...J ~ •'"-"· ...llll' ~..,.•1 (li.Oirl.•k: w;._, a l••ltrti tl dtcrll.\ atrJ .!illlflt' 1111..11iJid!\ 1/ PI• all:\:-.. t"lt"'41M' t'l't."'41nM~ I ) ~C'.. r. 4I'O.M bt· rt\AIIIrtJ "j...J Jo.. Ill J.1 o~~ttm1n1~ "'-ith :All\ . .._, 11~;~~1 "'·ith dlt' .-h..TINu~ dr.JJ-' ~·r..,..~llt . '11m··•en •Jdl j9 •d '11""' " '" ,. ..... J.Lt( J\1. .,.\:.uw.l uux : arc!ll
. ,.
8.utc, wflllt_lllnpbttkdal:ullan.1Mi.•Jil~· :.d\"tttftil",;iJCli~J.IIIt'lk'ft:. lu~I!St', ,ll'lill'IUofMI
u,;"'·Mho•tcq~t~irltii.IIC'f'art:ll!ro,tiiCI.-ia..Jdlill&&.k r/pt'lidtk.11111tlllllfle.!j,'~rw-IA~ ·IY !ijiiiiS,111.ttl
Jlilf1 . • • •rst.~~Kbrtbj.r;~an.11tl~lt111 • ~ -"
USIIrtunl tlllf'fllk:lllli.llt~· f"IIHCia.."UUi.•lii M-..nb idr.a. .. J'II'6\ICI)'~," Jk' O ..VItalltd.
IIUf'~Kbrth:.uiiiiJIIl.dtll.~athcr!Nt~t~tiiOitt_<d l t1111 1-JtriUl:fiMrM~"'·ith"'dllllll.llili••IOIJit:\d . 'llo\'t_'llll't
lll'fUt.olll& .~
"lt\,.Catt:h'LJ.," I.-l,•Kimk'd. .. llrMil"'t-t_-..nr,.N"
1 _:_.:..D,-~c wiled u.•r • · a..t " ;o.,.~ ~~~~~ ~~:=~~~~ ;:"::~~:_:':'t:!~._;:',~';;
By Michael Rivlln o•~ --
• • •
Communication Arts