Pennwest Homes Multi Family 2016

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Pennwest Multi Family Series

The Pennwest “System Built” method of const ction has redefined Multi Family Housing. “System Building” reduces build time while maximizing value. Whether an elegant Duplex or sophisticated Townhouse all Pennwest desig s represent the ultimate in st le, economy, efficiency and qualit . Ever home is built in a cont olled environment, out of the elements, where the highest standards of qualit cont ol are maintained. No longer do you have to contend with weather delays and sub cont actor delays. Primar components ar ive 85% complete with site preparation taking place concur ently with component const ction. Completion time is reduced by up to 50%. Faster const ction time means quicker occupancy. Whether you desig your own floor plan or use one of ours, Pennwest will simplif the const ction process, make you more productive, eliminate wor and increase your bo om line.


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