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imagine living without dancing'



'Then you doa't Intend to mMin

' Butyou instantlyprd'cnedhim T ' It happrncd like this. My father waa


'WllythehellshoWdn'ti ! Whattmte woukt there be In atUne mytdf' Mrs Campbr:U-Wahcr !'

Aaa-ofticrr for aonhem Ewopc •• the time and when tbe ltaliu finaUy did PfOPOIIC I went to Coaop. 10 tee my J*U'II and ldl them I was Flli.Dc

·licil'i: I'm

just I bourpois sil1 II hean . Ut me lq)knish your drinkrrpknish, is that the wont ~ Sometimes I ~·ISh I coukt 'PQ1t. EnaJM. SrYa1 years of brtnt married 10 a GHmanHunpnan baton d aot the tat . •. uh. lntlntr\1-' Tablcauinthcoprneddoorway : Francacain abluedrtut"&I(Wo'n;a Nanny inbluestodt~ncstbutpreny, notunlikr

\ 'trl!nil McKcnnaasponra)'Cdon lhr AUJUSt CO¥rr of Nova): I IP'IW. fair lttde boy, unmwa.bbly a untllhruntleaandisuM\dta.kablythe !oOnofafionaCampbrii·Wahn. ' Paul,lhdd Doreen, my best fricndu \lltll as our Nanny. Francaca you've 11«11 : lomr, myyounp:sa, youhaven't-


~:=:~:::::r.:! nd St

of Rome but of St Moritz

MoritzuitilinlatclUO\ITICr,withno bou...,ois horeb of lirsl-sr.non aldert toblurhiJCltftiOrious~Piolthc

EuyLifen. This aseptic little Enpdinc toWnShip pcn:hcdabovethclakawhereNietuche wandci'N is curl'Cfltl.)' qui te aiUmmc:r capitalf«aScttl\atncedsonlythe tborthand of su• nama for immediate kk:otilkation : thcRforinsunccilthc Niarcbo&houle:ovutherethcContau. Roui't place (Martini 4. ROISI1 ; and below it, the Aandli howe (F'~at of c:ounc);and~the hill thc Jur~MS'

aputment (wun't it hil pandfather wbo su.ned Unikw:r'?) And then

thcre'tC"eaiedcRochldtikllnd ... and de. SuppoM:M*Ct'eto 'doa Fdlinr and lift the lid olrthae houa : what wouldwchear~thcpre-<linncr


drinks this Friday cvatioc in mid'()( o(yearinthe UedeF~ncebutwc'¥C

bcenhavirJ&auchaplqucolthotelitlk intcets called drwdr-one doesn't wanttobelncklic:atr.,butrcalty,the

piiiCCitheylf)!--tOwhenF.onaJUIIC'*d wecomchttethisaummet ... ·


Who it Ft0n11! What is she! Why an: they all c.IUnc about hu u ifahc were tomCkindo/MonaUsaofthc Mountaint 1 A rder-mcehbrarywill produce

this : FIDM C'ampbdi-Waltet>,thlny-thr.o)'Ur-old Uu... ICI'o/Rnr..ciMUIIC'am~II·WIIttr.

:::!E::L~~?·E:::. 1iohrrkd$qM. ItMtoa.,_HQ.ridi('Ht:-1




~~·~" :.~~"'!id~~-=·~~ ~·,~=-=-

Oi-ecOfllf'OUtMbotw..npatibiliiJ'If1l•*' Ja•, lt6$ ; KUknlcflt I'C90f\ild II 0)4,001) Wldll"uftkpa,.-UIOIIotaiofUI1,000


s:-:.O:::. ::O"~JI1 :o::; .~_ ar ~

Thcftauraarc(iryoutikefiaura)lmpcaslve : butdotheyll.illaddupto 'one o( 1he three mo11 boutirul women In 1he wortd!'Letuslryalinleexperimcnl. Let us find, u Felhni dMI, some tmprasiooabk )'OU"'joumalilt orotha', dirac:thiswandrrina~CeP~toStMoritz.


.... ,..,__ 'naWetkNIAI

~~ =dbl;fhe~:-m":

.. Howe Hotel, twists and tunu and RnallyrorttsatthcPf"kpltmror-the 1ld-liR. Cowbelh tinkle : a dot bu-b : chiklrcn,aomewhefe,lauJh. ThehouJe ilontwo~hbuiltlntothehilbide-.

'lwonda"wt\atFionathinksofthatJirl actUIIIIy~elllnatholepictum to that lllllanmapz.ine.'

Try thetopdoor : yes : this mull belt. ~~~ : Hakyon Houtc.

' Do you remember that tremendous potcrpmcwhen Anc:1RW Devonlhirc tald to Fiona .. It isn't U{fol')tothe

::_~onin,don 'tjUSiatand

'But you kd:; teo yean )'OURFf than

waist-~ : anobstrt-perousslatha'of

Golden RctricYcrdom ; II eye-kwl : a GloriousViewolpeakl,pincs,pulurc, ckalcts,andbluc-bluc:lakebelow. ' Mitcha! Map! Mqooooleeooe, will you p;t down pk.ue when I tell you' Fatha' and son. 1'lw mother's. uh, on heat at the moment. and I can'ttake any more puppies, 10 l 'w liven Aurora, tkat'sthemother, to a friend in the viii•• · Ciprctte!' Philip Morris with the new double filter. A aokl Dunhill bnquet. aa. snap, putr, inhale. Auah. 8nlsh o( hand to dear titian trea rrom IR'C" almond-shape ere. lowty equine tou ofprofik. twitch o( delicately crooi<;ed nose. Now (Of' the One handsomcly trouscrcd, View. brown-booted limb is thrust on an anc~chatthataundsapinatthe

picture-window ; both arms oulltfelch innaturc-wonhip. 'Fanllhstd, isn"t it? l t"1 around here thatthelklinaJamcsBondbookisiCI-· 'OHMSST 'Ritftt ! siraiPt ahead there it the Suvretca Run. In winces- M can aid fromhcrctothelki-liR : it's}UIIputthe forkintheroaddowntherewherelhad mycarao:idcntwitht hatyounsEnaJish type Richard Wrottesley and smashed up my beautiru.l BMWsporu.theonly car I wu eYCf in love with! (Rolly Wrotteskylcallhim.) And up there : youtcethehoweattheverytop'!That's the Niarchol'. Most o1 thole other houlesarcl'efltedbyGemlant : the Wlrt~1wlltfdn-ty l'mnotiMer• c:stcd. But Stavroand Euafnio---W'1 Tina 8\and.rorct•a a.ister of c:oune-1

like them very much and the children arc company ror Oaste. Have you seen Franccte~, my litt.le sii1T (Rips wlndowandcalhlochikt With blonde l)lllall, T-shirt and btuejcans)'CHESSIE. WILL YOU PL£ASE STOP MAKING SO MUCH NOISE'?Wherewu I '? Oh yes. the NiardMJI. I wenlwiththemontheCm)lelutYQr lothatislandtheyhawintheAttean. Fahbuklul. I 'TincVC~"rorwetSta'lfO,onc njptaRerallorm,stanchf\laloncallhe wheel, pzinaltnilhtahead, at theKII, and the stars. He really can &all that ship. Fahbuloos.' Wclooltdowntotherufllinawatenof Sitvaplana, mutually summonlna: this V1.,etteofN~n::t.c.Posridon.

' How about a drink~ MAGOO, now I'TihavetoaiveyouaMiltownifyouao onlik.c thia. Really- · With mock exhatudon lht abandons hcnclr,incompanywithaCoke-on.the.rotks,uponahuFIOf&whichiltheone Yoluptuousanddeddedlynon..Swiu rumiahif\lintheroom.

~~ t~=r;._:~.~:r~! chairtolitin,cwrythinaiO&ttaiJht· bK:kcdand~~n~~llandnarrow. l'lwonc


I haw done: is to rvmilh this c:omcra.iKr'hancthaetlpeatrieaand paintiRJS.That(pointinatoar.tktrul of ponicld«:orouslycavordna bd'lind ha' luxuriant head) is from the Aubullon place in Paris. T'herc'sa MarinoMarini in the dinina: room. And lllill have &alvqed from my divorce a Monci and tin 1 Go)'11. l'lwGoya is 'The Bul TheCoun , ButtheMonetisbcautiful : Bar ue Blcu. The one o( two women, liltina quietly in a Tilt~ onariYCf',IOftofdriftina ... ButwhcR

'Thrn~~.,..~tt.d:toEftliand. Scho<ll. ThrnAmcoc:a. My fathcrwuposlcld toWashinpon. Weata)'Cdthcreror--.~ll.lhrtn0$1lmprnaionablep&rtofmy

coupkolalh ~

onlytheothcrday~ hrn~..: •crtfishtDI

:~';j- ~ hod"*thcdukl ren 's namcs '!"


' LOfneofcourwi1ScolsandCampbrll. ~\:~~-Paokl and Francaa~





rnu-ritd. Butthemorelthouchtabout lt thelalturelwu. l'dmrtHrine {and 10hadlhrllalian)andwhm l p t o co~o~ne 1 catkct Heu.-he wu .,. Paris II the time. remember he WU still married,Wl namealleut, topoorNtna D)-a--and uk.ed him whether I was doinclhrriahlt.hinaornot.«i rora klnaumeand thm he I~ me aot to do atl\.tni until he .aw me. And he putdownthephont,piatohlscar, drowthrouJhthenipt,andwUk«tin

~a':ta~tw;;~utwithmc. Withftowm.. MtC fNNMYW#h !' 'HcrullywuiOdlanNa&- My~

' And you

tbouthtiOtoo.' ' Aithouahtheycoukln'thawbecntoo

::=,:.~~~~"!:: :n ~=~

Catholic.' ·Well,ltotdyou, hewuwrychannina. Andthrrt,.UI'In'rfanyqua~ionofthr


Good, ya. But no nuns. Frankly, l can'tst.and lhrliaht ofnuns..' :~thmofcounethcre~·umoney .'


lhouahti•"UIOIRI IObc a~intcr. Thrnmv~o~C-Ithouahtl-.·utotnatobc

:a~~ thrrt 1111111 10mr kutd o( Ktt\e-

the sound. lam ll')tn& to

a pwntSC. Thrn- modrlhna. I had a

rodo.tntrbut-rll,ma.ybel~,·rn ·t

rxc.and~tf\aurc.andnomoney . lt~o~ou

a ' HY aood tnnlbhon. Put on lOme Mul;~k, ~ 111 )OU~ I -.on'l be~~-·

thelhln&todo.' ' Ho-. dKiyoustan~ 'l...,cnttoluq· Claylon. lmadr lucy

' What Kitkmcnt'! Thert newr was or1\asb«n- notullthedtvorot. lhadn"t a penny ~hrn I marrtrd htm : I dtdn' t cvenha,·raboJnkaccount! Andlpersonally. dtdn' t ha,·e a penny ann 1 Do you know ~~~ my alklo-.a~ ~ualt dunnc thole K\rn yran'! F1Rya montl\. EnouJhto,ato thrhairdrnKrandbuyapacltorc:•p· rtttrs. that's about u : Oh, ofcounc I ""'~~ 11\~n}C""-els., and df'CI.1U. and c:ars lmypoorB MW)andcwrythmarotthe ,-,.nous houtH • ·u "chaf"Fd." But u forrnonryormyown-· ·11 KCmS a hnk odd ~·hm onr reads ~hal hr pve Ntna O,..n. A hair a mtlltort.lntSI;lnd--' "Anddon'trorF'flhrl)lnthn!'

' I JUS:t

thePrwpicturuofBironeuThyuen- ' ' I fecltcnyarsyouftlrl'than!' nifOUJhanunpromisinJ- dOOt-i nto-.t

'I've dilcu:ssed with DoRen the pc:.ibtliilyofhavU\aachiJdwilhoutwaitiqto matTJap.ln. But-'wdu:idcdlhatil -.-ouldbenttha'wtfish.' 'Wtlltht- Baron marry apin!' 'Whydon'tyouukhtm !' -;:~'nd~c~ten you u a chikt in New

::.:s~:;:te>~l\an;~r. -;;.t,~ a~.!u'::

'Oh. he mt;tM '"bunnfty.'' 11'1 his new ~o~oord . GoodRIJhl, darhnp, I'll come !« you tn a momrn•.- Lrs.kft. can




chiklhood. lauppoiC'.()nerc&SOn lcan nevtrapeakEnaJtshpropcrly.' ' Dtdyoutecrm.chofyourrather!' 'Well, no. !"'avy mamaecs! 1 don't knov.· howthrydtd it. J coukln't-J'm too tembly pious. Butthm my rat~r al~lii.)'S&aKI 1t ~~~ tmpou~bletohavc:a dcttntconvet'Sollttort-.·•thyourchtktn:n berorethry •crtthirty. lmu:st&ay thrrt's 10me1h1n1 tn ~hat he &a)'S : I hadmyfirurealco.wcnattortWJthhtm


If Federico Fcllini had been born a Swia: Calvinbt iMtead ol a Latin Moraltst the odds arc that, when they p~ him the money to make I>o1ce


coukt lhana ithcre!' 'Wheredoeathe suyiOfacomc rrom '!


Younaandto\rly Younaand 1('1\fjn ThrG.rl Froml-p.a-nrma Goes\lllllktnJThc ~tt-G1Ibrno ~hn lhroush rr~Mn thr s..mns room ;as v.e sit IOdlnnrrt.!tc·.t·t<t.:atlhrOf'Rtrcofthe ~11atok . Shr es\Jicuc:d. or rather


~~=~:a~.;~~: ',~~~ ~ SUII ~IRJ \ rtidYIIts \tn.t,tmlco DesSC\:1tnJ




.,urrkJio.~ 'And~o~ohobou&ht thrK\

~~..~~~~rn~~:~~~~ and ' ll,lkJ.'

·Dunns >our m;~rnrd ltre or .. rter ; 'Durint- I rr01d C\Crythtntl could lay

~;~~~:::;.--:::~~~~ rm 'Do )OU rcmemt>er, lbronn~Sprak rou1hly to your huk bo)• .~nd beo.1 h1m ~hm hr &n«lft. FOfhce.tnthofouplyrf\10)'

•fra~::7.~~~a~ pka ' And)'OU-£'!" ' Wrll. lwasbofn tn~Zcabnd. My filthrr tRr-.u~mtnl Campbrll-Walkf) \llliSflf\Kf\CCthrrc. Mymothrrhad mr ISUSIIyli!SShc h;t,d my NSIH and t\II Obrothers- noruss.nobolhcr. I' m


~~~= ~~::: :;~~~~~





thrrc. I'm a

[~;;;,::::::~',: reel so ~o~o·ell as ~·hm - I'm prrJRinl. Fantahslick~ And aoodna& why not '! Hrrc l am, a pat hcalthyScotssirtol ~~Yj:~':;:U~~Iy Mw t-.·o ci\Ud-

(1.1) 101'1 '

' \\r rrn' t you a " Setint o( Park LancM«bne Asp.Mit!' ·&rrOft" Asp~l\a ll . 1 ~... thr lint.' :~nd -hmyou~ercn't•


' rrom modelltf\1 you- · '\\dl. Douabs Fa~tblnb pw me a film cat. He l<'ki mr to forF'f about u.' ;::.. mtilnl, ll\lleckmds. Lrisurt : '01\.,.rll, thcrc ...,·uthrboredomofbetnJ IOUtred IO E nah~ country houses. I COUkiiW\rTII\'CinE,..ndno-.' "So-.hrrtdtdyouftnt,tocoinaphnuc, findromanot'!" ~~~~~~:! mrt all thr men tn nty lire at

!;J:=~ be

ooc rraJM you May

'A ndthiSfiruromo~~ : .,.IHILi!'

:g~~~~-:~H:::~ =~~

William Htekey-.ouldc:allaptlyboy. He had to be hen ror the sk11na,thm 1n Monte fortheGBnd l"n~. andCaNICiforthe Fc:stl\'111. and V~icr for the Bimnak~:::~ lhr ~ indo( th inJ.' •..,.lluntlly.' ''lo ques.~tortofmarnaer '!"


~ert IOFIIwr 10 lhat •hm he Rnallydtdwgatit , •t~o~ouaometh•nc

' \\r

ofanantichn\OIII . I'nlvtryJ&ad ldMfn't man)' him. I t« now it ~-u purtly rh>'lfOI. ThrE.wtcmrntofNew Skm. 8ut~c.,..c-reactuallyenpacd.andl-.·u

on thr

r-~:~ ~~:!.u too ~

Bui~"Mn -tltaltttleodd,lmran'!'

'Well, I t-tntlynevcr pve 111 t~ . lsuPPCJIIC I didn' t know an7 better. I ~'llnted to be a aood .,re nd a aood moth«. 11...,-.sHdnelwa.nled.not hd money, C'"9l tn the xnK thai hd monry.h!Spower,wuallpanofhtm, of hiS attrxuon. Dcan't Junnc Moreau 4~·ho'a a rrimd o( m1ne) u.y tomrt.htna:aboutthat inonc: oftholc

=:;::,; ~-:n~~:~~' ~.;~ moreob,rcl"~ly.

'l 'v~ only rally bqun to undrnaand HeUWIInotthedivon:c IIUPf)OIC.'that's ~hy ~~·rc beun rr~ than " ewr -.ert ... -.eundenlandeachother~ -.ell now. And now I think- but your JUftS d probl,bly IS aoocJ U mirw-tl\at hrpwNtnaiOmuch-.hrnhedtvonxd ha' bcaUK. for one: ttuna, hr wankd toberf'ft to marry me. And, f'IICn beina men. and businessmen bet"' busuwwmen, htperhapsfcltthlthavtnapatdso mudllobcfrccofNtna.andhavtna:PJI.

~i~~;=: ' HeWtilhinkinaofhisbuslnna..' ' Hcwual-.'ltysthinkinaofh•sbusincsL'

:~e~~ you:"' You mt1 htm horrc


He skis '!"



E~-:!~i~t~~.~~~~ mtddk of1hc ntaht. Hrtne 101 up. I

compU.lnedaboutthalwhea.,.werc 11iUmarried. P\,blidy-ilwaaiathal tekvisioo lhinctbu AJu Whkhrdid hereacoupko(,_,....,_Did)"'U.tee k'!" ' Alas, no.· "Noalu..' ' Wai'ifOn TVhere !'


Holland, Germany, here. Thtytmtmc acopy. llooltcdatitabout1u.montbs al\critwasshowninEn&Jand. Ghutl !' ' Butyoullillhawilhm:: '!" ' WeU ••• )'ft. l'mfartooSc:outothrow a~ away.'

S.._.y:Today,pk:ture--poatC:ardwea· : l)llehol.wn,l)lleblue



pc.aUdi.ISied with ldRJ.a

1111f hypente tomdeaa wind


:~u: ~~:'': t~,.,!! S•iiJr Sc • .-rl:rriu•rkrt'dit•tut•lt, throuahthewatc+Hhoppenkllhn&tlme 1n 1he aUeys o( thiS mou ntAin Monte Car~. thorrc c:leavcs a troika full of anttMI purpoac and muxular drp.- : the chat.nuts Maaoo and Aurora pullinathrtttiattO.ronrs&Tl\ystm. tuncJaSiealllhch.,pon,coltllhJycoordtnalil\llimblsn:m-prbed inpullowr,brerdws.stockinp.. ' Ht dnc! Guess wtla1 l"w just patd rot thr pnV~IqeofkC'Cf)inathcsedop for anot~yar! Scvntccnpouncb ! Fantab--ltd ! laatdlotheman,tt'saaood )Ob ldrowncdtholcfiwotha'pups-· Afier thr bank, ~..:·rc picnte-bound to the shores o( Stlvaplana. three dop ~nuna l ntheb;lo:kandO•...:'OIC',bctw«n l.lienttwrront . ~ult•na : · Punutbuttcr


Oh tolly!

And )lrily-

~~~c!:;=~ tf ::lit,~ ~t.;:-C~~Ilc 'Darlinadon'tbesosrce<ty.'


~="·,: ~~= ~



::~ ~ ~~lr~.:.!:.:rrt

fish . ' Mummy loo4ri.! Do you thtnk I rouktatchone '! lbrtlcoukltfwc -.-ereatOaddy"ltnJilll1iiK:aandlhad

~::00m!':'.r..thn'!' 'She sea tumcnouaf\. Shl: and Lome -.·ere down at lupno last montl\. And thm Hetne qutte oflcn coma to VISit us up here. HehasthtSlcarJC1.,hecanfty up tn I (cw mtnutes tf the wtathrr'l pod. Thr ,rt. made Sturo l'll.arcbo& unul hr JOl one too-'


'Fani.IMI.ick. When wc were marned -.-e uwd tO spend about a thin.l oflhe year here, a dwrd at Lupno, and a thu-d PonoAntonJO. Of'counelcanSiill PJ there ~hmr'vc:r I •~nl . With the


dllktf"Cft.lwoukln't,uh.~keaman.. '

'ls He•nevcryanachcdtothrchiktren!' ' He'' mahfvcltous wuh 1hcm, now. Not

:Od:=;~Oncoflhroddth•ncs ·Do they 1\aw- -Grut E\P(!CtaltoM- ; "'llwy 1\a'-enocxpectahonsat all. Rrmrmbcr. HetnehotsasonbyhiSilnt ...,,~ he 11rl hr mouried berore 1na Dyer : Thema Ltppe.. They my heft-. ln ract- esn'ttlf...,ny'!- thedayHe!nc and 1 came to lookatChra Alcyon ror the 11nt ttmr.. do you know who was ~~"!. ~naroundbcforc111'! His


' Butthechtklren•rcprovkiedrcw!'


thrfint OOOofallmcdtatlblth. Ord tl vbvena! lc:an'tquttrremembcr.

Dr. BETTMANN'S In-Studio Archive

81\TT~I .\~~

PORT.\BI.IH .\Rf 'HI\¡1<:

Picture House Press of New York has just made available a handsome new book reproducing a generous sampling of pictorial source material from the Bettmann Archive. The Archive was founded in 1935 when Dr. Otto L. Bettmann, former Rare Book Curator of the State Art Library in Berlin, arrived in New York with five trunks full of subject pictures. Today it offers illustrations on more than 5,000 subjects from its expanded collections. The "Bettmann Portable Archive" contains 232 pages of imaginatively selected and carefully arranged pictures from this collection; "a pictorial history of almost everything:' The book offers 3,669 pictures in 168 categories from "Absurdities" to "ZoologY:' It is slip-cased and well bound in linen covers to become a durable reference


source for art directors, designers, writers and editors. Dr. Bettmann writes about the formation of the new book: "To coordinate this vast mass of subjects, make all elements pull together in some fashion, was a fascinating task. There is nothing more exciting than to watch how prints behave on a white page-how they react to each other. It has made me a sort of vicarious art director -and the art director, Herb Migdoll , a graphic historian:' The book is not intended to be a swipe file of useable memorabilia. It is rather an idea and reference book. A "Main Categories" index lists broad topics and is supplemented with a "Subject Index" to locate specifics and an "Idea and Image Index" that gives descriptive references, providing a total of more than 6,000 cross references.


·· ~



1 Trade ad Art director / designer: Roy Whyatt Photographer: John Swanberg Copywriter: Flavel Ray Agency: Horton, Church & Goff Inc. Client: Dennison Manufacturing Co.

2 Sales promotion Art director / designer: Malcolm Grear Photographers : Becky Young/ 01 ive Pierce / Rudolph Vetter Copywriter: Warren Weireman Agency : Malcolm Grear, Designer Client: The Woonsocket Hospital


3 Booklet Art director/ designer : Malcolm Grear Agency: Malcolm Grear, Designer Client: Merrimack Valley Textile Museum

4 Magazine ad series Art director / designer: John Housley Artist/ photographer: Mel Goldman / William Helburn Copywriter: James DuBois Agency: Horton, Church & Goff Inc. Cl ient: Dennison Manufacturing Co.


One for the books: aÂŁopier with a built-in auditor.


One for the books: a copier with a built-in auditor.

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