R-Anell Blue Ridge Max

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www.r-anell.com 235 Anthony Grove Rd. Crouse, NC 28033 800-951-5511
Table of contents NAME MODEL SQ FT PAGE Grayson Max 1B1001R 1203 3 1B1001V 1320 3 Doughton Max 1B1003R 1421 4 1B1003V 1560 4 Mitchell Max 1B1004R 1585 5 1B1004V 1740 5 Yancy Max 1B1021R 1702 7 1B1021V 1872 7 Linville Max 1B1005R 1640 8 1B1005V 1800 8 Breckenridge Max 1B1006R 1749 9 1B1006V 1920 9 Cumberland Max 1B1008R 1859 10 1B1008V 2040 10 Raven Max 1B1009R 1859 11 1B1009V 2040 11 Shenandoah Max 1B1010R 1968 12 1B1010V 2160 12 Mabry Max 1B1011R 2077 13 1B1011V 2280 13 McDowell Max 1B1022R 2077 15 1B1022V 2280 15 Barclay Max 1B1024R 1628 16 1B1024V 1782 16 Max Photos 17 Penrose Max 2B1005R 1658 18 2B1005V 1860 18 Brevard Max 2B1006R 1811 19
Grayson Max 28 1B1001-R Grayson Max 32 1B1001-V Size2844 Size 3244 Square Ft. 1203 Square Ft.1320 3 www.r-anell.com
4 www.r-anell.com Doughton Max 28 1B1003-R Doughton Max 32 1B1003-V Size2852 Size 3252 Square Ft. 1421 Square Ft.1560
www.r-anell.com 5 Mitchell Max 28 1B1004-R Mitchell Max 32 1B1004-V Size2858 Size3258 Square Ft. 1585 Square Ft. 1740

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6 www.r-anell.com
7 Y ancy Max 28 1B1021-R Yancy Max 32 1B1021-V Size 2864 Size 3264 Square Ft.1702 Square Ft.1872 www.r-anell.com
8 Linville Max 281B1005-R Linville Max 32 1B1005-V Size2860 Size 3260 Square Ft. 1640 Square Ft.1800
9 Breckenridge Max 28 1B1006-R Breckenridge Max 32 1B1006-V Size2864 Size 3264 Square Ft. 1749 Square Ft.1920
10 Cumberland Max 28 1B1008-R Cumberland Max 32 1B1008-V Size2868 Size3268 Square Ft. 1859 Square Ft. 2040 www.r-anell.com
11 Raven Max 281B1009-R Raven Max 321B1009-V Size2868 Size 3268 Square Ft. 1859 Square Ft.2040
Size2872 Size3272 Square Ft. 1968 Square Ft. 2160 Shenandoah Max 28 1B1010-R Shenandoah Max 32 1B1010-V www.r-anell.com
13 Mabry Max 28 1B1011-R Mabry Max 32 1B1011-V Size2876 Size 3276 Square Ft. 2077 Square Ft.2280
McDowell Max www.r-anell.com 14
15 McDowell Max 28 1B1022-R McDowell Max 32 1B1022-V Size2876 Size 3276 Square Ft. 2077 Square Ft.2280 www.r-anell.com
16 Barclay Max 28 1B1024-R Size2866 Size3266 Square Ft. 1628 Square Ft. 1782 Barclay Max 32 1B1024-V www.r-anell.com
Penrose Max 42 2B1005-R Penrose Max 46 2B1005-V Size 4252/48 Size 4652/48 Square Ft.1658 Square Ft.1860 18 www.r-anell.com
Brevard Max 46 2B1006-R Size 4545/54 Square Ft.1811 19 www.r-anell.com
YOUR PURCHASE CONTRACT INCLUDING OPTIONS IS WITH YOUR RETAILER WHO IS AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR, NOT OUR AGENT, AND IS RESPONSIBLE TOTALLY FOR ANY ALTERATIONS, EXCHANGES, ADDITIONS OR ATTACHMENTS MADE IN OR TO YOUR HOME. Electric heat is not available in any models for the state of New York. All descriptive representations of the products on this brochure are believed to be correct at the time of publication. However, due to continued product improvement and changes in suppliers, design and production, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, equipment colors, material specifications, prices and model availability are subject to change without notice. 5/22 All information and images contained in this brochure are property of Commodore Homes and for the use by active dealers of the company only. © View Our inHouse Experience Page to Customize Your Exterior & Kitchen! 235 Anthony Grove Road Crouse, NC 28033 www.r-anell.com

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