SECURITy & Emergency | TRANSPORT & Infrastructure | INDUSTRy & COMMERCE | Health Care & EDucation
Commend A Strong Network | Worldwide When every second counts, people need a technology that does not just work, but is one hundred per cent reliable – anywhere, anytime around the clock. At C ommend, we are aware of our responsibility. That is because millions of
Europe SWITZERLAND Liechtenstein FRANCE
Commend AG Tel. +41-44-955 02 22
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Latin America
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SIMPLICITY meets POWER Commend Product Catalogue
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people put their trust in us and our products every day. Whether at a London tube station, a car park in France or a hospital in the United States; because every word counts, everything speaks in favour of solutions by Commend.
Commend Business Hub Asia Isolectra Far East Pte. Ltd Tel. +65-6272-2371
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Commend Australia Tel. +61-3-9755-3947
Other countries
Commend UK Ltd
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Edition 01-2010
Slovakia Czech Republic
Because every word counts. Because every word counts, everything speaks for solutions from Commend. Because every second may be decisive, people need a technology which not only functions, but is 100 percent reliable – in all situations, 24 hours a day. We at Commend are fully aware of our responsibilities. Since every day, millions of people world-wide rely on us. Whether in the London Underground system, in a multi-storey car park in France or in a hospital in the USA: communication and security are our driving forces. For this reason, we continue each day to develop and work on solutions which are even better. Solutions which are even simpler, but which at the same time open up new possibilities. Solutions which not only serve their purpose, but which also provide a feel-good factor. The feeling of security and trust. With this product catalogue, we provide you with information on the latest state-of-the-art technology from Commend. Because every word counts, we will be pleased to hear from you and listen to your opinions – whether relating to our products, or simply to the Commend brand. Write to us at:
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Content The Intercom Platform
Open for the future
The Solutions
Security & Emergency
Transport & Infrastructure
Industry & Commerce
Health Care & Education
The Hardware Programme
Intercom Terminals
Wallmount Stations
Membrane-protected Intercom Stations
Vandal Resistant Intercom Stations
Emergency Call Stations
Doors and Gates
Desktop Stations
Intercom Modules
Heavy Industrial Stations
Detention Cell Terminals
Intercom Control Systems
Control Desk Visualisation ComWIN
Intercom Client
Digital Control Desk System EE 380A
Digital Control Desk System EE 880
Intercom Server
IP-Intercom Server Landscape
IP-Intercom Server
GE 800 – IP-Intercom Server in 19” Technology
GE 300 – Compact IP-Intercom Server
GE 700 – System Intercom Server in 19” Technology
GE 200 – Compact System Intercom Server
GE 100 – Compact Intercom Server
GE 50 – Intercom Server
Server Accessories
Packages & Add Ons
Counter Intercom
Audiocom ®
Demonstration Material
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For security with enhanced communication. This includes the networking of visual and acoustic information. Commend has developed a digital system platform that meets the highest security
and communication requirements – with a uniform operating interface, interactive, modular and adaptive.
Multi-functional terminals. Terminal devices and user interfaces that employ state-of-the-art DSP technology. Local networks. The central intercom control unit serves as the interface manager for a speech-image data network. Global networks. Local networks are interconnected via standardised protocols to form global communication networks. Modern structures. Digital system networking via IP, 2-wire HDSL, ISDN or E1. Easy programming. The configuration of the intercom server is carried out with a user-friendly PC program. Flexible VoIP interface for SIP/IAX connections – easy integration of SIP telephones and VoIP servers into Intercom systems.
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Open Duplex速. IP. DSP. Open for the future.
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A secure investment in the future. Based on intelligent technologies and services for timely, up-to-date solutions which always focus on people and their requirements.
Commend prides itself on providing solutions compliant to technological standards, worldwide.
Intercom Facts OPEN DUPLEX®. The standard for Commend Intercom systems for natural voice communication. Efficient connections. Communication via intercom is shorter, clearer and easier to understand than other forms of telecommunication. The new generation of IP-Intercom servers, GE 800 and GE 300, support an audio bandwidth of up to 16 kHz, allowing speech communications and emergency calls or announcements to be made with unprecedented clarity. DSP – “Digital Signal Processing”. Powerful hardware and software make way for new features. Safe communication. Interruption-free connection to all areas, regardless of the acoustic conditions. IoIP® – Intercom over IP. Intercom system networking and connecting of terminals via the mass network. Proven concepts. Technological leadership due to innovative approach and well thought-out solutions. Commend. The future of Intercom. Now.
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Complete systems from one source. The current trend in security and communication requires comprehensive and compact system solu tions that integrate all elements of communication.
Commend offers a large number of features that facilitate the creation of purpose made communication and security solutions for each application area.
Intercom Facts Central control. Control desk systems and graphical user interfaces for speech, control and display functions. Easy integration. Integration into external systems (fire alarm, CCTV, etc.). Absolute reliability. Emergency call system with speech, data and image transmission, emergency calls from elevators in compliance with EN 81. The second communication level. Intercoms in offices that employ digital technology. Perfect integration of PA systems in excellent 16 kHz sound quality. Robust reliability. Industrial intercoms for light, commercial and heavy industry. Secure connections. Integration of telephone and mobile telephony. Digital Voice Server. Digital speech processing for messages and speech recording. Project-specific solutions. Modules for the integration of special stations (built-in stations). Desktop counter intercom systems for point-to-point communication in highest speech quality.
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Security & Emergency
Security Intercom P
In companies the security aspect is becoming evermore important. Security Intercom by Commend is an innovative communication technology for companies and institutions of any size. The heart of the system is the central, multifunctional control room, which keeps an eye on each corner of the company premises and uses additional functions to ensure the necessary security within the company – inconspicuously: I ntegration of access controls, fire and burglar alarms, video monitoring, lift emergency calls, etc. C lear and easy-to-use operator interfaces in the control room I ntegration of telephones into the Intercom System P ossibility of public address through dedicated interface P erfectly scalable system for any size of operation
© Q-Park
EMERGENCY INTERCOM Emergency calls... sirens... flashlights... when ambulances, fire brigades and police are involved, it means saving people’s lives or protecting property. Emergency Intercom by Commend, the customised communication platform for rescue forces, fits all sizes of operations to provide a clear overview. Commend supports the emergency teams to coordinate their rescue missions optimally – at every stage from “Alarm” to “Fire out!”. E xcellent speech quality through Intercom for smooth communication with the control centre F ast deployment of forces, thanks to pre-programmed scenarios, at the touch of a button O ptimum communication between the scene of the emergency and the control room by integrating two-way radio and telephone P ossibility to control barriers and door calls from the control room F lexible call transfers, ensuring no emergency call is lost
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P r o t e c t i n g p e o pl e , g o o d s a n d v a l u a bl e s If you need help in an emergency situation, you need it fast. Commend systems support various emergency and rescue teams to keep a cool head in stressful situa tions and to keep a perfect overview. Easy handling, well adapted operator interfaces, automatic location
of emergency calls, excellent speech quality, optional control of CCTV in order to assess the situation correctly. Commend emergency systems are developed for extreme situations and help the right steps to be taken at critical moments.
TOWN CENTRE INTERCOM Cities are growing and masses of people are walking in our streets and squares. Town Centre Intercom by Commend is the answer to the people’ s growing security needs. Its main area of use is where anonymity persists in large crowds of people. The control centre can be reached by visitors seeking help, by means of a self-explanatory emergency intercom. Simply pressing a button allows a call to be made, and help and/or important information to be reached as quickly as possible. Information and help points in public areas Individual help point design to meet planners’ requirements Possibility of controlling CCTV helping to assess the situation as fast as possible RF (Radio Frequency) integration of fire-fighting forces Systems are scalable and expandable to meet individual needs
Prison Intercom Whenever it is necessary to have continuous monitoring and communication paths that are always available, Prison Intercom by Commend will provide that services. The concept, adapted for everyday prison life, provides added value in terms of security in all areas that should be under surveillance. The central control room has a constant view of walkways, cells and visitor areas and authorised personnel use specially designed terminals to contact others. Multifunctional cell terminals in scalable design Flexible control room designs for different prison sectors and the central control room Clear graphic user interfaces in the control room with integration of the inmates’ database Emergency scenarios for improved protection of supervisory personnel Automatic switching of cameras for hassle-free security Alarm activation and execution of emergency plans Mobile phone detection
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Transport & Infrastructure
Parking Intercom Questions are heard everyday in car parks – entering or leaving or at the pay-on-foot machines: there cannot always be a parking attendant on site to answer them, especially when the car park is small or not busy. Networked Parking Intercom solutions allow operators to manage many car parks from a central control centre. When a call is made, the relevant video image is switched onto the control desk’s screen where technical systems can be remotely controlled using the intercom network. In this way, Parking Intercom helps car park operators use their personnel as efficiently as possible, thanks to cross-border networked Parking Intercom and individual, flexible call transfer solutions. C all stations for entry/exit, ticket machines, pay stations E mergency systems for lifts, escalators and car park levels S upervision and monitoring of external systems, e.g. CO alarm, ventilation and light F lexible call transfer concepts to a central control location to reduce personnel costs, whilst simultaneously increasing operating security Automatic switching of video cameras during calls
P Mass Transit INTERCOM Many people now use public transport. Everyday, millions take the tram, bus, train and underground to work, to visit friends and family or to go shopping. Alone in the crowd, the commuter requires added value in terms of safety, which he receives through Mass Transit Intercom by Commend. This innovative technology provides lightning-fast, smooth communication in emergency or problem situations. I nformation and help points at bus/tram stops, train platforms and on-board trains I ntercoms can be integrated into existing panels for client-specific designs C onnection of several public transport lines to a central control room Automatic management and switching of video cameras when a call is made E xcellent speech quality and comprehensibility even in noisy areas
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P H e lp a t t h e TOUC H o f a b u t t o n What would happen, if…? Surely, every driver in a tunnel has asked himself this question at least once. How would you get help if things were really serious? Where would you go to sound the alarm? It is reassuring to know that Commend, with its individual intercom features,
provides more security in transport and infrastructure. Whether in parking garages or on public transport, carrying millions every day, Commend’s professional solutions means that the help required can be obtained by the simple push of a button.
Toll Station INTERCOM More and more toll booths are being automated and left unmanned. Drivers must therefore, be sure that if there is a problem at point of payment, it can be resolved at the touch of a button by talking to a control centre. Toll Station Intercom by Commend with its innovative networking concepts provides optimum operating safety whilst using personnel efficiently. I ntercom modules with excellent speech quality which can be integrated into custom designed toll payment machines Remote management of several toll booths from a control centre Networking of all entries and exists from a toll road section CCTV integration – automatic switching of cameras igh operational security through line monitoring and loudspeaker/microphone H surveillance of Intercom stations
Tunnel Intercom Breakdowns and accidents in tunnels are a potential source of great danger. In an emergency, special help points in niches throughout the tunnel – away from traffic noise – allowing comprehensible communication with the tunnel authorities. Tunnel Intercom by Commend is characterised by extremely high operating security, thereby helping to ensure added value in terms of safety on a daily basis. User-friendly, highly visible, robust help points Guaranteed optimum operating safety through redundant communication paths Better overview for tunnel authorities with automatic camera switching fficient information and risk management as well as coordination of personnel through E relief tunnel and operating a two-way radio and public address Monitoring and control of assigned control and alarm systems
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Industry & Commerce
Industrial Intercom Especially in industrial areas, people and machines are often subject to noise, dirt, damp and high temperatures. Communication systems used in these areas work under extreme conditions. Robust and function-safety are two of the main attributes of Industrial Intercom by Commend. Optimal speech communication in sectors such as heavy industry, road-building and industrial parks are some of the areas where Commend’s individual concepts can save time and money. Flawless speech connections under difficult environmental conditions (damp, noise, dirt and explosive) C onnection of two-way radio for plant security and service technicians Integration of telecom systems (wired or mobile such as GSM or DECT) S pecial conference functions for party-lines O ptimal networking for extensive company areas, operating stations and other locations
Harbour P Intercom Everyday, major ports move many hundreds of containers weighing thousands of tonnes. When giant freight ships tie up at docks, the various harbour teams are under great pressure to coordinate activities. Commend’s Harbour Intercom plays a significant role in the overall security and communication plan. Robust, weather-resistant intercom terminals and the people operating them are visible at the control centre with the provision of automatic images thanks to automatically switchable cameras. I ntercom at entry / exit areas and in the port and harbour districts Robust intercom for different environmental conditions (sea water, dirt, differing temperatures) I ntegration of radio, entry controls and alarm systems O ptimal speech comprehensibility even during noisy ambient conditions I ndividual networking concepts for extensive harbour areas
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P e r f e c t c o mm u n i c a t i o n f o r o p t im a l s e c u r i t y Economic and market conditions are becoming tougher and tougher for businesses. Efficient and succesful organisation is a must. The right communication helps to save time and money. With its Intercom for Industry & Commerce, Commend delivers tailor-made
communication concepts for a variety of uses. Whether in hot, humid conditions such as around hot furnaces or in the hectic environment of the baggage department at an airport, Commend ensures smooth and clear communication.
Airport INTERCOM Scenes at an airport‌ Baggage travels automatically for kilometres and, as if by magic, arrives at the right aircraft. The vegetarian menu for a passenger goes to the correct person on board the aircraft. At Gate A, a lady has a heart problem and needs a doctor, who needs to be there within minutes. Flight operations at the airport run smoothly, if communications run without a hitch. Commend’s Airport Intercom supports the hectic, multi-faceted life of an airport in undetectable, yet efficient ways. I ndividual information and help points as well as special Intercom stations for people with disabilities (mobility, hearing or sight problems) Complex Intercom solutions for entries and exits with CCTV integration Intercom for personnel gates Operating communication for gates, check-in, baggage handling, catering companies etc. Silent alarm at control points, such as safety gates and check-in desks
Banking Intercom Immense gains or the loss of millions... in banking terms, one glance can be decisive. What bankers need is the correct information at the right time. Therefore, they immediately need available communication channels that are reliable and work across country borders. Networked Intercom solutions from Commend ensure that the connection across time zones is of the highest quality if quick decisions are to be made. Intercom with direct call buttons for pre-programmable announcements and morning calls Recording of conversations for later reference Networking of banks across country borders Optimum speech comprehensibility in highly stressed environments calable, expandable solutions with intercom terminals that can be moved S whilst keeping user configuration
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Health Care & Education
Medical Intercom In the medical sector, minutes can be decisive in terms of life and death. Especially in emergency rooms and operating areas, communication media must meet certain standards to avoid endangering patients’ lives. Medical Intercom by Commend meets the highest criteria within the medical sector, whilst also providing quick and comprehensible communication in laboratories, blood banks and patient rooms. D isinfectant friendly Intercom stations for treatment rooms and operating areas (Complies with Directive EN 60601-1) Access controls for restricted areas – such as intensive care, nurseries and operating theatres I nternal operating and ward communication in association with nurse call systems Two-way radio integration for handsfree communication between rescue forces and emergency rooms I ntegration of public address systems
P Personal care INTERCOM Communication resources for elderly people or those requiring special care must be easy to use. Personal Care Intercom by Commend ensures that any treatment required is only an Intercom call away. The benefits are proven. I ntercom modules that can easily be integrated into patient rooms I ndividually configurable audio-monitoring for automatic assistance C all transfer to mobile communication devices such as telephone and two-way radio I mmediate and clear response via loudspeakers to calm patients S pecial Intercom solutions for care support points
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C o mm u n i c a t i o n t o s a v e li v e s If it is a case of saving and/or caring for humans, communication structures need to be very reliable. During medical emergencies, helpers can lose time unnecessarily. Carers must be sure that, when they
press a button, the support they require will arrive. Commend’s individual intercom solutions ensure that communication takes place problem free. Commend helps protect our greatest gift – human life!
Evacuation INTERCOM If a fire occurs in a large office building… 20 stories, with hundreds of people working there everyday…, it must be properly managed, and cleared within minutes, with no lives put at risk. Every announcement and instruction must be comprehensible and unambiguous, so that panic does not arise. Evacuation Intercom by Commend supports quick and organised evacuation procedures and uses redundant technology to ensure optimum operating safety in an emergency. Solutions that are compliant with regard to locally applicable directives and laws Special Intercom stations for corridors, toilets etc. in highly visible colours Connection with induction loops for people with hearing problems Handsfree speech of optimum quality for rapid information transfer Highest operational security thanks to function monitoring of help points
Campus Intercom Universities are like small cities: everyday, professors, students and visitors pass by porter and security lodges into campus buildings. The University communication network is run centrally throughout the campus.. Campus Intercom by Commend is tailored to the specific needs and requirements of Universities. In addition to help points around the estates, Campus Intercom also provides monitoring and speech solutions for entrances and exits, as well as all the necessary arrangements so that support measures can be coordinated in an emergency. Information and help points, Intercom at entrances and exits to both the campus and individual buildings Automatic switching of CCTV, connection of signal lamps, sirens etc. Innovative networking concepts for remote campus areas Individually realisable design for internal and external areas Scalable control desks for central control rooms as well as remote security lodges Emergency Voice Communication for evacuation procedures
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COMMEND Solutions Beyond the Limits There is a solution for every customer need. And if there isn’t, we will find it. A team of experts will develop a solution that‘s tailored to your specific needs. We will adapt interfaces, write software and modify terminal devices to meet your individual requirements. Whether software or hardware, for us at Commend it is not enough just to sell you products.
We have made it our goal to provide answers where there have only been questions before. Here are some examples for your reference. From race tracks to tunnels, from the Netherlands to the United Arab Emirates, the idea is to think ahead, not back, keeping the solutions individual instead of generic. That is what the team at Commend stands for.
Car Park – UK The Challenge. All incoming calls within the interconnected multi-facility configuration are handled by a team of employees at the central control station. The customer wanted a visualisation software that should provide a straightforward graphical overview of the waiting times of incoming calls and the current overall system load. The Solution. A software application based on our ComWIN SDK (page 70) provides the operators at the control centre with current status information on a special monitor. This shows all the incoming calls of the day and the previous day. Operators can see at a glance how many staff is on-line and ready to take calls. This information is supplemented by details on their overall performance and call waiting times from over the past 24 hours to within the last 15 minutes. As a result, the operator can react quickly and assign more staff at peak times.
DETENTION CELL TELEPHONY – NETHERLANDS The Challenge. The customer required a vandal-resistant Intercom station with full keypad for call dialling. The station was to have a telephone receiver (handset). Also, the telephone function was to be activated by means of a telephone debit card. The remaining credit was to be shown on a display. A light switch on the intercom station allows detainees to turn on their cell light and make an emergency call. The Solution. This consisted in combining digital Intercom station ET 811A (p. 48) and digital access control module ERT 861 (p. 40) in a single, vandal resistant enclosure. A metal keypad, the connection port for the handset and a specially designed card holder were integrated into the front panel. Thanks to the vandal resistant loudspeaker and microphone, it is possible to make Intercom and telephone calls without the need to use the handset. The telephone card functionality was integrated by the local Commend partner.
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What we develop. Tailored interfaces Tailored software solutions
High Tech meets high Creativity. We implement hardware solutions based on our range of standard products. We develop software solutions based on the following technologies:
Tailored hardware and device solutions
V 24-Pro, V24-ProIP solutions ComWIN SDK applications Applications for the VoipServ (Linux) Card
RACE TRACK – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES The Challenge. As hands-free talking is impossible in a race track environment, the customer demanded a digital Intercom station capable of interfacing with a Sennheiser Pilot headset by way of an XLR port. They also requested a mushroom button for connecting to the control room and a LED to indicate a live connection. The Solution. To meet these demands, EF 863 (p. 37) stations were modified by removing the loudspeaker and microphone and integrating an XLR port with sealing flap into the front panel. The requested mushroom button and status LED for indicating active call connections was placed above it.
Tunnel – Austria The Challenge. Tunnel emergency call stations are subject to the strict Austrian ÖNORM regulations. The front panel was to be designed as per the customer’s requirements, particularly where pictograms and help texts were concerned. Also, the front panel was to be fabricated from corrosion-resistant steel with a powder-coated finish in RAL 2004 orange. Given the noisy tunnel environment, the speech signal should be loud and clear, and easy to hear for both staff and the person(s) needing help. This requires special microphones and an appropriate sound volume capacity of the tunnel Intercom station. The Solution. This was delivered exactly as ordered: an SOS emergency call system with mushroom switch, high-level sound volume and noise cancelling microphone. The front panel is labelled in two languages (German and English) and shows symbols illustrating the call procedure. While an incoming emergency call is being processed, a green LED indicates the ongoing call; errors are indicated in red. The front panel is made of corrosion-resistant, acid-proof steel (V4A 1.4571). The SOS call station is a synergetic combination of various Commend device components: the industrial station, the digital DSP Intercom module, and the vandal-resistant Intercom station.
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I n t e r c o m T e r mi n a l s | I n t e r c o m C o n t r o l S y s t e m s Intercom Server | Packages & Add Ons
The technical synthesis of experience and progress Hardware system modules from Commend have been successfully implemented worldwide. Complete solutions in modular design, tailored to meet individual
r equirements which are very easy to operate. Adaptable for components of future communication technologies.
Intercom Facts System built communication. From the simple office station to complex systems for security and communication. Modular diversity. Hardware modules with user-oriented design and technology. Technical perfection. Terminals, control systems and servers for the most demanding intercom applications. Working concepts. Technological leadership due to mature well thought-out solutions. Innovative approach. Early focus on state-of-the-art technologies. Certified product quality. Defined development and production processes in accordance with EN ISO 9001:2008, certified by BVQI Bureau Veritas International (Austria), Cert. No. AT12464Q. High-tech production. Utilisation of advanced production technologies such as SMD or N2 soldering. Perfect workflows. Strict adherence to deadlines and short delivery periods due to optimised production and logistics processes.
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Up to 16 khz
Intuitive Use
Wallmount Stations Perfect industrial communication Multi-functional main and sub-stations for indoor and out door use. Apart from voice and video communication, the stations also allow for the control of other systems. In an in-house training room, for example, the
projector can be switched on and off, lights switched on and off and blinds opened and closed – all via a wallmount station.
Applications –– Training and recreation rooms –– Warehouses, workshops and passageways –– Outdoor or door station for works premises or car parks
WALLMOUNT STATIONs – Series WS 810P | 800P | 500P Key features: –– Intercom stations with Colour-TFT or Mono-LCD display –– Back-lit standard keypad and function keys –– IP 65 rating –– Polycarbonate construction –– Extension modules for additional functions Accessories: Flush-Mount Kit WSFB 50P and SurfaceMount Kit WSSH 50P; Desktop/Wallmount Kit WSDK 50P (for surface-mount version only).
Series WS 810P Wallmount station with Colour-TFT display for graphical menu interface and display of IP-based video streams or analogue video signals in PAL or NTSC. 3.5” TFT display; resolution: 320 x 240 pixels; 65,000 colours WS 810P I
IP version – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af)
WS 810P D
Digital version
Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm 920 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm
Series WS 800P Wallmount station with Mono-LCD display.
Illuminated Mono-LCD display with 128 x 64 pixels. WS 800P I
IP version – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af)
WS 800P D
Digital version
WS 800P A
Analogue version
Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm
820 g
Series WS 500P A Analogue wallmount station without display. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm
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770 g
Technical data: Electret microphone; 2.5 W Class “D” amplifier; two 8-ohm loudspeakers; Optional external power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC; stations with TFT display 22 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC // Digital and IP-based Intercom stations; Continuous link and function checks; 3 inputs for floating contacts and 2 relay outputs; multi-functional LED; audio monitoring // Analogue Intercom stations: 2 inputs for floating contacts and 2 Open Collector outputs; red call status LED.
WALLMOUNT STATIONS – SERIES WS 200P Key features: –– Intercom stations with built-in colour video camera –– Illuminated call buttons and label areas (IP and digital Intercom stations) –– IP 65 rating –– Polycarbonate construction –– Extension modules for additional functions Accessories: Flush-Mount Kit WSFB 50P and Surface-Mount Kit WSSH 50P.
Technical data: Electret microphone // Digital and IP-based Intercom stations: Continuous link and function check; 2.5 W Class “D” amplifier; two 8-ohm loudspeakers; 3 inputs for floating contacts and 2 relay outputs; multi-functional LED; Audio Monitoring; Optional external power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC; stations with video camera 22 – 24 V AC / 20 – 35 V DC // Analogue Intercom stations: one 50-ohm loudspeaker; red call status LED. Colour video camera with adjustable white balance and built-in heater. Can be used as an IP network camera (M-JPEG video format with max. resolution of 640 x 480 pixels) or as analogue camera for colour systems PAL or NTSC. Viewing angle mechanically adjustable horizontally/vertically by 30°.
Series WS 201P Wallmount station with one call button. WS 201P I
IP version – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af)
WS 201P I CM IP version with colour video camera – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af) WS 201P D
Digital version
WS 201P D CM Digital version with colour video camera WS 201P A
Analogue version
Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm (dimensions do not include 20 mm camera top clearance) 750 g (950 g with camera)
Series WS 202P Wallmount station with two call buttons. WS 202P I
IP version – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af)
WS 202P I CM IP version with colour video camera – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af) WS 202P D
Digital version
WS 202P D CM Digital version with colour video camera WS 202P A
Analogue version
Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm (dimensions do not include 20 mm camera top clearance) 750 g (950 g with camera)
Series WS 203P Wallmount station with three call buttons. WS 203P I
IP version – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af)
WS 203P I CM IP version with colour video camera – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af) WS 203P D
Digital version
WS 203P D CM Digital version with colour video camera WS 203P A
Analogue version
Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm (dimensions do not include 20 mm camera top clearance) 750 g (950 g with camera)
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Membrane-protected Intercom Stations – Sealed surface for even better protection These Master Stations have been developed to meet the specific needs of medical facilities, clean rooms and light industrial environments. Despite their membrane-sealed surface, they provide convenient, efficient communi-cation with excellent speech quality. What is more, they are fully
protected against dust, dirt and water jets. The special membrane on the front panel is dirt-resistant and can be cleaned quickly and easily with regular over-thecounter detergents and disinfectants. The large membrane-protected keys are easy to use, even when wearing protective gloves. A built-in amplifier provides the necessary sound volume in areas with high ambient noise levels.
Typical applications –– –– –– ––
Light industry (production facilities and workshops) Medical environments (operating theatres and laboratories) Clean rooms Indoor and outdoor areas
Membrane-PROTECTED INTERCOM STATIONS – SERIES WS 810F | 800F | 500F Key features: –– Closed-sealed membrane surface, detergent and disinfectant resistant (anti-bacterial protection available on request) –– Intercom stations with Colour-TFT or Mono-LCD display –– Back-lit standard keypad and function keys; –– IP 65 rating –– Polycarbonate construction –– Extension modules for additional functions Accessories: Flush-Mount Kit WSFB 50P and SurfaceMount Kit WSSH 50P; Desktop/ -Wallmount Kit WSDK 50P (for surface-mount version only).
Series WS 810F Membrane-protected wallmount station with Colour-TFT display for graphical menu navigation, caller ID and display of IP-based video streams or analogue video signals. 3.5” TFT display; resolution: 320 x 240 pixels; 65,000 colours. WS 810F I
IP version – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af)
WS 810F D
Digital version
Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm 920 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm
Series WS 800F Membrane-protected wallmount station with Mono-LCD display. Illuminated Mono-LCD display with 128 x 64 pixels. WS 800F I
IP version – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af)
WS 800F D
Digital version
WS 800F A
Analogue version
Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm 820 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm
Series WS 500F A Analogue membrane-protected wallmount station without display. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm 770 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm
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Technical data: Electret microphone; 2.5 W Class “D” ampli fier; two 8-ohm loudspeakers; Optional external power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC; stations with TFT display 22 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC // Digital and IP-based Intercom stations: Continuous link and function checks; 3 inputs for floating contacts and 2 relay outputs; multi-functional LED; Audio Monitoring // Analogue Intercom stations: 2 inputs for floating contacts and 2 Open Collector outputs; red call status LED.
Membrane-PROTECTED INTERCOM STATIONS – Series WS 800F D MD Key features: –– Complies with Directive EN 60601-1 –– Anti-bacterial surface –– Closed-sealed membrane surface, detergent and disinfectant resistant –– Back-lit standard keypad and function keys; –– IP 65 rating –– Polycarbonate construction –– Extension modules for additional functions
Accessories: Flush-Mount Kit WSFB 50P and Surface-Mount Kit WSSH 50P. Technical data: Continuous link and function check; 3 inputs for floating contacts and 2 relay outputs; illuminated standard keypad; function keys; Electret microphone; multi-functional LED; Audio Monitoring; 2.5 W Class “D” amplifier; two 8-ohm loudspeakers; IP 65 rating; external power adapter included.
Series WS 800F D MD EN 60601-1 compliant digital membrane-protected wallmount station with Mono-LCD display and anti-bacterial membrane covered surface. Illuminated Mono-LCD display with 128 x 64 pixels. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm 820 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm
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EXTENSION MODULES FOR Series WS The wallmount and membrane-protected Intercom stations of Series WS can be custom enhanced with powerful extra features by means of extension modules. These can be mounted above, below or on either side of the Intercom station, or positioned freely within the room. For example,
loudspeaker modules are usually placed fairly high up for indoor or outdoor public address purposes. These extension modules are protected against dust, dirt and water jets and carry an IP 65 rating. Surface-Mount and Flush-Mount Kits are available separately – see Accessories.
Camera Module WSCM 50P Camera module with colour video camera, adjustable white balance and built-in heater. Can be used as an IP network camera (M-JPEG video format with max. resolution of 640 x 480 pixels) or as analogue camera for colour systems PAL or NTSC. Viewing angle mechanically adjustable horizontally/vertically by 30°. Polycarbonate construction. External power supply via 22 – 24 V AC / 20 – 35 V DC power adapter or via PoE IEEE 802.3af. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 13 mm 280 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 51 mm (dimensions do not include 20 mm camera top clearance)
TFT Display Module WSTM 50P Colour-TFT display module for IP-based video streams or analogue video signals in PAL or NTSC. Polycarbonate construction. 3.5” Colour-TFT display; resolution: 320 x 240 pixels; 65,000 colours; External power supply via 22 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC power adapter or via PoE IEEE 802.3af. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 13 mm 375 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 51 mm
Mobile Phone Detection Module WSPD 50P Module for detecting mobile speech and data communication over GSM and UMTS networks. Polycarbonate construction. Power supply: 20 – 30 V DC, max. 1.5 W; one floating relay output (Open contact); detectable frequency range: GSM: 880 – 950 MHz and 1710 – 1840 MHz; UMTS: 1900 – 2170 MHz. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 13 mm 205 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 51 mm
Access Reader Module WSAM 50P Extension module for access control based on Mifare® technology, with integrated antenna. Polycarbonate construction. Power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 12 – 35 V DC; operating frequency: 13.56 MHz. WSAM 50P D WL
Digital version without LEDs – 100 off-line codes.
Digital version with LEDs (red, green, blue) – 1,700 off-line codes.
Analogue version without LEDs – 100 off-line codes.
Analogue version with LEDs (red, green, blue) – 1,700 off-line codes.
Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 13 mm 190 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 51 mm
Handset Module WSHS 50P Handset with integral “Push to Talk” button. Polycarbonate construction. Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 82 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm
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420 g
Loudspeaker Module WSLM 52P Active loudspeaker module with 2 loudspeakers for use in high-noise environments. Polycarbonate construction. Power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC; frequency range: 200 – 16,000 Hz; 2 W nominal power; sound pressure: 93 dB/W/m. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 13 mm 250 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 51 mm
Loudspeaker Module WSLM 56P Active loudspeaker module with 6 loudspeakers for use in very high-noise environments. Polycarbonate construction. Power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC; frequency range: 200 – 16,000 Hz; 6 W nominal power; sound pressure: 99 dB/W/m. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm 590 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm
Loudspeaker Module WSLM 52F Active loudspeaker module with 2 loudspeakers for use in high-noise environments. Polycarbonate construction with closed membrane surface. Power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC; frequency range: 200 – 16,000 Hz; 2 W nominal power; sound pressure: 93 dB/W/m. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 13 mm 250 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 51 mm
Loudspeaker Module WSLM 56F Active loudspeaker module with 6 loudspeakers for use in very high-noise environments. Polycarbonate construction with closed membrane surface. Power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC; frequency range: 200 – 16,000 Hz; 6 W nominal power; sound pressure: 99 dB/W/m. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm 590 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm
Dummy Module WSDU 50P Full-height format. Polycarbonate construction. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm 240 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm
Dummy Module WSDU 52P Half-height format. Polycarbonate construction. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 13 mm 140 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 51 mm
Dummy Module WSDU 54P Half-width format. Polycarbonate construction. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 82 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 82 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm
150 g
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ACCESSORIES FOR Wallmount AND Membrane-PROTECTED INTERCOM STATIONS – Series WS Flush-Mount Kit WSFB 50P Flush-Mount Kit for flush mounting of Series WS Intercom stations and extension modules – full-height format. W 160 mm, H 275 mm, D 54 mm
380 g
Flush-Mount Kit WSFB 52P Flush-Mount Kit for flush mounting of Series WS Intercom stations and extension modules – half-height format. W 160 mm, H 134 mm, D 54 mm
230 g
Surface-Mount Kit WSSH 50P Surface-Mount Kit for surface mounting of Series WS Intercom stations and extension modules – full-height format. W 160 mm, H 275 mm, D 47 mm
300 g
Surface-Mount Kit WSSH 52P Surface-Mount Kit for surface mounting of Series WS Intercom stations and extension modules – half-height format. W 160 mm, H 135 mm, D 47 mm
150 g
Surface-Mount Kit WSSH 54P Surface-Mount Kit for Dummy Module WSDU 54P and Handset-Module WSHS 50P – half-width format. Using the handset module with an Intercom station with Desktop Kit requires Connector Kit WSCP 50 SH. W 77 mm, H 275 mm, D 47 mm
160 g
Desktop and Wallmount Kit WSDK 50P This kit allows Series WS Wallmount stations and extension modules with a surface mount box to be used as desktop units. Doing so requires the appropriate Surface-Mount Kit. The same kit can also be used for mounting devices (e.g. loudspeaker modules) on slanted walls. Material: powder-coated steel. W 119 mm, H 66 mm, D 162 mm
400 g
Connector Kit WSCP 50P SH This optional extension kit allows for interconnecting surface mount boxes of Series WS wallmount stations. W 42 mm, H 118 mm, D 1,5 mm
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WALLMOUNT STATIONs – SERIES EF 151 Analogue wall-mountable substations for handsfree speaking, even over large distances. A bright conversation lamp indicates whether the Intercom station is active. Intended
for call requests in low-noise environments such as passageways or warehouses.
Series EF 151 Analogue 4-wire substation with programmable call button, Electret microphone and loudspeaker. EF 151FB
Flush-mount version
EF 151SH
Surface-mount version
Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 13 mm 700 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 280 mm, D 51 mm
WALLMOUNT STATIONs – SERIES EE 320 | EF 320 | EE 420 Key features: –– Digital or analogue stations –– 6-digit alphanumeric display (16-segment) –– Standard keypad and function keys –– Handset function –– Available in bright red for use as emergency call stations –– Version available with restricted dialling –– Polycarbonate construction
Technical data of EE 320A und EF 320A: Power supply via Intercom Server (optional external power supply for longer cable lengths or external loudspeakers); 2.5 W Class “D” amplifier; 8-ohm loudspeakers; Electret microphone; multi-functional LED. Technical data of EE 420: Power supply via Intercom Server; 50-ohm loudspeakers; Electret microphone; red call status LED.
EE 320A Digital 2-wire wallmount station with display, standard keypad and function keys. The unit can be removed from its holding frame to use it as a handset for private conversations. EE 320AS
Translucent Blue
EE 320AG
Light Grey
EE 320AR
Bright Red
W 73 mm, H 232 mm, D 57 mm
460 g
EF 320A Digital 2-wire wallmount station with display and restricted dialling (T, 0, X keys). The unit can be removed from its holding frame to use it as a handset for private conversations. EF 320AS
Translucent Blue
EF 320AG
Light Grey
W 73 mm, H 232 mm, D 57 mm
460 g
EE 420 Analogue 4-wire wallmount station with display, standard keypad and function keys. The unit can be removed from its holding frame to use it as a handset for private conversations. EE 420S
EE 420G
Light Grey
EE 420R
Bright Red
W 73 mm, H 232 mm, D 57 mm
441 g
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Vandal Resistant Intercom Stations Protection against malicious damage In some areas, wanton destruction is a frequent occurrence. This range of Intercom stations are protected against malicious attacks by durable front panels made from high-grade steel, poke protection and special screws.
The robust construction provides full protection against water jets, dirt and dust. Continuous monitoring function ensures reliable availability around the clock.
Applications –– –– –– ––
Outdoor areas Public locations Doors and gates Parking lots and garages
VANDAL RESISTANT INTERCOM STATIONS – SERIES WS 200V Key features: –– Vandal-resistant design –– Poke protected and fitted with special security screws –– Anti-tamper contacts (IP and digital Intercom stations) –– Front panel made from 3 mm thick V-2A steel –– Intercom stations with built-in colour video camera –– Back-lit call buttons and label areas (IP and digital Intercom stations) –– IP 65 and IK 07 rating –– Extension modules for additional functions Accessories: Flush-Mount Kit WSFB 50V, Surface-Mount Kit WSSH 50V and Rain Protection Roof WSRR 50V.
Series WS 201V Vandal resistant station with one call button. WS 201V I
IP version – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af)
WS 201V I CM IP version with colour video camera – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af) WS 201V D
Digital version
WS 201V D CM Digital version with colour video camera WS 201V A
Analogue version
Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 164 mm, H 279 mm, D 14 mm Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 164 mm, H 279 mm, D 50 mm (dimensions do not include 20 mm camera top clearance) 1.5 kg (1.75 kg with camera)
Series WS 202V Vandal resistant station with two call buttons. WS 202V I
IP version – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af)
WS 202V I CM IP version with colour video camera – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af) WS 202V D
Digital version
WS 202V D CM Digital version with colour video camera WS 202V A
Analogue version
Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 164 mm, H 279 mm, D 14 mm Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 164 mm, H 279 mm, D 50 mm (dimensions do not include 20 mm camera top clearance) 1.5 kg (1.75 kg with camera)
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Technical data: Electret microphone // Digital and IP-based Intercom stations: Continuous link and function check; 2.5 W Class “D” amplifier; two 8-ohm loudspeakers; 3 inputs for floating contacts and 2 relay outputs; multi-functional LED; Audio Monitoring; Optional external power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC; stations with video camera 22 – 24 V AC / 20 – 35 V DC // Analogue Intercom stations: one 50-ohm loudspeaker; red call status LED. Colour video camera with adjustable white balance and builtin heater. Can be used as an IP network camera (M-JPEG video format with max. resolution of 640 x 480 pixels) or as analogue camera for colour systems PAL or NTSC. Viewing angle mechanically adjustable horizontally / vertically by 30°.
Series WS 203V Vandal resistant station with three call buttons. WS 203V I
IP version – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af)
WS 203V I CM IP version with colour video camera – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af) WS 203V D
Digital version
WS 203V D CM Digital version with colour video camera WS 203V A
Analogue version
Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 164 mm, H 279 mm, D 14 mm Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 164 mm, H 279 mm, D 50 mm (dimensions do not include 20 mm camera top clearance) 1.5 kg (1.75 kg with camera)
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Emergency Call Stations – Assistance and information at the push of a button These vandal resistant Intercom stations have many uses. In public areas they serve as information and help points for passers-by to request help and receive assistance in cases of emergency. The technology ensures excellent speech quality and clarity, regardless of the ambient noise level. Continuous monitoring function ensures reliable
availability around the clock. The durable high-grade steel front plates with poke protection and special screws provide protection against vandalism. The compact construction is fully protected against water jets, dirt and dust. The extra large emergency call buttons are easily visible even distance and activate easily and reliably.
Applications –– –– –– –– ––
Public transport stations Public areas, parks and city centres Parking lots and garages Leisure facilities Schools and universities
EMERGENCY CALL STATIONS – SERIES WS 210V Key features: –– Vandal-resistant design –– Poke protected and fitted with special security screws –– Anti-tamper contacts (IP and digital Intercom stations) –– Front panel made from 3 mm thick V-2A steel –– Intercom stations with built-in colour video camera –– Back-lit call buttons and label areas (IP and digital Intercom stations) –– IP 65 and IK 07 rating –– Extension modules for additional functions Accessories: Flush-Mount Kit WSFB 50V, Surface-Mount Kit WSSH 50V and Rain Protection Roof WSRR 50V.
Series WS 211V Emergency call station with one emergency call button. WS 211V I
IP version – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af)
WS 211V I CM IP version with colour video camera – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af) WS 211V D
Digital version
WS 211V D CM Digital version with colour video camera WS 211V A
Analogue version
Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 164 mm, H 279 mm, D 14 mm Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 164 mm, H 279 mm, D 50 mm (dimensions do not include 20 mm camera top clearance) 1.5 kg (1.75 kg with camera)
Series WS 212V Emergency call station with one emergency call button and one regular call button. WS 212V I
IP version – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af)
WS 212V I CM
IP version with colour video camera – supports PoE (IEE 802.3af)
WS 212V D
Digital version
WS 212V D CM Digital version with colour video camera WS 212V A
Analogue version
Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 164 mm, H 279 mm, D 14 mm Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 164 mm, H 279 mm, D 50 mm (dimensions do not include 20 mm camera top clearance) 1.5 kg (1.75 kg with camera)
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Technical data: Electret microphone // Digital and IP-based Intercom stations: Continuous link and function check; 2.5 W Class “D” amplifier; two 8-ohm loudspeakers 3 inputs for floating contacts and 2 relay outputs; multi-functional LED; Audio Monitoring; Optional external power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC; stations with video camera 22 – 24 V AC / 20 – 35 V DC // Analogue Intercom stations: one 50-ohm loudspeaker; red call status LED. Colour video camera with adjustable white balance and built-in heater. Can be used as an IP network camera (M-JPEG video format with max. resolution of 640 x 480 pixels) or as analogue camera for colour systems PAL or NTSC. Viewing angle mechanically adjustable horizontally/ vertically by 30°.
VANDAL RESISTANT EXTENSION MODULES – SERIES WS The Series WS Intercom stations can be custom enhanced with powerful extra features by means of extension modules. These can be mounted above, below or on either side of the Intercom station, or positioned freely within the room. For example, loudspeaker modules are usually placed fairly high up for indoor or outdoor public address purposes.
The front panel made from 3 mm thick V-2A steel, (optional) sabotage detection contacts and special screws provides optimum protection against vandalism for these modules. IP 65 and IK 07 rating 07. Surface-Mount and Flush-Mount Kits are available separately -- see Accessories.
Camera Module WSCM 50V Vandal-resistant camera module with colour video camera with adjustable white balance and built-in heater. Can be used as an IP network camera (M-JPEG video format with max. resolution of 640 x 480 pixels) or as analogue camera for colour systems PAL or NTSC. Viewing angle mechanically adjustable horizontally/vertically by 30°. External power supply via 22 – 24 V AC / 20 – 35 V DC power adapter or via PoE IEEE 802.3af. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 164 mm, H 139 mm, D 14 mm Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 164 mm, H 139 mm, D 50 mm (dimensions do not include 20 mm camera top clearance)
625 g
TFT Display Module WSTM 50V Vandal-resistant Colour-TFT display module for IP-based video streams or analogue video signals in PAL or NTSC. 3.5” TFT display; resolution: 320 x 240 pixels; 65,000 colours; External power supply via 22 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC power adapter or via PoE IEEE 802.3af. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 14 mm 620 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 50 mm
Mobile Phone Detection Module WSPD 50V Vandal-resistant module for detecting mobile speech and data communication over GSM and UMTS networks. Power supply: 20 – 30 V DC, max. 1.5 W; one floating relay output (Open contact); detectable frequency range: GSM: 880 – 950 MHz and 1710 – 1840 MHz; UMTS: 1900 – 2170 MHz. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 14 mm Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 50 mm
550 g
Access Reader Module WSAM 50V Vandal-resistant extension module for access control based on Mifare® technology, with integrated antenna. Power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 12 – 35 V DC; operating frequency: 13.56 MHz. WSAM 50V D WL: Digital version without LEDs – 100 off-line codes. WSAM 50V D ME: Digital version with LEDs (red, green, blue) – 1,700 off-line codes. WSAM 50V A WL: Analogue version without LEDs – 100 off-line codes. WSAM 50V A ME: Analogue version with LEDs (red, green, blue) – 1,700 off-line codes. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 14 mm Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 50 mm
535 g
Loudspeaker Module WSLM 52V Vandal-resistant active loudspeaker module with 2 loudspeakers for use in high-noise environments. Power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC; frequency range: 200 – 16,000 Hz; 2 W nominal power; sound pressure: 93 dB/W/m. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 14 mm 695 g Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 140 mm, D 50 mm
Loudspeaker Module WSLM 56V Vandal-resistant active loudspeaker module with 6 loudspeakers for use in very high-noise environments. Power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC; frequency range: 200 -–16,000 Hz; 6 W nominal power; sound pressure: 99 dB/W/m. Dimensions when flush-mounted: W 164 mm, H 279 mm, D 14 mm 1.5 kg Dimensions when surface-mounted: W 165 mm, H 279 mm, D 50 mm
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ACCESSORIES FOR Vandal resistant stations – SERIES WS Flush-Mount Kit WSFB 50V Includes a flush mount box and levelling frame made from 1.5 mm thick sheet steel for flush mounting vandal resistant Series WS Intercom stations and extension modules – full-height format. The sheet steel is doublecoated (with cataphoretic paint and a powder coating). Other RAL colours are available on request. WSFB 50V SS High-grade steel WSFB 50V WH White WSFB 50V WA White Aluminium (RAL 9006) WSFB 50V RE Signal red (RAL 3001) WSFB 50V OR Pure Orange (RAL 2004) W 164 mm, H 279 mm, D 58 mm
540 g
Flush-Mount Kit WSFB 52V Includes a flush mount box and levelling frame made from 1.5 mm thick sheet steel for flush mounting vandal resistant Series WS Intercom stations and extension modules – half-height format. The sheet steel is double coated (cataphoretic paint and powder coated). Other RAL colours are available on request. WSFB 52V SS High-grade steel WSFB 52V WH White WSFB 52V WA White Aluminium (RAL 9006) WSFB 52V OR Pure Orange (RAL 2004) W 164 mm, H 139 mm, D 58 mm
360 g
Surface-Mount Kit WSSH 50V Surface-mount box made from 1.5 mm thick sheet steel for surface mounting vandal resistant Series WS Intercom stations and extension modules – full-height format. The sheet steel is double coated (cataphoretic paint and powder coated). Other RAL colours are available on request. WSSH 50V SS
High-grade steel
White Aluminium (RAL 9006)
Signal red (RAL 3001)
Pure Orange (RAL 2004)
WSSH 50V OR EM Pure Orange (RAL 2004) with inscription “SOS” WSSH 50V YL EM
Yellow (RAL 1016) with inscription “HELP”
W 164 mm, H 279 mm, D 50 mm
945 g
Surface-Mount Kit WSSH 52V Surface-mount box made from 1.5 mm thick sheet steel for surface mounting vandal resistant Series WS extension modules – half-height format. The sheet steel is double coated (cataphoretic paint and powder coated). Other RAL colours are available on request. WSSH 52V SS High-grade steel WSSH 52V WH White WSSH 52V WA White Aluminium (RAL 9006) WSSH 52V OR Pure Orange (RAL 2004) WSSH 52V YL Yellow (RAL 1016) W 164 mm, H 139 mm, D 50 mm
635 g
Rain Protection Roof WSRR 50V The optional roof protects vandal-resistant Series WS Intercom stations and extension modules (full-height format) even better against ambient weather conditions. Made from 1.5 mm sheet steel. Double-coated with cataphoretic paint and powder coating. Colour: Black. W 164 mm, H 277 mm, D 80 mm
465 g
Anti-tamper switch WSSK 50V Micro switch for sabotage surveillance of vandal-resistant extension modules (not supported by loudspeaker modules WSLM 56V and WSLM 52V). WSSK 50V SH For surface-mounted extension modules WSSK 50V FB For flush-mounted extension modules
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EMERGENCY CALL STATIONS – SERIES EF 963 | EF 863 Key features: –– Vandal-resistant design –– Poke protected and fitted with special screws –– Front panel made from 3 mm thick V-2A steel –– Metal labels –– IP 54 rating Accessories: Basic housing GUEF 63 (see page 38; required for surface and flush mounting), complete with mounting frame and labels.
Technical data of EF 963: External power supply via 12 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC power adapter or via PoE (Power over Ethernet IEEE 802.3af); 1.5 W Class “D” amplifier; Electret microphone, one 8-ohm loudspeaker; 3 inputs for floating contacts and 2 relay outputs. Technical data of EF 863: Power supply via Intercom Server or external power supply, depending on application; Electret microphone, 1 input for floating contacts and 1 relay output.
EF 963M IP-based emergency call station with one emergency call button (mushroom button). Supports PoE (IEE 802.3af). W 141 mm, H 236 mm, D 51 mm (including basic housing) 1.1 kg (without basic housing)
EF 863-1M Digital emergency call station with one emergency call button (mushroom button). W 141 mm, H 236 mm, D 51 mm (including basic housing) 1.1 kg (without basic housing)
EF 863-1M1S Digital emergency call station with one emergency call button (mushroom button) and one regular call button. W 141 mm, H 236 mm, D 51 mm (including basic housing) 1.2 kg (without basic housing)
EF 863-1P Digital Intercom station with two-coloured piezo LED button. W 141 mm, H 236 mm, D 51 mm (including basic housing) 1.1 kg (without basic housing)
| Intercom Terminals | 37
GUEF 63 Basic housing for EF 963 and EF 863, made from 1.5 mm hot-galvanised sheet steel. W 121 mm, H 216 mm, D 48 mm
700 g
EF 63 Surface-mount box with rain protection roof for outdoor use; 1.25 mm galvanised, powder-coated sheet steel. Other RAL colours are available on request. EF 63OOA
Pure Orange (RAL 2004)
EF 63O
Pure Orange (RAL 2004) with inscription “SOS”
Yellow (RAL 1016) with inscription “HELP”
W 145 mm, H 240 mm, D 80 mm
620 g
EF 63BF Self-adhesive metal labels for custom engraving. EF 63BF1
1-key Intercom stations
EF 63BF2
2-key Intercom stations
20 g
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Doors and Gates Building Security – Protection for People and Valuables Doors and access points, one might say, provide the first impression of a company or building. Arriving visitors must not be intimidated by strict, impersonal security measures. However, security must not be neglected either. Apart from visitor flow and protected areas, many other factors need to be taken into consideration when it comes to access control solutions – especially people and their individual needs.
From door Intercom stations and access readers to software modules, Commend offers a wide range of components to grow your Intercom system into a well-rounded, tailored access management solution. They let you guide and control the movements of people within buildings as needed without being obstructive while still ensuring the required protection of sensitive areas.
DOOR INTERCOM MODULES These Intercom modules provide excellent speech quality at access points and in transit areas. Their timelessly modern design matches that of Siedle’s Vario Series. The Commend modules can be combined with access readers and keypads
to create a variety of different Intercom solutions. As a result, doors, gates and airlocks – whether indoors or outdoors – integrate smoothly and fully with the Intercom system.
ET 861A Digital 2-wire door station module with DSP technology. Relay output for direct connection of a door opener. Input for floating contacts (e.g. for displaying “Door Open” message). Includes extension interface for optional connection of devices such as Series ER 800 Access Reader Module or extension board EB2E2AHE. Typical applications: Speech communication solution for doors, gates, barriers and turnstiles. Versions or flush-mounting, surface-mounting, and for integration into columns, plinths and letterbox systems. Electret microphone; power supply via Intercom Server; Class “D” amplifier; loudspeaker with special membrane for optimum sound quality. ET 861AWE
Dark Grey
W 99 mm, H 99 mm, D 9 mm
196 g
ET 661 Analogue 4-wire door station module with built-in duplex controller. Typical applications: Speech communication solution for doors, gates, barriers and turnstiles. Versions for flush-mounting, surface-mounting, and for integration into columns, plinths and letterbox systems. Electret microphone; power supply via Intercom Server; loudspeaker with special membrane for optimum sound quality. ET 661WE
ET 661SI
ET 661DG
Dark Grey
ET 661BG
W 99 mm, H 99 mm, D 9 mm
180 g
KEYPAD MODULES The code lock is one of the most versatile access control Typical applications. It grants access with a PIN code, acts
as a switching device and establishes call connections with specific Intercom stations on the premises.
ET 867 | ET 667 Keypad module for access control; optimised for use with Door Station Modules ET 861A and ET 661. These modules are also available in ‘dark grey’ and ‘amber’ on request. Power supplied by Intercom Server or external power source (12 – 24 V AC / 15 – 34 V DC). ET 867WE
Digital version, optimised for Door Station Module ET 861A – White
ET 867SI
Digital version, optimised for Door Station Module ET 861A – Silver
ET 667WE
Analogue version, optimised for Door Station Module ET 661 – White
ET 667SI
Analogue version, optimised for Door Station Module ET 661 – Silver
W 99 mm, H 99 mm, D 11 mm
180 g
| Intercom Terminals | 39
ACCESS READER MODULES The access reader modules for contactless reading are based on Mifare® technology. They are available as a plug-in board or in a stylish housing that matches the basic design of Siedle’s Vario Series. A ring of red, green and blue LEDs provides helpful user guidance. User permissions and electronic keys (TAGs) can be administered by means of the ComACCESS software application. In the event that the
Series ER 861 | ER 661 These access reader modules are based on Mifare® technology for contactless tag authentication via a built-in antenna and red, green and blue status LEDs. These modules are also available in ‘dark grey’ and ‘amber’ on request. ER 861W
Digital Version – 100 Off-Line Codes – White
ER 861S
Digital Version – 100 Off-Line Codes – Silver
ER 861AW
Digital Version – 1700 Off-Line Codes – White
ER 861AS
Digital Version – 1700 Off-Line Codes – Silver
ER 661W
Analogue Version – 100 Off-Line Codes – White
ER 661S
Analogue Version – 100 Off-Line Codes – Silver
ER 661AW
Analogue Version – 1700 Off-Line Codes – White
ER 661AS
Analogue Version – 1700 Off-Line Codes – Silver
W 99 mm, H 99 mm, D 37 mm
229 g
Series ER 860 | ER 660 These access reader modules are based on Mifare® technology with built-in antenna; without status LEDs. These modules are also available in ‘dark grey’ and ‘amber’ on request. ER 860W
Digital Version – 100 Off-Line Codes – White
ER 860S
Digital Version – 100 Off-Line Codes – Silver
ER 660W
Analogue Version – 100 Off-Line Codes – White
ER 660S
Analogue Version – 100 Off-Line Codes – Silver
W 99 mm, H 99 mm, D 37 mm
229 g
Series ERT 861 | ERT 661 These access reader plug-in boards are based on Mifare® technology and come with a built-in antenna and red, green and blue status LEDs. They are suitable for installing in customer-specific housings and panels. Adhesive labels with a key symbol are available on request. ERT 861
Digital Version – 100 Off-Line Codes
ERT 861A
Digital Version – 1700 Off-Line Codes
ERT 661
Analogue Version – 100 Off-Line Codes
ERT 661A
Analogue Version – 1700 Off-Line Codes
W 74 mm, H 74 mm, D 27 mm
131 g
Series ERT 860 | ERT 660 These access reader plug-in boards are based on Mifare® technology and come with built-in antenna; without status LEDs. They are suitable for installing in customer-specific housings and panels. Adhesive labels with a key symbol are available on request. ERT 860
Digital Version – 100 Off-Line Codes
ERT 660
Analogue Version – 100 Off-Line Codes
W 74 mm, H 74 mm, D 27 mm
40 | Intercom Terminals |
134 g
connection between the Intercom Server and ComACCESS application is interrupted, the Intercom server will take over the access control functions, using stored off-line codes. Technical data: Power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 12 – 35 V DC (plug-in power adapter not included); operating frequency: 13.56 MHz; 3 floating inputs and 1 relay output.
COMACCESS ACCESS CONTROL SOFTWARE ComACCESS is the latest-generation access control software by Commend. In this software we have combined ease of use with a clearly structured design and a comprehensive range of functions. Whether for assigning TAGs to users or administering user groups, ComACCESS offers the perfect solution for any access control need. The Intercom Servers ensure smooth data transfer between ComACCESS and the
access readers. Once the TAG has been read by an access reader, ComACCESS verifies the permissions and reacts accordingly by granting or denying access. In the event that the connection between the Intercom Server and ComACCESS application is interrupted, the Intercom Server will take over the access control functions, using stored off-line codes. ComACCESS runs on any standard Windows-based PC.
Functions Locations
Checks (Administration)
–– Administration and assignment of logical and physical areas –– Summary of off-line configuration settings –– Summary of access functions and allocations as set up and configured on the Intercom Server. –– System overview and configuration of individual access readers
Tag users (Tag allocation)
–– Administration and assignment of permissions (exceptions such as “Open Day”, visitors, etc.) –– Administration and assignment of access prohibitions (e.g., visitors, weekend closures) –– Configuration of re-use timeouts –– Definition and administration of time periods and time-based access permissions
–– Administration and assignment of logical user groups –– Administration and assignment of users
Reports (Statistics for analysis)
Tags (Tag information) –– –– –– ––
Administration and assignment of new TAGs Overview of TAGs in use Overview of suspended TAGs Overview of all TAG records on the system
–– Custom reports (who, when, where, allocated user, readers, areas, etc.)
Application users (Software administration) –– –– –– ––
Administration and assignment of logical user groups Administration and assignment of users Administration of user rights and roles Administration of administrator rights
System –– General system information (e.g. settings, synchronisation, ...)
| Intercom Terminals | 41
COMACCESS LICENSES and when required. Stability and fail safety are key priorities. The flexible extension capabilities of ComACCESS ensure an economically efficient use even in small and midsized firms.
With its straightforward, clearly structured system architecture, ComACCESS offers a modern solution to all security and access control needs. The ComACCESS single-user solution can be extended step by step, as
ComACCESS Light License for 4 doors and 100 users, non-upgradable. L-COMAC-L
License for GE 800 / GE 300
Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
ComACCESS Workstation License for 16 doors and an unlimited number of users / tags. The number of doors can be increased with extension licenses (16, 32, 64 or 128 additional doors). L-COMAC-W
Workstation License for GE 800 / GE 300
Workstation Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
ComACCESS Extension licenses License extensions allow for increasing the license coverage by another 16, 32, 64 or 128 doors. L-COMAC-16
16 Door Extension – License for GE 800 / GE 300
16 Door Extension – Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
32 Door Extension – License for GE 800 / GE 300
32 Door Extension – Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
64 Door Extension – License for GE 800 / GE 300
64 Door Extension – Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
L-COMAC-128 128 Door Extension – License for GE 800 / GE 300 COMAC-128
128 Door Extension – Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
ACCESSORIES TAG-1 Mifare ® TAG in a plastic enclosure in the shape of a keychain pendant. Other versions of Mifare ® TAGs and Mifare ® cards available on request.
ERDR-1 This IP-based desktop reader (with built-in switch function) allows Mifare ® TAGs to be read via the ComACCESS application. The reader connects to the Ethernet port of a PC.
UPD-1 Flush-mount box for door stations. W 117,5 mm, H 235 mm, D 60 mm
42 | Intercom Terminals |
220 g
Illustration picture
Desktop Stations 2-WIRE DSP DESKTOP STATIONs – SERIES EE 811 These digital Master Stations are based on DSP technology in a timeless, ergonomic design for handsfree OpenDuplex® speech connections. They come with a large rear-illuminated graphical display and are capable of displaying multiple messages (e.g., alarms). A bright multi-function LED is provided for visual feedback and user guidance. Technical data: Graphic display (8 lines at 14 characters
each); Power supply via Intercom Server (optional external
power supply for longer cable lengths or external loudspeakers); 8-ohm loudspeaker with special membrane for optimum speech quality; 2.5 W Class “D” amplifier (1.5 W with built-in loudspeaker, 2.5 W with external 4-ohm loudspeaker); Connection port for external loudspeaker; 1 input for floating contact; 1 Open Collector output; relay contact can be retro-fitted; Plug-in port for handset or headset; 3 m connection cable.
EE 811A Master and central control station with illuminated graphic display and standard keypad with “T” and “X” keys, six function keys, and programmable handset function. Typical applications: Use as a control and desktop station. EE 811AS
Translucent Blue
W 66 mm, H 58 mm, D 240 mm
430 g
EE 811AEG Master and control desk station with active add-on loudspeaker, graphic display, standard keypad with “T” and “X” keys and six function keys. Special screws and adhesive bonding make these Intercom stations particularly durable. Typical applications: Use as a control and desktop station in environments with high ambient noise levels. Class “D” amplifier with 15 W speech signal; sound pressure: 82 dB/W/m (1 kHz); impedance: 8 ohms; magnetically shielded; external 15 VDC power supply; plug-in power adapter PA20W15V is available separately – see Accessories. EE 811AEGS
EE 811AEGBT Translucent Blue W 205 mm, H 95 mm, D 280 mm
1.1 kg
EE 872A Master and control desk station with cardioid gooseneck microphone, illuminated graphic display, and standard keypad with “T” and “X” keys and six function keys. Typical applications: Control desk and command station EE 872AS
Translucent Blue
W 179 mm, H 58 mm, D 240 mm / Length of gooseneck: 430 mm
770 g
EE 872AEG Master and control desk station with active add-on loudspeaker, cardioid gooseneck microphone, illuminated graphic display, and standard keypad with “T” and “X” keys and six function keys. Special screws and adhesive bonding make these Intercom stations particularly durable. Typical applications: Use as a control and command station in environments with high ambient noise levels. Class “D” amplifier with 15 W speech signal; sound pressure: 82 dB/W/m (1 kHz); impedance: 8 ohms; magnetically shielded; external 15 VDC power supply; plug-in power adapter PA20W15V is available separately – see Accessories. EE 872AEGS
EE 872AEGBT Translucent Blue W 205 mm, H 95 mm, D 280 mm / Length of gooseneck: 430 mm
1.2 kg
| Intercom Terminals | 43
2-WIRE DSP-DESKTOP STATIONs – SERIES EE 311 Digital master stations in DSP-technology and ergonomic design, for hands free speech in OpenDuplex®, with display for caller identification and indication of multiple messages (e.g. alarms). A bright, multi-functional LED allows for visual signalis and user guidance. Technical data: 6-digit alphanumeric display (16-segment); power supply via Intercom Server (optional: external power
EE 311A Master station with standard keypad, complete with “T” and “X” keys and six function keys, and programmable handset function. Typical applications: Office use and use as control desk and command station. EE 311AS
Translucent Blue
EE 311AG
Light Grey
W 66 mm, H 55 mm, D 230 mm
377 g
EE 301A Master station with standard keypad, complete with “T” and “X” keys and three function keys. Without position switch and handset / headset connection port. Typical applications: Office use and use as control desk and command station. EE 301AS
Translucent Blue
EE 301AG
Light Grey
W 66 mm, H 55 mm, D 230 mm
375 g
EE 311AEG Master station with active add-on loudspeaker, standard keypad, complete with “T” and “X” keys and three function keys, and programmable handset function. Special screws and adhesive bonding make these Intercom stations particularly durable. Typical applications: Office use and use as control desk and command station in areas with high ambient noise levels. Class “D“ amplifier with 15 W speech signal; sound pressure: 82 dB/W/m (1 kHz); impedance: 8 ohms; magnetically shielded; external 15 VDC power supply; plug-in power adapter PA20W15V is available separately – see Accessories. EE 311AEGS
EE 311AEGBT Translucent Blue W 205 mm, H 95 mm, D 270 mm
1 kg
EF 311A Substation with restricted dialling (“T”, “0”, “X”) and programmable handset function. Typical applications: Substations for offices, supermarket checkouts, etc. EF 311AS
Translucent Blue
EF 311AG
Light Grey
W 66 mm, H 55 mm, D 230 mm
377 g
EE 372A Master and control desk station with cardioid gooseneck microphone and standard keypad with “T” and “X” keys and three function keys. Typical applications: Control desk and command station. EE 372AS
Translucent Blue
EE 372AG
Light Grey
W 179 mm, H 57 mm, D 230 mm / Length of gooseneck: 430 mm
44 | Intercom Terminals |
711 g
supply for greater line length or external loudspeaker); built-in Class “D” amplifier with 2.5 W (1.5 W power with built in loudspeaker or 2.5 W with external 4 ohms loudspeaker); built-in 8 ohms loudspeaker with special membrane type for optimal sound quality; connection possibility for external loudspeaker; one input for floating contact; one open collector output; connection of handset or headset possible; 3 m connection cable.
EE 372AEG Master and control desk station with active add-on loudspeaker, cardioid gooseneck microphone and standard keypad with “T” and “X” keys and six function keys. Special screws and adhesive bonding make these Intercom stations particularly durable. Typical applications: Use as a control and command station in environments with high ambient noise levels. Class “D” amplifier with 15 W speech signal; sound pressure: 82 dB/W/m (1 kHz); impedance: 8 ohms; magnetically shielded; 15 VDC external power adapter; plug-in power adapter PA20W15V is available separately – see Accessories. EE 372AEGS
EE 372AEGBT Translucent Blue W 205 mm, H 95 mm, D 270 mm / Length of gooseneck: 430 mm
1.1 kg
EF 372A Substation with restricted dialling (T, 0, X) and cardioid gooseneck microphone. Typical applications: Substation for offices. EF 372AS
Translucent Blue
EF 372AG
W 179 mm, H 57 mm, D 230 mm / Length of gooseneck: 430 mm
711 g
4-WIRE DESKTOP STATION – Series EE 411 Analogue master stations in ergonomic design, for hands-free speech even from great distances, with display for caller identification and indication of multiple messages (e.g. alarms). A bright conversation lamp indicates clearly if the station is active. The LCD screen
enables scrolling of incoming calls, detailing all call numbers. Technical data: 6-digit alphanumeric display (16-segment); Power supply via Intercom Server; Frequency range from 200 to 12,000 Hz; 3 m connection cable.
EE 411 Master station in desktop version with reinforced silicone keypad (standard keypad with “T” and “X” buttons as well as three function keys), built-in programmable handset function. Typical applications: Offices, control desk station in small systems. EE 411S
EE 411G
Light Grey
W 66 mm, H 55 mm, D 230 mm
365 g
EE 401 Master station in desktop version with reinforced silicone keypad (standard keypad with “T” and “X” buttons as well as three function keys); without position switch. Typical applications: Offices, control desk station in small systems. EE 401S
EE 401G
Light Grey
W 66 mm, H 55 mm, D 230 mm
350 g
| Intercom Terminals | 45
EE 472 Master station – Control Desk – desktop version, with gooseneck microphone with cardioid characteristic and anti-tilt stand. Reinforced silicone keypad (standard keypad with “T” and “X” buttons as well as three function keys). Typical applications: Control Desk and Command stations. EE 472S
EE 472G
Light Grey
W 179 mm, H 57 mm, D 230 mm / Length of gooseneck: 430 mm
692 g
EF 401 Substation with restricted dialling possibilities (“T”, “0”, “X”). Typical applications: Substation in offices, supermarket check-outs, etc. EF 401S
EF 401G
Light Grey
W 66 mm, H 55 mm, D 230 mm
340 g
4-WIRE DESKTOP STATIONs – Series EE 400 Analogue master stations in ergonomic design, for handsfree speech even from great distances, with individually designable index field that can be used to show call numbers and other important information. A bright con versation lamp indicates clearly if the station is active.
EE 400 Master station in desktop version with reinforced silicone keypad (standard keypad with “T” and “X” buttons). Typical applications: Offices. EE 400S
EE 400G
Light Grey
W 66 mm, H 55 mm, D 230 mm
330 g
EE 470 Master station – Control Desk – desktop version, with gooseneck microphone with cardioid characteristic and anti-tilt stand. Reinforced silicone keypad (standard keypad with “T” and “X” buttons). Typical applications: Simple Control Desk and Command stations. EE 470S
EE 470G
Light Grey
W 179 mm, H 280 mm, D 230 mm / Length of gooseneck 430 mm
686 g
EF 400 Substation with restricted dialling possibilities (“T”, “0”, “X”). Typical applications: Simple substations in offices, at cash registers in stores, etc. EF 400S
EF 400G
Light Grey
W 66 mm, H 55 mm, D 230 mm
46 | Intercom Terminals |
320 g
Compatible with the previous central generation GE 416, GE 501 and GE 601. Technical data: Power supply via Intercom Server; Frequency range from 200 to 12,000 Hz; 3 m connection cable.
Accessories Headset HS 1 Lightweight, wired headset for Intercom Terminals and all compatible devices (EE 380A, GEC 880…). Connection cable KAB-HS1-RJ has to be ordered separately. Colour: Black. 246 g Illustration
KAB-HS1-RJ Adapter cable QD to RJ10 for headset HS1 for connection to Intercom Terminals with headset socket and station series GEC 880. Cable length: 0.5 – 2.0m (Spiral cable).
Power Supply Unit PA20W15V 20 W high-efficiency switched-mode power supply adapter. Primary: 90 – 264 V AC; Secondary: 15 V DC; 0.67 A. PA20W15V-EU Version for Europe PA20W15V-CA Version for UK, USA, Australia
EK 4FF Build-in kit for mounting of the desktop station Series EE 311A, EE 400 and EE 411 in control desks or for flush mounting. Surface mount box: Colour anodized aluminium. Flush mount box: W 105 mm, H 255 mm, D 55 mm Mounting frame: W 120 mm, H 270 mm, D 1.6 mm
665 g
EW 401 Wall-bracket for the desktop station Series EE 311A, EE 400 and EE 411. EW 401S
EW 401BT
Translucent Blue
EW 401G
Light Grey
EW 401R
W 73 mm, H 235 mm, D 58 mm
160 g
| Intercom Terminals | 47
Intercom Modules Your Individual Intercom Station The right choice for all typical applications: whatever is expected of an individual solution, with Intercom modules by Commend it is always going to be the best one. The modules allow for Intercom stations to be built in accordance with customers‘ requirements and integrated into custom housings
or panels. What is more, they make it possible to equip various terminals (ticket vending machines, info terminals, ATMs, etc.) with efficient, spacesaving Intercom units. This way, operators can offer their customers extra services with added value.
Applications –– Implementation of special Intercom stations –– Integration into panels and enclosures –– Call terminals and emergency facilities, e.g. for help points, lifts, etc.
IP-INTERCOM MODULES These modules connect to the Intercom Server over the IP network by direct connection to the Ethernet (LAN/WAN). A built-in switch with downlink function allows for direct connection of another IP device (e.g., IP-camera). The module supports DSP functionalities such as OpenDuplex®, Audio Monitoring and function monitoring.
Technical data: External power supply via 12 – 24 V AC / 15 – 35 V DC power adapter or via PoE (Power over Ethernet) IEEE 802.3af; 2.5 W Class “D” amplifier; 2 inputs for floating contacts and 2 relay outputs (connection usable as make or open contact).
Series ET 908A IP-Intercom module with switch and RJ 45 ports for IP Uplink/Downlink. Ready for connection of a keypad with 18 keys or three single buttons of a loudspeaker, microphone and the supplied call status LED. ET 908A Intercom module with RJ45 ports (for horizontal installation) without microphone ET 908AMI Intercom module with RJ45 ports (for horizontal installation), complete with Microphone MIC 480 ET 908A-1
Intercom module with RJ45 ports (for vertical installation) without microphone
ET 908AMI-1
I ntercom module with RJ45 ports (for vertical installation), complete with Microphone MIC 480
E T 908A und ET 908AMI: W 130 mm, H 65 mm, D 18 mm 169 g ET 908A-1 und ET 908AMI-1: W 130 mm, H 65 mm, D 21 mm 169 g
2-WIRE DSP INTERCOM MODULES Digital intercom modules with DSP-technology for hands free speech in OpenDuplex®. Used in situations where stations are permanently mounted and special requirements to the station are made. The digital construction allows
ET 811A Intercom module supplied as a build-in kit for building of digital master stations, with large, illuminated graphic display for caller identification and message indication. Includes full keypad, loudspeaker and microphone. Connection possibility for headset, headphones or gooseneck microphone, one input for floating contacts, one open collector output, possibility for later installation of a relay. Typical applications: Mounting in control panels/desks. Electret microphone; Power supply via central (optional: external floating supply for greater line length); built-in Class “D” amplifier with 2.5 W (1.5 W output power with supplied loudspeaker resp. 2.5 W with 4 ohms loudspeaker); 8 ohms loudspeaker with special membrane type for optimal sound quality; connection possibility for external loudspeaker. M ain print: W 79 mm, H 173 mm, D 18 mm 450 g Loudspeaker print: W 58 mm, H 83 mm, D 35 mm Connection cable: 150 mm
48 | Intercom Terminals |
line-saving cabling. The DSP-technology enables a host of additional features, such as loudspeaker/microphone function tests or Audio-Monitoring. New features can easily be added in the future via software update.
ET 311A | ET 312A Intercom module for building of digital master or substations. Loudspeaker, microphone and multi-function LED mounted on PCB. Connection possibility for external loudspeaker, handset, headset, headphones or gooseneck microphone, 3 inputs for floating contacts and 2 relay outputs. Optional: I/O expansion with expansion board EB2E2AHE for 2 additional inputs for floating contacts and 2 relay outputs. Typical applications: Mounting behind panels, building of special stations. Electret microphone; Power supply from Intercom Server (optional: external floating supply for greater line length); built-in Class “D” amplifier with 2.5 W (1.5 W output power with supplied loudspeaker resp. 2.5 W with 4-ohm loudspeaker); 8-ohm loudspeaker with special membrane type for optimal sound quality; connection possibility for external loudspeaker. ET 311A
Intercom Module with 6-digit (16-segment) alphanumeric display
ET 312A
Intercom Module without display
W 70 mm, H 212 mm, D 23 mm
ET 311 143 g, ET 312 128 g
ET 808 | ET 808ME Intercom module as build-in kit for building of master and sub-stations. Prepared for connection of a keypad with 18 buttons or three single buttons, a loudspeaker, a microphone and a supplied LED for conversation indication. The electret microphone MIC 480 is included in the extent of supply. 2 inputs for floating contacts and 2 relay outputs (make contacts). Optional: I/O expansion with expansion board EB2E2AHE for 2 additional inputs for floating contacts and 2 relay outputs. Typical applications: Mounting behind panels, building of special stations. Power supply via central (optional: external floating supply for greater line length); built-in amplifier with 1.5 W (0.5 W output power with 50-ohm loudspeaker respective 1.5 W with 8-ohm loudspeaker); Loudspeakers with less than 50 ohms require external power supply. ET 808
Intercom Module, complete with Microphone MIC 480
ET 808ME
Intercom Module, without Microphone MIC 480
W 130 mm, H 65 mm, D 24 mm
256 g
ET 862 Intercom module in rugged build-in housing with mounting tabs, complete with built-in micro phone and loudspeaker. The DSP-technology ensures the highest possible speech quality at high ambient noise levels, even from great distance. Includes one input for floating contacts and one relay output. Possibility for connecting a keypad (12-button matrix) or up to 12 call buttons. Typical applications: Mounting behind panels or in housings, for all types of call or emergency call devices, for example emergency help points, lift cabins, etc. Power supply via Intercom Server (optional: external floating supply for greater line length); builtin amplifier with 1.5 W (0.5 W output power with supplied loudspeaker); loudspeaker with special membrane type for optimal sound quality. W 109 mm, H 87.5 mm, D 40 mm
214 g
ET 870 | ET 871 Intercom module in durable mounting frame with mounting tabs; includes weather-resistant, omnidirectional add-on Electret Microphone MIC 480. The integrated DSP technology ensures excellent speech quality, even in environments with high ambient noise levels. Includes an input for floating contacts and a relay output. Prepared for connection of two buttons. ET 870 – power supply via Intercom Server (optional external floating power supply for longer cable lengths); built-in amplifier with 1.5 W (0.5 W for 50-ohm loudspeaker or 1.5 W for 8-ohm loudspeaker) for loudspeakers 8 ohms and higher (loudspeakers below 50 ohms require an external power supply). ET 871 – requires external power supply (12 – 24 V AC or 15 – 35 V DC); built-in amplifier with 1.5 W with built-in 8-ohm loudspeaker. ET 870
Intercom Module loudspeaker with connection port for external loudspeaker
ET 871
Intercom Module with built-in 8-ohm loudspeaker
W 109 mm, H 87,5 mm, D 40 mm
211 g
| Intercom Terminals | 49
Option BoardS EB2E2AHE Option board for I/O expansion of Intercom modules ET 311A, ET 312A, ET 808 and ET 908A connection of 2 inputs as floating contacts, as well as 2 relay outputs. W 130 mm, H 65 mm, D 12 mm
144 g
4-WIRE INTERCOM MODULES With Analogue 4-wire intercom modules it is possible to realise low-cost, customer specific intercom terminals. The various measurements and functionalities ensure a fitting intercom module for all areas of application. In particular
ET 411 Intercom module for building of master stations, with 6-digit alphanumeric display (16-segment), electret microphone and red operation lamp. Prepared for connection of a loudspeaker, a keypad with 15 buttons and a handset. Two inputs for floating contacts and two open collector outputs. Instead of the internal microphone an external electret- or noise-cancelling microphone can be connected. Typical applications: Intercom terminals in panels or housings-, that show additional information in a display, e.g. indications of; conversation partner; operational state; alarms, etc. Omnidirectional electret microphone; power supply via Intercom Server; connection for a loud足speaker greater than 16 ohm. W 73 mm, H 70 mm, D 24 mm
137 g
ET 502 Intercom module with microphone incl. amplifier. Prepared for connection of an external call button and a loudspeaker. Typical applications: Intercom stations in lifts and barriers, or for building of special stations. Omnidirectional electret microphone; power supply via Intercom Server; connection for a loud足 speaker greater than 16 ohms. W 55 mm, H 65 mm, D 35 mm
50 g
ET 508 Intercom module for building of suW stations, Compact measurements for easy installation. A special circuit allows excellent speech quality even in loud areas. Prepared for connection of a microphone, a loudspeaker, five single buttons and a red operation lamp. Typical applications: Due to its small measurements this build-in kit fits perfectly into standard installation boxes. Microphone input for electret or dynamic microphone; Power supply via central; connection for a loudspeaker greater than 16 ohms. W 50 mm, H 50 mm, D 18 mm
50 | Intercom Terminals |
40 g
for building of special stations, where the shape of the housing, buttons, material, IP-rating and so on must be individually adapted.
ET 509 Intercom module, developed in particular for Simplex operation, including loudspeaker and microphone. Prepared for connection of an external call button. Typical applications: Compact Intercom terminals, built into control desks that are permanently switched to listen to the area which initiated the call. Omnidirectional electret microphone; Power supply via Intercom Server; loudspeaker with special membrane type for optimal sound quality. W 85 mm, H 55 mm, D 20 mm
145 g
ET 562 Intercom module in rugged build-in housing with mounting tabs, complete with built-in microphone and loudspeaker. A duplex controller ensures highest possible speech quality even with high ambient noise, and from a great distance. Possibility of connecting up to 3 call buttons. Typical applications: Mounting behind panels or in housings, for all types of call or emergency call devices, for example: emergency help points, lift cabins, etc. Omnidirectional electret microphone; Power supply via Intercom Server; loudspeaker with special membrane type for optimal sound quality. W 109 mm, H 87.5 mm, D 40 mm
160 g
ET 570 | ET 571 Intercom module in durable mounting frame with mounting tabs; includes weather-resistant, omnidirectional add-on Electret Microphone MIC 480. The built-in 2 W amplifier ensures sufficient sound volume on site. Ready for connection of a call button. ET 570 – requires external power supply (12 – 24 V AC or 16 – 24 V DC); loudspeaker to be connected must be 8 ohms or higher. ET 571 – requires external power supply (12 – 24 V AC or 16 – 24 V DC); built-in 8-ohm l oudspeaker with special membrane for optimum speech quality. ET 570
Intercom Module loudspeaker with connection port for external loudspeaker
ET 571
Intercom Module with built-in 8 ohms loudspeaker
W 109 mm, H 87.5 mm, D 40 mm
ET 570 180 g, ET 571 242 g
ET 601 Build-in print for building of special industrial stations. Prepared for connection of 18 programmable buttons. Built-in 8 W amplifier with 2-step volume switching. A duplex controller ensures highest possible speech quality even with high ambient noise. Typical applications: Special stations with many direct call buttons for loud and rugged environments. Microphone input for dynamic microphone; external power supply required (24 V/20 VA from power supply PA 101 or 24 V – 28 V DC/20 W or 60 V DC via module DC 600; built-in amplifier with 8 W at 8 ohms; connection of loudspeaker 8 or 16 ohms. W 125 mm, H 265 mm, D 28 mm
170 g
| Intercom Terminals | 51
Heavy Industrial Stations 2-WIRE DSP INDUSTRIAL STATIONS – Series EE 8000 Industrial stations incorporating DSP-technology with OpenDuplex® for optimal speech clarity in noisy industrial environments. Seriess 8000 housings are made of an extremely tough, fibreglass reinforced polyester, in high-visibility bright orange (RAL 2004). The housings also feature shock absorbing bumper strips on each side. Large buttons enable operation with protective gloves. Buttons with two colour LEDs (red and green – steady or blinking) can be used for status indication (inputs, outputs, conversations, call requests, etc.). All buttons are fully programmable or can be assigned to predefined functions. A handset facility is included. Two relays on the base PCW can be assigned with various functions. The DSP technology enables additional functions,
such as OpenDuplex®, loudspeaker/microphone surveillance or Audio-Monitoring. Future functions can easily be added via software updates. Technical data: IP 65 rating; Fire protection classification V0 according to UL; power supply 24 – 42 V AC/40 VA or 22 – 60 V DC/40 W; built-in Class “D” amplifier with 25 W speech power; loudspeaker with special membrane type for optimal sound quality; 2 floating relay outputs (30 V/ 3 A) and 2 inputs for floating contacts. Microphone sensitivity adjustable in a range of 30 dB; speaking distance adjustable 3 cm to 5 m (dependent on ambient noise and microphone sensitivity); ambient noise level up to max. 95 dBA. Industrial push button with micro-switch.
EE 8158M Industrial master station with 6 programmable LED direct dialling buttons, integrated loudspeaker, universal microphone and 2 programmable LED buttons. DSP-technology facilitates a single microphone with both omnidirectional and noise cancelling characteristics. Button labels are included for description of the direct dialling button functions. Typical applications: Heavy industry, tunnels, chemical industry, cement factories, quarries, mines, etc. W 177 mm, H 318 mm, D 142 mm (excluding cable glands)
3,200 g
EE 8148M Industrial master station with 6 programmable direct dialling buttons, integrated loudspeaker, universal m icrophone and 2 programmable LED buttons. DSP-technology facilitates a single microphone with both omnidirectional and noise cancelling characteristics. Button labels are included for description of the direct dialling button functions. Typical applications: Heavy industry, tunnels, chemical industry, cement factories, quarries, mines, etc. W 177 mm, H 318 mm, D 142 mm (excluding cable glands)
3,340 g
EE 8238M Industrial master station with a programmable full keypad, universal microphone, and 2 programmable LED buttons. DSP-technology facilitates a single microphone with both omnidirectional and noise cancelling characteristics. External loudspeaker required. Typical applications: Heavy industry, tunnels, chemical industry, cement factories, quarries, mines, etc. W 177 mm, H 318 mm, D 142 mm (excluding cable glands)
2,960 g
EE 81ADMSOS Industrial sub-station with “SOS” printed on the front and side panels, integrated loudspeaker, universal microphone, LED button and a large red mushroom button marked “SOS”. Both buttons can be programmed to various functions. DSP-technology facilitates a single microphone with both omnidirectional and noise cancelling characteristics. Without lateral expansion openings. Typical applications: A tough emergency call station for industrial and public areas, tunnels, etc. W 175 mm, H 318 mm, D 142 mm (excluding cable glands)
52 | Intercom Terminals |
3,100 g
4-WIRE INDUSTRIAL STATIONS – Series EE 6000 Industrial stations for tough and rugged application in industrial environments. Seriess 6000 housings are made of an extremely tough, fibreglass reinforced polyester, in high-visibility bright orange (RAL 2004). The housings also feature shock absorbing bumper strips on each side. All buttons are programmable and can be assigned to predefined functions. The built-in 8 W amplifier incorporates a 2-step volume switching. A relay on the main PCW can be assigned with various functions e.g. call announcement.
Technical data: IP 65 rating; Fire protection classification V0 according to UL; power supply 24 V/20 VA from power supply PA 101 or 24 V – 28 V DC/20 W or 60 V DC via module DC 600; built-in amplifier with 8 W at 8 ohms; loudspeaker with special membrane type for optimal sound quality; 1 floating relay output with 60 W resp. 125 VA maximum switching power, 2 A max. switching current and 60 V DC/ 40 VA max. switching voltage.
EE 6146 Industrial master station with 6 programmable direct dialling buttons, built-in loudspeaker, omnidirectional electret microphone for max. 7 m speaking distance, one button/lamp for call indication and one cancel button. Type EE 6147 with dynamic noise cancelling microphone with hypercardioid characteristic for 3 to 50 cm speaking distance. Typical applications: Heavy industry, chemical industry, cement factories, quarries, mines, etc. W 175 mm, H 312 mm, D 142 mm (excluding cable glands)
3,480 g
EE 6236 Industrial master station with programmable standard keypad, omnidirectional electret microphone for max. 7 m speaking distance, one button/lamp for call indication, one high/low volume button and two conversation volumes. An external loudspeaker is required. Type EE 6237 with dynamic noise cancelling microphone with hypercardioid characteristic for 3 to 50 cm speaking distance. Typical applications: Heavy industry, chemical industry, cement factories, quarries, mines, etc. W 175 mm, H 312 mm, D 142 mm (excluding cable glands)
2,837 g
EE 6106 Industrial sub station with built-in loudspeaker, omnidirectional electret microphone for max. 7 m speaking distance, and two programmable buttons, of which one is a button/lamp for call indication. Type EE 6107 with dynamic noise cancelling microphone with hypercardioid characteristic for 3 to 50 cm speaking distance Typical applications: Heavy industry, chemical industry, cement factories, quarries, mines, etc. W 175 mm, H 312 mm, D 142 mm (excluding cable glands)
3,127 g
EE 61AB Industrial sub station with large SOS-call button, built-in loudspeaker, omnidirectional electret microphone for max. 7 m speaking distance and white conversation lamp. Typical applications: A simple, rugged emergency call station for public areas. W 175 mm, H 312 mm, D 142 mm (excluding cable glands)
3,360 g
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2-WIRE ModulE programmE – Series EE 8000 The modular concept of this system allows a flexible, customer specific configuration of digital heavy industrial stations. One basic and two expansion housings can be combined. This way industrial stations with up to 50 freely programmable direct dialling buttons can be configured.
Technical data: IP 65 rating; Fire protection classification V0 according to UL; power supply 24 – 42 V AC/40 VA or 22 – 60 V DC/40 W; built-in Class “D“ amplifier with 25 W speech power; 2 floating relay outputs (30 V/3 A) and 2 inputs for floating contacts. Industrial push button with micro-switch.
EE 8999M Basic housing for Digital 2-wire heavy industrial stations with three module slots, includes electronics, with expansion openings and covers. W 177 mm, H 318 mm, D 122 mm (excluding cable glands)
2,300 g
EE 8999MSOS Basic housing for Digital 2-wire heavy industrial stations with three module slots, includes electronics, with “SOS” print on both sides (therefore no expansion openings on the sides). W 175 mm, H 318 mm, D 122 mm (excluding cable glands)
2,300 g
EE 8999S Expansion housing for Digital 2-wire heavy industrial stations with three module slots, includes electronics, with expansion openings and covers. Up to two expansion housings can be combined with one basic housing. The cabling, also for multiple housings, needs only 2 wires to the Intercom Server and 2 wires to the power supply. Mounting kit (EE 8999-KIT) for expansion housing is available separately. W 177 mm, H 318 mm, D 122 mm (excluding cable glands)
2,240 g
4-wire Module programme – Series EE 6000 The modular concept of this system allows a flexible, customer specific configuration of analogue heavy industrial stations. Technical data: IP 65 rating; Fire protection classification V0 according to UL; power supply 24 V/20 VA from
EE 6999 Basic housing for Analogue 4-wire heavy industrial stations with three module slots, includes electronics, with expansion openings and covers. W 177 mm, H 318 mm, D 122 mm (excluding cable glands)
54 | Intercom Terminals |
2,300 g
power supply PA 101 or 24 V – 28 V DC/20 W or 60 V DC via module DC 600; built-in amplifier with 8 W at 8 ohms; 1 floating relay output with 60 W resp. 125 VA maximum switching power, 2 A max. switching current and 60 V DC/40 VA max. switching voltage.
ModuleS for 2-wire and 4-wire heavy Industrial stations There are modules for dialling, modules with inscribable direct dialling buttons, microphone modules and a
loudspeaker module. The modules are connected to the PCW of the housing and can be combined as desired.
2-Wire (EE 8000)
Product Code
Module Code
EM 600
Dummy module to fill empty module slots or for mounting of customer specific buttons.
EM 6A0
Dummy module printed with “SOS” to fill empty module slots.
EM 650
Loudspeaker module for industrial stations. The loudspeaker features high sound pressure and excellent intelligibility of speech. 15 W output power; sound pressure 92 dB/W/m (1 kHz); impedance 8 ohm.
EM 602
Keypad module with buttons 1 to 6 as part of a full keypad. The buttons can be programmed with various functions. Industrial push buttons with micro-switch.
EM 603
Keypad module with buttons 7 to X as part of a full keypad. The buttons can be programmed with various functions. Industrial push buttons with micro-switch.
EM 606
Keypad module with 6 direct dialling buttons that can be custom-labelled. The buttons can be programmed with various functions. Tags are included for labelling the buttons. Industrial push buttons with micro-switch.
EM 605
Keypad module with 6 direct dialling LED buttons that can be custom-labelled. The buttons can be programmed with various functions. Tags are included for labelling the buttons. Industrial push buttons with micro-switch.
EM 660
Microphone module with electret microphone for areas with normal to medium ambient noise levels. The two buttons can be programmed with various functions. Button labels “L” and “X” are included in extent of supply.
EM 670
Microphone module with noise-cancelling microphone for very loud areas. The two buttons can be programmed with various functions. Button labels “L” and “X” are included in extent of supply.
EM 680
Microphone module with electret microphone and 2 LED buttons. The two buttons can be programmed with various functions. Button labels “L” and “X” are included in extent of supply.
EM 681
Microphone module with electret microphone, 1 LED button and 1 big red mushroom button marked “SOS”. The two buttons can be programmed with various functions. Button labels “L” and “X” are included in extent of supply.
EM 6B0
Microphone module with electret microphone, white conversation lamp and big red mushroom button marked “SOS”. The button can be programmed with various functions.
4-Wire (EE 6000)
Microphone characteristics EM 680, EM 681 and EM 660, EM 6B0 as universal microphone in 2-wire basic housing EE 8999M DSP-technology facilitates a single microphone with both omnidirectional and noise cancelling characteristics. Microphone sensitivity adjustable in a range of 30 dB; speaking distance adjustable 3 cm to 5 m (dependent on ambient noise and microphone sensitivity adjusted); ambient noise level up to max. 95 dBA.
EM 660, EM 6B0 in 4-wire basic housing EE 6999 Omnidirectional electret microphone for max. 7 m speaking distance; ambient noise level up to max. 75 dBA. EM 670 in 4-wire basic housing EE 6999 Dynamic noise cancelling microphone with hypercardioid characteristic, speaking distance adjustable 3 to 50 cm; ambient noise level up to max. 95 dBA.
| Intercom Terminals | 55
EDI 600 Empty housing without electronics and modules, for accommodation of distribution boards, terminal strips or additional electronics. W 175 mm, H 312 mm, D 142 mm (excluding cable glands)
2,080 g
DC 600 DC module for 60 V direct current for industrial stations Seriess EE 6000. The DC 600 is inserted in the basic housing. Minimum input voltage 44 V DC, max. 60 V DC
EXPLOSION PROOF STATIONS Stations for use in explosion capable atmospheres.
EX 7711 2-wire EX station with large illuminated graphic display and large, clear button field, specially designed for use whilst wearing protective gloves. The modular housing assures easy maintenance so that for instance, the microphone and keypad can be exchanged without opening the station. Volume is electronically adjustable via the keypad. Specifically for use in explosion capable atmospheres: Certified Zone I, Group IIB, T4. Certification: Sira 02 ATEX 1177X; Ignition-protection: II 2 G EEx d [ia]iW IIW T6 TamW = – 20° C to +50° C; IP-rating IP 66; built-in amplifier and horn loudspeaker; Power supply on site 24 V DC, 110, 220, 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz. W 190 mm, H 500 mm, D 120 mm
10 kg
ResistTel Explosion proof, weather proof industrial telephone with hands-free option and multi-line alphanumeric display. Certified for dust and gases. The 21-piece keypad, which can be operated whilst wearing gloves, is made of V-4A-steel. The EX-ResistTel is freely programmable. The shock and abrasion proof, glass fibre reinforced polyester housing is immune against acids, lyes, seawater and fat. A line of accessories and components specially for EX areas complete the functionality. The EX-ResistTel is connected to an Intercom Server via a subscriber card G8-TEL4 or G7-DSP-TEL4. Certification: DMT 02 ATEX E 183; Ignition protection: II 2 G EEx em[ib] IIC T5 TamW = –25° C to +60° C and II 2 G EEx em[ib] IIC T6 TamW = – 25° C to +40° C; IP-rating IP 66; shock protection IK 09; Handset volume adjustable in 7 steps; call tone volume 90 dBA in 1 m distance; power supply 24 V DC to 66 V DC. W 227 mm, H 266 mm, D 135 mm
56 | Intercom Terminals |
5,5 kg
Detention Cell Terminals 2-Wire Detention Cell Terminal Commend’s Detention Cell Intercom terminal was specifically designed for prison and police cells, correctional and court holding facilities, custody suites, forensic laboratories, etc. To further enhance security, cell terminals not only provide speech communication, they also facilitate control functions signalling, mobile phone detection and emergency alarm calls. Innovative technologies combined with a modular approach ensures a future-proof investment. The optional mobile phone detection module combats the problem of detainees being illegally in possession of mobile
phones. The surface sensing feature helps protects guards whilst in the cell, in critical situations the guard only needs to touch the front plate to activate the guard alert. Digital 2-wire DSP technology allows Audio-Monitoring and OpenDuplex® as well as loudspeaker/microphone surveillance, which in combination with programmable line monitoring ensures that the operational status of the detention cell intercom terminals is known at all times.
Special security screws and poke protected speaker grille
3 mm stainless steel front plate Anti-Tamper contact
Loudspeaker with a special membrane for optimal speech and music reproduction
Conversation LED
Mobile phone detection module (optional)
Surface sensing for guard emergency call LEDs for display of music channels Music channel selection
Piezo electric button for light on/off
Volume +
Piezo electric button for call request
Volume –
Electret microphone
Flush mount box
Safety, Standards Compliant DIN EN EN ENV EN
VDE 0834 Part 1+2 50082-1 55022 50204 60950
Call systems in hospitals, nursing homes and similar institutions Meets the standard for EMC; Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments Information technology equipment radio disturbance characteristics limits and methods of measurement Radiated immunity, keyed carrier, 900 MHz phone band Safety of information technology equipment
Cell Installation Option 1 – Mounting with integrated electronics –– UP 030 flush mount box –– EW 330 | EW 330S cell electronics module –– EF 031x front plate
Option 2 – Mounting with remote electronics –– Cell electronics module mounted on “top hat” DIN rail or in surface mount box –– UP 030 flush mount box –– Connectivity board for connection of cell electronics module with front plate –– EF 031x front plate
Installation bay
| Intercom Terminals | 57
EF 031 Front plate Series The front plates are made of 3 mm stainless steel with a brushed surface. Special security screws and speaker grille protect against damage and the insertion of foreign substances, debris, etc. The front plates are suited for flush wall mount using the UP-030 flush mount box.
Technical data: Integrated 2.5 W power amplifier (1.5 W over integrated loudspeaker); 8-ohm loudspeaker with a special membrane for optimal speech reproduction; electret microphone.
EF 031-1 Front panel with piezo electric buttons for call/help request, microphone and loudspeaker. EF 031-1
Front panel
EF 031-1R Front panel with antenna window for installation of Mobile Phone Detection Module HF 100-EB W 179 mm, H 279 mm, D 3 mm
1,660 g
EF 031-2 Front Panel with 2 piezo electric buttons for call/help request, light, microphone and loudspeaker. EF 031-2
Front panel
EF 031-2R Front panel with antenna window for installation of Mobile Phone Detection Module HF 100-EB W 179 mm, H 279 mm, D 3 mm
1,660 g
EF 031-2M Front Panel with 2 piezo electric buttons for call/help request, light, microphone and loudspeaker. 3 buttons (TCT technology) for music selection and volume adjustment; 6 LEDs for indicating music channels. EF 031-2M
Front panel
EF 031-2MR Front panel with antenna window for installation of Mobile Phone Detection Module HF 100-EB W 179 mm, H 279 mm, D 3 mm
1,740 g
Flush Mount Box Flush in-wall mounting box for accommodation of EF 031x front plates and EW 330 cell electronics. Two diagonally
UP 030 Flush in-wall mounting box for accommodation of EF 031x front plates and EW 330x cell electronics. 5 cable feeds (20 mm diameter) in top and bottom and one in each sidewall. W 183.5 mm, H 283.5 mm, D 63.5 mm (excluding plaster tabs) W 223.5 mm, H 283.5 mm, D 63.5 mm (including plaster tabs)
58 | Intercom Terminals |
1,700 g
located sabotage break contacts. The flush mount box is to be ordered separately for 足preparatory mounting.
Cell Electronics Various electronics modules are available for mounting options 1 and 2 (integrated or remote electronics). Additionally, there are electronics modules with integrated surface sensing with which front plates can be made touch-sensitive for guard alerts etc. As an alternative to the EF 031 Seriess of front plates, analogue intercom modules can be connected. This allows for custom front plate design. Please note: Electronics modules and flush mount boxes need to be ordered separately.
Technical data: External 24 V AC/8.5 VA or 24 – 35 V DC/ 8.5 W power supply; power consumption: 3.5 W standby, 8.5 W max at 24 V AC (current min. 130 mA/h min. / 350 mA/h max. at 24 V AC); 10 floating input contacts; 6 relay outputs (3 breakers and 3 two-way contacts); 60 V DC/VAC – 1A; 30 V DC/VAC – 2A.
EB 330 Cell Electronics Flush-Mount Kit for integrated installation and connection of an EF 031 front panel. EB 330
Cell Electronics Flush-Mount Kit
EB 330S
Flush-mountable cell electronics module with surface sensing function
W 147 mm, H 162 mm, D 25 mm
360 g
EB 330AH Cell Electronics Surface-Mount Kit for set-off installation (e.g. in risers) and connection of Front Panel EF 031. The module comes attached to a mounting plate with a DIN rail bracket. EB 330AH
Cell Electronics Surface-Mount Kit
Flush-mountable cell electronics module with surface sensing function
W 150 mm, H 162 mm, D 69,5 mm 800 g (incl. fitting panel suitable for “top hat” DIN rail mounting and flap)
EB 330A Cell Electronics Surface-Mount Kit for set-off installation (e.g. in risers) and connection of Front Panel EF 031. The Surface-Mount Kit comes in a protective housing. EB 330A
Cell Electronics Surface-Mount Kit
EB 330AS
Flush-mountable cell electronics module with surface sensing function
W 160 mm, H 296 mm, D 90 mm
1.680 g
Mobile Phone Detection Module This module detects mobile phone/modem connections using UMTS and GSM networks and is user friendly in terms of installation – plug & play. Depending on the structural conditions of the building, the modules detect a connection within a 20 meter radius. As soon as anyone attempts to make a mobile call, send a text message, or use
an internet connection, an alarm is triggered at the station or control desk within the complex on the Commend intercom system. The connections can be located with the aid of the identification number or name of the active module on the display screen. A visual indication, in the form of a lamp for example, is also possible.
HF 100-EB Build-in module for detecting mobile phone/modem connections, consisting of an antenna, a high frequency and a signal section. The module is equipped with a free relay output (break contact) and is enabled for data transfer via the RS 485 port. Able to be installed in the EF031-xxR Seriess front panels of detention cell intercoms. Typical applications: Prisons, arrest, detention and immigration centres, in police stations and law courts, hospitals, public buildings and schools. Power supply: 18 to 30 V DC, max. 1.5 W; detected frequency ranges: GSM 880 MHz to 950 MHz and 1710 MHz to 1840 MHz; UMTS 1900 MHz to 2170 MHz. W 75 mm, H 60 mm, D 24 mm
| Intercom Terminals | 59
IP Converter The interface between the IP network and Intercom terminals IP Converter ET 901 allows for connecting any Intercom terminal with all functions directly to an IP network (LAN/WAN). This way, it is possible to turn the analogue or digital Intercom terminals of the Commend product range into full IP Intercom stations. A built-in switch with downlink function
allows for direct connection of another IP device (e.g., IP-based camera). The built-in DSP technology of connected Intercom terminals (including analogue 4-wire terminals) enables additional functions such as Audio Monitoring or OpenDuplex速.
IP Converter IP Converter ET 901 installs between the Ethernet connection (LAN/WAN) and any Intercom Terminal. This will turn the station into a fully-featured IP Intercom station.
ET 901 IP Converter Box with built-in switch for Intercom terminals. Featured product (with polycarbonate housing) will be available from April 2010. Until then, the product will be provided in the existing aluminium housing (see also ET 901WP). Typical applications: Offices, warehouses, switch-boxes, etc. ET 901-D
Connection of digital 2-wire Intercom terminals
ET 901-A
Connection of analogue 4-wire Intercom terminals
W 157 mm, H 46 mm, D 76 mm
175 g
ET 901HE IP Converter as plug-in board with built-in switch for Intercom terminals. Typical applications: For integration into existing housings. ET 901HE-D
Connection of digital 2-wire Intercom terminals
ET 901HE-A
Connection of analogue 4-wire Intercom terminals
W 130 mm, H 24 mm, D 65 mm
80 g
ET 901WP IP Converter Box with built-in switch for Intercom terminals. Housing is protected against dirt, dust and water (IP 65 rating). Typical applications: Designed for installation in outdoor locations or heavy-duty application environments (e.g., emergency call points, parking gates, etc.). ET 901WP-D
Connection of digital 2-wire Intercom terminals
ET 901WP-A
Connection of analogue 4-wire Intercom terminals
W 184 mm, H 43,6 mm, D 125,5 mm
60 | Intercom Terminals |
463 g
Technical data: External power supply via power adapter (24 V AC or 28-35 V DC, 8.4 W) or via PoE (Power over Ethernet) IEEE 802.3af; Connections via RJ 45 ports for IP Uplink / Downlink and Intercom; audio bandwidth 16 kHz for digital 2-wire Intercom stations, and 7 kHz for analogue 4-wire Intercom stations.
OPTION BOARDS Option boards offer additional powerful features, enabling specific applications to easily be solved.
EB2E2A Option board for I/O expansion of IP Converter box ET 901 and ET 901WP for connection of 2 inputs as floating contacts, as well as 2 relay outputs. W 130 mm, H 65 mm, D 12 mm
159 g
EB2E2AHE Option board for I/O expansion of IP Converter ET 901HE for connection of 2 inputs as floating contacts, as well as 2 relay outputs. W 130 mm, H 65 mm, D 12 mm
144 g
ACCESSORIES ET 901-HSH35 Mounting bracket for mounting the IP Converter box to a DIN-rail in a switch rack.
ET 901-MS63 Snap on connectors for stacking of IP Converter boxes ET 901WP-A and ET 901WP-D
Power supply unit PA20W30V Plug-in power supply for IP Converter. 20 W high-efficiency switched-mode power supply. Primary: 90 – 264 V AC; Secondary: 30 V DC; 0.67 A. PA20W30V-EU Version for Europe PA20W30V-CA Version for UK, USA, Australia
| Intercom Terminals | 61
Loudspeakers WALL MOUNT LOUDSPEAKERS Wall mount loudspeakers are built in various ways. They can be mounted: directly onto housing; with a snap on connection or with a bracket, which can be directed to the object
where the loudspeaker will be audible. Some of the wall mount loudspeakers are available in selected RAL-colours.
AL 10-16 Compact, high-efficiency column speaker. Weatherproof polyamide housing for indoor and outdoor use. Can be rotated and tilted. Mounting bracket included. Frequency range 220 to 16,000 Hz; 12/15 W output power; Sound pressure 94 dB/W/m (1 kHz); Max. sound pressure 110 dB; Impedance 16 ohms. AL 10-16S
AL 10-16W
W 100 mm, H 300 mm, D 98 mm (including brackets)
1,780 g
PRESSURE CHAMBER LOUDSPEAKERS Pressure chamber or horn loudspeakers have the advantage, that they create a large sound pressure at relatively low power. In combination with an optimized speech transmission they posses a very clear and defined directivity, so that
even at a great distance it is audible very well. Because pressure chamber loudspeakers possess very good microphone characteristics, “EX-proof� loudspeakers can easily be used for talking back in explosion endangered areas.
HP 10 Pressure chamber loudspeaker made of weather-proof ABS-plastic. Colour: Light Grey. Typical applications: For use in open spaces and large noisy halls. Frequency range 410 to 8,000 Hz; 10/15 W output power; sound pressure 106 dB/W/m (1 kHz); max. sound pressure 116 dB; impedance 20 ohms. Diameter 139 mm, D 193 mm
1,400 g
HP 15 Pressure chamber loudspeaker made of weather-proof ABS plastic. Colour: Light Grey. Typical applications: For sounds in open spaces and large noisy halls. Frequency range from 330 to 8,000 Hz; 15/20 W output power; sound pressure 108 dB/W/m (1 kHz), max. sound pressure 118 dB; impedance 20 ohms. Diameter 200 mm, D 247 mm
1,700 g
SOUND PROJECTORS Cylindrical sound emitter with electro dynamic membrane loudspeaker for high efficiency. Adjustable mounting handle assures easy installation. Typical applications: As
RW 36-04 Cylindrical sound emitter with electro dynamic membrane loudspeaker for high efficiency. Adjustable mounting handle assures easy installation. Colour: Light Grey. Typical applications: As external loudspeaker for transmission of speech or music in halls, pedestrian zones, at petrol stations, airports, etc. Frequency range 200 to 10,000 Hz; 5 W output power; sound pressure 92 db/W/m (1 kHz); max. sound pressure 99 dB; impedance 4 ohms. Diameter 132 mm, D 195 mm
62 | Intercom Terminals |
1,800 g
external loudspeaker for transmission of speech or music in halls, pedestrian zones, at petrol stations, airports, etc.
Microphones MIC 800 Gooseneck microphone with hyper cardioid characteristic with western plug (RJ 10) for building of special stations or control desks. With nut for mounting in build-in panels. Sensibility 4.2 mV/Pa; directional hyper cardioid characteristic to the front; cable length 0.28 m (shielded). MIC 800SW
Without Western connector for installation with screw terminal – Black
Length 422 mm / Bore diameter 10 mm
MIC Q400 Miniature, cardioid-type extension microphone. Housing made from impact-resistant and distortion-free plastic, can be bonded to a flat surface. Improved acoustics. Colour: Black. Typical applications: As outside microphone for counter intercoms. Sensitivity 15 mV/Pa; directional characteristic: cardioid; frequency range: 100 Hz – 8 kHz; cable length 2.8m (shielded) W 24 mm, H 13 mm, D 43 mm
58 g
MIC 480 Omnidirectional Electret microphone for installation in up to 10 mm thick glass or aluminium panels; weather-proof (IP 53 rating). Colour: Black. Typical applications: As Intercom terminals in parking gates, ticket vending machines, lift control panels or as external microphone for desktop counter intercom systems. Sensitivity: 5.6 mV/Pa; hypercardioid characteristic; shielded cable. MIC 480
Cable length 4 m
MIC 480S-10
Cable length 10 m
Diameter 14 mm x D 20 mm
ET 504 Microphone for suspension mounting on ceilings. The housing is made of shock-proof plastic and can be used for both surface and flush mounting. Typical applications: Quiet rooms, such as warehouses, in which perfect intelligibility of speech is required from all areas. Electret microphone with omnidirectional characteristic; sensitivity 6.3 mV/Pa; shielded cable; cable length adjustable up to 4 m (13 ft). W 75 mm, H 178 mm, D 79 mm (housing)
454 g
| Intercom Terminals | 63
Intercom Control Systems
PERFECT Overview
Hard- and software Solutions
Control Desk Visualisation ComWIN ComWIN Version 5 – The interactive Graphical User Interface. ComWIN 5 is the new generation of visualisation software for control desks in a client-server structure. All control desk functions of the Intercom Systems are displayed on one or multiple monitors. Interactive icons represent calls, error or alarm messages and change their look depending
ComWIN 5 User Interface User interfaces, individually designed to match customer specifications, provide clear structures and the overview required.
on the requirements. In additional windows it is possible to display measure plans, help texts or logging information and much more. Additionally it is possible to send an e-mail on defined events.
Users effectively remain in control of all processes within the Intercom System at all times.
Features and Benefits –– Multi-monitor operation for an even better overview
–– Enforced logging of system activities (e.g., manual gate opening)
–– Convenient navigation through various plan levels
–– Quick, convenient creation of interactive symbols
–– Changing icons, flashing, sounds and the display of overviews in summary windows draw the user‘s attention to important system events.
–– Comprehensive icon library
–– Various visualisation and alarm options
–– Integration of various common Video-over-IP solutions –– Overview of system defects via ComMAINTAIN software
–– E-mail notification in case of system events
–– Statistical analysis of call frequency of the entire emergency call system
–– Configuration sets for flexible assignment of permissions
–– State-of-the-art client-server architecture
–– Action plans in the form of checklists or workflows, and information for staff
–– ComSDK (Commend Software Development Kit) for writing custom applications
–– Support of reporting and password-protected protocol databases
–– Flexible license model
–– Time-controlled activation of Intercom functions with ComSCHEDULE
66 | Intercom Control Systems |
Plan Navigator
Plan Navigator
The Plan Navigator provides a clearly structured listing of all plans of the current ComWIN project of a loaded configuration set; this makes navigating much easier, especially in extensive projects. The plans are categorised by locations (e.g., car park). Locations can be assigned several plans (e.g., car park levels). The plans can be grouped by locations and printed as needed.
Subscriber directory
Subscriber directory
This lists all subscribers in the system. Functions include establishing/ending calls, sorting by plan, and alphabetical grouping. The subscriber naming is automatically imported via the configuration file.
User Management
User Management
Access to the various functions, plans and sections can be granted or denied in detail to individual users or user groups. –– Access to configuration sets, permissions and groups requires the appropriate user rights. –– The user language can be set for each individual user.
Action Management
Action Management
Flexible design of dialogues for input of remarks or display of required actions, measures and information. Even representations of entire workflows are possible. The result is logged in the Reporter. If required, HTML documents and pictures can be imported into the action plan representation.
Audio Monitoring
Audio Monitoring
This application enables the control and monitoring of sound, with per-station settings to meet individual application requirements (e.g., homecare, correctional services, parking spaces for women, etc.). Individual, environment-specific settings of volume (dB) and time (seconds) will let the system monitor for specific volume levels and trigger an alarm if necessary. Configuration profiles help to adjust Audio Monitoring to various on-site conditions quickly and easily.
| Intercom Control Systems | 67
Commend Communication Server (CCS) Commend Communication Server is the central software platform providing to application development the infrastructure for all kinds of solutions in the areas of security and communication. State of the art software design assures comfortable access to the Intercom System with all its Intercom Terminals, contacts and inputs. Via gateways, distributed adapters provide opportunity to integrate interfaces to all parts of building automation.
Intercom Server
ComWIN 5 CCS LICENSES Workstation solutions, the software (including CCS), including all plans, icons and settings, will be installed on a PC. All control desk functions of the Intercom system are displayed on one or several monitors. In networked versions (ComWIN Net), a Commend Communication Server (CCS) will be connected to the Intercom Server. The individual users (workstations) can access the plans and icons stored
on the server by way of the IP network. The projects are administered centrally. When used with IP Intercom Server GE 800 or GE 300, the applications and functions can be unlocked via Commend Licenses; in configurations with Servers GE 700 or GE 200, they must be unlocked by means of Dongle Licenses.
ComWIN Light Workstation solution for up to 100 icons and plans. L-COMWIN-L
License for GE 800 / GE 300
Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
ComWIN Workstation Workstation solution for complex control-desk functions, including 1,000 icons and an unlimited number of plan levels; the number of icons can be extended with License ComWIN-5. L-COMWIN-W
License for GE 800 / GE 300
Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
ComWIN Net Client-Server Version for multiple-station control desks (in same or different locations), including 2 workstations and 1,000 icons, an unlimited number of plan levels; the number of icons can be extended with License ComWIN-C. L-COMWIN-N
License for GE 800 / GE 300
Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
L-COMWIN-C Extension for 1 additional workstation – License for GE 800 / GE 300 COMWIN-C
Extension for 1 additional workstation – Dongle-License for GE 700 / GE 200
Backup CCS The Backup CCS is a redundant instance of the CCS. In case the connection between a ComWIN client and the CCS is interrupted, the ComWIN client will automatically connect to the Backup CCS. L-COMBAK
License for GE 800 / GE 300
Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
ComWIN-5 Extension by 500 icons (data points) each for ComWIN-W or ComWIN-N. L-COMWIN-5
License for GE 800 / GE 300
Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
68 | Intercom Control Systems |
CCS LICENSES The CCS Licenses available in addition to ComWIN open up a new dimension in the use of security and communication systems. As a result, the possibilities for standardised reporting, time-controlled automation of Intercom functions, CCTV integration and the development of tailored, professional ComWIN visualisations are virtually
unlimited. When used with IP-Intercom Server GE 800 or GE 300, the Typical applications and functions can be unlocked via Commend Licenses; in configurations with Servers GE 700 or GE 200, they must be unlocked by means of Dongle Licenses.
ComREPORT – Reporting and Statistics The ComREPORT application logs all system events and registers all system messages (including processing steps) in an SQL database. This comprehensive system archive can be accessed and summarised into custom reports by means of configurable data filters. –– Consistent logging of all events and data on the Intercom System –– Statistical analysis of Intercom system, emergency call system or call system data –– Number of calls: temporal distribution over days/weeks/months/years –– Call waiting times: these indicate the time it took for the customer‘s call to be answered –– Operator performance: registers the log-in times, calculated average call duration, number of calls processed and call details reporting function –– Messages sent by e-mail as PDF, XLS, Word or graphics (BMP, JPG, GIF, ...) files
–– License for logging times longer than 30 days and comprehensive statistics package –– 4 GB data archiving with license-free Microsoft SQL 2008 Express ®
License for GE 800 / GE 300
Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
ComVIDEO – CCTV Integration This application integrates live video streams from Video-over-IP sources into the security and communication solution. The video images are arranged on-screen in a clearly structured grid for easy viewing. –– Master monitor, preview monitors, video scanning –– Automatic video display on preview monitor upon call request –– Automatic video display on master monitor during call –– Supported video formats: Axis, Bosch, Geutebrück, Vivotek, Sony, HeiTel, HTML. Support of additional Video-over-IP formats available on request. L-COMVID16
16 Video-over-IP sources – License for GE 800 / GE 300
16 Video-over-IP sources – Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
32 Video-over-IP sources – License for GE 800 / GE 300
32 Video-over-IP sources – Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
Unlimited number of sources - License for GE 800 / GE 300
Unlimited number of sources - Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
ComMaintain – Status Display The ComMAINTAIN application displays error status information of the entire Intercom System. This includes structured status details of subscribers, inputs, Intercom Servers and their networking connections. As Summary view provides a quick overview for the person on duty. Using a configurable list of ICX commands it is possible, for example, to control a summary contact. The application may also be used without a ComWIN License. L-COMMNT
License for GE 800 / GE 300
Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
| Intercom Control Systems | 69
ComSCHEDULE – Time-Scheduled Planning and Control
With this application it is possible to set the functions and procedures of the Intercom system to run automatically at specified times. For example, the Scheduler can set ComWIN data points or run various actions in the form of workflow procedures. A wide range of individual solutions are possible - from automated call forwarding during the night shift to fixed-time test calls (eg. lift emergency call stations) and controls for announcements. Administering scheduled events and event series is easy, thanks to dialogue windows and views known from Typical applications like MS Outlook®. The application may also be used without a ComWIN License. –– Scheduling and planning of Intercom functions –– Support for individual events or event series (easy wizard-based scheduling) L-COMSCH
License for GE 800 / GE 300
Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
ComSDK – Tailored Control Station Solutions The software interface of Commend Communication Server (CCS) enables individual solutions with ComWIN operator workstations that are fine-tuned to individual requirements. As a result, it is possible to integrate third-party systems or databases and to implement solutions without ComWIN visualisations. This means that ComSDK can also be used without the need to obtain a ComWIN License. Typical applications –– Individual allocation of reassurance messages to emergency call stations.
–– Database registration of monitored persons (JVA/JA) and automated display of personal details during call. –– Integration of accounting systems for car park call centres. –– Detention cell telephony: Administration of telephone numbers the detained person is allowed to call (e.g. solicitor), and automated recording of calls.
IP Project Database User Database
–– Sending of on-screen messages to Intercom call stations, and management of message templates. –– Automated announcements, generated with text-to-speech. Intercom Server
One license per Commend Communication Server (CCS) can be activated, and an unlimited number of SDK Typical applications can be implemented and run. The application package comes with a full developer’s manual of the software interface. The .NET software libraries (including sample program) are available on request by means of the CCS Product CD or over the Internet from L-COMSDK
License for GE 800 / GE 300
Dongle License for GE 700 / GE 200
CD-CSS Complete installation package with video driver, .NET Framework, SQL Server, SDK, manuals, and comprehensive icon library.
70 | Intercom Control Systems |
INTERCOM CLIENT The IP-Station for PC Desktops The Intercom Client converts any Windows®- and Liunx-PC to an Intercom station without additional hardware. The PC monitor displays the familiar Commend station with numeric keypad, function keys and display. Operation is possible via mouse as well as PC keyboard or touchscreen. The microphones: MIC Q400AJ and MIC 480AJ guarantee excellent
speech quality. The full range of Intercom features are available and it is possible to scroll in the subscriber index, open barriers, control building management functions and much more. With an additional headset or gooseneck microphone the Intercom Client is ideally suited for control desk applications.
–– PC desktop control stations
–– Adjustable size and position
–– PC workstations
–– Intercom functionality and simultaneous working on PC
–– Mobile call station for the laptop
–– Individual custom interface design by means of SDK
–– Touch panels for entrances and access points
–– Convenient operation via PC keyboard, mouse or touchscreen
–– Excellent speech quality (up to 16 kHz audio bandwidth) –– Echo cancelling and support of all speech modes (Simplex, Duplex and OpenDuplex®) Video monitor
–– Automatic notification in case of calls, privacy calls, re-call requests and control desk calls
Function keys
Display Multi-functional LED
Privacy mode Standard keypad
Direct dialling buttons
Direct Dialling Modules
Video Integration
Expandable up to 4 direct dialling modules with 12 buttons each (max
A video screen displays the pictures of IP-cameras which are
48 buttons). Easy configuration of the buttons via CCT-Administration
transmitted via TCP/IP. Camera implementation is compatible
of the Intercom Servers. Following features are supported: Direct
to ComVideo and video control is carried out directly via the Intercom
dialling, call and conversation indication, single button, output control,
input simulation, input messages.
| Intercom Control Systems | 71
Build your own Commend Intercom station Ever wanted to add your own personal touch to a Commend Intercom station? Don’t want to be restricted in terms of design and operation any more? Then let your ideas take wing and build your own Commend Software Intercom Station.
Adapting the design of the Intercom Client to your firm’s corporate design is no longer a problem, thanks to a well-designed infrastructure and the provided interfaces for controlling the Intercom Client Audio. The range of functions and appearance of the call station can be customised to any work environment, as needed. The Intercom Client License also covers the SDK, allowing you to use the full range of functions of the Software Intercom station.
For illustration purposes only
Key benefits
–– Speech-only applications, e.g. pay-on-foot machines or gate terminals
–– Easy to integrate
–– Direct access buttons for activating outputs and display of inputs
–– Individual design of graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
–– Intercom stations with one key
–– Individually definable scope of user interfaces –– Optional integration into building management system
For illustration purposes only
72 | Intercom Control Systems |
Intercom Client Technical data: Connection to Intercom Servers via Intercom over IP (IoIP速). For each subscriber, a port of an IP subscriber card will be used in the Intercom Server (same as with
ET 901). IP address and UDP port must be specified during configuration. Operating system: Windows XP速 SP2, Windows Vista速 SP1, Windows 7 or Linux.
Intercom Client IC 200I Intercom Client Application L-IC 200I
License for GE 800 / GE 300
G7-IC 200I
License for GE 700 / GE 200
Direct-Dialling Button Module DD212 Direct dialling button module with 12 buttons. Intercom Client can be extended by up to four direct dialling button modules. L-DD 212
License for GE 800 / GE 300
G7-DD 212
License for GE 700 / GE 200
Video Monitor VM 201 License for adding a video monitor to Intercom Client. Only for use in combination with Intercom Server GE 800 or GE 300. Upgrade Kit GE 700-UPG includes the use of the video monitor in combination with Intercom Server GE 700. L-VM201
License for GE 800 / GE 300 (GE 700 with Upgrade Kit GE-700-UPG)
ACCESSORIES MIC Q400AJ Surface mount microphone with cardioid characteristic with small form factor. Housing made of shock proof, rugged plastic; can be glued to flat surfaces. Colour: Black Connection via 3.5 mm stereo audio jack; cable length 2 m (6.6 ft); sensitivity 15 mV/Pa. W 24 mm, H 13 mm, D 43 mm
MIC 480AJ Build-in electret microphone with omnidirectional characteristic for up to 10 mm thick panels; IP 53 rating. Colour: Black Connection via 3.5 mm stereo audio jack; cable length 2 m (6.6 ft); sensitivity 5.6 mV/Pa. Diameter 14 mm, D 20 mm
| Intercom Control Systems | 73
Digital Control Desk System EE 380A EE 380A – Clear, Compact, Multi-functional. The digital control desk system EE 380A is a new, compact intercom terminal concept, which perfectly suits the demands of small to medium sized central control workplaces. It provides good control and easy operation in situations where many calls are directed to one central point. Up to 4 modules with 12 direct access buttons can be connected to a base station. The buttons can be assigned to various functions: direct dialling with call indication (conversation, call, emergency call); output functions, e.g. switching light circuits, starting processes, operating doors and gates etc.; indication of input messages, e.g. status of doors, gates and barriers. Optionally there are button modules with 3-colour LEDs available, at which
calls or system statues (for example) can be indicated clearly. Thanks to it’s newest DSP-technology, the base station offers OpenDuplex® with crystal clear speech quality and standard functions such as loudspeaker/microphone surveillance. Firmware is upgradable for future functionality.
Applications –– Control rooms –– Areas with high ambient noise levels
Control Desk System Base Stations Modular construction enables the system to be optimally configured to a variety of different control desk applications. The base of each control desk is an intercom terminal, available in 4 different versions (with or without gooseneck microphone and with or without an additional loudspeaker. This helps to find the right terminal for each working environment, whether in a quiet office or in a noisy, busy control room. Technical data: 6-digit alphanumeric display (16-segment); Connection via RJ 11, socket for A/B, mini DIN socket for connection to EM-module, 4-way modular socket for headset,
EE 380AA Basic terminal with cardioid gooseneck microphone, standard keypad with “T” and “X” keys and three function keys; for connection of up to four keypad modules EM 301 or EM 302. EE 380AAS
Translucent Blue
Light Grey
W 179 mm, H 57 mm, D 230 mm / Length of gooseneck: 430 mm
740 g
EE 380ABEG Basic terminal with cardioid gooseneck microphone, active add-on loudspeaker, standard keypad with “T” and “X” keys and three function keys; for connection of up to four keypad modules EM 301EG or EM 302EG. Special screws and adhesive bonding make these Intercom stations particularly durable. Class “D” amplifier with 15 W speech signal; sound pressure: 82 dB/W/m (1 kHz); impedance: 8 ohms; magnetically shielded; 15 VDC external power adapter; plug-in power adapter PA20W15V is available separately – see Accessories. EE 380ABEGS
EE 380ABEGBT Translucent Blue W 205 mm, H 96 mm, D 271 mm / Length of gooseneck: 430 mm
1,340 g
EE 380AC Basic terminal with electret microphone, standard keypad with “T” and “X” keys and three function keys; for connection of up to four keypad modules EM 301 or EM 302. Also suitable for wall mounting with wall mount kit. EE 380ACS
Translucent Blue
Light Grey
W 66 mm, H 55 mm, D 230 mm
74 | Intercom Control Systems |
440 g
handset or earphones. Built-in Class “D” amplifier with
2.5 W (1.5 W power with built-in 8 ohm loudspeaker or 2.5 W with external 4 ohm loudspeaker). One input for floating contacts and one open collector output.
EE 380ADEG Basic terminal with cardioid gooseneck microphone, active add-on loudspeaker, standard keypad with “T” and “X” keys and three function keys; for connection of up to four keypad modules EM 301EG or EM 302EG. Special screws and adhesive bonding make these Intercom stations particularly durable. Class “D” amplifier with 15 W speech signal; sound pressure: 82 dB/W/m (1 kHz); impedance: 8 ohms; magnetically shielded; 15 V DC external power adapter; plug-in power adapter PA20W15V is available separately – see Accessories. EE 380ADEGS
EE 380ADEGBT Translucent Blue W 205 mm, H 96 mm, D 271 mm
1,220 g
KEYPAD MODULES Up to four keypad modules can be connected to the basic terminals. This gives each control desk terminal its unique range of functionalities: direct dialling to and from Intercom terminals, switching of outputs and display of system
status details. Display functions require keypad modules with 3-colour LEDs. The basic terminal and modules are interlinked via a bus system; connections are by way of Mini-DIN ports.
EM 301 | EM 302 Keypad modules with 12 keys for Basic Terminals EE 380AA and EE 380AC. External power supply: 12 – 24 V AC / 15 VA; 15 – 35 V DC / 15 W; Plug-in power adapter not included – see Accessories. EM 301S
Keys without LEDs – Black
EM 301BT
Keys without LEDs – Translucent Blue
EM 301G
Keys without LEDs – Light Grey
EM 302S
Keys with 3-colour LEDs – Black
EM 302BT
Keys with 3-colour LEDs – Translucent Blue
EM 302G
Keys with 3-colour LEDs – Light Grey
W 66 mm, H 55 mm, D 230 mm
400 g
EM 301EG | EM 302 EG Keypad modules with 12 keys for Basic Terminals EE 380ABEG and EE 380ADEG. Power supply via Basic Terminal EE380ABEG or EE380ADEG (15 V DC). EM 301EGS
Keys without LEDs – Black
Keys without LEDs – Translucent Blue
Keys with 3-colour LEDs – Black
Keys with 3-colour LEDs – Translucent Blue
W 104 mm x H 80 mm x D 45 mm
440 g
Accessories Headset HS 1 Lightweight, wired headset for series EE 380A and all headset compatible devices e.g. EE 811A and GEC 880. Connection cable KAB-HS1-RJ has to be ordered separately. Illustration
KAB-HS1-RJ Adapter cable QD to RJ10 for headset HS1 for connection to Intercom Terminals with headset socket and station series GEC 880. Cable length: 0.5 – 2.0m (Spiral cable)
Plug-in power adapters PA 20W 20 W primary switched-mode power supply adapter with high-efficiency output. Primary: 90 – 264 V AC; 0,67 A. PA20W30V-EU Secondary: 30 V DC – Version for Europe (excl. UK) PA20W30V-CA
Secondary: 30 V DC – Version for UK, USA, Australia
PA20W15V-EU Secondary: 15 V DC – Version for Europe (excl. UK) PA20W15V-CA
Secondary: 15 V DC – Version for UK, USA, Australia
| Intercom Control Systems | 75
Digital Control Desk System EE 880 CONTROL DESK SYSTEM BASIC UNITS Digital control desk system in DSP-technology, modular construction for up to 504 freely programmable LED buttons. The uniform user interface provides a clear overview of conditions and situations for the operating personnel even in large systems and visualises them on the function buttons. Available as desk version or build-in version (mounting plate not included) for integration in system consoles in control rooms.
Technical data: Illuminated full graphic display (8 lines of 14 characters each); power supply via external mains adapter 12 – 24 V AC/10 VA or 15 – 35 V DC/10 W (mains adapter included in extent of supply of EM 805); built-in amplifier with 1.5 W; built-in loudspeaker with special membrane type for optimal sound quality; two inputs for floating contacts; two relay outputs 30 V/3 A; direct connection of headphone/headset or handset on module EM 805, key-switch, ComWIN or touch-screen via RS 232.
EE 880 Desk housing (without modules) for insertion of one EM 806 (intercom module), one EM 805 (multifunctional module) and one EM 802 (LED-button module). Optionally supplied with noisecancelling gooseneck microphone (EE 880A) or without microphone (EE 880C – the microphone of the intercom module EM 806 is used). With the supplied slanting bracket the legibility of the display can be improved depending on the arrangement of the desk housing. EE880AS
Black – with gooseneck microphone
Light Grey – with gooseneck microphone
Black – without microphone
Light Grey – without microphone
W 245 mm, H 68 mm, D 324 mm
1,100 g Illustration picture
EE 881 Expansion housings (without modules) for insertion of three additional modules (LED-button module EM 802 or dummy module EM 800). Slanting bracket included in extent of supply. EE 881S
EE 881G
Light Grey
Illustration picture
W 245 mm, H 68 mm, D 324 mm
1,100 g
Build-in Version For build-in control desks no desk housing is required. The following modules are required: one EM 806 intercom module, one EM 805 multifunctional module (incl. power supply), at least one EM 802 LED-button module. A gooseneck microphone can be ordered separately (MIC 800). Front plate of modules: W 80 mm, H 190 mm / Build-in depth: min. 45 mm
Illustration picture
I/O Modules Remote in/output module for management of inputs and outputs far from the central: 8 inputs (with 5 steps) and 8 outputs (4 make and 4 switch over). The connection to the in/output module is realised via a 2-wire line with up to 3,000 m length (depending on cable type and power supply). Mounting is possible in a 19“ rack on a DIN rail or with the supplied rail for wall mounting. LEDs for status indication
ET 8E8A W 105 mm, H 62 mm, D 105 mm (incl. mounting rail, screws and dowels)
76 | Intercom Control Systems |
320 g
for all inputs and outputs. Line-monitoring from G7-8E8A to Intercom Server. Technical data: 8 inputs for floating contacts; 8 relay outputs 30 V/3 A (4 make and 4 switch over); power supply via Intercom Server (optional: power supply for greater line length).
CONTROL DESK SYSTEM MODULES Due to its modular construction the control desk system can be optimally configured to customer specifications. For each control desk an intercom module EM 806, a multifunctional module EM 805 and at least one LED-button module EM 802 are required. For expansion further LED-button
modules EM 802, dummy modules EM 800, key-switches EM 807 and handsets EM 808 are available. The required cables for connection between the modules are included in the extent of supply.
EM 802 Lit keypad module with 18 freely programmable LED buttons. Maximum expansion: 28 LED-button modules with 18 buttons each = a maximum of 504 function buttons. EM 802S
EM 802G
Light Grey
Front plate W 80 mm, H 190 mm / Build-in depth: min. 45 mm
200 g
EM 805 Multifunctional module with large, illuminated Dot-Matrix display, 6 function buttons for operation, connections for headphones / headset or handset, key switch, two inputs and two outputs and one RS 232 interface (for direct connection of ComWIN or a touch screen). Mainsadapter 100 – 240 V AC, 50 – 60 HZ, 400 mA included. Country-specific power supply available. EM 805S
EM 805G
Light Grey
Front plate W 80 mm, H 190 mm / Build-in depth: min. 45 mm
670 g
EM 806 Digital 2-wire intercom module with DSP-technology and foil keypad “0” – “9”, “T”, “X”, bright conversation lamp, electret microphone and built-in loudspeaker. EM 806S
EM 806G
Light Grey
Front plate W 80 mm, H 190 mm / Build-in depth: min. 45 mm
200 g
EM 800 Dummy module for covering of empty module spaces. EM 800S
EM 800G
Light Grey
Front plate W 80 mm, H 190 mm / Build-in depth: min. 45 mm
110 g
EM 807 Key switch, as supplement for switching off the control desk or putting into night operation (for example); installed at the rear side of the desk housing instead of a cable insert. Colour: Black. W 24 mm, H 18 mm / Protrusion out of housing: 40 mm
40 g
EM 808 Handset with desk-rest, as extension for consoles or build-in control desks. Colour: Black.
| Intercom Control Systems | 77
Intercom Server – the heart of the Intercom System Intercom Servers are the heart of Intercom systems. Our philosophy is that our Intercom systems are of a free structure, freely programmable and able to be extended without restriction. In order to receive the required feature range, the Intercom Servers are equipped with the corresponding plug-in cards. In this way, Intercom Servers not only run complex Intercom Solutions, but are also used as interface managers. Next to subscriber cards for stations – analogue as well as digital – a multitude of interface cards for speech,
reporting and control functions as well as various technologies for connecting and networking of Intercom Servers, is available. This means the integration of external systems can be realised on a comfortable user platform. Powerful multi-processors for distributed intelligence allow compact construction and high operational safety. The operating system of the Intercom Server is constructed in a modular way and allows a constant growth of applications for new requirements.
Excerpts from the Feature List
–– Audio bandwidth: 7 or 16 kHz
–– Optimal and low cost control of video switchers
–– Conversations in OpenDuplex® (for DSP-stations)
–– Allocation of main monitors, observation monitors
–– Audio Monitoring (with PRO 800*)
and preview monitors to a station
–– Speech recordings (with PRO 800*)
–– Automatic camera switching for calls, call requests,
–– Up to 40 music channels can be received
input messages and ringing
–– Tone signals for different operation states, tone generator
–– Time delay for camera disconnection after door opening
to create different tone signals
–– Connection of cameras and definition of scanning sequences for certain monitors via button code
General Intercom Features
Conference, Radio-conference
–– Up to 8-digit calling numbers (PRO 800* 1.1 and higher)
–– Conference calls with unlimited number of subscribers
–– Conversations in OpenDuplex® (for DSP-stations) –– Calling numbers up to 6-digits (can be combined)
–– OpenDuplex® conference call (with PRO 800)*
–– All Calls and Group Calls (up to 90 programmable groups)
–– Up to 8 different conferences with automatic connection of predefined subscribers
with automatic answer –– Up to 40 music channels can be received
–– Feed-in of up to 40 radio conferences, listen and speak
–– Tone signals for different operation states, tone generator
–– Listening of up to 4 freely definable radio conferences simultaneously
to create different tone signals –– Handset function
–– Automatic disconnection of conversations after a set time, programmable per subscriber
–– Silent alarm activation (e.g. employment offices)
–– Inquiry / further connection
–– Alarm function with playback of message (e.g. evacuation alarm)
–– Automatic re-call in instances when line is busy; acoustic
–– Initiate alarms via button or input (e.g. foot switch)
and optical indication of waiting subscribers
–– Up to 8 different alarms simultaneously
–– Privacy fix programmable or activated at Intercom Station
–– Automatic change of priorities and alarm groups after
–– Feed-in of waiting information for busy, privacy or further connection
programmable time
–– Priority call with automatic/manual disconnection
–– Cancel alarm with code
of busy or private subscribers
–– Audio alarm transmission with alphanumeric display
–– Send re-call request
(one programmable group)
–– Direct dialling for all or individual subscribers, also
–– Reception of chime signal
programmable at the station –– Hierarchy function (programmable) –– Manifold functions for inputs and outputs (dialling simulation for inputs, attendant contacts) –– Various possibilities of call forwarding and call
Central Control Functions
transfer (automatic, manual, transfer chain)
–– Indication of call requests from stations at a control desk station
–– Pre-recorded messages
–– Indication of input messages at a control desk station –– Function monitoring of microphone, loudspeaker and
Doors and Gates
connection lines of the stations
–– Door station with one or multiple door opening contacts
–– Line monitoring of input contacts
–– Ability to listen to the door station whilst opening
–– Parallel indication and operation of functions at several central control stations
–– Automatic cancelling of the conversation
–– Manifold possibilities for call transfer (manual call transfer,
after door opening after a programmable time
call transfer after programmable time, day / night switching)
–– Indication of door status in the display
–– Audio-Monitoring
–– Ringing at one station or a group of stations –– Forwarding of Group ringing –– Ability to broadcast waiting information whilst ringing –– Transfer of door calls to telephone dialler with possibility of opening –– Access control – 1 to 4 digit codes –– Programmable number of re-attempts for code entry, security call to a control station in case of misuse
80 | Intercom Server
Licensing (with PRO 800*)
–– Features can be unlocked via licenses –– Unlocking can be performed locally or via remote maintenance * Operating System
THE Intercom Server Landscape Commend makes communication with a system. The Commend Hardware portfolio covers every Intercom need with products from simple call stations to complex communication systems. For perfect customer-specific solutions
based on a well designed building block system. Design and technology with people in mind.
| Intercom Server | 81
IP-Intercom Server GE 800 IP-Intercom Server
GE 300 IP-Intercom Server
XXL-Intercom Solutions 112 IP-Subscribers per Housing 19” Technology
Compact Intercom Solutions 80 IP-Subscribers Design Housing for Wall Mounting
100% IP SIP/VoIP Integration 16 kHz Audio Experience
Green IT Power Management
14,280 Servers in one Network
Backwards Compatibility 99.999% Availability
100% DIGITAL, 100% IP
Integrated speech storage
The IP-Intercom Server GE 800 and GE 300 set new standards. With the IP and digital bus concept and the huge power reserves of the DSPprocessors (400 MIPS), they are prepared for the future.
The Subscriber Cards all have built-in speech storage. This allows storing of individual messages (waiting information, info or alarm messages) which can be played back across the entire system, flexibly and at various times.
100% Flexible, 100% Compatible The IP-Intercom Servers flexibly adapt to all requirements and are compatible with all previous system generations. All IP, digital and analogue stations of Commend can be connected to the IP-Intercom Servers GE 800 and GE 300, as well as SIP Servers and SIP and analogue telephones.
Simple Networking IP-technology makes it possible. Networking of IP-Intercom Servers within a rack via the built-in switch as well as cross border networking of locations is easier than ever before. The system is scalable as required and grows with the requirements of the operator and users.
16 kHz Audio Experience With the new audio standard of 16 kHz speech communication, emergency calls and announcements are transmitted in a clarity never heard before. At the same time the new IP-Intercom Servers assume the tasks of PA-servers and allow the consolidation of PA and Intercom onto a single platform.
Green IT The power concept of the Intercom Server according to “Green IT” means high degree of efficiency with an optimal energy balance.
82 | Intercom Server
Integrated speech recording As soon as a certain volume level is exceeded, the Audio Monitoring feature automatically initiates a call – e.g.: when somebody screams for help in a lift. Via the integrated speech recording a certain time frame before call initiation is recorded and can be played back, therefore the reason for call initiation can be determined and the required measures can be initiated.
Configuration and Remote Maintenance via IP Configuration and maintenance of the Intercom system are a simple task within the own data network as well as over the internet (password protected). Even updates of the operating system via IP become a reality as well as the unlocking of required functions.
Licensing of Features If additional features or subscribers are required a License key is enough to activate them immediately. No hardware is needed and activation can be carried out locally or via remote maintenance over IP.
GE 800 – IP-Intercom Server in 19” Technology Server IP-Intercom Server in 19” Technology for up to 13,440 subscribers in a local network. Allows connection of IP, 2-wire and 4-wire stations as well as SIP/VoIP telephones. Housed in an elegant industrial design with 3 height units for mounting in 19” racks. Integrated functions for door and gate control, alarm, video integration, control desk, etc. The manifold
networking concepts allow security and communication systems with up to 14,280 networked Intercom Servers. Up to 30,000 subscribers can communicate with each other within these networks. It is also possible to forward calls to the public telephone network e.g. via VoIP.
GE 800 Rack housing in 19” technology with 14 free slots for cards in Euro format. Fix slots for the included G8-GEP processor card, G8-NET networking card and G8-GEN power supply card. Maximum number of subscribers IP 112 Subscribers per housing 2-Wire Digital 56 Subscribers per housing 4-Wire Analogue 56 Subscribers per housing One AF-input (for music or alarm), two inputs for floating contacts, two relay outputs, RS232 and IP-interface for (remote) programming or maintenance. GE 800
Server without transformer
GE 800EU
Server, complete with Transformer power supply PA7-230VEU for Europe
GE 800UK
Server, complete with power supply Transformer PA7-240VUK for UK
GE 800US
Server, complete with power supply Transformer PA7-120VUS for USA
GE 800AU
Server, complete with power supply Transformer PA7-230VAU for Australia
W 483 mm, H 133 mm, D 229 mm (19”, 3 height units)
5,800 g
Server Licenses L8-SUB-28C
Upgrade of 28 subscribers to feature level C
Upgrade of 28 subscribers to feature level D
License for 1 ICX Interface
Networking License G8-NET with 4 additional LAN-connections
Networking License G8-NET upgrade to 8 LAN-Connections
Networking License G8-NET with 4 additional WAN-Connections
Networking License G8-NET upgrade to 8 WAN-Connections
Geutebrück License for 16 Cameras
Geutebrück License for 32 Cameras
Geutebrück License for unlimited cameras
| Intercom Server | 83
Subscriber Cards Subscriber cards are used to process speech communication and subscriber specific controls on an Intercom Server. For connection of IP, digital and analogue subscribers, various cards in 4 feature levels (B, C, D and P) are available. The
cards of the higher levels contain all the features of the lower ones plus more. With feature level P individual levels can be allocated to each subscriber.
G8-IP IP DSP Subscriber card for connection of up to 8 IP-Subscribers via Ethernet (LAN/WAN). A maximum of 14 G8-IP cards can be used in a GE 800 IP-Intercom Server. Connection via the Ethernet port of the IP-Intercom Server. G8-IP-4B
Basic card for 4 subscribers, Feature Level B
License for feature level C
License for feature level D
License for feature level P
License for 8 subscribers, Feature Level B
License for 8 subscribers, Feature Level C
License for 8 subscribers, Feature Level D
License for 8 subscribers, Feature Level P
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
174 g
G8-GED DSP Subscriber card for connection of up to 4 digital subscribers via 2-wire lines. A maximum of 14 G8-GED cards can be used in a GE 800 IP-Intercom Server. One conversation per subscriber is possible simultaneously (non-blocking). Connection can be carried out via various installation boards – see section: Installation Boards. G8-GED-4B
Basic card for 4 subscribers, Feature Level B
License for Feature Level C
License for Feature Level D
License for Feature Level P
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
218 g
G8-GET DSP Subscriber card for connection of up to 4 analogue subscribers via 4-wire lines. A maximum of 14 G8-GET cards can be used in a GE 800 IP-Intercom Server. Per subscriber one conversation is possible simultaneously (non-blocking). With the License L8-GET-DSP DSP-Features (see datasheet) can also be used with analogue stations. Connection can be carried out via various installation boards – see section: Installation Boards. G8-GET-4B
Basic card for 4 subscribers, Feature Level B
License for Feature Level C
License for Feature Level D
License for Feature Level P
License for DSP features on G8-GET subscriber cards
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
219 g
G8-TEL4 DSP Subscriber card for connection of 4 analogue telephones (DTMF or pulse dialling). As well as a telephone with a full keypad it is also possible to connect telephones without buttons, which automatically dial to a hotline destination, e.g. a control centre. This provides an optimal solution for integration of information and emergency telephones in Intercom systems. By connecting additional loudspeakers to telephones announcements (all calls and group calls) can be heard. Connection via installation board G8A-I or G8A-K (both are not included in extent of supply). G8-TEL4C
Card with Feature Level C
Card with Feature Level D
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
84 | Intercom Server
250 g
VoIP-CARDS Due to the support of wide spread standards such as SIP or IAX2 protocol various VoIP telephones or entire VoIP
telephone systems can be connected to the Intercom System as subscribers on the following VoIP cards.
G8-IAX With the VoIP Card G8-IAX up to 8 trunk connections from IP-Intercom Servers to VoIP Servers, which support IAX2 protocol, can be established. This interface allows calls between Intercom Stations and VoIP phones and vice versa. Connection via the Ethernet port of the IP-Intercom Server. G8-IAX-4B
Basic card for 4 trunk connections, Feature Level B
License for Feature Level C
License for Feature Level D
License for 8 trunk connections, Feature Level B
License for 8 trunk connections, Feature Level C
License for 8 trunk connections, Feature Level D
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
174 g
G8-VOIPSERV With the VoIP card G8-VOIPSERV trunk connections between Intercom Servers and VoIP Servers, which support the SIP Protocol, can be built-up. With this interface, Intercom Stations can communicate directly with VoIP telephones. The multifunctional, powerful server card based on Linux and Asterisk速 allows direct connection of SIP telephones to an Intercom Server as main or substations. Configuration is carried out via a simple webinterface. With an additional ComWIN Interface to the Intercom Server, complex control and monitoring tasks can be realised. For an audio interface to the Intercom Server an additional G8-IAX VoIP card is required. Connection via the Ethernet port of the IP-Intercom Server. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
227 g
Input / Output Cards Input / output cards are used for reading in of floating contacts and / or operating of controls such as door openings or barriers via floating relay contacts (depending on type).
G8-16A Plug-in card with 16 relay outputs (10 make contacts, 6 as make contacts with common ground). Connection via installation board G8A-I with 37-way D-Submin plug or G8A-K with screw terminals (neither are included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
208 g
G8-16E Plug-in card with 16 inputs for floating contacts, with or without line monitoring. Read in of 5 line con足ditions (Idle, Active 1, Active 2, Short, Line break). Connection via installation board G8A-I with 37-way D-Submin plug or G8A-K with screw terminals (neither are included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
161 g
G8-8E8A Plug-in card with 8 inputs for floating contacts and 8 relay outputs (4 of which are make contacts, 4 as make, open or switch over contacts). Read in of 5 line conditions with inputs (Idle, Active 1, Active 2, Short, Line break). Connection via installation board G8A-I with 37-way D-Submin plug or G8A-K with screw terminals (neither are included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
190 g
| Intercom Server | 85
Interface Cards For integration and connection of external systems such as telephones, PCs, mobile radios, etc.
G8-V24 Interface card with standard protocol for connection of external systems, e.g. video switchers or host com足puters. Two RS 232 interfaces (of which one can be configured as RS 422). Connection via installation board G8A-V24 (included in extent of supply) with two serial D-Submin-plugs for RS 232, screw terminals for RS 422. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
263 g
G8-V24-PRO Interface card with programmable protocol converter. Used for adapting the standard protocol to those of va足 rious external systems. Equipped with two RS 232 interfaces (of which one can be configured as RS 422). With the software developer kit own applications can be programmed (e.g. adaptation to various video switchers). Connection via installation board G8A-V24 (included in extent of supply) with two serial D-Submin-plugs for RS 232, screw terminals for RS 422. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
314 g
G8-V24-PROIP IP-Interface card with programmable protocol converter. The integrated Ethernet interface allows universal areas of application and integration of various external systems. Via a developer kit, own applications can be programmed (e.g. linking to various IP-video switchers). Also equipped with a RS 232 interface (not programmable). Connection via installation board G8A-PRO (included in extent of supply) with one Ethernet interface and one serial D-Submin-socket for RS 232, screw terminals for DCF77 receiver. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
342 g
G8-IF Powerful interface card with up to four virtual TCP/IP-interface ports and standard protocol for addressing external systems (e.g. video switchers or host computers) via TCP/IP. Connection via the network connection port of the IP Intercom Server. G8-IF2
Basic card with two virtual TCP/IP interfaces
License for upgrade to four virtual TCP/IP interfaces
License for one additional ICX interface
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
174 g
G8-TEL Telephone DSP Interface for connection of the Intercom system to an analogue subscriber of a telephone system or directly to a standard telephone line. Telephone mode for direct dialling of desired telephone number from an Intercom station; Auto Dialler mode with automatic dialling of freely programmable dialling sequences initiated by calls or call requests. Freely configurable speech storage for acoustic identification and messages (e.g. waiting information) in dialler mode. DTMF-telephones can operate functions in the Intercom system (e.g. after dialling for door opening, etc.). Connection via installation board G8A TEL (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
86 | Intercom Server
272 g
G8-SELCALL Radio interface for connection of selective-call radio systems to Intercom systems. This turns the Intercom stations into base stations of the radio system. Each station can selectively call a radio unit and / or can be called selectively by a radio unit. Likewise on both sides all calls and group calls are possible. For protocol adaptation (programming of the selective code) a G8-V24-PRO is included in the extent of supply. CCIR and other systems on demand. Connection via installation board G8A-K (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
642 g
G8-AUD Digital connection and recording card for Intercom Servers with 4 channels for Plug-&-Play connection to Audiocom as well as various PA or radio systems. All audio inputs and outputs have a galvanic separation, electronic level adaptation as well as a graphic equalizer for correction of the sound quality. Besides the ideal coupling capability, the card, in combination with the server software offers comfortable features for conversation recording in combination with the Audiocom-Logger, or with conventional recorders. For ‘Start’ and ‘Stop’ of the recording 2 or 4 floating contacts are available. Recording can also be controlled by an optional V24-card. Recording of conversations can be subscriber oriented or channel oriented. Large 8 MB flash memory for speech recordings. Connection via own installation boards (not included in extent of supply). G8-AUD-2B
Basic card with 2 channels, Feature Level B
License for upgrade of G8-AUD-2B to Feature Level D
Basic card with 4 channels, Feature Level B
License for upgrade of G8-AUD-4B to Feature Level D
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
243 g (G8-AUD-2), 257 g (G8-AUD-4)
| Intercom Server | 87
Network Cards Plug-in cards for networking Intercom Servers via LAN/ WAN (TCP/IP), 2-wire linkups, ISDN or multiplexers/media converters.
G8-LAN With the IP-Network card G8-LAN up to 16 Intercom Servers can be addressed directly. Up to 8 compressed conversations, music programmes or radio channels can happen simultaneously. Connection via the Ethernet port of the IP-Intercom Server. L8-LAN
Basic card for 8 connections / 8 conversations – LAN
License for 16 connections / 8 conversations – LAN
License for 8 connections / 8 conversations – WAN
License for 16 connections / 8 conversations – WAN
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
174 g
G8-CNET-W High-speed networking card for networking of Intercom Servers via 2-wire lines (multi channel – HDSL) with a length of up to 4 km. Bandwidth for up to 12 conversations, music programmes or radio channels, up to 4 Intercom Servers in series or 100 Intercom Servers in a tree structure can be networked together. Connection via installation board G8A-EW with shielded RJ 45 sockets and screw terminals (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
299 g
G8-CNET-E1 High-bitrate network card for networking of Intercom Servers via transmission routes, that conform to the E1 standard. Connection to multiplexer or media converter. The line length depends on the connection equipment used. Bandwidth for up to 10 conversations, music programmes or radio channels. Up to 4 Intercom Servers in a series or 100 Intercom Servers in a tree structure can be networked together. Connection via installation board G8A-EW with shielded RJ 45 sockets and screw terminals (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
277 g
G8-S0 Network card for Intercom Servers via the S0 interface of a ISDN connection. Two conversations are possible between two Intercom Servers networked via G8-S0. Connection via installation board G8A-C with shielded RJ 45 sockets (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
88 | Intercom Server
268 g
Installation Boards G8A-C Installation board for subscriber cards G8-GED or G8-GET, interface card G8-AUD as well as network card G8-S0 with 4 shielded RJ 45 sockets. 60 g
G8A-I Installation board for subscriber cards G8-GED, G8-GET and G8-TEL, input / output cards G8-16A, G8-16E, G8-8E8A as well as interface card G8-AUD with 37-way D-Submin plug. 55 g
G8A-K Installation board with screw terminals for flexible mounting, for subscriber cards G8-GED, G8-GET and G8-TEL4, interface card G8-AUD as well as input / output cards G8-16A, G8-16E and G8-8E8A. 60 g
G8A-T Installation board for two subscriber cards G8-GED or G8-GET as well as G8-AUD with 37-way D-Submin-plug. 84 g
The plug-in cards can be used with the following installation boards:
... included ... available separately X ... via Ethernet port of Intercom Server
On installation boards G8A-C and G8A-T, the four relay outputs of G8-AUD are not connected.
| Intercom Server | 89
GE 300 – Compact IP-Intercom Server Server IP Intercom Server GE 300 is ideally suited as a stand-alone server for small and medium-sized Intercom applications or as network node in large Intercom networks. Allows for connecting IP, 2-wire and 4-wire wire Intercom stations and SIP/VoIP telephones. The compact housing is suitable for wall
GE 300 Basic housing with five plug-in slots. Maximum number of subscribers IP 40 Subscribers per housing 80 Subscribers with expansion housing GEZ 300 2-Wire Digital 20 Subscribers per basic housing 40 Subscribers with expansion housing GEZ 300 4-Wire Analogue 20 Subscribers per basic housing 40 Subscribers with expansion housing GEZ 300 One AF-input (for music or alarm), two inputs for floating contacts, two relay outputs, RS 232 and IP interface for (remote) programming or maintenance. GE 300
Server without transformer
GE 300EU
Server, complete with 230V transformer for Europe (excl. UK)
GE 300UK
Server, complete with 240V transformer for the UK
GE 300US
Server, complete with 120V transformer for the U.S.
GE 300AU
Server, complete with 230V transformer for Australia
W 310 mm, H 210 mm, D 77.5 mm
2,300 g
Server Licenses L3-SUB-20C
Subscriber license for upgrade of 20 subscribers to Feature Level C
Subscriber license for upgrade of 20 subscribers to Feature Level D
License for 1 ICX Interface (on-board)
Networking License for 4 LAN connections (on-board)
Geutebrück Camera License for 16 cameras
Geutebrück Camera License for 32 cameras
Geutebrück Camera License for unlimited cameras
GEZ 300 Expansion housing including Power supply with five plug-in slots for subscriber cards and / or interface cards. Connection to the IP-Intercom Server via ribbon cable. GEZ 300
Expansion housing without transformer
Extension housing, complete with 230V transformer for Europe (excl. UK)
Extension housing, complete with 240V transformer for the UK
Extension housing, complete with 120V transformer for the U.S.
Extension housing, complete with 230V transformer for Australia
W 310 mm, H 210 mm, D 77.5 mm
2,300 g
GEI 300 Interface housing with two slots for G8-interface cards (application in GEI 300 interface housing is shown on the respective cards – see datasheet). Connection to the IP-Intercom Server GE 300 or the expansion housing GEZ 300 via ribbon cable. W 310 mm, H 210 mm, D 77.5 mm
90 | Intercom Server
2,200 g
mounting. Built-in functions for door and gate control, alarms, CCTV integration, control desks, etc. The diverse networking concepts enable security and communication systems with up to 14,280 networked Intercom Servers. Up to 30,000 subscribers can communicate within these networks.
Subscriber Cards Subscriber cards handle speech communication as well as subscriber specific functions. For connection of IP, digital and analogue subscribers various cards in 4 feature level (B, C, D and P) are available. The cards of the higher levels
contain additional features to the lower ones. With feature level P individual feature levels can be allocated to each subscriber. The number of subscribers and the individual feature levels can be unlocked using the license key.
G3-IP IP DSP subscriber card for connection of up to 8 IP subscribers via Ethernet (LAN/WAN). Up to five G3-IP cards can be used with a GE 300 IP Intercom Server, as well as five additional ones in Expansion Central GEZ 300. Connection via the network connection port of the IP Intercom Server. G3-IP-4B
Basic card for 4 subscribers, Feature Level B
License for Feature Level C
License for Feature Level D
License for Feature Level P
License for 8 subscribers, Feature Level B
License for 8 subscribers, Feature Level C
License for 8 subscribers, Feature Level D
License for 8 subscribers, Feature Level P
W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
128 g
G3-GED DSP subscriber card for connection of up to four 2-wire digital subscribers. Up to five G3-GED cards can be used with a GE 300 IP Intercom Server, as well as five additional ones in Expansion Central GEZ 300. One call per subscriber is possible at the same time (non-blocking). Connection via pluggable screw terminals. G3-GED-4B
Basic card for 4 subscribers, Feature Level B
License for Feature Level C
License for Feature Level D
License for Feature Level P
W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
175 g
G3-GET DSP subscriber card for connection of up to four 4-wire analogue subscribers. Up to five G3-GET cards can be used with a GE 300 IP Intercom Server, as well as five additional ones in Expansion Central GEZ 300. The L3-GET-DSP License allows use of the DSP features (see data sheet) also with analogue Intercom Stations. Connection via pluggable screw terminals. G3-GET-4B
Basic card for 4 subscribers, Feature Level B
License for Feature Level C
License for Feature Level D
License for Feature Level P
License for DSP features on G3-GET subscriber cards
W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
188 g
G8-TEL4 DSP subscriber card for connecting up to four analogue telephones (DTMF or pulse dial). In addition to tele足 phones with standard keypad it is also possible to connect keyless telephones capable of auto-dialling a predefined hotline number (e.g. control room). This allows for a smooth integration of info points and emergency call stations into Intercom systems. With additional loudspeakers connected, it is also possible to transmit announcements (all calls and group calls). Connection via installation board G8A-I or G8A-K (both not included). G8-TEL4C
Card with Feature Level C
Card with Feature Level D
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
250 g
| Intercom Server | 91
VoIP Cards Due to the support of wide spread standards such as SIP or IAX2 protocol various VoIP telephones or entire VoIP
telephone systems can be connected to the Intercom System as subscribers on the following VoIP cards.
G3-IAX With the VoIP card G3-IAX up to 4 trunk connections from IP-Intercom Servers to VoIP-Servers, which support the IAX2-protocol, can be established. This interface allows calls between Intercom Stations and VoIP telephones and vice versa. G3-IAX-2B
Basic card for 2 trunk connections, Feature Level B
License for Feature Level C
License for Feature Level D
License for 4 trunk connections, Feature Level B
License for 4 trunk connections, Feature Level C
License for 4 trunk connections, Feature Level D
Connection via the Ethernet port of the IP-Intercom Server. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
128 g
G8-VOIPSERV With the VoIP card G8-VOIPSERV trunk connections between Intercom Servers and VoIP Servers, which support the SIP Protocol, can be built-up. With this interface Intercom Stations can communicate with VoIP telephones. The multifunctional, powerful server card based on Linux and Asterisk速 additionally allows direct connection of SIP telephones to an Intercom Server as main or sub stations. Configuration is carried out via a simple web interface. With an additional ComWIN Interface to the Intercom Server complex control and monitoring tasks can be realised. For an audio interface to the IP-Intercom Server GE 300 additionally a G3-IAX VoIP card is re足quired. Connection via the Ethernet port of the IP-Intercom Server. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
227 g
Input / Output Cards Input / output cards are used for reading in of floating contacts and / or operating of controls such as door openers or barriers via floating relay contacts (depending on type).
G3-16A Plug-in card with 16 relay outputs (4 of which are make, open or switch over contacts, 12 only as make contacts). Connection via plugable screw terminals. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
209 g
G3-16E Plug-in card with 16 inputs for floating contacts, with or without line monitoring. Read in of 5 operation states (Idle, Active 1, Active 2, Short, Line break). Connection via plugable screw terminals. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
150 g
G3-8E8A Plug-in card with 8 inputs for floating contacts and 8 relay outputs (make, open or switch over). Read in of 5 operation states with inputs (Idle, Active 1, Active 2, Short, Line break). Connection via plugable screw terminals. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
92 | Intercom Server
185 g
Interface Cards For integration and connection of external systems such as telephones, PCs, mobile radios, etc.
G3-V24 Interface card with standard protocol for connection of external systems, e.g. video switchers or host computers. Two RS 232 interfaces (of which one can be configured as RS 422). Connection via two serial D-Submin sockets for RS 232, screw terminals for RS 422. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
152 g
G8-V24-PRO Interface card with programmable protocol converter. Used for adapting the standard protocol to those of various external systems. Equipped with two RS 232 interfaces (of which one can be configured as RS 422). With the software developer kit own applications can be programmed (e.g. adaptation to various video switchers). Connection via installation board G8A-V24 (included in extent of supply) with two serial D-Submin-plugs for RS 232, screw terminals for RS 422. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
314 g
G8-V24-PROIP IP-Interface card with programmable protocol converter. The integrated Ethernet interface allows universal areas of application and integration of various external systems. Via a developer kit, own applications can be programmed (e.g. linking to various IP video switchers). Additionally equipped with a RS 232 interface (not programmable). Connection via installation board G8A-PRO (included in extent of supply) with one Ethernet interface and one serial D-Submin-socket for RS 232, screw terminals for DCF77 receiver. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
342 g
G3-IF Powerful interface card with up to 2 virtual TCP/IP-interface ports and standard protocol for addressing external systems (e.g. video switchers or host computers) via TCP/IP. Connection via the network connection port of the IP Intercom Server. G3-IF2
Basic card with 2 virtual TCP/IP interfaces
License for one additional ICX interface
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
174 g
G3-TEL Multi-functional telephone interface for connection of the Intercom system to an analogue subscriber of a telephone system or directly to a standard telephone line. Telephone mode for direct dialling of the desired telephone number from an Intercom station, Auto Dialler mode with automatic dialling of freely programmable dialling sequences initiated by calls or call requests. Freely configurable speech storage for acoustic identification and messages (e.g. waiting information) in dialler mode. DTMF-telephones can operate functions in the Intercom system (e.g. once call has been received on a remote telephone all after dialling functions are available). Connection via RJ11 telephone socket. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
344 g
G8-AUD Digital connection and recording card for Intercom Servers with four channels for Plug & Play connection to Audiocom as well as various PA or radio systems. All audio inputs and outputs have a galvanic separation, electronic level adaptation as well as a graphic equalizer for correction of the sound quality. Besides the ideal coupling capability, the card, in combination with the server software, offers conversation features for recording in combination with the Audiocom-Logger or with conventional recorders. For ‘Start’ and ‘Stop’ of the recording 2 or 4 floating contacts are available. Recording can also be controlled by an optional V24-card. Recording of conversations can be subscriber oriented or channel oriented. Large 8 MB flash memory for speech recordings. Connection via own installation boards (not included in extent of supply). G8-AUD-2B
Basic card with 2 channels, Feature Level B
License for upgrade of G8-AUD-2B to Feature Level D
Basic card with 4 channels, Feature Level B
License for upgrade of G8-AUD-4B to Feature Level D
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
243 g (G8-AUD-2), 257 g (G8-AUD-4)
| Intercom Server | 93
G8-SELCALL Radio interface for connection of selective call radio systems to Intercom systems. This turns the Intercom stations into base stations of the radio system. Each station can selectively call a radio unit and / or vice versa. Likewise on both sides all calls and group calls are possible. For protocol adaptation (programming of the selective code) a G8-V24-PRO is included in the extent of supply. Available for selective tones according to ZVEI; CCIR and other systems on request. Connection via installation board G8A-K (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
642 g
NETWORK CARDS Plug-in cards for networking Intercom Servers via LAN/ WAN (TCP/IP), 2-wire linkups, ISDN or multiplexers /media converters.
G3-LAN With the IP-Network card up to 8 Intercom Server can be addressed directly with up to 8 compressed conversations, music programmes or radio channels running simultaneously. Connection via the Ethernet port of the IP-Intercom Server. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
128 g
G8-CNET-W High-speed networking card for networking of Intercom Servers via 2-wire lines (multi channel – HDSL) with a length of up to 4 km. Bandwidth for up to 12 conversations, music programmes or radio channels, up to 4 Intercom Servers in series or 100 Intercom Servers in a tree structure can be networked together. Connection via installation board G8A-EW with shielded RJ 45 sockets and screw terminals (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
299 g
G8-CNET-E1 High-bitrate network card for networking of Intercom Servers via transmission routes that conform to the E1 standard. Connection to multiplexer or media converter. The line length depends on the connection equipment used. Bandwidth for up to 10 conversations, music programmes or radio channels. Up to 4 Intercom Servers in series or 100 Intercom Servers in a tree structure can be networked together. Connection via installation board G8A-EW with shielded RJ 45 sockets and screw terminals (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
277 g
G3-S0-I Network card for GE 300 Intercom Servers via the S0-interface of a ISDN connection. The card must be used in the GEI 300 interface housing. One conversation is possible between two Intercom Servers networked via S0. Connection via installation board G8A-C with shielded RJ 45 sockets (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
94 | Intercom Server
224 g
GE 700 – System-Intercom Server in 19” Technology SERVER Microprocessor controlled, System Intercom Server in 19” technology for up to 5,760 subscribers. Allows connection of digital 2-wire stations and analogue 4-wire stations and IP-terminals for IoIP®, also mixed within one housing. 14 free slots for subscriber cards and various interface cards. Rugged plastic housing with 3 height units for 19” racks, for ease of installation and operation. Integrated functions for door and gate control, alarm, video integration, control desk, etc.; the range of features depends on the subscriber cards used. Possible number
of simultaneous analogue conversations depends on the link cards used, digital and IP depend on the number of connected stations. Ideal for all medium and large intercom and/or IoIP®systems. The manifold networking concepts allow security and communication systems with up to 14,280 networked Intercom Servers. Up to 30,000 subcribers can communicate with each other within these networks. It is also possible to forward calls to the public telephone network.
GE 700 Rack housing in 19” technology with 14 free slots for cards in Euro format. Slots 1 to 12 for 2-, 4-wire and IP-subscriber cards (for up to 48 subscribers per basic housing) and / or interface cards, slots A and B only for interface cards. Fixed slots for the included G7-GEP processor card, G7-GEV link card and G7-GEN power supply cards. One AF-input (for music or alarm), two inputs for floating contacts, two relay outputs, interface for (remote) programming or maintenance. W 483 mm, H 133 mm, D 229 mm (19”, 3 HE)
3,440 g
GE700-UPG The Upgrade-Kit for the Intercom Server GE 700 allows a comparable processor power and energy efficiency as an IP-Intercom Server GE 800. The processor card G7U-GEP with the operating system PRO 800 and the power supply card G7U-GEN are part of the kit. An overview of the features can be found in the relevant datasheet.
Server Licenses These licenses can only be used with Upgrade Kit GE700-UPG. L8-SUB-28C
Subscriber license for upgrade of 28 subscribers to Feature Level C
Subscriber license for upgrade of 28 subscribers to Feature Level D
License for 1 ICX Interface
Geutebrück Camera License for 16 cameras
Geutebrück Camera License for 32 cameras
Geutebrück Camera License for an unlimited number of cameras
| Intercom Server | 95
SUBSCRIBER CARDS Subscriber cards are used to process speech communication and subscriber specific controls on an Intercom Server. Various cards on up to four feature levels (B, C, D and P) are available for connecting IP, digital and analogue subscribers.
Each of the higher levels provides the features of the nextlower level plus some additional functions. Feature Level P allows each subscriber to be assigned individual feature levels (e.g. 1D 3B or 2C 2B).
G7-DSP-IP Subscriber cards for direct connection of up to 8 Intercom Terminals via Ethernet (LAN/WAN). The built-in switch allows for direct connection of an additional IP subscriber card without the need for an extra switch or router connection. Up to seven DSP-IP-4 subscriber cards or up to six G7-DSP-IP-8 subscriber cards can be used with a GE 700 Intercom Server. G7-DSP-IP-8 cards require the plug-in slot next to it to remain unoccupied. Connections via installation board GEAIP 700 (included with G7-DSP-IP), with two shielded RJ 45 ports. G7-DSP-IP-4B
Card for 4 subscribers, Feature Level B
Card for 4 subscribers, Feature Level C
Card for 4 subscribers, Feature Level D
Card for 4 subscribers, Feature Level P
Card for 8 subscribers, Feature Level B
Card for 8 subscribers, Feature Level C
Card for 8 subscribers, Feature Level D
Card for 8 subscribers, Feature Level P
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
290 g
G7-GED-4 Subscriber card for connection of 4 digital subscribers via 2-wire lines. Per subscriber in the GE 700 server one conversation is possible (non-blocking). Connection via own installation board (not included in extent of supply). G7-GED-4B
Card with Feature Level B
Card with Feature Level C
Card with Feature Level D
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
224 g
G7-GED-DSP Subscriber card for connection of 4 digital subscribers via 2-wire lines. Available in feature level D. DSPtech足nology for Audio-Mixing of four AF-channels (e.g. radio channels), that can be selected from a range of 40 channels. Priorities for channels can be set as well as the individual volume levels per channel. For AudioMixing either 2-wire DSP-desk stations, an EE 380A or EE 880 control desk system is required. Connection via own installation board (not included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
224 g
G7-GET-4 Subscriber card for connection of up to 4 analogue subscribers via 4-wire lines. In order to use 4-wire stations in a GE 700 Intercom Server additional link cards are required. The number of possible simultaneous conversations depends on the number of link cards used. Connection via own installation boards (not included in extent of supply). G7-GET-4B
Card with Feature Level B
Card with Feature Level C
Card with Feature Level D
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
96 | Intercom Server
228 g
G7-DSP-TEL4 Subscriber card for connection of 4 analogue telephones. Dialling either via DTMF- or pulse d ialling. As well as telephones with a full keypad it is also possible to connect phones without buttons, that automatically dial to a hotline destination, e.g. a control centre. This provides an optimal solution for integration of Info-Points and emergency telephones in Intercom systems. By connecting additional loudspeakers it is possible to turn regular telephones into telephone stations, at which announcements (all calls and group calls) can be heard. Depending on the amount of G7-DSP-TEL4 cards to be used different requirements to the Intercom Server housing must be observed (see notes in the relevant datasheet). Connection via installation board GEAI 700R or GEAK 700 (not included in extent of supply). G7-DSP-TEL4C
Card with Feature Level C
Card with Feature Level D
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
250 g
Link Cards In order to use 4-wire stations with subscriber cards G7-GET-4 in GE 700 Intercom Server additional link cards are required.
G7-GEK3-4 Link card for simultaneous conversion of four audio signals (speech or music) from digital to analogue and vice versa. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
172 g
INPUT / OUTPUT CARDS Input / output cards are used for reading in of floating contacts and / or operating of controls such as door openers or barriers via floating relay contacts (depending on type).
Technical data: Outputs: floating relay contacts, maximum switching power 60 W resp. 125 VA, maximum switching current 2 A, maximum switching voltage 60 VDC/40 VAC. In puts for floating contacts, maximum line resistance 600 ohm.
G7-16A Plug-in card with 16 relay outputs (10 make contacts, 6 as make contacts with common ground). Connection via installation board GEAI 700R with 37-way D-Submin plug or GEAK 700 with screw terminals (not included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
208 g
G7-16E Plug-in card with 16 inputs for floating contacts, with or without line monitoring. Read in of 5 operation states (Idle, Active 1, Active 2, Short, Line break). Connection via installation board GEAI 700R with 37-way D-Submin plug or GEAK 700 with screw terminals (not included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
161 g
G7-8E8A Plug-in card with 8 inputs for floating contacts and 8 relay outputs (4 of which are make contacts, 4 as make, open or switch over contacts). Read in of 5 operation states with inputs (Idle, Active 1, Active 2, Short, Line break). Connection via installation board GEAI 700R with 37-way D-Submin plug or GEAK 700 with screw terminals (not included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
190 g
| Intercom Server | 97
VoIP-CARDS Due to the support of wide spread standards such as the SIP or IAX2 protocol various VoIP telephones or entire VoIP
telephone systems can be connected to the Intercom System as subscribers with the following VoIP cards.
G7-DSP-IAX With the VoIP-Card G7-DSP-IAX up to 8 trunk connections from Intercom Servers to VoIP-Servers, which sup足port IAX2-protocol, can be established .This interface allows calls between Intercom stations and VoIP phones and vice versa. Connection via installation board GEAIP 700 (included in extent of supply). G7-DSP-IAX4B
Card for 4 trunk connections, Feature Level B
Card for 4 trunk connections, Feature Level C
Card for 4 trunk connections, Feature Level D
Card for 8 trunk connections, Feature Level B
Card for 8 trunk connections, Feature Level C
Card for 8 trunk connections, Feature Level D
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
174 g
G7-VOIPSERV With the VoIP card G7-VOIPSERV trunk connections between Intercom Servers and VoIP-Servers, which support SIP-protocol, can be built-up. With this interface, Intercom Stations can communicate with VoIP-telephones. The multifunctional, powerful server card based on Linux and Asterisk速 additionally allows direct connection of SIPtelephones to an Intercom Server as main or sub stations. Configuration is carried out via a simple web-interface. With an additional ICX-Interface to the Intercom Server, complex control and monitoring tasks can be realised. For an audio-interface to the Intercom Server a G7-DSP-IAX VoIP card is required. Connection via installation board GEAV-PROIP (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
227 g
INTERFACE CARDS For integration and connection of external systems such as telephones, PCs, mobile radios, etc.
G7-V24 Interface card with standard protocol for connection of external systems, e.g. video switchers or host com足puters. Two RS 232 interfaces (of which one can be configured as RS 422). Connection via installation board GEAV 700 (included in extent of supply) with two serial D-Submin-plugs for RS 232, screw terminals for RS 422. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
263 g
G7-V24-PRO Interface card with programmable protocol converter. Used for adapting the standard protocol to those of various external systems. Equipped with two RS 232 interfaces (of which one can be configured as RS 422). With the software developer kit own applications can be programmed (e.g. adaptation to various video switchers). Connection via installation board GEAV 700 (included in extent of supply) with two serial D-Submin-plugs for RS 232, screw terminals for RS 422. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
98 | Intercom Server
313 g
G7-V24-PROIP IP-Interface card with programmable protocol converter. The integrated Ethernet interface allows universal areas of application and integration of various external systems. Via a developers own kit applications can be programmed (e.g. linking to various IP-video switchers). Additionally equipped with a RS 232 interface (not programmable). Connection via installation board GEAV-PROIP (included in extent of supply) with one Ethernet interface and one serial D-Submin-socket for RS 232, screw terminals for DCF77 receiver. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
260 g
G7-TELD Multi-functional telephone interface for connection of the Intercom system to the analogue subscriber of a telephone system, directly to a standard telephone line or pager system. Telephone mode for direct dialling of desired telephone numbers from an Intercom station, Auto Dialler mode with automatic dialling of freely programmable dialling sequences initiated by calls or call requests. Freely configurable speech storage for acoustic identification and messages (e.g. waiting information) in dialler mode. DTMF-telephones can operate functions in the Intercom system (e.g. after dialling for door opening, etc). Connection via installation board G7A-TEL (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
324 g
G7-SELCALL Radio interface for connection of selective-call radio systems to Intercom systems. This turns the Intercom stations into base stations of the radio system. Each station can selectively call a radio unit and / or can be called selectively by a radio unit. Likewise on both sides All Calls and Group Calls are possible. For protocol adaptation (programming of the selective code) a G7-V24-PRO is included in the extent of supply. Available for selective tones according to ZVEI; CCIR and other systems on demand. Connection via installation board GEAK 700 (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
1,010 g
G7-DSP-AUD4 Digital connection and recording card for Intercom Servers with four channels for Plug-&-Play connection to Audiocom as well as various PA or radio systems. All audio inputs and outputs have a galvanic separation, electronic level adaptation as well as a graphic equalizer for correction of the sound quality. Besides the ideal coupling capability the card in combination with the server software offers comfortable features for conversation recording in combination with the Audiocom-Logger, or with conventional recorders. For Start-Stop of the re足cording four floating contacts are available. It is possible to control recording via an optional V24 card as well. Recording of conversations can be subscriber oriented or channel oriented. Connection via own installation boards (not included in extent of supply). G7-DSP-AUD4B Card with Feature Level B G7-DSP-AUD4C Card with Feature Level C G7-DSP-AUD4D Card with Feature Level D W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
228 g
CONNECTION / NETWORK CARDS For connection / networking of Intercom Servers via LAN (TCP/IP), 2-wire lines, ISDN, multiplexer / mediaconverter or public telephone network.
G7-CNETLAN IP-network card for Intercom Servers. Up to 8 compressed conversations, music programmes or radio channels simultaneously. Up to 8 Intercom Servers can be addressed directly with one G7-CNETLAN (120 Intercom Servers in the entire Intercom system). Connection via installation board GEA WAN with shielded RJ 45 sockets (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
329 g
| Intercom Server | 99
G7-WAN IP-network cards for WAN networking over IP of up to 120 regions. Allows security and communication networks with up to 14,280 networked Intercom Servers and up to 30,000 subscriber can communicate with each other in the whole WAN network. Suitable for Dedicated as well as Non-Dedicated networks with Quality of Service. Compatible with 10/100 Mbit/s networks. For bandwidths min. 128 kBit/s in both directions (depending on the number of simultaneous conversations and connections). Up to 8 conversations, music programs or radio channels simultaneously with maximum bandwidth. Up to 8 Intercom Servers can be directly addressed with one G7-WAN-8. Each of these connections can be defined as regional (LAN with full range of features, also to G7-CNETLAN) or supra-regional (WAN with restricted features). The IP-network card G7-WAN-16 has same basic features as the G7-WAN-8 but can address up to 16 Intercom Servers directly instead of 8. Connection via installation board GEA WAN with shielded RJ 45 sockets (included in extent of supply). G7-WAN-8
Card for 8 connections / 8 conversations
Card for 16 connections / 8 conversations
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
320 g
G7-CNET-W High-speed networking card for networking of Intercom Servers via 2-wire lines (multi channel – HDSL) with a length of up to 4 km. Bandwidth for up to 12 conversations, music programmes or radio channels, up to four Intercom Servers in series and / or 100 Intercom Servers in tree structure (120 Intercom Servers in the entire Intercom system). Connection via installation board GEA CNETEW (included in extent of supply) with shielded RJ 45 sockets and screw terminals. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
375 g
G7-CNET-E1 High-bitrate network card for networking of Intercom Servers via transmission routes, that conform to the E1 standard. Connection to multiplexer or media converter. The line length depends on the connection equipment used. Bandwidth for up to 10 conversations, music programmes or radio channels, up to 4 Intercom Servers in series and / or 100 Intercom Servers in tree structure (120 Intercom Servers in the entire Intercom system). Connection via installation board GEA CNETEW (included in extent of supply) with shielded RJ 45 sockets and screw terminals. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
316 g
G7-S0 High performance network card for networking Intercom Servers via the S0 interface of a ISDN connection. Two conversations are possible between two Intercom Servers networked via S0. Connection via installation board GEAC 700 (included in extent of supply) with shielded RJ 45 sockets. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
268 g
G7-GEL Plug-in card for creating connections (tielines) to other Intercom Servers via telephone leased lines. Permanent connection via 2-wire or 4-wire fixed connections. Fully automatic hybrid balance due to signal processors in 2-wire operation. Connection via installation board GEAT 700R, GEAI 700R, GEAC 700 or GEAK 700 (not included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
100 | Intercom Server
229 g
INSTALLATION BOARDS GEAC 700 Installation board for G7-GED-xx or G7-GET-xx subscriber cards, G7-GEL tieline card, G7-S0 network card as well as G7-GEV connection card with 4 shielded RJ 45 plugs. 60 g
GEAI 700R Installation board for G7-GED-xx or G7-GET-xx subscriber cards as well as G7-16A, G7-16E and G7-8E8A cards with 37-way D-Submin-plug. 55 g
GEAK 700 Installation board with screw terminals for flexible mounting, for G7-GED-xx or G7-GET-xx subscriber cards, G7-GEL tieline cards as well as G7-16A, G7-16E and G7-8E8A cards. 60 g
GEAT 700R Installation board for two G7-GED-xx or G7-GET-xx subscriber cards as well as G7-GEL tieline cards with 37-way D-Submin-plug. 84 g
The plug-in cards can be used with the following installation boards:
GEAV 700
GEAK 700
GEAC 700
... included ... available separately
The four relay outputs of G7-DSP-AUD-4 on installation boards GEAC 700 and GEAT 700R are not in use.
| Intercom Server | 101
GE 200 – Compact System Intercom Server Server Microprocessor controlled, compact system Intercom Server for up to 32 subscribers at one location. Allows connection of digital 2-wire stations and analogue 4-wire stations and IP-terminals for IoIP®, mixed within one housing. Slots for subscriber cards and various interface cards. Compact plastic housing, ideal for wall mounting. Easy to install and put into operation. Integrated functions for door and gate control, alarm, video integration, control desk, etc.; the range of features depends
on subscriber cards used. Possible number of simultaneous analogue conversations depends on link cards used, digital and IP depends on number of connected stations (nonblocking). Ideal for small, easily comprehensible Intercom systems that are designed as local units for large communication and security systems, due to their manifold networking concepts. It is also possible to forward calls to the public telephone network.
GE 200 Basic housing with five plug-in slots. Slots 1– 4 for subscriber cards (16 subscribers in total) and / or interface cards; Slot A is for interface cards only. One AF-input (for music or alarm); two inputs for floating contacts; two relay outputs; interface for (remote) programming or maintenance. GE 200TE
Server without transformer
GE 200
Server, complete with 230V transformer for Europe (excl. UK)
GE 200UK
Server, complete with 240V transformer for the UK
GE 200U
Server, complete with 120V transformer for the U.S.
GE 200AU
Server, complete with 230V transformer for Australia
W 310 mm, H 210 mm, D 77.5 mm
2,280 g
GEZ 200 Expansion housing with 5 plug-in slots. Slot 5 to 8 for subscriber cards (up to 32 subscribers with basic housing) and/or interface cards, Slot B for interface cards only. Connection to basic server via ribbon cable. GEZ 200TE
Expansion housing without transformer
GEZ 200
Expansion housing, complete with 230V transformer for Europe (excl. UK)
Expansion housing, complete with 240V transformer for the UK
GEZ 200U
Expansion housing, complete with 120V transformer for the U.S.
Expansion housing, complete with 230V transformer for Australia
W 310 mm, H 210 mm, D 77.5 mm
2,280 g
GEI 200 Interface housing with two slots for G7-interface cards (application in GEI 200 interface housing is shown at the respective cards). Connection to basic housing or expansion housing via ribbon cable. W 310 mm, H 210 mm, D 77.5 mm
102 | Intercom Server
1,160 g
SUBSCRIBER CARDS Subscriber cards are used to process speech communication and subscriber-specific controls on an Intercom Server. Various cards on up to four feature levels (B, C, D and P) are available for connecting IP, digital and analogue subscribers.
Each of the higher levels provides the features of the nextlower level plus some additional functions. Feature Level P allows each subscriber to be assigned individual feature levels (e.g. 1D 3B or 2C 2B).
G2-DSP-IP Subscriber cards for direct connection of up to 8 Intercom Terminals via Ethernet (LAN/WAN). The built-in switch allows for direct connection of an additional IP subscriber card without the need for an extra switch or router connection. On a GE 200 Intercom Server, up to eight G2-DSP-IP-4 or up to four G2-DSP-IP-8 subscriber cards can be used in combination with expansion housing GEZ 200. G2-DSP-IP-8 subscriber cards each require a plug-in slot in expansion housing GEZ 200 to remain free. Connection via two shielded RJ 45 ports. G2-DSP-IP-4B
Card for 4 subscribers, Feature Level B
Card for 4 subscribers, Feature Level C
Card for 4 subscribers, Feature Level D
Card for 4 subscribers, Feature Level P
Card for 8 subscribers, Feature Level B
Card for 8 subscribers, Feature Level C
Card for 8 subscribers, Feature Level D
Card for 8 subscribers, Feature Level P
W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
140 g
G2-GED-4 Subscriber card for connection of up to 4 digital subscribers via 2-wire lines. Per subscriber in the server GE 200 one conversation is possible (Non-Blocking). Connection via two plugable screw terminals per subscriber. G2-GED-4B
Card with Feature Level B
Card with Feature Level C
Card with Feature Level D
W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
188 g
G2-GET-4 Subscriber card for connection of up to 4 analogue subscribers via 4-wire lines. Connection via four pluggable screw terminals per subscriber. G2-GET-4B
Card with Feature Level B
Card with Feature Level C
Card with Feature Level D
W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
186 g
G7-DSP-TEL4 Subscriber card for connection of 4 analogue telephones. Dialling either via DTMF or pulse dialling. Besides telephones with a full keypad it is also possible to connect phones without buttons, that automatically dial to a hotline destination, e.g. a control centre. This provides an optimal solution forintegration of Info-Points and emergency telephones in Intercom systems. By connecting additional loudspeakers it is possible to turn regular telephones into telephone stations, at which announcements (all calls and group calls) can be heard. Per Intercom Server a maximum of two TEL-4 cards can be used. More than two cards in one housing on demand only. The card is made in Euro format, therefore for use with a GE 200 an interface housing GEI 200 is required (both slots are occupied). Please note the specific requirements of the interface housing and ventilation (see data sheet). Connection via installation board GEAI 700R or GEAK 700 (not included in extent of supply). G7-DSP-TEL4C
Card with Feature Level C
G7-DSP-TEL4D Card with Feature Level D W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
250 g
| Intercom Server | 103
LINK CARDS In order to use 4-wire stations with subscriber cards G2-GET in GE 200 servers additional link cards are required.
G2-GEK2-3 Link card for simultaneous conversion of three audio signals (speech or music) from digital to analogue and vice versa. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
135 g
INPUT / OUTPUT CARDS Input / output cards are used for the reading in of floating contacts and / or operating of controls such as door openers or barriers via floating relay contacts (depending on type).
Technical data: Outputs: floating relay contacts, 足maximum switching power 60 W resp. 125 VA, maximum 足switching current 2 A, maximum switching voltage 60 VDC / 40 VAC. Inputs for floating contacts, maximum line 足resistance 600 ohm.
G2-16A Plug-in card with 16 relay outputs (4 of which are make, open or switch over contacts, 12 only as make contacts). Connection via plugable screw terminals. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
204 g
G2-16E Plug-in card with 16 inputs for floating contacts, with or without line monitoring. Read in of 5 operation states (Idle, Active 1, Active 2, Short, Line break). Connection via plugable screw terminals. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
146 g
G2-8E8A Plug-in card with 8 inputs for floating contacts and 8 relay outputs (make, open or switch over). Read in of 5 operation states with inputs (Idle, Active 1, Active 2, Short, Line break). Connection via plugable screw terminals. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
182 g
VoIP-CARDS Due to the support of wide spread standards such as SIP or IAX protocol, various VoIP telephones or entire VoIP
telephone systems can be connected to the Intercom System as subscribers with the following VoIP cards.
G2-DSP-IAX With the VoIP-Card G2-DSP-IAX up to 4 trunk connections from IP-Intercom Servers to VoIP-Servers, which support the IAX2-protocol, can be established. This interface allows calls between Intercom stations and VoIP phones and vice versa. Connection via two shielded RJ 45 sockets. G2-DSP-IAX2B
Card for 2 trunk connections, Feature Level B
Card for 2 trunk connections, Feature Level C
Card for 2 trunk connections, Feature Level D
Card for 4 trunk connections, Feature Level B
Card for 4 trunk connections, Feature Level C
Card for 4 trunk connections, Feature Level D
W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
104 | Intercom Server
98 g
G7-VOIPSERV With the VoIP card G7-VOIPSERV trunk connections between Intercom Servers and VoIP-Servers, which support the SIP-Protocol can be built-up. With this interface Intercom Stations can communicate with VoIP telephones. The multifunctional, powerful server card based on Linux and Asterisk速 allows direct connection of SIP telephones to an Intercom Server as main or sub stations. Configuration is carried out via a simple web-interface. With an additional ICX-Interface to the Intercom Server complex control and monitoring tasks can be realised. For an audio-interface to the Intercom Server a G2-DSP-IAX VoIP card is required. Connection via installation board GEAV-PROIP (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
227 g
INTERFACE CARDS For integration and connection of external systems such as telephones, PCs, mobile radios, etc.
G2-V24 Interface card with standard protocol for connection of external systems, e.g. video switchers or host computers. Two RS 232 interfaces (of which one can be configured as RS 422). Connection via two serial D-Submin sockets for RS 232, screw terminals for RS 422. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
149 g
G7-V24-PRO Interface card with programmable protocol converter. Is used for adaptation of the standard protocol to those of various external systems. Equipped with two RS 232 interfaces (of which one can be configured as RS 422). With the software developer kit own applications can be programmed (e.g. adaptation to various video switchers). Connection via installation board GEAV 700 (included in extent of supply) with two serial D-Submin sockets for RS 232, screw terminals for RS 422. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
250 g
G7-V24-PROIP IP-Interface card with programmable protocol converter. The integrated Ethernet interface allows universal areas of application and integration of various external systems. Via an developer kit own applications can be programmed (e.g. linking to various IP-video switchers). Additionally equipped with a RS 232 interface (not programmable). Connection via installation board GEAV-PROIP (included in extent of supply) with one Ethernet interface and one serial D-Submin-socket for RS 232, screw terminals for DCF77 receiver. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
250 g
G2-TELD Multi-functional telephone interface for connection of the Intercom system to an analogue subscriber of a telephone system directly to a standard telephone line or pager system. Telephone mode for direct dialling of the desired telephone number from an Intercom station. Auto Dialler mode with freely programmable dialling sequences initiated by calls or call requests. Freely configurable speech storage for acoustic identification and messages (e.g. waiting information) in dialler mode. DTMF-telephones can operate functions in the Intercom system (e.g. after dialling for door opening, etc). Connection via RJ11 telephone socket. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
344 g
| Intercom Server | 105
G7-SELCALL Radio interface for connection of selective-call radio systems to Intercom systems. This turns the Intercom stations into base stations for the radio system. Each station can selectively call a radio unit or can be called selectively by a radio unit. Likewise on both sides All Calls and Group Calls are possible. For protocol adaptation (programming of the selective code) a G7-V24-PRO is included in the extent of supply. Available for selective tones according to ZVEI; CCIR and other systems on demand. The card is made in Euro format, therefore for use with a GE 200 an interface housing GEI 200 is required (of which both slots are occupied). Both plug-in slots in the interface housing will be used. Connection via installation board GEAK 700 (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
1,010 g
G7-DSP-AUD4 Digital connection and recording card for Intercom Servers with 4 channels for Plug-&-Play connection to Audiocom as well as various PA or radio systems. All audio inputs and outputs have a galvanic separation, electronic level adaptation as well as a graphic equalizer for correction of the sound quality. Besides the ideal coupling capability the card in combination with the server software offers comfortable features for conversation recording in combination with the Audiocom-Logger, or with conventional recorders. For Start-Stop of the recording four floating contacts are available. It is possible to control recording via an optional V24 card as well. Recording of conversations can be s ubscriber oriented or channel oriented. Connection via own installation boards (not included in extent of supply). G7-DSP-AUD4B Card with Feature Level B G7-DSP-AUD4C Card with Feature Level C G7-DSP-AUD4D Card with Feature Level D W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
228 g
CONNECTION / NETWORK CARDS For connection / networking of Intercom Servers via the public telephone network, 2-wire lines, ISDN, multiplexer / mediaconverter or LAN (TCP/IP).
G2-CNETLAN IP-network card for Intercom Servers. Up to 8 compressed conversations, music programmes or radio channels running simultaneously. Up to 8 Intercom Servers can be addressed directly with one G2-CNET-LAN (120 Intercom Servers in the entire Intercom system). Connection via shielded RJ 45 Socket. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
188 g
G7-CNETLAN IP-network card for Intercom Servers. Suitable for dedicated as well as non-dedicated networks with Quality of Service. Compatible with 10 Mbit/s networks. Minimum required net bandwidth is 128 Kbit/s in both directions. Up to 8 conversations, music programmes or radio channels are possible with maximum bandwidth. Up to 100 Intercom Servers can be networked, up to 8 Intercom Servers can be directly addressed with one G7-CNETLAN (120 Intercom Servers in the entire Intercom system). Connection via installation board GEA CNETEW (included in extent of supply) with shielded RJ 45 sockets. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
106 | Intercom Server
375 g
G7-WAN-8 IP-Network card for WAN networking over IP of up to 120 regions. Allows security and communication networks with up to 14,280 networked Intercom Servers and up to 30,000 subscriber can communicate with each other in the whole WAN network. Suitable for Dedicated as well as Non-Dedicated networks with Quality of Service. Compatible with 10/100 Mbit/s networks. For bandwidths min. 128 kBit/s in both directions (depending on the number of simultaneous conversations and connections). Up to 8 conversations, music programmes or radio channels simultaneously with maximum bandwidth. Up to 8 Intercom Servers can be directly addressed with one G7-WAN-8. Each of these connections can be defined as regional (LAN with full range of features, also to G7-CNETLAN) or supra-regional (WAN with restricted features). Connection via installation board GEA-WAN with shielded RJ 45 sockets (included in extent of supply). W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
365 g
G7-CNET-W High-speed networking card for networking of Intercom Servers via 2-wire lines (multi channel – HDSL) with a length of up to 4 km. Bandwidth for up to 12 conversations, music programmes or radio channels, up to 4 Intercom Servers in series or 100 Intercom Servers in tree structure (120 Intercom Servers in the entire Intercom system). Connection via installation board GEA CNETEW (included in extent of supply) with shielded RJ 45 sockets and screw terminals. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
358 g
G7-CNET-E1 High-bitrate network card for networking of Intercom Servers via transmission routes, that conform to the E1 standard. Connection to multiplexer or media converter. The line length depends on the connection equipment used. Bandwidth for up to 10 conversations, music programmes or radio channels, up to 4 Intercom Servers in series or 100 Intercom Servers in tree structure (120 intercom servers in the entire Intercom system). Connection via installation board GEA CNETEW (included in extent of supply) with shielded RJ 45 sockets and screw terminals. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
373 g
G2-S0-I High performance network card for networking of GE 200 Intercom Servers via the S0 interface of a ISDN connection. The card must be used in the GEI 200 interface housing. One conversation is possible between two Intercom Servers networked via S0. Connection via installation board GEAC 700 (included in extent of supply) with shielded RJ 45 sockets. W 167 mm, H 100 mm, D 20 mm
310 g
G2-GEL Plug-in card for creating connections (tielines) to other Intercom Servers via telephone leased lines. Permanent connection via 2-wire or 4-wire fixed connections. Fully automatic hybrid balance due to signal processors in 2-wire operation. Connection via four screw terminals. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
167 g
| Intercom Server | 107
GE 100 – Compact Intercom Server Server Microprocessor controlled Intercom Server for up to 32 subscribers at one location. Allows connection of analogue 4-wire stations. Slots for subscriber cards and various interface cards. Compact plastic housing, ideal for wall mounting, easy installation and operating. Integrated functions for door and gate control, alarm, video
integration, control desk, etc.; the range of features depends on the subscriber cards used. Possible number of simultaneous conversations: 2 Duplex / 6 Full Duplex / 12 Simplex. Ideal for easily comprehensible, Intercom systems limited to one location, with the possibility to forward calls to the public telephone network.
GE 100 Basic housing with five plug-in slots. Slots 1– 4 for subscriber cards (16 subscribers in total) and / or interface cards; Slot A is for interface cards only. One AF-input (for music or alarm); two inputs for floating contacts; two relay outputs; interface for (remote) programming or maintenance. GE 100TE
Server without transformer
GE 100
Server, complete with 230V transformer for Europe (excl. UK)
GE 100UK
Server, complete with 240V transformer for the UK
GE 100U
Server, complete with 120V transformer for the U.S.
GE 100AU
Server, complete with 230V transformer for Australia
W 310 mm, H 210 mm, D 77.5 mm
2,320 g
GEZ 100 Expansion housing with five plug-in slots. Slots 5 –8 for subscriber cards (32 subscribers in total, including basic housing) and/or interface cards; Slot B is for interface cards only. Connection to basic housing via ribbon cable. GEZ 100TE
Expansion housing without transformer
GEZ 100
Expansion housing, complete with 230V transformer for Europe (excl. UK)
Expansion housing, complete with 240V transformer for the UK
GEZ 100U
Expansion housing, complete with 120V transformer for the U.S.
Expansion housing, complete with 230V transformer for Australia
W 310 mm, H 210 mm, D 20 mm
2,280 g
SUBSCRIBER CARDS The subscriber cards in an Intercom Server process the speech communication as well as subscriber specific functions. Subscriber cards in three feature levels (B, C and D) are available. The cards of the higher levels
contain all the features of the lower ones plus additional features. A detailed overview of all features, and which subscriber cards are required is available separately.
G1-GET-4 Subscriber card for connection of up to 4 analogue subscribers via 4-wire lines. In one GE 100 the following conversations are possible simultaneously: 2 Duplex, 6 Full Duplex and 12 Simplex. Available in the feature levels B, C and D. Connection via four plugable screw terminals per subscriber. G1-GET-4B
Card with Feature Level B
Card with Feature Level C
Card with Feature Level D
W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
108 | Intercom Server
198 g
INPUT / OUTPUT CARDS Input / output cards are used for reading in of floating contacts and / or operating of controls such as door openers or barriers via floating relay contacts (depending on type).
Technical data: Outputs: floating relay contacts, maximum switching power 60 W resp. 125 VA, maximum switching current 2 A, maximum switching voltage 60 VDC / 40 VAC. Inputs for floating contacts, maximum line resistance 600 ohm.
G1-16A Plug-in card with 16 relay outputs (4 of which are make, open or switch over contacts, 12 only as make contacts). Connection via plugable screw terminals. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
204 g
G1-16E Plug-in card with 16 inputs for floating contacts, with or without line monitoring. Read in of 5 operation states (Idle, Active 1, Active 2, Short, Line break). Connection via plugable screw terminals. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
146 g
G1-8E8A Plug-in card with 8 inputs for floating contacts and 8 relay outputs (make, open or switch over). Read in of 5 operation states with inputs (Idle, Active 1, Active 2, Short, Line break). Connection via plugable screw terminals. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
182 g
INTERFACE CARDS For integration and connection of external systems such as a telephone or PC, etc.
G1-V24 Interface card with standard protocol for connection of external systems, e.g. video switchers or host computers. Two RS 232 interfaces (of which one can be configured as RS 422). Connection via two serial D-Submin-sockets for RS 232, screw terminals for RS 422. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
149 g
G1-TEL Multi-functional telephone interface for connection of the Intercom System to an analogue 足subscriber of a telephone system, directly to a standard telephone line or pager system. Telephone mode for direct dialling of the desired telephone number from an Intercom station. Auto Dialler mode with 足automatic dialling of freely programmable dialling sequences initiated by calls or call requests as well as pager mode for direct addressing of pagers. Freely configurable speech storage for acoustic identification and messages (e.g. waiting information) in dialler mode. DTMF-telephones can operate functions in the Intercom system (e.g. once call has been received on a remote telephone (for 足example) all after dial functions are available). Connection via RJ11 telephone socket. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
344 g
CONNECTION CARDS For connection of Intercom Servers via 2 or 4-wire lines (leased lines).
G1-GEL Plug-in card for creating connections (tielines) to other Intercom Servers via telephone leased lines. Permanent connection via 2-wire or 4-wire fixed connections. Fully automatic hybrid balance due to signal processors in 2-wire operation. Connection via four screw terminals. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
167 g
| Intercom Server | 109
GE 50 – Intercom Server for small-sized solutions Server Compact, microprocessor driven Intercom Server for up to 16 subscribers in one location. Allows for connecting analogue 4-wire Intercom stations. 5 plug-in slots for Subscriber Card G05-GET-4, Telephone Interface Card G05-
GE 50 Basic housing with five plug-in slots. Plug-in Slot 1– 4 for subscriber cards G05-GET4 (up to 16 subscribers in total), Slot A for Telephone Interface Card G05-TEL. One NF input (for music or alarm); two inputs for floating contacts; two relay outputs; interface for programming or remote maintenance. GE50
Server, complete with 230V transformer for Europe (excl. UK)
Server, complete with 240V transformer for the UK
Server, complete with 120V transformer for the U.S.
W 310 mm, H 210 mm, D 77,5 mm
2,280 g
SUBSCRIBER CARDS Subscriber cards are used to process speech communication and subscriber-specific controls on an Intercom Server.
G05-GET-4 Subscriber card for connection of up to four 4-wire analogue digital subscriber units. Connection via four pluggable screw terminals per subscriber. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
198 g
INTERFACE CARDS Interface cards allow for the integration and connection of third-party systems.
G05-TEL Telephone interface card for connecting the Intercom system to an analogue telephone system subscriber linked directly to a telephone line. Dial mode for automatic dialling of programmable dial sequences for calls and call requests. Configurable speech memory for location identification. DTMF telephones can be used to access functions within the Intercom System via afterdialling (e.g., after-dial for opening barriers, etc.). Connection via RJ11 telephone socket. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
344 g
G05-4A Output Card with four relay outputs as make contact, open contact or switch-over contact. Connection via pluggable screw terminals. W 60 mm, H 160 mm, D 20 mm
110 | Intercom Server
204 g
TEL and Output Card G05-4A. Max. number of simultaneous calls: 2 Duplex / 6 Full-Duplex / 12 Simplex. Ideal for smaller sized Intercom solutions requiring call forwarding to landline telephone networks.
Server Accessories POWER SUPPLIES PA1-230 Power supply – European version with 24 VAC / 40 VA for supply of servers, amplifiers and industrial stations. L 87.2 mm, W 5.2 mm, H 60.2 mm
1,180 g
PA7 Power supply in country-specific versions 24 VAC / 80 VA for supply of servers, amplifiers and industrial stations, includes mounting kit for 19” DIN-rail. PA7-230VEU
Version for Europe
Version for UK
Version for USA
Version for Australia
L 107.5 mm, W 71.3 mm, D 63 mm
1,940 g
AMPLIFIERS KE 510 Amplifier with 8 W output power, volume and treble control, protected against short-circuit and overload. Connects to an output of a subscriber (C, D). With input transformer. Typical applications: On site, at loudspeakers, where additional amplification is required (e.g. warehouses, large rooms in production areas, corridors, etc.). Output power 8 W at 16 ohm load; input impedance 400 ohm with 0.5 V sensitivity; power supply 24 VAC / 20 VA with power supply PA1-230 or 24 – 28 VDC/20 W. W 75 mm, H 177 mm, D 68 mm
382 g
KE 520 100 V amplifier with 20 W output power, volume and treble control, protected against short-circuit and overload. Connects to an output of a subscriber (C, D). Typical applications: In large rooms with low ambient noise or middle size rooms with very high ambient noise. Output power 20 W at 8 ohm or 20 W/100 V load; input impedance 250 ohm at 0.5 V sensitivity; power supply 24 VAC/40 VA via power supply PA1-230 or 24 – 28 VDC / 40 W. W 140 mm, H 140 mm, D 70 mm
980 g
cables ASK 32 Prefabricated 32-way connection cable with D-Submin plug for G8A-I, G8A-T, GEAI, GEAI 700R and GEAT 700R. Twisted pair cable with a lead diameter of 0.5 mm. Length: 5 m Length: 10 m Length: 20 m
640 g 1,240 g 2,500 g
ASK KAT5 KAT5 connection cable with RJ 45 plugs for the connection between GE 700 Intercom Servers. Length: 0,5 m Length: 1,0 m Length: 5,0 m
25 g 42 g 188 g
| Intercom Server | 111
Packages & Add ons
Counter Intercom Counter intercom systems from Commend make barriers vanish. The most modern communication systems are required wherever glass or walls form barriers between staff and the general public. Despite the existence of such barriers, natural and personal speech comprehension should be possible. Commend counter intercom systems satisfy these
r equirements completely. Thanks to the special speech p rocessor control, naturally sounding speech and full comprehension are guaranteed under all conditions.
Series GEC 880 The digital counter intercom GEC 880 is equipped with powerful features. The system automatically adapts to the acoustic conditions on site and provides plentiful output power. An additional amplifier can be connected to enhance the output even further. The modular construction of the system allows manifold counter intercom configurations. The base of these is an intercom terminal that is available in two versions (with and without gooseneck microphone).
Technical data: Connections: RJ 45 port for outdoor micro phone, outdoor loudspeaker, call button/proximity switch and RJ 10 port for a headset/handset. Integrated amplifier with 10/15 W output power. One input for floating contact. Connection option for additional amplifiers, e.g. induction loop amplifiers.
GEC 881 Digital desktop counter call station with plastic reinforced silicon keypad and built-in microphone with omnidirectional characteristic for unrestricted speech. Keypad with 15 keys, printed with easily understood non-verbal pictograms. Extent of supply: Wall mounting box for surface mounting, 3 m connection cable. Colour: Black. Further accessories must be ordered separately. W 66 mm, H 55 mm, D 230 mm
280 g
GEC 882 Digital desktop counter call station with plastic reinforced silicon keypad, anti-tilt device and cardioid type goose neck microphone. Keypad with 15 keys, printed with easily understood non-verbal pictograms. Extent of supply: Wall mounting box for surface mounting, 3 m connection cable. Colour: Black. Further accessories must be ordered separately. W 179 mm, H 280 mm, D 230 mm / Length of goose neck: 422 mm
440 g
Series GEC 480 Cost effective counter intercom system with base functionality for simple applications with normal acoustic conditions and low to medium ambient noise. Volume for both sides can be individually set from the inside station. Optionally a proximity sensor or call button can be added on the customer side to activate the system. Technical data: Power supply via included mains adapter; conversation modes Open (full duplex), Open PLUS (feed back reduce full duplex) or Simplex; built-in amplifier with
GEC 480S Counter Intercom System as desk station with gooseneck microphone. Colour: Black. Microphone Q 400 for outside station and power supply 230 V included in extent of supply. Power supply unit with 230 V AC, 6 VA / 12 V AC, 500 mA. W 179 mm, H 280 mm, D 230 mm / Length of gooseneck: 430 mm
114 | Packages & Add Ons |
1,185 g
2 x 4 W at 4 ohm; gooseneck microphone (electret noise cancelling microphone) hypercardioid characteristic for max. 50 cm speaking distance; frequency range 200 Hz to 12 kHz. Power supply unit 100 – 240 V AC, 50 – 60 Hz, 400 mA included. Country-specific power supply available
GEC 481 Counter Intercom System as desk station without microphone for outside station. Colour: Black. Power supply 230 V included in extent of supply. Power supply unit with 230 V resp. 120 V AC, 6 VA / 12 V AC, 500 mA. W 179 mm, H 280 mm, D 230 mm / Length of gooseneck: 430 mm
1,185 g
Accessories Power supply unit PA20W15V 20 W primary switched-mode power supply adapter with high-efficiency output: Primary: 90 – 264 V AC; 0,67 A. Secondary: 15 V DC. PA20W15V-EU Version for Europe (excl. UK) PA20W15V-CA Version for UK, USA, Australia W 42 mm, H 106 mm, D 76 mm
200 g
AL 10-16 Compact, high-efficiency column speaker. Weather proof polyamide housing for indoor and outdoor use. Can be rotated and tilted. Mounting bracket included. Frequency range 220 to 16,000 Hz; 10/15 W output power; Sound pressure 94 dB/W/m (1 kHz); Max. sound pressure 110 dB; Impedance 16 ohm. AL 10-16S
AL 10-16W
W 100 mm, H 300 mm, D 98 mm (including brackets)
1,600 g
MIC Q400 Miniature, cardioid-type extension microphone. Housing made of impact-resistant and distortion-free plastic, can be bonded to a flat surface. Improved acoustics. Colour: Black. Sensitivity 15 mV/Pa; directional effect with hypercardioid to the front; Frequency range 100 Hz –8 kHz; Cable length 2.8 m (shielded). W 24 mm, H 13 mm, D 43 mm
MIC 480 Omnidirectional add-on Electret microphone for installation in up to 10 mm thick glass or aluminium panels; weather-proof (IP 53 rating). Colour: Black. Sensitivity: 5.6 mV/Pa; hypercardioid characteristic; shielded cable. MIC 480
Cable length 4 m
Cable length 10 m
Diameter 14 mm x D 20 mm
Headset HS 1 Lightweight, wired headset for series GEC 880 and all compatible devices (EE 380A, EE 811A, etc.). Connection cable KAB-HS1-RJ has to be ordered separately. Colour: Black. 246 g Illustration picture
| Packages & Add Ons | 115
Audiocom® Speech Storages and Recorder System Audiocom is a speech storage and recorder software with which professional solutions can be realised: transmission of information, alarm requirements with predefined tones and speech messages, as well as conversation logging / conversation documentation. Features which are impossible to do without in today’s communication and security systems. The spoken
message is, in most cases the easiest and most effective way to transmit information. With Audiocom all these tasks are handled with one reliable and flexible system, which has been especially designed for integration of Intercom Servers and PA systems.
ComPact Server All Audiocom servers are delivered with the current Audiocom version pre-installed. The functionality is defined by the software key being used (Dongle). As standard the server runs without keyboard, mouse or monitor. The configuration is done via the network interface with a Remote Desktop
AS-C02 Audiocom Compact Server with 2 channels. PC with CPU VIA C3/EDEN EBGA 600MHz, 256 MB RAM, 40GB HDD, USB and Windows 2000 Professional. Power supply via external mains adapter 100–240 V AC/50 – 60 Hz/60 W; RS 232 cable; 2 audio cables; 1 cross-link cable 3 m; license for Windows XP Professional. W 296 mm, H 65 mm, D 271 mm (without plug)
4,920 g
AS-C08 Audiocom Compact Server with 8 channels. PC with CPU VIA C3/EDEN EBGA 600MHz, 256 MB RAM, 40GB HDD, USB and Windows 2000 Professional. Power supply via external mains adapter 100–240 V AC/50 – 60 Hz/60 W; sound card MARC-8; RS 232 cable; 1 cross-link cable 3 m; license for Windows XP Professional. W 296 mm, H 65 mm, D 271 mm (without plug)
116 | Packages & Add Ons |
4,920 g
Programme (VNC) and a cross-link cable. As a rule, every PC can be used as an Audiocom Server. It is however recom mended to use the preconfigured Audiocom Compact Server (AS-C02 or AS-C08).
SOFTWARE KEYS The functionality of a Audiocom solution is defined by the “Comscripts” being used, which are DLL files for the Audiocom Software. Each Comscript includes a clearly defined feature. These are combined to feature packets and are activated via a software key (Dongle). The software key defines not only the feature range but also the number of
channels which can be configured within a Comscript. As soon as Comscripts which are subject to license are being used without software key, Audiocom is started in demo mode and runs with full functionality for 30 minutes. After this time the programme is automatically aborted.
Feature package “Free”
Feature package “Advanced – M”
This package is freeware and works without key and without time restriction on all systems. It includes the following features: 21 – Waiting information (playback of waiting and sedation texts) 22 – Wizard (assistant to adjust microphone and loudspeaker) 23 – Alive-Message (supervision of Audiocom Server functions)
Includes all Basic features and additionally: 1 – Playback of messages with priorities (playback of freely configurable messages with different priorities) 2 – Protection of feedback for group calls (via time delayed playback of all calls and group calls) 3 – Voice mail box (the digital answering machine for Intercom Servers) 4 – Recording of group calls, alarm texts (recording of individual messages and automatic or manual playback)
Feature package “Basic – B/C” Includes all Free features plus: 18 – Group calls with lamps (optical indication of Group calls with lamps) 19 – Call acknowledgement (playback of a single message at one station) 20 – Call initiation with acknowledgement (acoustic indication of call requests and confirmation request) 24 – Timer (Trigger for system messages for initiation of time controlled functions) 25 – Time switch (time controlled function initiation with fixed day and week programme)
Feature package “Pro – ML” Includes all Advanced features and additionally: 101 – Recording of conversations (recording and documentation of conversations, all calls and conferences) 104 – Recording of group calls or alarm texts plus archiving in a database (saving of texts for documentation; query and playback with the Audiocom Player)
ML 32
Voice mail box
4 | CS0004.DLL
Recording of group calls or alarm texts
18 | CS0018a.DLL
group calls with lamps – gong and contacts
18 | CS0018b.DLL
group calls with lamps – waiting signal
19 | CS0019.DLL
Call acknowledgement
20 | CS0020.DLL
Call initiation with acknowledgement
21 | CS0021.DLL
Waiting Information
22 | CS0022.DLL
23 | CS0023.DLL
24 | CS0024.DLL
25 | CS0025.DLL
Time switch
101 | CS0101.DLL
Recording of conversations
104 | CS0104.DLL
Recording of group calls or alarm texts
Nr. | DLL-file
1 | CS0001.DLL
Playback of messages with priorities
2 | CS0002.DLL
Protection of feedback for group calls
3 | CS0003.DLL
Audiocom Software Keys AUDIOCOM-B2 Software key with feature package “Basic” for 2 channels. AUDIOCOM-C8 Software key with feature package “Basic” for 8 channels. AUDIOCOM-M32 Software key with feature package “Advanced” for 32 channels. AUDIOCOM-ML4 Software key with feature package “Pro” for 4 channels. AUDIOCOM-ML8 Software key with feature package “Pro” for 8 channels. AUDIOCOM-ML16 Software key with feature package “Pro” for 16 channels. AUDIOCOM-ML32 Software key with feature package “Pro” for 32 channels.
| Packages & Add Ons | 117
ACCESSORIES ST 801 Audio interface for frequency optimised, floating connection of one channel (IN & OUT) to an Intercom subscriber (standard ABCD) in analogue 4-wire technology. A red LED shows that the microphone input in the server is active. The station connection cable (RJ11–RJ11) must be ordered separately. Audio output as adjustable interface to the line or microphone input of a sound card; audio input as adjustable interface to a loudspeaker output or a line output of a sound card. W 71 mm, H 19 mm, D 45 mm
ST 802 Interface for conversation recording at analogue 4-wire stations. The connection is done directly at the server, parallel to ABCD. Audio output as adjustable interface to the line or microphone input of a sound card; input connected in parallel to ABCD of a station of the Series EE 400 and EE 411. Power supply with 12– 30 V DC (30 V DC from server GE 100, GE 200 and GE 700). W 71 mm, H 19 mm, D 45 mm
ST 808 Compact audio storage module for storing and playback of 49 seconds of speech or music in WAV-format. With the WaveLoader software WAV-files are transferred to the ST 808 via an RS 232 interface. Playback at the respective subscriber is started via a floating (make) contact and is repeated until the contact is opened again. Typical applications: Waiting messages at info and Help Points, predefined messages at events e.g. alarms. External power supply 12–24 V AC or 15 – 35 V DC; sampling rate 22.05 kSamples; data width 16 Bit mono; output min. 1 Veff at 600 ohm with galvanic separation (1:1 transferor); data flash 16 Mbit; baud rate: 38400 baud; Adjustment of audio level (at output) via potentiometer; status indication: 1 LED for reception of data and one LED for playback. W 71 mm, H 19 mm, D 45 mm
64 g
MARC 8 Soundcard for expansion of the Audiocom server to 8 channels. Can not be used with Audiocom Server AS-C02 and AS-C08. Connection of the inputs and outputs via the breakout cables listed below. The sound card requires a short PCI-slot. Please regard the hardware requirements as of 16 audio channels: Pentium4 3 GHz, 1 GB RAM and cooling. 8 x 0 dB output, 8 x 0 dB line input, 2 Midi in- and outputs. W 120 mm, H 134 mm, D 19 mm
104 g
KAB-AUD-DSUB Connection cable for GEAT700R (8 channels) and GEAI700R (4 channels) for connection of interface cards G7-DSP-AUD4 to Audiocom Servers. Length: 2,0 m
400 g
KAB-AUD-MOD Connection cable for GEAC700 with 8 mod plugs for connection of interface cards G7-GET-4 and G7-DSP-AUD4 to Audiocom Servers. Length: 2,0 m
378 g
KAB-AUD-CINCH Audio breakout cable for MARC 8 sound card. Length: 390 mm
172 g
118 | Packages & Add Ons |
Presentation Material PRESENTATION CASE The Presentation Case is intended for showcasing the operation and features of Intercom Systems. The two connection panels are equipped with status LEDs and keys for the de-
monstration of control and messaging functions. The durable aluminium case is fitted with a well-designed trolley system for convenient transportation.
XX 300 The Presentation Case includes –– GE 300 IP Intercom Server –– Subscriber cards for connection of 2-wire, 4-wire and IP Intercom terminals –– Input/output card –– Desktop Stations EE 811A, EE 311A, EE 411 –– Vandal-resistant call station EF 863-1P –– IP Intercom Boxes ET 901-A and ET 901-D for connection of 2-wire and 4-wire stations via IP network –– Connection and programming cables –– CD with software and manuals XX 300 EN
Version for Europe (excl. UK)
XX 300 AU
Version for Australia
XX 300 UK
Version for UK
XX 300 US
Version for USA
W 500 mm, H 430 mm, D 305 mm
17 kg
glossary Analogue/4-wire Technology
The transmission of the audio signal between intercom server and intercom stations is analogue over 4 wires (2 wires for the microphone signal, 2 wires for the loudspeaker signal). It is possible to superpose digital data, e.g. display information, dialling information, etc. Subject to disturbances when long cables are used and costly for cabling.
A codec is a software part which compresses or decompresses digitalised voice (or video) so it can fit through a limited communication channel such as a dial-up Internet connection.
Command Stations
Master station with gooseneck microphone, frequently used in control rooms.
Asterisk is the world’s leading open source telephony engine and tool kit. Offering flexibility unheard of in the world of proprietary communications, Asterisk® empowers developers and integrators to create advanced communication solutions… for free.
Communication Server
An Analogue Telephone Adapter (ATA) is a device used to connect common analogue telephones to a digital telephone system like VoIP.
Linking of Intercom Servers, e.g. via a tieline (line-connection over 2 or 4 wires), where not all functionalities of the intercom servers connected are available. Programming and/or maintenance for each Intercom Server connected can take place separately and locally.
Bus-Cabling Topology in which all systems are supplied with data from a bus. Offers easy cabling, however problems with the bus can cause all connected units to fail. See → star-cabling.
Call-Request Request for a conversation where the conversation is only established when the call-request was accepted by the called station. A → control desk station can accept and handle several call-requests at a time.
Close-up Microphone Microphone that records sound from close-up (ideal distance 5 cm) and neglects noise from greater distances (e.g. ambient noise). Ideal for noisy environments.
→ Intercom server
Control Desk Command station that also integrates various control functionalities. E.g. display of messages, switching of outputs, etc. Control desks are usually used in control rooms, often together with a visualisation software on a control desk PC (GUI – graphic user interface).
Control Desk Visualisation Special visualisation software for a control desk PC which shows all functionalities of the control desk in a very clear manner on plans and where the functionalities can be controlled using a mouse. Additional functionalities can include: action plans, help text, etc.
Control Desk Station Intercom station in a control desk. Typically part of the control desk system, when using a control desk software (GUI) it is a simple master station next to the PC.
| Packages & Add Ons & Glossary | 119
glossary Control Desk System
Modular control desk, where all control and reporting functionalities are done with individual displays and function buttons. Control desk systems allow easy display and control on a uniform user interface.
The open Inter-Asterisk eXchange protocol (IAX) is used primarily by Asterisk® → VoIP Servers to communicate with each other.
Intercom over IP (IoIP®) Conversations Speech communication between two Intercom stations.
Digital / 2-wire technology The transmission of the audio signal between Intercom Server and Intercom stations is digital, the A/D resp. D/A converter is in the Intercom station. Digital audio transmission is the basic requirement for networking Intercom Systems. When using analogue Intercom stations a channel card is needed to digitise the analogue signal.
DNS The Domain Name System (DNS) translates between host names (e.g. and their corresponding IP addresses and vice versa.
Door Call Call request coming from a door station.
DSP Digital Signal Processor: a micro-processor treating audio data in a digital manner. In Intercom Systems a DSP can be used for new functionalities like Audio Monitoring or loudspeaker microphone surveillance and it enables OpenDuplex®.
Duplex Communication where the duplex-controller automatically switches the speech direction from the speaker to the listener (from the louder to the softer side). Loud background noise influences this speech control so that the speech direction must be controlled manually (PTT – push to talk, see → Simplex). A perfect solution is → OpenDuplex®.
Duplex Controller Circuit used in duplex mode to switch the speech direction from the speaker to the listener (from the louder to the softer side).
E1-Standard Standardised interface for data and audio, frequently used for → multiplexers or → media converters.
Electret Microphone Microphone using a semiconductor as sound converter (capacitive process). This technology makes very tiny microphones possible.
Emergency Call → Call request with high priority (will be prioritised ahead of other calls), typically coming from a Help Point.
ENUM ENUM refers to a set of standards and protocols which are used to translate the international dial plan (E.164) between a VoIP network and the → PSTN network. ENUM heavily relies on → DNS.
Firewall A firewall is a dedicated appliance, or software running on another computer, which inspects network traffic passing through it and denies or permits passage based on a set of rules.
H.323 H.323 is a VoIP protocol used mainly by → PSTN providers for audio communication around the globe.
HDSL High Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line: a powerful and cost effective means of transmitting digital data over copper wires.
120 | Glossary |
Intercom over IP is a real-time protocol using IP-networks for networking Intercom Servers and connecting Intercom Terminals. It features much better speech transmission than VoIP thanks to a higher audio bandwidth of 7 kHz.
Intercom Central → Intercom Server
Intercom Server The heart of an Intercom System: switches conversations between subscribers and transmits data to and from auxiliary systems with the help of interface cards. Built in a modular way, so for the functionalities required subscriber cards and interface cards are used. The functionalities of the whole Intercom System are programmed individually.
Intercom Station The operator terminals of an Intercom System. Displays show the conversation partner, alarms or status information of integrated auxiliary systems, the keypad allows to dial-up a conversation partner or to control auxiliary systems.
Intercom Terminals → Intercom Stations
Interface Link to other systems (both to other Intercom Servers as well as from Intercom Servers to auxiliary systems).
IoIP®– Intercom over IP Intercom over IP: use of IP-networks for networking intercom servers. Compared to VoIP (Voice over IP), a standard for telephones, the advantage of much better speech transmission as using a higher bandwidth of 7 kHz stands out.
IP Internet Protocol: asynchronous protocol for the packet transmission of information through a common network, e.g. the Internet (www – world wide web).
IP-Rating Protection of a housing according to EN 60529: two figures indicate the protection against the intrusion of particles (mainly dust) and water. E.g. IP 54 is a usual requirement for door stations, IP 65 is a standard for heavy industrial stations.
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network: Internationally standardised system for digital telephones which defines both transmission and signalling.
LAN Local Area Network: network limited to a small and closed environment, typically within a building, e.g. a company network. Usually a LAN is designed as an IP-network.
Master Station Intercom station from which other subscribers can be dialled freely. Master stations have a full keypad.
Media Converter Device that converts signals between two transmission means using different technologies, e.g. from E1 standard to fibre optic.
Multiplexer Device that switches several inputs to one output, the data from several inputs are interlocked using various methods.
Network Address Translation (NAT) is a widely used technique used in routers which translates between an internal network (LAN) and an external network (WAN). A router using NAT is usually open for outgoing traffic but a barrier for incoming traffic.
Surface Mounted Devices: very small electronic components mounted on the surface, makes high integration of electronic circuits possible.
Networking Connection of Intercom Servers and /or Intercom Systems where the whole Intercom System behaves as one single system, i.e. all functionalities are available throughout the whole system. Programming and maintenance of the whole system can take place from one location and one intercom server. Technologies used include: copper wires, fibre optic, S0 (ISDN) lines or IP-networks.
Soft Client A Soft Client is a program, running on a personal computer which replaces a common telephone by using software and a headset.
Speech Channel Speech path, corresponding to one conversation, in an Intercom System. In analogue Intercom Systems the number of speech channels simultaneously available is often limited.
Noise-cancelling Microphone
Microphone built in a special manner so that sounds from a greater distance (e.g. background noise) are cancelled and sounds from shorter distances are transmitted much clearer. Ideal for noisy environments.
Typical cabling for Intercom Systems: all intercom stations are cabled directly to the Intercom Server in a star-like topology. Offers high operational security as the failure of one Intercom station or one line does not affect the rest of the system.
OpenDuplex® Technological intercom innovation by Commend. Due to this special technology both sides of a communication can talk at high volume and listen simultaneously, hands-free in crystal-clear speech quality. Thus Intercom Systems by Commend offer perfect natural communication without the feeling of being limited by a technical device. Communication becomes independent of acoustic condition, like lo ud or sudden background noise.
Subscriber Interface of the Intercom Server where an Intercom station is connected.
Sub-Station Intercom stations which can only call predefined subscribers on an Intercom System, often only as call-request. Sub stations usually have only a single call button or a restricted keypad.
Package Transmission Asynchronous method for the transmission of data, mainly in networks. Datastreams are divided into packages, which are re-assembled in the correct order at the receiving end. Varying delays in the network must be respected.
Synchonous Data Transmission All procedures where datastreams are transmitted continuously without interruptions.
The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) consists of all of the world’s public telephone networks including landline and mobile phone networks.
Transmission Control Protocol: protocol for secure data transmission using IP, e.g. for downloads from the Internet or for e-mails. Handshake adapts automatically to the available transmission rate.
Procedure in IP networks that prioritises certain connections and / or data packets by granting a defined delay and bandwidth. QoS is also used for the prioritisation of audio data in shared IP networks.
Universal Datagram Protocol: protocol for data transmission without handshake, e.g. used for speech transmission or streaming in networks.
VoIP – Voice over IP RTP
VoIP is the overall term for telephony solutions via IP networks.
The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is used in → SIP phones and describes how digitalised and → encoded audio data is transmitted over the internet.
VoIP Server
A VoIP Server is a dedicated computer which acts as a private branch exchange providing connections between VoIP and ordinary telephones, the → PSTN and other VoIP servers, networks and Asterisk®.
Network access interface for → ISDN
VPN SCCP The Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) is a proprietary protocol used by Cisco Systems for their telephony solutions.
SDP The Session Description Protocol (SDP) is used in → SIP phones for the initialization or termination of phone calls.
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secured, private link though another network. It is commonly used to connect two remote locations over the Internet.
WAN Wide Area Network: network limited to a defined environment, which can include several locations of a company, e.g. several LANs form a WAN.
SIP Session Initiation Protocol: network protocol for setup and handle communication session between two or more participants. The protocol is specified in RFC 3261. SIP is a frequently used protocol in IP telephony.
Simplex → Conversation possible only in one direction and where the speech direction must be switched manually, e.g. by pressing the T-button (PTT – press to talk).
| Glossary | 121
ProduCt codes Page
AL 10-16
Page 62
EM 805
Page 93
WS 800F
Page 26
AL 10-16
EM 806
WS 800F D MD
EM 807
WS 800P
EM 808
WS 810F
ASK 32
ER 660
WS 810P
ER 661
ER 860
ER 861
GE 50
GE 100
ERT 660
GE 200
ERT 661
GE 300
ERT 860
GE 700
ERT 861
GE 800
GEAC 700
ET 311
ET 312
GEAK 700
ET 411
G7-DD 212
ET 502
GEC 480
DC 600
ET 504
GEC 481
ET 508
GEC 881
ET 509
GEC 882
ET 562
GEI 200
35 29
EB 330
ET 570
GEI 300
EDI 600
ET 571
GEZ 100
ET 601
GEZ 200
ET 661
GEZ 300
EE 301A
ET 667
Headset HS 1
EE 311A
ET 808
HF 100
EE 311A EG
ET 811A
G7-IC 200I
HP 10
EE 320
ET 861A
HP 15
EE 320
ET 862
HS 1
EE 372A
ET 867
HS 1
EE 380A
ET 870
IC 200I
EE 400
ET 871
EE 401
ET 901
EE 411
ET 901-HSH35
EE 470
ET 901-MS63
EE 472
ET 908
EE 811A
EW 401
KE 510
EE 811A EG
EX 7711
KE 520
EE 872A
DD 212
EE 872A EG
MIC 480,
EE 880
MIC 480,
EE 881
EE 6106
MIC 800
EE 6146
MIC Q400
EE 6236
MIC Q400
EE 6999
EE 8148M
EE 8158M
EE 8238M
EE 8999
EF 031
EF 151
EF 311A
RB 36-04
EF 320
EF 372A
ST 801
EF 400
ST 802
EF 401
ST 808
EF 863-1M
EF 863-1M1S
UP 030
EF 863-1P
EF 963M
VM 201
WS 200P
EM 301
WS 200V
32 34
EM 302
WS 210V
EM 800
WS 500F
EM 802
WS 500P
122 | Product codes |
XX 300
Imprint Commend International GmbH Saalachstrasse 51 5020 Salzburg, Austria Tel. +43-662-85 62 25 Fax +43-662-85 62 26 UID Nr. ATU46883403 DVR Nr. 0812935 FN 178618z EN ISO 9001:2008 certified by BVQI – Bureau Veritas International (Austria) Commend is a registered trademark of Commend Holding GmbH. All other products or company names are brands or registered trademarks of their individual owners. No liability will be assumed for printing mistakes and errors. All changes or modifications, may they be technical or other, or changes in the availability of products are expressively reserved. © Commend International GmbH, 2010
Commend Product Catalogue, V 3.0-0110 – Edition January 2010
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Edition 01-2010
put their trust in us and our products every day. Whether at a London tube station, a car park in France or a hospital in the United States: because every word counts, everything speaks in favour of solutions by Commend.
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