Mistakes we make. But we don't label them Chiquita: There ort" two kInds of people In
th is 'Nodd The ones who COt eo lot. And the one. who couldn I co. e less We lilee to thInk of ourselves as
one of the former Sure, ..... e know our Chiquita Brond
Banana. don t a lways look lik. Ihe wQxed vel slon 10 the ten cent ~tore Frankly, we don t .. peet Ihem to Bul we do expeel them nol 10 b. overly speckled Or dry Orsk'nny And
Bob G age, art director/designer Phyllis Robinson, copywriter Dick Rich ards, photographer Doyle Dane Bernbach, agency Polaroid. client
w"" Ihrowoula whole" eefull Ifthey're He the one below, The way we .ee II, the Ch,qu,lo Brand 80nono seal belongs only on our be,I On Ihe pick of the crop, not Ihe run of Ihe crop On the plumpest, to,he,I , sweetest bananas we ve got ,t in us to produce Sure, we "admit we make mistakes, Bul w.. 11 b. darned if well label them Ch,qu,lo •
2 Joe Tranchina. art director/ designer Ron Mogel, copywriter Art Beck, photographer Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, Inc., agency United Fruit Co., client
Chiquita Brand Bananas.
What does a banana have to be to be a Chiquita?
A funny thing
happened on the way to a better banana. ..
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"'.11, J'WC'O"'I\.r.o(~ I QIIY'or "'f'I't
Chiquita Brand Bananas,
W, tort 01 lib palling the phYIicaI 10 become a Marine.
The banana', gat 10 be the right height. The right w.ight. The right .wry. thing. light off, it hal 10 be a gaacI eight inch.. alone the outer curw. And at IeaIt one and a quarter inch. CICrOII the middle. It hal 10 be plump. The peel hal 10 fit Iighdy, The baftana he. 10 be . . and finn. It hal 10 be gaacI enough 10 gIt through a 1S-paint inIpedian. Nat 0ftCII,
The Special Delivery
O1icu-ta Brand Bananas_ Chiquita Brand Bananas.
o ~
Ollul prtparallon
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•••••• ••• ••••
Esch&Baker.lnc. 837 Sibley Tower Building Rochester. New Yor!< 14604 Telephone: 325-2771
you · r.rro:r.ntood~l. . I.'he~r1 ....r 01 your product
.e',. frozan food peopl. too
E.r!yJ*:k;ng equipment, prllM'!Iy .saptedcannlnghnernecl'lonwy, ... beek:.llylneftlc'-"t.w.."otlhe ..._loIobrNk~~IIa .... "*,-11'Ol... toodptldllngllF.etleaI"-Ye bMn~lt'fCCA. P"'P.k.~joIntlyb)'
Contlo"-COfporetion_Kliklok,." • INP COfIlriOuhOn 10 1M wln\el' ~portiotlolltleln(J"",ry.
1nc ....ingPKkingh". ......., 1IAd Nduclngpec:kaoonocotl,lhrougtl_ot
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)'04J'r.frounfoodpeopl. w. " .'roz.nfood~l.too
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,to.I."tood ..... noo..Ifyl'''rt~yMtI . . TOIIoay.~
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•• ,oI"leVort~My-.yttuno . . ." ,.. oo, _ _ lnko""loo'm Thot'""otmlf;fI'owtII"~ll\f.fof on .... IllanIhI"~'rOI~1(IOd
Sww;eltleh••,Irw:... .,.ck"'lilIK11,1y
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""!or tole
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IOfponlOO'lpec kl9'"t11
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Tony Smith. a rt director A shby Sta rr, copywriter Va nce Jonson , designer Nicol as Sidjakov, illustrator Va nce Jonson / Jack Allen , photographers Ketchum , McCloud & Grove, agency W estin g house. client
Revised & Expanded
.the .
A-mer1':'can I.
Harris Lewine, a rt director Al a n Peckolick , des igner Herb Luba lin Inc. , a gency Holt Rineh a rt Winston , client
Po-Iit'i-cal Dic'tion-a-IY
3 H a rris Lewine, a rt director Vincent Ceci , designer Holt Rineh a rt a nd Winston , Inc ., client
4 Harris Lewine, art director Herb Lubalin / Fran Elfenbein , designers Fran Elfenbein , lettering Herb Lubalin Inc ., agency Macmill a n , client
Jack C.Plano
Mi~lton Greenberg
Management and Machiavelli
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2 Af toda y's lumpik espeeds, your lire depends on yo ur eyesighl. Can you p .. few simple tests for yo ur own s.dety1 Good eyesight has illways beton ne<:es$.lrY for the safeoperalion o(an aulomob.le, but with the t'ligh speeds of loday's drlvmg and the continu ing growlh of superhighways it has be<ome even more important to be sure of your vision. Can you ,cally see well enough to drive safely Of ilre you one of the m<llnydrivers whose VI SIon is below normall In thisarliclc area'ew tests lnat you un give yourself to gel an answer 10 this important question Although they can give you an indicatIon of trouble you
may nOI be aware of, they are, of course, nOllhe Silme as having your eyes examined by an oculist. Some eye di(ficultiesare h.ud to discover and lhere is no 5ubslrlule fora professional examination. The most obvious need fOr driving is 10 have normal dislance vision. A. simple test for this IS to pUI this page 20 feet away from you and see if you can dearly set! the headline of this article. Firsttryil wllh e ach eye separately, before you try it with both eyes together Don't close one eye in this lest, because that tends 10 make the other eye squint a lillie which is nol iii normal, relaxedcondllion. leavebolh eyes open and covereac" one in lurn with your hand . If you have normal, or 20120 vision, the headline should be clear with elthereye ilOd certainly with both. The lerm 20/20 merely means Ihat you can see al 20 feet what you should see at thai distance Uyouneed to get closer to Ihe letters than 20 feel,Ai" order 10 see them clearly, then your disl",nce Vision is nol norm",[ If you Cliln only see the leiters cle",rly when they are 10 feet away,lhenyou have the equivalent of 20/ 40 vision which means th at you see at 20 feet what you should see al 40, or in other words, you have to be twice as dose than if yOUf vision were normal. Similarly 20/s0, 20170, 20/100, etc. mean lhal what can normally be seen OIl 50, 70 or 100 feet, can only be seen cleady at 20 feet lei's look at what this does fOr driving when the driver has, say, 20/70 vision . He will have to walt until he is 20leet away from an obJecl to see It dearly, when normal eyeSight ~ould sec it at 70 feet . Obviously, thlscan makea vital difference and a person wilh below normal vision should cellainly drive more slowly However, 20/40 vision is not considered 10 be really bad You can get a driver's license in most stales
~~t~s!'~n~i~:~~ue::;a;fg:~:~,I~~ ~~r::~n~:nVi~!n~~~ again and see whelher your glasses correcl yoL.l 1020/20. lflheydon 'l, it Indlcales Ihalyou probablyoeeclstronger ones. About a third of the siaies will give licenses wllh only 20/70 vision, which can be dangerous fOr such a driver at high speeds. What makes the problem of poor vision in drivers more serious is that more Ihan a quarter of all drivers gal their licenses before an official lest was required. And most states do not call for an examination when licenses are renewed, except in some cases when the driver is over 65 years old. This is usuallYiJfler Ihere hils becn an accident. So wilh the milH005 of cars thatareon the road today there are probably hundreds of Ihousands of drivers who really do not see adequately, At the same tim.. they are being encouraged, if not forced by minimL.lm-speed highways, todrivefasterandfaster. Even theoffidal eye examination for a license does nOI HO filt enough. II doei 1101 , for ekample, test for depth perception or Ihe ability 10 judge dimnces. This can be alillostaslml>ortaniindrivingassee/ngclearlylnihefirst place. To judge dislances properly, both eyes§hould not only work, but work together as a team. If one eye is stronger than the other, lhe teamwork suffers To test this, foilee a light surface antt hold your index fingers aboul a fool in fronl of your eyes. Hold your fingers sidewilYi so that theypolOl ill each other. VVhileyou focus your eyes on the background as if you were looking at something atadistance, bringyourfingerstogelherL.lnUllhctipsare a half inch apart. Do not look al your fingers, but keep your eyes focused at the background. What you should see isa sma It oval shape, where Ihe lWO fingertips seem to overlap, with a space al each end. If Ihis shape is blurred or does not appear at all, Ihen your eyes are not working togelher A defect in this teamwork is usually the result of one weaker eye. This can often be corrected with glasses or exercise. II Isimportal1l to correct ii, because of eye-
strain to the stronger eye. Also, there is a strain on the weaker eye in trying to make it wo rk, which can cause the brain to If''> ' that eye by shulWi8 off j~ viSion enlirely When this happens, you are nllt aware of it, but most of your ability to Judge distilnce is gone. To some e'xlent, if thiS happens (airlyoften, the stronger eye can compensate ilndhoilvesomedeplh percept ion, but it is stili hmited. If you wanllO check this ability of one eye to judge distances, you can close one eye and with the other see if you can louch a small spot thai is about an arm's length away With the lip of your finger. If you miss Ihe spot more times Ihan you score a bull's-eye, your abililY to compensdte for depth with one eye is not good. Besides thisdistoilncevlslon, iI is important 10haYe good close Vision. Usually people know if their close vision is bad because they nave d iffieulty readlO& espeCially fme prinl . No rmal visIon means that yoo can read this page clearly at a normal ,e",ding d,stance of between 12 10 15 [,lches. If you can do this with no 51roilining or squinting then you probably can see the'tlashboard of your arwith no trouble. An eye trouble that occurs as we get older, usuillly 45 years or more, isa certain loss of elasticity of the lens. The result of thiS is thai It becomes more and more difficult 10 mift focus back and forth from near to distant ob,e<:ts. IndrivlOg, the eye Is constantly shlfling from the road 10 thedashboard;lOd back agilin. For example, you may be ablc to see a sign clearly at '" hundred y,uds, but then fmd the dashboard is blurred when you mat your eyes 10 it In reading you tftayalso find that you are holdIOgan~spapernearerorfarlherawayth.anyouusedto.
A. cOl'nlnon complaint of middle age is that one's arms are 100 short 10 hold the paper at reading distance. The answer to this complamt is an eye examinaiion. Glasses can usuallycorrecllhls Hyou already wear gl",sses, then the answer can be bifocal or even trifocal glOlSses. The change 10 bifocal glasses coiln reqUire a week or two to gel used to Ihem, but it is ~orth IL It is easy 10 tesl for 11'1 15_ Just hold this page about a foot and a h",lf away and see whether you can read it when you shift your eyes rapidly back and forth from the page to a distant object, iii you would In your car from the road 10 Ihe Instrument panel. Side vision is anolher faclor in safe eyesight for dnvlng thoill is not included In an official test. A good percenlage of sideswipe accidents have been traced to poor side VIsion. To tesl yourself in this, hold a small piece of paper to each hand. Then hold your ",rms at shoulder height , slralghl out, but as far back as you ca.n get them Now as you are looking siraight aheoild, bring your arms slowly forward..tOtil you can distinguish both pieces of paper out of the corner of your eyes. With normal side vision you should be able to see the papers when your arms are Just about straight out to eoilch side This means a lotill field of VIsion of nearly 160 degrees. If you have to bring your arms much further forwud, then your side viSjon Is nOI good. In fact, if you have to bnnSlhe pieces of paper more than one foot forward from the 160 degree positIon, your limited side vision i~ an aClual driving haz'lId This condition cannot be corrected wllh glasses, so Ihe best you Coiln do is to know about it Then when you drive, you an make", habit of glancing from sIde 10 side and be aware of any possible dangers from Ihese directions. Some people suffer from astigmatism whIch comes
~~~~1:;1~8/;~ ~:;~~I:~~YS:ÂťII~:v~O;~t~:::t~~; ~elt ~~
be an additional complication to being near Of farsighled . The symplom is 10 feel that vertical lines slant 10 the side ablt Actually Ihe eye corrects for this so Ihe person with
~~~e~~:~ d~ff~~~~v:~i~ha~s
i~n;~:;~~ :~r~f::~j:~
;::;:; e~e in correcting for it, and after a long day's drive ",I high speed the eye strain can slow down your reactions. If you gel headaches or your eyes feel especially tired after a long drive, it wou~d be wise 10 have your eyes checked Fortunately, aSllgmatism is correctable with glasses. The only other major factor in eyesight for safe dfivlOg is night vision. The eye has two types of vision elements, rods and cones. One is primarily for daylight vision and also gives us Ihe abi lity to see colors; the other is for distinguishing lightness and darkness and is what we mainly rely on for mghl vision. So il is perfectly pos-
stop small fires ... with Ansul's MERRIMAC
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_'er. If CI""nt. 'f WI"'" _m-
111& ""rt: ,b.,. hIJ'''Oyr.rt C,lftiJtrrh,iitch,,,'/IItprrllliu'l• .JJ hoM"" If. "tiltll';] ttllll,.,. . If. &"al.IIII'JI'II' is 'IIma;"/I"tNrt:; /ultth", ;slIls,,,.i,n.,,J 1."",,,uI"fi,,plnuWllhhHrKii,,!. tHin ,I#OIJ i,,/,.,u,/ i,. I - t I l , " ) t,ft firipllm uwmtnflJ ItIJIII1,,,,,/,,,,,. A __IfIQ;,IJ,h.,.,.WDilfluli,
A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote 8(} iSltllNli"&"lliNiirrbtt,wiNi,,,,. ItnnissbH,.NI" SiHl.I
t. fI'YJwtllttr'tm'IISIl-.
mtry",/,uJrtJI. SJuiss-J/IlNi tpri"btly,l,ulIllI"ullmbnt; hJlI, tftf ""AYI.thl"1 mlftsl, IN,.
shtfliJm /I" p",flll/J bllfUhtJ. H,,./tI(tUfflNIrt4!J},- ,,,,,,,,hlu M:, Lltll,I,,'s,
1,,,ttdbylll,,.Nlwiu; •• ,i/1I "/;(lIl,
(H,ji"", ",,,,d, ,,,uI h,r
'7" II" JIH~J,"J ,,"" II""tI.
"Oh"'Y,·'tbuJ«l"mu,lHrh,.,,,,. s",.Iu,,& Iht "IIM.III,,,,,,, " '11 /rw,tr"hUII",IHr.'" Tht 1"1."" tIlNm Iht IIlftllii,,& II "9ul/. I ""'Stllnl;sIH is IIXry-I","lh,,,&. W''''''(#IIsi"s , fJrrydlllll.'."" ,"ulCt'hP." "~'fJ I,&tlhn- .."U , tU l.n& liS I (II" Olbw fU,I, i"b.!Jil 1M H'lIf, "IIIIIWI; IIMIH"&"
Ihtyh..",.IiItrHtrflS" "uI/rr.K,tftly",,,u,,scry, we,,,.,,,.,, ,,, tMwhH"IH",lICh"w,.,,/,htM W,.,.""ch"h",htll/ru"a. Sh,,,,/tsnu B.tid" ,,,m,nury,! II Ny III}" WtlS /_,rly Itt, hm frunt/. , Tin ,1"', 8/lJJy Ji,J inlht .II,'s,lIIhtKlhtwtlsllllta chrld. Sh,usI,JI"chdJ.
·' fh,w".,!",I&",.,./
h,d," SIHSIlYI, '.I7f'''&IIIl1"y/",m lIN (continucdon page 13J)
The Watts Towers are a mooument ODe IDIIII bulll for olbers. It took 33 yean aDd hardly ..,.1 a dime.
Sausalito is a town thai has houseboats and houses on stills on steep hills overlooking shops like an antique shop that sells nautical antiques and a leather shop that sells everything in leather and a boutique shop that sells not hing that 's nol way-out and a shop that used to bean old freight station and another that used to bean old ferryboat and a book shop that sells coffee and a resUiurant that has turtle races and balloon-blowing contests that's next door to a handcraft shop that sells buttons and braids that 's on the same strcct asa ba r that doesn 't have a name and an English p:..:~ ~pccia lizing in fish ali.h:..'iips that 's across the street from where the amateur sailors berth their sailboats in one of the five yacht harbors tha t's between a river boat that 's a discotheque and a French restaurant on the bay where they play Brazilian gui._~;,;;;;;j"'.""
while across lhe bay in Sa...... IO. people ealin 011 their bou.eboets aod look al resta....... ts.