For Louise, who loves gnomes and small cottages at the edge of the woods.
– M. M.
To my parents, who have encouraged my taste for stories and drawing.
– C. P.
The Magic Cap
Text copyright © 2023 Mireille Messier
Illustration copyright © 2023 Charlotte Parent
Copyright © Milky Way Picture Books
All rights reserved.
Translation by Mireille Messer Art direction by Nadine Robert Book design by Nadine Robert Proofreading by Nick Frost
This edition published in 2023 by Milky Way Picture Books, an imprint of Comme des géants inc. Varennes, Quebec, Canada.
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The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copyright). For an Access Copyright license, visit www.accesscopyright.ca or call toll free to 1-800-893-5777.
Library and Archives Canada cataloguing in publication
Title: The Magic Cap / Mireille Messier ; illustrations, Charlotte Parent. Other titles: Bonnet magique. English Names: Messier, Mireille, 1971- author. | Parent, Charlotte, illustrator.
Description: Translation of: Le bonnet magique. Identifiers: Canadiana 20220013470 | ISBN 9781990252211 (hardcover) Classification: LCC PS8576.E7737 B6613 2022 | DDC jC843/.54—dc23
ISBN: 978-1-990252-21-1
Printed and bound in China
Milky Way Picture Books
Milky Way Picture Books 38 Sainte-Anne Street Varennes, Qc J3X 1R5 Canada
We acknowledge the support of the Government of Canada.
We gratefully acknowledge for their financial support of our publishing program the Canada Council for the Arts and the Government of Canada.

A long time ago, two children lived in a tiny thatched cottage in the woods.

Isaura and Arlo were happy in their humble home with only their pet hedgehog, Crispin, as company.

Sadly, one morning, Crispin fell ill. Rolled up in his basket, he refused to play. The children tried everything to make their pet feel better. They made him his favorite slug soup,

brewed pots of cucumber tea, and even took turns rocking him for hours under the moonlight. To no avail. Crispin remained pale and listless.

“We have to find a gnome,” said Isaura. “A gnome? What for?” asked Arlo. “Because gnomes are magical. If we find one, we could ask it to help Crispin.”

“But… how can we find a gnome?”
“We could try to lure it with a bit of food,” answered Isaura. “We hide, we wait, and, when it appears we ask it for help.”
Excited by their plan, the children searched their home from top to bottom for a bit of food to attract a gnome. An old crouton? A slice of blood pudding? Perhaps a few raisins?

Food was a rare commodity. Finally, they decided to pour the last of their milk into a small bowl.

“I hope this works,” whispered Isaura.
With the bowl in hand, the children ventured into the woods.

They held their breath and stared at their offering. Then…

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Many moons ago, in a tiny cottage in the woods, there lived two children named Isaura and Arlo. When their beloved pet hedgehog falls ill, they seek the magical healing power of gnomes. But finding a gnome may prove harder than expected.