Commend Academy EN

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Commend International Passion meets Profession

Fritz Gmeiner: his team ensures 100% fail safety, powered by 120% commitment


INTERCOM: OUR PASSION Where telephone, mobile and Internet reach their limits, Intercom steps in. Transmitting speech, data and pictures with absolute reliability, even in difficult locations and under tough conditions – that is the important, sometimes life-saving goal that the specialists at Commend are committed to. Every day millions of people who use Commend systems and solutions rely on their voice getting heard – especially in situations when every word counts. Justifying this trust is a matter for dedicated pros with a clear focus on excellence – bright, creative minds with passion to work together to make the best Intercom solutions in the world. This booklet is intended as a brief ‘look behind the scenes’ at Commend International – a look that we hope will stir the interest of those who want to combine expertise and professional passion in their jobs.


Commend in a nutshell Exciting high-tech that powers communication terminals and control desks to transfer speech, images and data – that is the world of the Commend research and development laboratories. Finding and perfecting solutions that are both flexible and modular is what it’s all about, because in the market, Intercom and Intercom can be two different things: from the underground station to the operating theatre, every application environment has different security demands that need to be addressed and served individually. Commend systems from Salzburg have been in use all over the world for a long time already and have made Commend the first choice worldwide in all matters related to Intercom. Commend products and solutions find their way into the world via a global network of subsidiaries and partner firms that stretches across 40 countries.

Medical Intercom

Mass Transit Intercom

Commend makes communication with a system. The Commend hardware portfolio covers every Intercom need with products from simple call stations to complex communication systems. For perfect customer-specific solutions based on a well designed building block system. Commend stands for design and technology with people in mind. Intercom Control Systems / Control Desks



Intercom Terminals

Intercom Server

Overview of the Intercom 2.0 server landscape.


FACTS & FIGURES Name of firm: Commend International GmbH Headquarter: Salzburg, Austria International: Marketing / Sales and Service subsidiaries and partners in over 40 countries worldwide Staff: approx. 150 at headquarter in Salzburg (as per date 2010); 400 worldwide Core Competence: Development and marketing of call stations, control desk systems and security communication systems R&D, Production: In-house R&D; production at Salzburg headquarters Market Segments: Security & Emergency; Transport & Infrastructure; Industry & Commerce; Healthcare & Education

Intercom 2.0: Fully backward compatible to systems of the 1980s.

Milestones 1971

Commend founded as a family business

1974 The first programmable Intercom system (GE 101) and call stations (EE 101) set new standards in technology and design 1980 First microprocessor (CMOS technology) 1993




First fully digital Intercom unit: EE 711

1997 First open, digital 19� system for network-based operation: Intercom Server GE 700 2002 First IP-based solutions with IoIPŽ and G7-CNET-LAN network cards 2008

Most powerful IP-based Intercom Server ever: GE 800

2010 Technological leap forward to product generation Intercom 2.0. WS Series (wallmount stations) becomes first product line with Intercom 2.0 genes.

Sometimes night is turned into day to support our customers’ enthusiasm.

Innovation never sleeps.

Simply timeless.

A perfect synthesis of technology and design. Intercom 2.0 – Welcome to a whole new world of possibilities.

Merima Mesic at the high-tech production line in Salzburg.

Hands-on Responsibility FOCUS ON RELIABILITY ‘Off-the shelf’ solutions? You won’t find those at Commend. The quality demands are simply too high. A single message sent over a Commend line may decide on someone’s personal security or even their life – a life that may depend on every per mill that the systems can be brought closer to 100% fail safety. No wonder, then, that Commend has raised the bar higher than most other industries where quality and solution focus are concerned.

ROUTINELY CREATIVE It takes employees with exceptional qualities to stay ahead of the game: creative thinkers who are used to thinking outside the box to find the best solutions – specialists who will rise to the challenge and have fun getting the most out of technology and business opportunities for the benefit of our customers. In short, people who love their job and enjoy making possible what others have thought to be impossible. Commend is where people can develop their passion to take good things and turn them into the best. In these efforts we are supported by long-time partnerships with renowned re­search institutions, universities and technical colleges.

THE FRUITS OF INNOVATION In the more than 30 years since its foundation, Commend has experienced the growth of a corporate culture that’s quite exceptional. It actively supports and fosters creativity, innovation and responsibility far beyond common levels. But most importantly, it always puts people at the centre.

WHAT NEW EMPLOYEES CAN EXPECT Team spirit, health, activity, and individual development are the main areas that Commend is dedicated to support as a necessary, solid foundation for passionate professionals. This includes: xtensive opportunities for further education at the Commend E Academy Great incentives and social packages Flexible work time and working conditions Support of creative work from the home office Responsible, sustainable corporate and personnel development International career opportunities in a global network of companies Honesty and fariness A thorough sense of community, home and family

INTERCOMpetence in action …

Name & age Volker Schiffkorn, 47

Responsibilities Audio and acoustics specialist, firmware developer

Education & professional experience Technical college (electrical engineering)

To me, Commend means … A firm that places great focus on maintaining a culture of personal appreciation. The result is a very pleasant, highly creative working atmosphere. I’ve been able to utilise my strengths and interests for over 25 years at a high level of professional freedom. There‘s always exciting challenges, and it’s fun to see them grow and develop into products and projects on an international level. It feels great playing a part in this creative process and being a member of this ‘family’.

Volker Schiffkorn in his element: doing research at the in-house audio lab.

Name & age Johannes Helminger, 33

Responsibilities Head of Innovation and Product Strategy, Certified Trainer

Education & professional experience Salzburg Higher Technical College, occupational graduate course in Telecom Technology and Systems at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences

To me, Commend means … The home of a highly interesting world of products that keeps fascinating me every day. I also appreciate that I’m free to contribute and implement my own ideas and suggestions. What I’m personally impressed with is the continuing innovation and further development of technologies in an international setting – and, of course, the high level of professional freedom and responsibility. I especially appreciate the fact that despite its success and worldwide reputation, Commend has not mutated into a typical global enterprise but has kept its identity as a family business.

Name & age Roswitha Scherer, 39

Responsibilities Head of International Technical Support, Certified Trainer

Education & professional experience High school diploma; graduate of Salzburg Academy for Micro­ electronics

To me, Commend means … The place I enjoy to work at every day, even after twenty years. Our employer has put a lot of effort into creating a great working atmosphere where team spirit can grow naturally. What fascinates me in my work are the varied activities and challenges in connection with exciting products and technologies. I particularly like the support we get when we want to expand our horizon and find new challenges within the company – all thanks to Commend‘s general policy of pursuing long-term working relationships with its employees.

Max Eick gaining experience as an assistant in a professional photo shoot.

Name & age Max Eick, 26

Responsibilities Internship with Marketing Services (six months)

Education & professional experience Graduate of Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (Business Studies, with focus on Marketing)

To me, Commend means … A firm that clearly stands out among all my internship employers. None of the others comes even close to this exceptionally pleasant working atmosphere and unique sense of community. I think it’s this being a part of the ‘Commend family’ that makes this firm something special to all of us who are working here. So I was very happy to be able to continue working here after my internship. Commend has also helped me a great deal in completing my diploma thesis.

Name & age Eugen Bernhofer, 30

Responsibilities Sales specialist, Certified Trainer

Education & professional experience Technical school (Electronics); graduate of Technical College evening school

To me, Commend means … The firm that has supported me in gaining experience in various areas, leading to my current position in Sales. In my work I’m able to travel the world and learn about different cultures, which adds a lot of variety to my job. Having my own responsibilities within a young team and working with the latest technologies – that fits in perfectly with my interest in technology, and it’s a lot of fun. As I like working in teams, I’m also an active trainer on behalf of the Commend Academy, and I appreciate the opportunity this gives me to stay in touch with technicians from all around the world.

Eugen Bernhofer giving a demonstration at a training session.

Gabi Sinzinger at her desk in the Firmware Development department.

Name & age Gabriele Sinzinger, 28

Responsibilities Specialist for firmware development

Education & professional experience Commercial college; graduate of training for Technical Assistant for Information Science

To me, Commend means … A firm and a ‘family’ that I’ve been a member of for over six years, and a place of very positive experiences. Working in a modern building amid uncomplicated, friendly colleagues is a lot of fun. Both the flexible work time and the ability to work out concepts and ideas from my home office allow me to keep a smooth workflow and provide space for creative ideas. Also, it’s important to me that I’m able to pursue further education and keep developing professionally once I complete my training. Commend helps me a lot to do just that.


Powerfully helpful.

Because everybody needs help at sometime. The new generation of Wallmount Stations Series WS.

Matthias Rossner, Trainee for Product Quality Assurance.


Interested in a career at Commend? Looking behind the scenes at Commend. Contributing to interes­ ting development projects. Diving into an exciting working environment in one of the most innovative high-tech providers at the home of Intercom 2.0. All that is just an online application away ‌ View current job offers at

Making connections is our business Those interested in making a connection can do so right here:

WHAT JOB APPLICANTS SHOULD HAVE … Enthusiasm when it comes to communication and related technologies (e.g. dedicated audio and / or video specialists); professional experience with a solid education and a proper dose of curiosity; a distinct sense of quality; creativity and sense of responsibility that goes beyond ‘business as usual’; the ability and readiness to explore new technical territories; a passion for puzzling, problem solving and improving things; team spirit.

Internships and support of diploma theses As we all know, the best stories are taken from real life. It’s clear, then that the most useful research is driven by experience and documented by students with direct access to the practical environ­ ment of their topic. Submit your application, including a brief description of the main topic, to

Purchasers Project Managers

Broadcast Technicians Standards Specialists Graphic Designers

Production Workers

Instructional Designers Usability Engineers

Software Developers

Professional Communicators Personnel Developers Quality Assurance Specialists

Hardware Developers IT Professionals Order Processors


Marketing Specialists

Electronics Specialists Product Managers

All jobs at Commend are open to both genders.

Commend International GmbH Saalachstrasse 51 路 5020 Salzburg 路 Austria Tel. +43-662-85 62 25 路 Fax +43-662 85 62 26 路

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